20 research outputs found

    Welcome message from the new Editor-in-Chief

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    The Editorial Board would like to thank all the authors who have submitted their manuscripts to FCE. I do appreciate the indispensable contribution of the reviewers, editors, and colleagues who helped with production of FCE fasc. 58: Johan Asplund, Pawel Czarnota, Janusz Czerepko, Edit Farkas, Paolo Giordani, Nils Gronberg, Beata Guzow-Krzemińska, Ernestas Kutorga, Nele Ingerpuu, Inga Jüriado, Ulla Kaasalainen, Kerry Knudsen, Urmas Kõljalg, Martin Kukwa, Piret Lõhmus, Robert Lücking, Liis Marmor-Ohtla, Diāna Meiere, Rolands Moisejevs, Jurga Motiejūnaitė, Anders Nordin, Maarja Öpik, Kadri Pärtel, Kadri Põldmaa, Tiina Randlane, Annu Ruotsalainen, Peedu Saar, Andres Saag, Anton Savchenko, Rodney D. Seppelt, Harrie Sipman, Jörgen Sjögren, Liga Strazdina, Irina Stepanchikova, David Svoboda, Ave Suija, Lars Söderström, Arne Thell, Andrei Tsurykau, Gennadi Urbanavichus, Kai Vellak, Richard Zander, Harald Zechmeister, and Mikhail Zhurbenko. We are also grateful to Ivo Volt, Aive Maasalu and Ülle Ergma from University of Tartu Press for the technical support

    How was the year 2022 for Folia Cryptogamica Estonica?

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    The current FCE fascicle 59 is full of diverse papers considering new and noteworthy taxon records, updates to red- and checklists, and among other things – lichen biota on hornfels outcrops

    Aluselise tolmusaaste mõju taimede ja samblike mitmekesisusele: kooslustest geneetilise mitmekesisuseni

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Õhusaaste ohustab oluliselt looduslikku mitmekesisust, avaldades mõju erinevatel bioloogilistel tasemetel – alates rakulisest tasemest kuni ökosüsteemide tasemeni. Tolmusaaste on Eestis alati olnud märkimisväärne keskkonnaprobleem, kuna paljude aastate vältel moodustasid Eesti tööstusettevõtete poolt õhku paisatud saastest suure osa just tahked aluselised heitmed. Käesolev töö on keskendunud aluselistele jämedatele tolmuosakestele, mis vabanevad keskkonda lubjakivi kaevandamise käigus, tsemenditööstusest ja kruusateedelt. Selleks, et leevendada õhusaastest tekitatud kahju keskkonnale, on vajalik hinnata ja jälgida õhusaaste mõjusid ning otsida uusi võimalikke bioindikaatoreid täiendamaks õhuseirejaamade andmeid. Selle töö eesmärkideks oligi uurida eri päritoluga pikaajalise aluselise tolmusaaste toimet boreaalsetele metsakooslustele, sambliku-, sambla- ja vetikakooslustele mändidel ning ühe samblikku moodustava seeneliigi populatsioonide geneetilisele mitmekesisusele. Leidsin, et pikaajaline tolmusaaste on avaldanud neutraliseerivat toimet mulla keemilistele omadustele ning männi ja kuuse koorele; mulla ja puukoore pH on tõusnud tolmusaaste mõju piirkondades ja vähenes tolmusaaste allikate kaugenedes. Selgus, et tolmusaaste hävitas looduslikke kooslusi ning põhjustas uudsete koosluste tekkimist tolmureostuse mõjupiirkondades, näiteks happelembeste/happettaluvate liikide järk-järgulist asendumist neutrofiilsete ja seejärel kaltsifiilsete liikidega. Huvitav on see, et aluseline tolmusaaste mõjub looduslikele kooslustele “parapositiivselt” aidates looduslike koosluste häirimise kõrval ajutiselt kaasa haruldaste ja kaitstavate liikide levikule. Oma töös pakkusin välja mitmed uued tolmusaaste indikaatorliigid mändidel, näiteks härma-kiiriksamblik, piir-kärnsamblik või rohevetikas Trentepohlia umbrina. Näitasime esmakordselt aluselise tolmusaaste negatiivset mõju tavalise ja laialt levinud sambliku, vars-habesambliku populatsioonide geneetilisele mitmekesisusele.Air pollution is a consequential global threat to overall biodiversity, affecting different biological levels – from cellular to ecosystem level. The dust pollution has always been essential environmental issue in Estonia since over the years the large part of industrial pollution was formed by alkaline dust. The current thesis is focused on alkaline coarse dust particles, which are released to the environment through cement industry, limestone quarries and directly from unpaved gravel roads by traffic. In order to monitor and mitigate damages caused by dust pollution, the influence of pollution on different levels of biodiversity should be estimated and the potential sources of pollution and their extension detected. Therefore, the aim of the thesis was to study the response of pine forest ecosystems, epiphytic communities (algae, lichens, bryophytes) on pines, and genetic diversity of populations of a common lichen-forming fungus to changed environmental conditions induced by a long-term alkaline pollution. The results showed that long-term dust pollution had a neutralizing effect on soil properties, pine and spruce barks: the pH value of soil and tree barks decreased along an increasing distance from the sources of pollution. The alkaline pollution has caused destruction of natural communities and formation of novel communities in the vicinity of pollution sources, for example invasion of non-typical and pollution-tolerant species for local communities occurred, including calcicolous species and species characteristic for nutrient-rich habitats. Interestingly, dust pollution revealed a kind of ‘parapositive’ impact on natural communities, suggesting that pollution might, besides disturbing communities, temporarily also contribute to the distribution of rare and protected species. Finally, alkaline pollution had a negative impact on the genetic variation of Usnea subfloridana populations, a common species of lichen-forming fungi

    New assessment of Least Concern lichens in the Red List of Estonia: are common species still common?

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    The threat status of 161 lichenized species that were considered common in Estonia was assessed in 2021. For most of these species, it was the second Red List assessment using the IUCN system (the first such evaluation was performed in 2008). The main data sources for species occurrence were the records reported in 100 study sites located throughout the country during 2020, and the PlutoF biodiversity database. 125 species remained, according to the new assessment, in the category Least Concern (LC) and their populations are not under threat in Estonia at present. Two species were placed in the category Not Applicable (NA) because of systematic revisions while 33 species were assigned to the categories Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU) or Near Threatened (NT); one further species received the status Data Deficient (DD). Thus, the threat status has changed for 22% of the studied species that had generally been considered common in Estonia. The reasons for this change are variable but there is clear evidence that 26 species have become more threatened during last 12 years

    A recent update in red-listing of Estonian lichens: threat status of 168 species was assessed for the first time

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    The threat status of 168 lichenized species growing mostly on rocks or ground were assessed in 2022 for the first time in Estonia. The IUCN Red List system (categories and criteria) were used for that purpose. Most of the assessed taxa were microlichens (163), while five macrolichen species were also evaluated. Among the assessed species, 91 were assigned to the threat categories (Critically Endangered – CR, Endangered – EN and Vulnerable – VU), 17 species were assigned to the category Near Threatened (NT), and 41 species were assigned to the category Least Concerned (LC). Category Data Deficient (DD) was assigned for 17 species and the category Regionally Extinct (RE) for two species. Among the threat categories, 35 species were assigned to the category EN, 34 species to VU, and 22 species to CR. In general, most of the evaluated species (81%, 137 species) were growing on different types of rock, 16% (28 species) of species were growing on soil, mosses or plant debris, and three taxa were growing on other substrata. Most of the threatened epigeic and epilithic microlichens were recorded on alvar grasslands growing on ground, limestone pebbles and flatrock or erratic boulders. Er- ratic boulders in various forest types and calcareous cliffs in clint forest were also important habitats for threatened species. Moreover, different rock substrates of anthropogenic origin (walls, buildings and abandoned limestone quarries) performed as significant habitat type for epilithic species. Bush encroachment of open habitats, especially in semi-natural grasslands, serves as the main threat for epigeic and epilithic lichens

    New Estonian records: Lichenized fungi

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    The lichenized fungi Cetrelia monachorum, Pelti­gera castanea and P. occidentalis are reported as new to Estonia after revision of herbarium samples; one further species, Peltigera frippi Holt.-Hartw., must be excluded from the list of Estonian lichens as a misidentification

    Red List of Estonian lichens: revision in 2019

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    The second assessment of the threat status of Estonian lichens based on IUCN system was performed in 2019. The main basis for choosing the species to be currently assessed was the list of legally protected lichens and the list of species assigned to the Red List Categories RE–DD in 2008. Species that had been assessed as Least Concern (LC) in 2008 were not evaluated. Altogether, threat status of 229 lichen species was assessed, among them 181 were assigned to the threatened categories (CR, EN, VU), while no species were assigned to the LC category. Compared to the previous red list, category was deteriorated for 58% and remained the same for 32% of species. In Estonia, threatened lichens inhabit mainly forests (particularly dry boreal and nemoral deciduous stands), alvar grasslands, sand dunes and various saxicolous habitats. Therefore, the most frequent threat factors were forest cutting and overgrowing of alvars and dunes (main threat factor for 96 and 70 species, respectfully).   Eesti samblike punane nimestik 2019 2019. aastal viidi läbi teistkordne IUCN süsteemil põhinev Eesti samblike ohustatuse hindamine. Hinnati liike, mis on riiklikult kaitstud ning liike, mis 2008. aasta hindamise järgi olid Eestis kas regionaalselt välja surnud, kriitilises seisundis, väljasuremisohus, ohualtid, ohulähedased või puuduliku andmestikuga (kategooriad RE–DD). 2008. a-l kategooriasse Soodsas seisundis (LC) kuulunud liike ei kaasatud uude hindamisse. Kokku hinnati 229 samblikuliigi ohustatust, nendest 181 kuulusid ohustatud kategooriatesse (CR, EN või VU); ükski hinnatud liik ei sobinud kategooriasse LC. Võrreldes eelmise punase nimestikuga tõusis kategooria 58% liikidel ning jäi samaks 32%-l. Ohustatud samblikuliigid asustavad Eestis peamiselt metsi (eriti palu- ja salumetsi), loopealseid, liivikuid ning erinevaid kivi-kasvupindu. Seetõttu on sagedasemad ohutegurid metsaraie ning loodude ja liivikute kinnikasvamine (oluline tegur vastavalt 96 ja 70 liigile)

    Extending our scientific reach in arboreal ecosystems for research and management

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    The arboreal ecosystem is vitally important to global and local biogeochemical processes, the maintenance of biodiversity in natural systems, and human health in urban environments. The ability to collect samples, observations, and data to conduct meaningful scientific research is similarly vital. The primary methods and modes of access remain limited and difficult. In an online survey, canopy researchers (n = 219) reported a range of challenges in obtaining adequate samples, including ∼10% who found it impossible to procure what they needed. Currently, these samples are collected using a combination of four primary methods: (1) sampling from the ground; (2) tree climbing; (3) constructing fixed infrastructure; and (4) using mobile aerial platforms, primarily rotorcraft drones. An important distinction between instantaneous and continuous sampling was identified, allowing more targeted engineering and development strategies. The combination of methods for sampling the arboreal ecosystem provides a range of possibilities and opportunities, particularly in the context of the rapid development of robotics and other engineering advances. In this study, we aim to identify the strategies that would provide the benefits to a broad range of scientists, arborists, and professional climbers and facilitate basic discovery and applied management. Priorities for advancing these efforts are (1) to expand participation, both geographically and professionally; (2) to define 2–3 common needs across the community; (3) to form and motivate focal teams of biologists, tree professionals, and engineers in the development of solutions to these needs; and (4) to establish multidisciplinary communication platforms to share information about innovations and opportunities for studying arboreal ecosystems

    Acguisifion of basic exercises in movement games for children of younger preshool age

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    Lichens and allied fungi from the Gauja National Park (Latvia), including new records for the country

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    In summer and autumn 2020, a lichenological inventory took place in the Gauja National Park (Latvia, Northern Europe). In total, 60 species of lichenized fungi, six non-lichenized saprophytic fungi and three non-lichenized fungi are reported as new for Gauja National Park. Among them, ten species are new to Latvia. Data on habitats, substrates, main characteristics and distribution in the neighbouring countries to Latvia are provided. The total number of lichenized and closely related fungi for the Gauja National Park is 346