704 research outputs found

    Effect of Cadmium Nanoparticle on the Structure and Enzyme Activities of Gills of Mud Crab Scylla Olivacea (Herbst, 1796)

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    Cadmium has been found to produce wide ranges of biochemical and physiological dysfunctions in humans and animals. In the present study, toxic effects of Cadmium nanoparticle (CdNP) in the gills of mud crab Scylla olivacea was evaluated. CdNP (20ppm ppm/kg) induced abnormal structural changes in the gills. In the case of male, gill lamellae showed increased haemal space, destruction of Pillar cells, epithelium dilation and reduction of the thickness of the gill lamellae. In the case of female, complete destruction of haemal canal and haemal cells were observed. CdNP also induced antioxidant enzymes such as Catalase (CAT), Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx) and Superoxide dismutase (SOD) in both male and female crabs. Whereas, in the case of mitochondrial enzymes only Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) showed increased activity compared to Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) which were recorded decreased activity upon CdNP exposure

    High prevalence of arginine to glutamine substitution at 98, 141 and 162 positions in troponin I (TNNI3) associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy among Indians

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    Background: Troponin I (TNNI3) is the inhibitory subunit of the thin filament regulatory complex Troponin, which confers calcium-sensitivity to striated muscle actomyosin ATPase activity. Mutations (2-7 %) in this gene had been reported in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy patients (HCM). However, the frequencies of mutations and associated clinical presentation have not been established in cardiomyopathy patients of Indian origin, hence we have undertaken this study. Methods: We have sequenced all the exons, including the exon-intron boundaries of TNNI3 gene in 101 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy patients (HCM), along with 160 healthy controls, inhabited in the same geographical region of southern India. Results: Our study revealed a total of 16 mutations. Interestingly, we have observed Arginine to Glutamine (R to Q) mutation at 3 positions 98, 141 and 162, exclusively in HCM patients with family history of sudden cardiac death. The novel R98Q was observed in a severe Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy patient (HOCM). The R141Q mutation was observed in two familial cases of severe asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASH++). The R162Q mutation was observed in a ASH++ patient with mean septal thickness of 29 mm and have also consists of allelic heterogeneity by means of having one more synonymous (E179E) mutation at g.4797: G → A: in the same exon 7, which replaces a very frequent codon (GAG: 85%) with a rare codon (GAA: 14%). Screening for R162Q mutation in all the available family members revealed its presence in 9 individuals, including 7 with allelic heterogeneity (R162Q and E179E) of which 4 were severely affected. We also found 2 novel SNPs, (g.2653; G → A and g.4003 C → T) exclusively in HCM and in silico analysis of these SNPs have predicted to cause defect in recognition/binding sites for proteins responsible for proper splicing. Conclusion: Our study has provided valuable information regarding the prevalence of TNNI3 mutations in Indian HCM patients and its risk assessment, these will help in genetic counseling and to adopt appropriate treatment strategies


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    The concepts of phenomenological studies were focused worldly on the assessment of the lived experiences of disabled persons. The current studies were focusing on the lived experiences of visually impaired student in the one central University of India. These studies were conducted by personal interviews of ten visually impairment students. An outcome of this research explores many difficulties overcoming in the higher education learning process of the visually impaired student. This was due to the several major factors involved behinds this as deficient of modern devices of teaching, class lecture recorder, financial problems, over formalities burden by institutions at the time of examination and admission. Psychosocial adjustment in the new environments is another factor who affected education. Learning is a lifelong process which can affect individuals. Every moment of life of the visually impaired student from school to higher education has been a significant role in its own life and such an impact should not be denied. Therefore, this is necessary to provide special support for the improvement of career success among individuals who are visually impaired and avoid their educated barrier in the higher education system.  Article visualizations

    Collective Bargaining: A Tool for settling Industrial Disputes

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    The terms and conditions of employment of workers are regulated between their bargaining agents and the employers. Thus, the obligation to bargain collectively is mutual. So the union and the employer are under the duty to bargain, in view, that the parties are required to meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith, with an intention to negotiate on the subject matter called for. In relation to this, the collective bargaining agreement ought to be written and signed by parties on request, where in either party is required to agree to a proposal or make a concession. With an aim to reduce unwanted strikes and lockdowns caused by the workers, the paper revolves around the role of Trade Unions inthe settlement of disputes between the employer and workers through a collective bargaining process, resulting in the peaceful settlement of industrial disputes


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    The marine ecosystem now considered as the major concern due to the contamination of micro plastics that affects the marine organisms by accidental ingestion and causes physiological, morphological and genetic profiles. The organisms also effect on endocrine system that leads to reproductive damage, hence the present investigation was focused on the effect of micro plastics exposure on reproductive system of female crab Emerita asiatica. After 24 and 48 days of the experimental periods, the female crabs then estimated for the hormonal changes in the ovaries of mussels by estimating vitellogenin, 17β-estradiol, and testosterone and some biochemical parameters such as protein and glycogen content to observe for toxic stress. The results showed that significant decrease in the vitellogenin and 17β-estradiol besides elevated level of testosterone was observed in the animals exposed for 28 days with 1000 particles mL-1. In addition to that, level of protein and glycogen level was significantly debited in the hemolymph due to toxic stress. Hence, the present study found that exposure of micro plastics would reduce the reproductive hormones of female crab and affect their reproductive system. Overall, the present study provides the importance of usage and discarding the plastics in the environment. The micro plastic contamination in the environment not only affect the aquatic crustacean’s species, which can ultimately be affecting the Human beings through the collapsing of food chain

    Studies on infectious etiologies associated with neurological disorders in pigeons in Kerala

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    Pigeons are reared as a symbol of peace, love, gentleness and spirit messengers and now-a-days also for meat, as ornamental pet bird or as an experimental animal. There are about 400 varieties of fancy pigeons and little is known about the diseases and management of these birds. Heavy mortality has been observed in the pigeons that shows neurological manifestations. The present study is aimed at diagnosis of infectious diseases causing neurological signs in pigeons. The study was conducted in the different pigeon lofts of four districts in Kerala and a total of 44 pigeons comprising 21 fancy breeds were included. These birds were screened for major infectious etiologies causing neurological signs like paramyxoviral infection, salmonellosis and Haemoproteus infection. The birds were also screened for presence of ectoparasites by visual examination. The study showed 63.63 per cent positive for paramyxoviral infection using antigen NDV kits. The occurrence of Haemoproteus infection was 54.7 per cent in Giemsa-stained blood smears and 63.63 per cent in PCR amplifying cyt b gene. Pseudolynchia canariensis could be detected in pigeons. Isolation and identification of Salmonella from faecal samples were done by culture and biochemical tests and found to be 22.2 per cent. Combined infections of paramyxovirus infection with Haemoproteus, paramyxovirus infection with Salmonella, Haemoproteus with Salmonella and infection of all the three etiologies were the interesting finding of the study. The present study is one of its kind in Kerala and also in India. The study warrants the prevention and control of these infectious diseases which has great zoonotic potential

    Effect of influent load fluctuation on the efficiency of vertical constructed wetlands treating dairy farm wastewater

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    Three vertical sub-surface flow (VSSF) constructed wetland (CW) systems (CW-1, CW-2 and CW-3) filled with different filter media, each 4 m2 in area, planted with Arundo donax was operated for 4 years for treating dairy farm wastewater. The vertical CW systems received high fluctuations in influent concentration and loads i.e. BOD (26 to 619 mg L-1 and 1.5 to 34 g m-2 d-1), TSS (165 to 643 mg L-1 and 9.1 to 24 g m-2 d-1), TP (16 to 49.9 mg L-1 and 1.2 to 2.7 g m-2 d-1) and NH4-N (24.5 to 76.2 mg L-1 and 1.3 to 4.2 g m-2 d-1) during the assessment period. Average annual removal rates showed fluctuations in removal of BOD (70.5 to 92.9%), TSS (82.5 to 97.5%), TP (51.1 to 91.9%) and NH4-N (34.6 to 69%). This shows that the removal of BOD is very sensitive to inlet load fluctuations in CWs. High inlet loads may confine good nitrification that affects ammonium-nitrogen removal while TP removal rate reduced when inlet TP loads reduced. The average concentration of the pollutants (BOD, TSS, TP and NH4-N) in the treated effluent showed noticeable decrease: 43.4 to 16.1 mg L-1 for BOD; 43.3 to 11.7 mg L-1 for TSS; 17.9 to 3.1 mg L-1 for TP and 33.2 to 22.7 mg L-1 for NH4-N. Thus from the outcomes of the current study, it can be concluded that the VSSF CW system may provide promising outcomes despite there is fluctuations in the influent loads

    Genetic structure and affinities among tribal populations of southern India: a study of 24 autosomal DNA markers

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    We describe the genetic structure and affinities of five Dravidian-speaking tribal populations inhabiting the Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu, in south India, using 24 autosomal DNA markers. Our goals were: (i) to examine what evolutionary forces have most significantly impacted south Indian tribal genetic variation, and (ii) to test whether the phenotypic similarities of some south Indian tribal groups to Africans represent a signature of close relationship to Africans or are due to convergence. All loci were polymorphic and average heterozygosities were substantial (range: 0.347-0.423). Genetic differentiation was high (Gst= 6.7%) and genetic distances were not significantly correlated with geographic distances. Genetic drift therefore probably played a significant role in shaping the patterns of genetic variation observed in southern Indian tribal populations. Otherwise, analyses of population relationships showed that Indian populations are closely related to one another, regardless of phenotypic characteristics, and do not show particular affinities to Africans. We conclude that the phenotypic similarities of some Indian groups to Africans do not reflect a close relationship between these groups, but are better explained by convergence

    Comparative Account of Jatropha curcas on Brass (Cu-40Zn) in Acid and Sea Water Environment

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    ABSTRACT The inhibition efficacy of alcoholic leaf extract of Jatropha curcas on Brass (Cu-40Zn) in 1N Hydrochloric Acid and natural sea water environment are carried out using mass loss measurements. Experiments are performed by varying immersion period, concentration of the inhibitor and temperature. The inhibition efficiency is markedly higher in addition of Jatropha curcas leaves extract in both media and compared with those in the inhibitor free solution. The inhibition efficiency increased with an increase of inhibitor concentration but decreased with rise in temperature and exposure time. Corrosion inhibition may be due to the spontaneous physical adsorption of the plant constituents on the surface of Brass. Experimental data fitted with the Langmuir and Frumkin adsorption isotherms. Comparing the corrosion product on the surface of Brass in the presence of inhibitor at both environments is studied by UV and IR spectra

    Performance of CIP potato (Solanum tuberosum) clones for early maturity in subtropical region of Haryana

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    Research experiments were carried out with six promising potato clones of International Potato Center (CIP) compared with four recommended varieties of Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) as checks with the objective to identify high yielding, short duration variety suitable for rice-wheat cropping system of subtropical region of Haryana. The trials were conducted at Potato Technology Center, Karnal during rabi season of two consecutive years, viz. 2018–19 and 2019–20 under Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojna Project. The experiments were laid out in randomized block design with three replications. All the cultural practices were followed with scientific management. Dehaulming was done after 75 days of planting. Physical characters of tubers like skin colour, flesh colour, tuber shape and eye depth were observed. Data related to vegetative growth and yield was recorded, pooled and statistically analyzed. It was observed from the data that the maximum plant vigour was recorded in cultivar Kufri Lima however, highest marketable and total tuber yield was recorded in a red skinned CIP clone CIP392797.22. This variety might be selected as a candidate variety fit for rice-wheat cropping system
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