87 research outputs found

    Perché la pace, perché la guerra. Pacifismo e interventismo a Modena durante la Grande Guerra

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    Il saggio ripercorre, analizzando il contesto della cittĂ  e provincia di Modena, il dibattito fra neutralisti ed interventisti nel periodo fra l'agosto 1914 ed il maggio 1915. Analizza inoltre, sulla scorta di documentazione giornalistica e d'archivio, l'evoluzione del contesto politico modenese, l'atteggiamento delle masse popolari nei confronti della guerra e l'azione degli apparati dello Stato nel controllo dell'ordine pubblico in questo contesto delicato, caratterizzato dal ruolo di primo piano del partito socialista e delle sue organizzazioni, orientate in prevalenza contro la prosecuzione del conflitto

    War as social regeneration: Sombart from The Quintessence of Capitalism to Merchants and Heroes

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    The essay examines a particular stage of life and scientific production of Werner Sombart, the years of the First World War. Most biographers of Sombart showed that the German scholar, during these years, remained essentially on the fringe of the debate that took place in Germany, as well in other countries taking part in the war, on the economic and social transformations induced by the conflict, and in particular, on the new role assumed by the State in directing the life of the economy and society. Published in 1915, Händler und Helden (Merchants and Heroes) should be primarily considered a work of propaganda. It is a vicious attack on Britain, seen as the country that had produced a petty and materialistic conception of existence. The topics chosen by Sombart for his polemic, however, resume many aspects of his previous works on the origins and development of modern economics, and even anticipate some of his reflections – later developed in the second edition of Modern Capitalism or in works such as German socialism – on the future and the fate of capitalism

    War Finance (Italy)

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    Setting out from the fundamental variables of the Italian economy and finances on the eve of the war and during the years of conflict, this article highlights the country\u2019s dependence on international markets and its choice in favour of the Entente. Italy\u2019s war was financed to a small extent by fiscal pressure but to a great extent by going into debt. Until 1916, the notion of a short war prevailed, without excessive strains on the public finances and with scant recourse to allied loans. With the passage to total economic and financial mobilisation, Italy became ever more dependent on allied loans (initially English, and then American), and on domestic public indebtedness. Five national loans were launched, the issue of ordinary government securities was boosted and the circulation of paper currency markedly increased

    Post-war Economies (Italy)

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    Starting from the essential parameters of the Italian economy and finance in the post-war years, this article points out the similarities with the evolution of other capitalist economies, and the elements of divergence. It then focuses on the economic and fiscal policy of the Italian state, the management of the difficult conversion from war to peace, and the social and political clashes. Reference is then made to the relationship between the fascist movement and industrial and agricultural interests, and the essential features of the early stages of the new regime\u2019s economic policy

    Single-site entanglement at superconductor-insulator transition in the Hirsch model

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    We investigate the transition to the insulating state in the one-dimensional Hubbard model with bond-charge interaction x (Hirsch model), at half-filling and T=0. By means of the density-matrix renormalization group algorithm the charge gap closure is examined by both standard finite size scaling analysis and looking at singularities in the derivatives of single-site entanglement. The results of the two techniques show that a quantum phase transition takes place at a finite Coulomb interaction u_c(x) for x>0.5. The region 0<u<u_c turns out to have a superconducting nature, at least for not too large x>x_c.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Healthcare Resources Use in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Real-World Evidence From Six Italian Local Health Units

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    AIM: The aim of the study was to evaluate healthcare resource use and related costs for the management of people living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (PLWHIV) with and without comorbidities, and to compare the burden of comorbidities in PLWHIV to the general population.METHODS: An observational retrospective analysis, based on administrative and laboratory databases from 6 Italian Local Health Units (LHUs) was performed. Individuals receiving either an HIV treatment [Antiretroviral therapy (ART) – ATC code: J05A)], or with an HIV positive laboratory test result between January 1st, 2014 and December 31st, 2014 were included. The date of first ART prescription or positive test of HIV was used as the Index Date (ID). Patients enrolled were followed-up for all time available from the ID (follow-up period) and their clinical characteristics were investigated from one year prior to the ID (characterization period). Comorbidities were measured by using the Charlson Comorbidity Index; findings were compared with those of a sample of the general population with the same age and sex distribution (OsMed 2015). Healthcare resource use and related cost was evaluated during the follow-up period.RESULTS: 1,214 patients were included, 837 were PLWHIV without any comorbidities and 377 were PLWHIV with at least one comorbidity. Mean prevalence of prescriptions for treatment of comorbidities was higher in the HIV-infected population than in the Italian general population. The annual healthcare cost of managing HIV patients with comorbidities, was significantly higher than that for patients without comorbidities (€ 10,615 vs. € 8,665, p < 0.001).CONCLUSIONS: Study results showed that 30% of PLWHIV had at least one comorbidity. The cost of managing PLWHIV who have comorbidities was significantly higher than that of managing PLWHIV without comorbidities. Our data confirm that care and treatment services should be adapted to address the specific needs of people living with both HIV and comorbidities

    Continuous Limit of Discrete Sawtooth Maps and its Algebraic Framework

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    We study the presence of a logarithmic time scale in discrete approximations of Sawtooth Maps on the 2--torus. The techniques used are suggested by quantum mechanical similarities, and are based on a particular class of states on the torus, that fulfill dynamical localization properties typical of quantum Coherent States.Comment: LaTeX, 45 pages, 5 figures. Small changes in the content, references added. To appear in J. Math. Phy

    Les mises en guerre de l'État

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    À partir de l’été 1914, les sociétés européennes paraissent brutalement saisies par la guerre et, ce faisant, saisies par l’État. C’est en son nom que des millions d’hommes vont s’affronter, sous l’uniforme, et que s’opère une gigantesque « mobilisation » des corps, des esprits et des ressources, pour reprendre le terme de l’époque toujours employé par les historiens et les historiennes. Cent ans plus tard, alors que tous les États ayant fait la guerre ont engagé de vastes programmes de commémoration, le moment semblait particulièrement opportun pour comprendre comment l’État parvient à faire la guerre et ce que la guerre fait à l’État. L’emprise de l’État est-elle immédiate, progressive, continue ou discontinue ? Connaît-elle des phases d’essoufflement, des ratés ? S’accompagne-t-elle de phénomènes parallèles de « déprise » ? Loin de toute généralité ou de toute extrapolation hasardeuse, est-il possible de repérer des formes de résistance ou d’évitement ? Interroger le processus de nationalisation des sociétés européennes, tel est l’un des enjeux de cet ouvrage pluridisciplinaire, largement ouvert dans l’espace et dans le temps autour du point de référence de 1914. Composé d’enquêtes bien circonscrites, l’ouvrage s’inscrit dans une histoire sociale de la guerre, et permet de questionner ce qui semble une évidence, au moins en France : la spectaculaire capacité de l’État à mobiliser, presque du jour au lendemain, une société tout entière.From the summer of 1914, European societies seem brutally seized by war and, as a consequence, seized by the State. In the name of the State, millions of men enrolled in the armed forces are to fight one another. Bodies, minds and resources are subjected to a gigantic "mobilization", a contemporary word still used by historians. A hundred years later, when all the warring States, as well as the States that were born from the conflict, are launching ambitious commemorative programs, the moment seems well chosen to study how the State wages war and, in return, how war transforms the State. As part of this vast topic, this international and multidisciplinary (history, political science, sociology) conference will address the invention of the War State, from the perspective of all the processes through which the event has – or does not have – an impact on the organisation, actions and conduct of the public power. The aim is to identify potential changes or limited adjustments, but always within situations of transition born from the conflict. Is the intensification of the State's hold on society immediate or gradual, continuous or discontinuous? Are there slower phases, failures? Is it paralleled with a loss of influence in other areas? Is it possible to detect forms of resistance or avoidance, while refraining from all generalizations and risky extrapolations? Questioning the process of nationalisation of European societies is one of the challenges of this multidisciplinary work, which is widely open in space and time around the 1914 key date. Composed of well-defined surveys, the book falls within a social perspective of war, and allows us to question what seems obvious, at least in France: the spectacular capacity of the State to mobilize, almost overnight, an entire society

    Kriegswirtschaft, Ăśbergangswirtschaft, Friedenswirtschaft Gli assetti economici del dopoguerra in Germania, 1914-1920. Il dibattito storiografico e quello dei contemporanei

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    Il saggio rappresenta una breve riflessione sul dibattito, sviluppatosi in Germania negli anni della prima guerra mondiale, sugli assetti economici e sociali che avrebbero caratterizzato il ritorno alla pace. Ci si sofferma, in particolare, sul concetto di Gemeinwirtschaft (economia comunitaria) sviluppato da alcuni esponenti del mondo accademico ed imprenditoriale, secondo cui le trasformazioni indotte dal conflitto avrebbero segnato un superamento, o quantomeno un profondo mutamento del sistema capitalistico. Accanto ad una rassegna sulla produzione storiografica più significativa su questo argomento, il saggio dà un particolare risalto alla riflessione sviluppatasi su questi temi nelle pagine di una delle più autorevoli riviste sociologiche del tempo l’«Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik», cui parteciparono scienziati sociali come Emil Lederer o Edgar Jaffé, e leader del mondo sindacale come Carl Legien
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