233 research outputs found

    Confronto fra invecchiamento accelerato e naturale di rivestimenti organici protettivi: uso di dati meteorologici

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    Confronto fra invecchiamento acceleratoe naturale di rivestimenti organiciprotettivi: uso di dati meteorologiciF. Deflorian, S. Rossi, L. Fedrizzi, C. ZanellaLe proprietà protettive dei rivestimenti organici per applicazioni per esterni sono tradizionalmentevalutate attraverso test accelerati di laboratorio. Una questione aperta rimane la reale correlazionefra questi test accelerati e l’esposizione naturale in ambienti diversi. In questo lavoro è descrittoun nuovo approccio basato sulla semplice idea di quantificare il grado di invecchiamento naturaleutilizzando un numero limitato di parametri ambientali che possono influenzare le proprietà protettive:l’energia totale nell’intervallo UV, il tempo di esposizione ad umidità relative superiori ad una certasoglia (tale da causare condensa superficiale), il tempo di esposizione ad una temperature superiorealla Tg del polimero, ecc. In questo lavoro si è cercato di applicare questo approccio a un rivestimentopoliestere ottenuto per coil-coating per applicazioni per esterni. I primi risultai sono molto interessantie incoraggiano ulteriori sviluppi che considerino un maggior numero di materiali e siti naturalidi esposizione

    Valutazione della vita utile di acciaio zincato verniciato: esposizioni su campo e prove di laboratorio

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    Al fine di studiare a fondo le relazioni che intercorrono tra l’invecchiamento artificiale e quello naturale,sei diversi campioni zincati e rivestiti con primer e top coat sono stati esposti per 12 mesi in 3 diversi ambientinaturali: Trento (Italia), rappresentativo del clima continentale, Marsiglia (Francia) di clima mediterraneoe Daytona (USA) di ambiente tropicale umido. In tali siti sono stati raccolti, durante l’esposizione, i principalidati meteorologici. I rivestimenti sono stati testati in laboratorio mediante prove accelerate tradizionali(camera a nebbia salina, esposizione UV, etc). L’analisi delle proprietà protettive dei rivestimentie il monitoraggio dello stato di degrado è stato effettuato mediante misure elettrochimiche.I risultati dimostrano che il tempo trascorso in presenza di condensa e cloruri sembra il fattore determinanteil degrado del sistema di protezione. L'esposizione naturale induce un degrado misurabile, in gradodi classificare l'aggressività dei diversi siti di esposizione. Questo fatto è dovuto alla presenza di cloruri,alla maggiore energia di radiazione solare e al maggior tempo di condensa. L'ambiente urbano,con la presenza di inquinanti, può influenzare maggiormente il degrado del substrato metallico,più che influire sul deterioramento delle proprietà di barriera del rivestimento organico


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    La necessità di lavorare mediante asportazione di truciolo leghe di alluminio ha da tempo portato allo sviluppo di leghe specifiche, far cui le più diffuse contengono piombo. Tali leghe devono ora essere superate a causa delle restrizioni legate alla presenza del piombo, motivate principalmente da ragioni ambientali. Diverse leghe sono state sviluppate cercando di sostituire il piombo con il manganese, il ferro, il nichel o l’indio. Un altro promettente sostituto del piombo per queste applicazioni è il berillio, oggetto di studio negli ultimi anni come alligante dell’alluminio. Molto spesso per applicazioni che spaziano dalla motoristica alla attrezzatura sportiva alla componentistica per l’elettronica, i componenti in lega di alluminio devono essere modificati superficialmente per migliorarne sia la resistenza alla corrosione che le proprietà tribologiche. Uno dei trattamenti più diffusi è l’anodizzazione. La presenza però di una particolare microstruttura, contenente isole di metallo elettrochimicamente più nobile (Pb o Bi) può notevolmente influenzare la qualità dell’ossido anodico e di conseguenza le proprietà di resistenza alla corrosione del componente anodizzato. Tale aspetto non è stato ancora sufficientemente analizzato scientificamente. In questo studio sono stati considerati campioni di diverse leghe di alluminio contenenti sia Pb che Bi, sottoposti a trattamenti di anodizzazione. Sono state studiate le difettosità riscontrate nell’ossido individuate mediante microscopia elettronica ed ottica, collegandole al comportamento corrosivo e alla microstruttura del materiale (dimensioni e distribuzione delle isole di Pb o di Bi). Sono state eseguite prove elettrochimiche di vario tipo al fine di comprendere il meccanismo di degrado. Lo scopo finale del lavoro sperimentale è quello di fornire informazioni utili all’ottimizzazione di nuove leghe di alluminio, lavorabili per asportazione di truciolo esenti piombo, che mantengano buone proprietà protettive dell’ossido anodico

    Electrochemical properties and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of polypyrrole-coated platinum electrodes

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    Polypyrrole (PPy) films of different thickness were characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements in acetonitrile and aqueous solutions, containing 0.1 M NaClO4 or sodium dodecylsulfate as the dopant. The PPy films were electrochemically deposited on Pt, and their electrochemical properties studied by cyclic voltammetry. Impedance spectra were obtained at potentials ranging from 0 to 0.8 V/SCE. The EIS data were fitted using two different equivalent electrical circuits (depending on the nature of the dopant). They involve a diffusive capacitance, which increased with the passing charge during electrosynthesis (i.e. film thickness) for ClO4--doped PPy, but was practically unaffected by the film thickness in the case of SDS-doped PPy. Also, a double-layer capacitance was found only in the circuit of ClO4--doped PPy. It increased with the film thickness, and showed a minimum near the open-circuit potential. Finally the charge-transfer resistance (Rct) obtained with SDS is nearly 200-fold higher than that obtained with ClO4- in the same solvent (H2O). With the same dopant (ClO4-), Rct is about five times higher in acetonitrile relative to water. All these EIS results of the different types of PPy suggest a relation with the wettability of the polymer.KEY WORDS: Conducting polymers, Polypyrrole, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Equivalent-electrical circuit, Micellar mediaBull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2006, 20(2), 279-293

    Understanding ligand binding selectivity in a prototypical GPCR family

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    Adenosine receptors are involved in many pathological conditions and are thus promising drug targets. However, developing drugs that target this GPCR subfamily is a challenging task. A number of drug candidates fail due to lack of selectivity which results in unwanted side effects. The extensive structural similarity of adenosine receptors complicates the design of selective ligands. The problem of selective targeting is a general concern in GPCRs and in this respect adenosine receptors are a prototypical example. Here we use enhanced sampling simulations to decipher the determinants of selectivity of ligands in A2a and A1 adenosine receptors. Our model shows how small differences in the binding pocket and in the water network around the ligand can be leveraged to achieve selectivity

    Phage therapy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in a cystic fibrosis zebrafish model

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary disease due to mutations in the CFTR gene and causes mortality in humans mainly due to respiratory infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In a previous work we used phage therapy, which is a treatment with a mix of phages, to actively counteract acute P. aeruginosa infections in mice and Galleria mellonella larvae. In this work we apply phage therapy to the treatment of P. aeruginosa PAO1 infections in a CF zebrafish model. The structure of the CFTR channel is evolutionary conserved between fish and mammals and cftr-loss-of-function zebrafish embryos show a phenotype that recapitulates the human disease, in particular with destruction of the pancreas. We show that phage therapy is able to decrease lethality, bacterial burden, and the pro-inflammatory response caused by PAO1 infection. In addition, phage administration relieves the constitutive inflammatory state of CF embryos. To our knowledge, this is the first time that phage therapy is used to cure P. aeruginosa infections in a CF animal model. We also find that the curative effect against PAO1 infections is improved by combining phages and antibiotic treatments, opening a useful therapeutic approach that could reduce antibiotic doses and time of administration

    Nucleophosmin leukemogenic mutant activates Wnt signaling during zebrafish development

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    Nucleophosmin (NPM1) is a ubiquitous multifunctional phosphoprotein with both oncogenic and tumor suppressor functions. Mutations of the NPM1 gene are the most frequent genetic alterations in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and result in the expression of a mutant protein with aberrant cytoplasmic localization, NPMc+. Although NPMc+ causes myeloproliferation and AML in animal models, its mechanism of action remains largely unknown. Here we report that NPMc+ activates canonical Wnt signaling during the early phases of zebrafish development and determines a Wnt-dependent increase in the number of progenitor cells during primitive hematopoiesis. Coherently, the canonical Wnt pathway is active in AML blasts bearing NPMc+ and depletion of the mutant protein in the patient derived OCI-AML3 cell line leads to a decrease in the levels of active \u3b2-catenin and of Wnt target genes. Our results reveal a novel function of NPMc+ and provide insight into the molecular pathogenesis of AML bearing NPM1 mutations

    Characterization of the Regulatory Region of the Zebrafish Prep1.1 Gene: Analogies to the Promoter of the Human PREP1

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    Prep1 is a developmentally essential TALE class homeodomain transcription factor. In zebrafish and mouse, Prep1 is already ubiquitously expressed at the earliest stages of development, with important tissue-specific peculiarities. The Prep1 gene in mouse is developmentally essential and has haploinsufficient tumor suppressor activity [1]. We have determined the human Prep1 transcription start site (TSS) by primer extension analysis and identified, within 20 bp, the transcription start region (TSR) of the zebrafish Prep1.1 promoter. The functions of the zebrafish 5′ upstream sequences were analyzed both by transient transfections in Hela Cells and by injection in zebrafish embryos. This analysis revealed a complex promoter with regulatory sequences extending up to −1.8, possibly −5.0 Kb, responsible for tissue specific expression. Moreover, the first intron contains a conserved tissue-specific enhancer both in zebrafish and in human cells. Finally, a two nucleotides mutation of an EGR-1 site, conserved in all species including human and zebrafish and located at a short distance from the TSS, destroyed the promoter activity of the −5.0 Kb promoter. A transgenic fish expressing GFP under the −1.8 Kb zebrafish promoter/enhancer co-expressed GFP and endogenous Prep1.1 during embryonic development. In the adult fish, GFP was expressed in hematopoietic regions like the kidney, in agreement with the essential function of Prep1 in mouse hematopoiesis. Sequence comparison showed conservation from man to fish of the sequences around the TSS, within the first intron enhancer. Moreover, about 40% of the sequences spread throughout the 5 Kbof the zebrafish promoter are concentrated in the −3 to −5 Kb of the human upstream region

    IRSp53 controls plasma membrane shape and polarized transport at the nascent lumen in epithelial tubules

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    It is unclear whether the establishment of apical\u2013basal cell polarity during the generation of epithelial lumens requires molecules acting at the plasma membrane/actin interface. Here, we show that the I-BAR-containing IRSp53 protein controls lumen formation and the positioning of the polarity determinants aPKC and podocalyxin. Molecularly, IRSp53 acts by regulating the localization and activity of the small GTPase RAB35, and by interacting with the actin capping protein EPS8. Using correlative light and electron microscopy, we further show that IRSp53 ensures the shape and continuity of the opposing plasma membrane of two daughter cells, leading to the formation of a single apical lumen. Genetic removal of IRSp53 results in abnormal renal tubulogenesis, with altered tubular polarity and architectural organization. Thus, IRSp53 acts as a membrane curvature-sensing platform for the assembly of multi-protein complexes that control the trafficking of apical determinants and the integrity of the luminal plasma membrane

    IRSp53 controls plasma membrane shape and polarized transport at the nascent lumen in epithelial tubules

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    It is unclear whether the establishment of apical–basal cell polarity during the generation of epithelial lumens requires molecules acting at the plasma membrane/actin interface. Here, we show that the I-BAR-containing IRSp53 protein controls lumen formation and the positioning of the polarity determinants aPKC and podocalyxin. Molecularly, IRSp53 acts by regulating the localization and activity of the small GTPase RAB35, and by interacting with the actin capping protein EPS8. Using correlative light and electron microscopy, we further show that IRSp53 ensures the shape and continuity of the opposing plasma membrane of two daughter cells, leading to the formation of a single apical lumen. Genetic removal of IRSp53 results in abnormal renal tubulogenesis, with altered tubular polarity and architectural organization. Thus, IRSp53 acts as a membrane curvature-sensing platform for the assembly of multi-protein complexes that control the trafficking of apical determinants and the integrity of the luminal plasma membrane
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