129 research outputs found

    Pharmacokinetic Properties of Liraglutide as Adjunct to Insulin in Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.

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    BACKGROUND: The pharmacokinetic properties of liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), have been established in healthy individuals and subjects with T2D. Liraglutide has been under investigation as adjunct treatment to insulin in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). This single-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover, clinical pharmacology trial is the first to analyze the pharmacokinetic properties of liraglutide as add-on to insulin in T1D. METHODS: Subjects (18-64 years; body mass index 20.0-28.0 kg/m(2); glycated hemoglobin ≤9.5 %) were randomized 1:1:1 to 0.6, 1.2, or 1.8 mg liraglutide/placebo. Each group underwent two 4-week treatment periods (liraglutide then placebo or placebo then liraglutide) separated by a 2- to 3-week washout. Both trial drugs were administered subcutaneously, once daily, as adjunct to insulin. A stepwise hypoglycemic clamp was performed at the end of each treatment period (data reported previously). Pharmacokinetic endpoints were derived from liraglutide concentration-time curves after the final dose and exposure was compared with data from previous trials in healthy volunteers and subjects with T2D. RESULTS: The pharmacokinetic properties of liraglutide in T1D were comparable with those observed in healthy volunteers and subjects with T2D. Area under the steady-state concentration-time curve (AUC) and maximum plasma concentration data were consistent with dose proportionality of liraglutide. Comparison of dose-normalized liraglutide AUC suggested that exposure in T1D, when administered with insulin, is comparable with that observed in T2D. CONCLUSIONS: Liraglutide, administered as adjunct to insulin in subjects with T1D, shows comparable pharmacokinetics to those in subjects with T2D. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01536665

    Genetic Linkage and Association Analysis for Loneliness in Dutch Twin and Sibling Pairs Points to a Region on Chromosome 12q23–24

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    We obtained evidence from a large study in Dutch twins (N = 8387) and siblings (N = 2295) that variation in loneliness has a genetic component. The heritability estimate for loneliness, which was assessed as an ordinal trait, was 40% and did not differ between males and females. There were 682 sibling pairs with genotypic (around 400 microsatellite markers) data. We combined phenotypic and genotypic data to carry out a genome scan to localize QTLs for loneliness. One region on chromosome 12q23.3-24.3, showed near suggestive linkage. Genetic association tests within this region revealed significant association (p-value 0.009) with one of the alleles of marker D12S79 and with one of the alleles of neighbouring marker D12S395 (p-value 0.043). We review evidence for linkage in this region for psychiatric disorders and discuss our findings within this context. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Incretin-based therapy: a powerful and promising weapon in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a progressive multisystemic disease that increases significantly cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. It is associated with obesity, insulin resistance, beta-cell dysfunction, and hyperglucagonemia, the combination of which typically leads to hyperglycemia. Incretin-based treatment modalities, and in particular glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, are able to successfully counteract several of the underlying pathophysiological abnormalities of T2DM. The pancreatic effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists include glucose-lowering effects by stimulating insulin secretion and inhibiting glucagon release in a strictly glucose-dependent manner, increased beta-cell proliferation, and decreased beta-cell apoptosis. GLP-1 receptors are widely expressed throughout human body; thus, GLP-1-based therapies exert pleiotropic and multisystemic effects that extend far beyond pancreatic islets. A large body of experimental and clinical data have suggested a considerable protective role of GLP-1 analogs in the cardiovascular system (decreased blood pressure, improved endothelial and myocardial function, functional recovery of failing and ischemic heart, arterial vasodilatation), kidneys (increased diuresis and natriuresis), gastrointestinal tract (delayed gastric emptying, reduced gastric acid secretion), and central nervous system (appetite suppression, neuroprotective properties). The pharmacologic use of GLP-1 receptor agonists has been shown to reduce bodyweight and systolic blood pressure, and significantly improve glycemic control and lipid profile. Interestingly, weight reduction induced by GLP-1 analogs reflects mainly loss of abdominal visceral fat. The critical issue of whether the emerging positive cardiometabolic effects of GLP-1 analogs can be translated into better clinical outcomes for diabetic patients in terms of long-term hard endpoints, such as cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, remains to be elucidated with prospective, large-scale clinical trials

    Emerging role of insulin with incretin therapies for management of type 2 diabetes

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a progressive disease warranting intensification of treatment, as beta-cell function declines over time. Current treatment algorithms recommend metformin as the first-line agent, while advocating the addition of either basal-bolus or premixed insulin as the final level of intervention. Incretin therapy, including incretin mimetics or enhancers, are the latest group of drugs available for treatment of T2DM. These agents act through the incretin axis, are currently recommended as add-on agents either as second-or third-line treatment, without concurrent use of insulin. Given the novel role of incretin therapy in terms of reducing postprandial hyperglycemia, and favorable effects on weight with reduced incidence of hypoglycemia, we explore alternative options for incretin therapy in T2DM management. Furthermore, as some evidence alludes to incretins potentially increasing betacell mass and altering disease progression, we propose introducing these agents earlier in the treatment algorithm. In addition, we suggest the concurrent use of incretins with insulin, given the favorable effects especially in relation to weight gain

    Tsetse GmmSRPN10 has anti-complement activity and is important for successful establishment of trypanosome infections in the fly midgut

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    The complement cascade in mammalian blood can damage the alimentary tract of haematophagous arthropods. As such, these animals have evolved their own repertoire of complement-inactivating factors, which are inadvertently exploited by blood-borne pathogens to escape complement lysis. Unlike the bloodstream stages, the procyclic (insect) stage of Trypanosoma brucei is highly susceptible to complement killing, which is puzzling considering that a tsetse takes a bloodmeal every 2–4 days. In this study, we identified four tsetse (Glossina morsitans morsitans) serine protease inhibitors (serpins) from a midgut expressed sequence tag (EST) library (GmmSRPN3, GmmSRPN5, GmmSRPN9 and GmmSRPN10) and investigated their role in modulating the establishment of a T. brucei infection in the midgut. Although not having evolved in a common blood-feeding ancestor, all four serpins have an active site sharing remarkable homology with the human complement C1-inhibitor serpin, SerpinG1. RNAi knockdown of individual GmmSRPN9 and GmmSRPN10 genes resulted in a significant decreased rate of infection by procyclic form T. brucei. Furthermore, recombinant GmmSRPN10 was both able to inhibit the activity of human complement-cascade serine proteases, C1s and Factor D, and to protect the in vitro killing of procyclic trypanosomes when incubated with complement-activated human serum. Thus, the secretion of serpins, which may be part of a bloodmeal complement inactivation system in tsetse, is used by procyclic trypanosomes to evade an influx of fresh trypanolytic complement with each bloodmeal. This highlights another facet of the complicated relationship between T. brucei and its tsetse vector, where the parasite takes advantage of tsetse physiology to further its chances of propagation and transmission

    Site-Specific and Time-Dependent Activation of the Endocannabinoid System after Transection of Long-Range Projections

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    Background: After focal neuronal injury the endocannabinioid system becomes activated and protects or harms neurons depending on cannabinoid derivates and receptor subtypes. Endocannabinoids (eCBs) play a central role in controlling local responses and influencing neural plasticity and survival. However, little is known about the functional relevance of eCBs in long-range projection damage as observed in stroke or spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods: In rat organotypic entorhino-hippocampal slice cultures (OHSC) as a relevant and suitable model for investigating projection fibers in the CNS we performed perforant pathway transection (PPT) and subsequently analyzed the spatial and temporal dynamics of eCB levels. This approach allows proper distinction of responses in originating neurons (entorhinal cortex), areas of deafferentiation/anterograde axonal degeneration (dentate gyrus) and putative changes in more distant but synaptically connected subfields (cornu ammonis (CA) 1 region). Results: Using LC-MS/MS, we measured a strong increase in arachidonoylethanolamide (AEA), oleoylethanolamide (OEA) and palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) levels in the denervation zone (dentate gyrus) 24 hours post lesion (hpl), whereas entorhinal cortex and CA1 region exhibited little if any changes. NAPE-PLD, responsible for biosynthesis of eCBs, was increased early, whereas FAAH, a catabolizing enzyme, was up-regulated 48hpl. Conclusion: Neuronal damage as assessed by transection of long-range projections apparently provides a strong time-dependent and area-confined signal for de novo synthesis of eCB, presumably to restrict neuronal damage. The present data underlines the importance of activation of the eCB system in CNS pathologies and identifies a novel site-specific intrinsic regulation of eCBs after long-range projection damage

    Mathematics and biology: a Kantian view on the history of pattern formation theory

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    Driesch’s statement, made around 1900, that the physics and chemistry of his day were unable to explain self-regulation during embryogenesis was correct and could be extended until the year 1972. The emergence of theories of self-organisation required progress in several areas including chemistry, physics, computing and cybernetics. Two parallel lines of development can be distinguished which both culminated in the early 1970s. Firstly, physicochemical theories of self-organisation arose from theoretical (Lotka 1910–1920) and experimental work (Bray 1920; Belousov 1951) on chemical oscillations. However, this research area gained broader acceptance only after thermodynamics was extended to systems far from equilibrium (1922–1967) and the mechanism of the prime example for a chemical oscillator, the Belousov–Zhabotinski reaction, was deciphered in the early 1970s. Secondly, biological theories of self-organisation were rooted in the intellectual environment of artificial intelligence and cybernetics. Turing wrote his The chemical basis of morphogenesis (1952) after working on the construction of one of the first electronic computers. Likewise, Gierer and Meinhardt’s theory of local activation and lateral inhibition (1972) was influenced by ideas from cybernetics. The Gierer–Meinhardt theory provided an explanation for the first time of both spontaneous formation of spatial order and of self-regulation that proved to be extremely successful in elucidating a wide range of patterning processes. With the advent of developmental genetics in the 1980s, detailed molecular and functional data became available for complex developmental processes, allowing a new generation of data-driven theoretical approaches. Three examples of such approaches will be discussed. The successes and limitations of mathematical pattern formation theory throughout its history suggest a picture of the organism, which has structural similarity to views of the organic world held by the philosopher Immanuel Kant at the end of the eighteenth century

    FcγRIIb differentially regulates pre-immune and germinal center B cell tolerance in mouse and human.

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    Several tolerance “checkpoints” exist throughout B cell development to control autoreactive B cells and prevent the generation of pathogenic autoantibodies. FcγRIIb is an Fc receptor that inhibits B cell activation and, if defective, is associated with autoimmune disease. Its impact on specific B cell tolerance checkpoints is unknown. Here we show that reduced expression of FcγRIIb leads to increased deletion and anergy of autoreactive immature B cells, but despite this autoreactive B cells expand in the germinal center and serum autoantibodies are produced, even in response to exogenous non-self antigen. Thus, we show FcγRIIb has opposing effects on pre- and post-immune tolerance checkpoints, and suggest B cell tolerance requires the control of “bystander” germinal center B cells with low or no affinity for the immunization antigen.This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust (Programme Grant Number 083650/Z/07/Z to KGCS) and supported by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. ME was funded by the Wellcome Trust (Programme Grant Number 083650/Z/07/Z), by a Junior Team Leader starting grant from the Laboratory of Excellence in Research on Medication and Innovative Therapeutics (LabEx LERMIT) supported by a grant from ANR (ANR-10-LABX-33) under the program “Investissements d'Avenir” (ANR-11-IDEX-0003-01) and by an ANR @RAction starting grant (ANR-14-ACHN- 0008). KGCS is an NIHR Senior Clinical Investigator and a Distinguished Innovator of the Lupus Research Institute