572 research outputs found

    Determinants of profitability of food industry in India

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    Profitability is the profit earning capacity, which is a crucial factor in contributing to the survival of firms. This paper is a maiden attempt at estimating the impact of size on profitability, considering the Ε½sizeΚΌ as the control variable. For this purpose, the selected firms are classified into three size categories as Ε½small,ΚΌ Ε½medium,ΚΌ and Ε½largeΚΌ based on the sales turnover. The results show that volatility and growth are the major predictorsin determining profitability in case of small size firms while growth is important in determining the profitability of medium size firms. Capital intensity has a significant positive coefficient with the profitability of large size firms. The overall result shows that the larger the size of the firm, the more the investment in long lived assets has helped to increase the profitability of the firm unlike the trend in cases of small size and medium size firms

    Effect of Non-Coding RNA on Post-Transcriptional Gene Silencing of Alzheimer Disease

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    A large amount of hidden biological information is contained in the human genome, which is not expressed or revealed in the form of proteins; the usual end product form of gene expression. Instead, most of such information is in the form of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). ncRNAs correspond to genes that are transcribed, but do not get translated into proteins. This part of the genome was, till recently, considered as ‘junk’. The term ‘junk’ implied lack of any discernible function of these RNA. More than 98% of the human genomic size encompasses these non-coding RNAs. But, recent research has evidently brought out the indispensible contribution of non-coding RNA in controlling and regulating gene expression. ncRNA such as siRNAs and microRNAs have been reported to greatly help in causing post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) in cells through RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. In this work, we have investigated the possibility of using siRNAs and microRNAs to aid in gene silencing of early onset Alzheimer’s disease genes. 
Alzheimer’s disease specific mutations and their corresponding positions in mRNA have been identified for six genes; Presenilin-1, Presenilin-2, APP (amyloid beta precursor protein), APBB3, BACE-1 and PSENEN. 

Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that can cause PTGS through RNA interference pathway have been designed. RNA analysis has been done to verify complementarity of antisense siRNA sequence with target mRNA sequence. Interaction studies have been done computationally between these antisense siRNA strands and seven Argonaute proteins. From the interaction studies, only one of the seven Argonaute proteins; 1Q8K, was found to have interaction with the siRNAs indicating the importance and uniqueness of this particular protein in RISC (RNA induced silencing complex). 

The interaction studies have been carried out for the microRNAs also. Out of the 700 mature human microRNAs collected, 394 microRNAs have been identified to show partial complementarity with their target sequence on PSEN-1 mRNA. Of these 394, five microRNAs have shown partial complementarity to early onset Alzheimer’s disease specific mutations in PSEN-1 mRNA. Interaction studies have been done between these microRNAs and Argonaute proteins. Thus, design, characterization and analysis of ncRNAs that contribute to post transcriptional gene silencing of Alzheimer’s disease have been achieved.

    Transcultural Diabetes Nutrition Therapy Algorithm: The Asian Indian Application

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    India and other countries in Asia are experiencing rapidly escalating epidemics of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease. The dramatic rise in the prevalence of these illnesses has been attributed to rapid changes in demographic, socioeconomic, and nutritional factors. The rapid transition in dietary patterns in Indiaβ€”coupled with a sedentary lifestyle and specific socioeconomic pressuresβ€”has led to an increase in obesity and other diet-related noncommunicable diseases. Studies have shown that nutritional interventions significantly enhance metabolic control and weight loss. Current clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are not portable to diverse cultures, constraining the applicability of this type of practical educational instrument. Therefore, a transcultural Diabetes Nutrition Algorithm (tDNA) was developed and then customized per regional variations in India. The resultant India-specific tDNA reflects differences in epidemiologic, physiologic, and nutritional aspects of disease, anthropometric cutoff points, and lifestyle interventions unique to this region of the world. Specific features of this transculturalization process for India include characteristics of a transitional economy with a persistently high poverty rate in a majority of people; higher percentage of body fat and lower muscle mass for a given body mass index; higher rate of sedentary lifestyle; elements of the thrifty phenotype; impact of festivals and holidays on adherence with clinic appointments; and the role of a systems or holistic approach to the problem that must involve politics, policy, and government. This Asian Indian tDNA promises to help guide physicians in the management of prediabetes and T2D in India in a more structured, systematic, and effective way compared with previous methods and currently available CPGs

    Using a human cardiovascular-respiratory model to characterize cardiac tamponade and pulsus paradoxus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiac tamponade is a condition whereby fluid accumulation in the pericardial sac surrounding the heart causes elevation and equilibration of pericardial and cardiac chamber pressures, reduced cardiac output, changes in hemodynamics, partial chamber collapse, pulsus paradoxus, and arterio-venous acid-base disparity. Our large-scale model of the human cardiovascular-respiratory system (H-CRS) is employed to study mechanisms underlying cardiac tamponade and pulsus paradoxus. The model integrates hemodynamics, whole-body gas exchange, and autonomic nervous system control to simulate pressure, volume, and blood flow.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We integrate a new pericardial model into our previously developed H-CRS model based on a fit to patient pressure data. Virtual experiments are designed to simulate pericardial effusion and study mechanisms of pulsus paradoxus, focusing particularly on the role of the interventricular septum. Model differential equations programmed in C are solved using a 5<sup>th</sup>-order Runge-Kutta numerical integration scheme. MATLAB is employed for waveform analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The H-CRS model simulates hemodynamic and respiratory changes associated with tamponade clinically. Our model predicts effects of effusion-generated pericardial constraint on chamber and septal mechanics, such as altered right atrial filling, delayed leftward septal motion, and prolonged left ventricular pre-ejection period, causing atrioventricular interaction and ventricular desynchronization. We demonstrate pericardial constraint to markedly accentuate normal ventricular interactions associated with respiratory effort, which we show to be the distinct mechanisms of pulsus paradoxus, namely, series and parallel ventricular interaction. Series ventricular interaction represents respiratory variation in right ventricular stroke volume carried over to the left ventricle via the pulmonary vasculature, whereas parallel interaction (via the septum and pericardium) is a result of competition for fixed filling space. We find that simulating active septal contraction is important in modeling ventricular interaction. The model predicts increased arterio-venous CO<sub>2 </sub>due to hypoperfusion, and we explore implications of respiratory pattern in tamponade.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our modeling study of cardiac tamponade dissects the roles played by septal motion, atrioventricular and right-left ventricular interactions, pulmonary blood pooling, and the depth of respiration. The study fully describes the physiological basis of pulsus paradoxus. Our detailed analysis provides biophysically-based insights helpful for future experimental and clinical study of cardiac tamponade and related pericardial diseases.</p

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    Valorizing the 'Irulas' traditional knowledge of medicinal plants in the Kodiakkarai Reserve Forest, India

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    A mounting body of critical research is raising the credibility of Traditional Knowledge (TK) in scientific studies. These studies have gained credibility because their claims are supported by methods that are repeatable and provide data for quantitative analyses that can be used to assess confidence in the results. The theoretical importance of our study is to test consensus (reliability/replicable) of TK within one ancient culture; the Irulas of the Kodiakkarai Reserve Forest (KRF), India. We calculated relative frequency (RF) and consensus factor (Fic) of TK from 120 Irulas informants knowledgeable of medicinal plants. Our research indicates a high consensus of the Irulas TK concerning medicinal plants. The Irulas revealed a diversity of plants that have medicinal and nutritional utility in their culture and specific ethnotaxa used to treat a variety of illnesses and promote general good health in their communities. Throughout history aboriginal people have been the custodians of bio-diversity and have sustained healthy life-styles in an environmentally sustainable manner. However this knowledge has not been transferred to modern society. We suggest this may be due to the asymmetry between scientific and TK, which demands a new approach that considers the assemblage of TK and scientific knowledge. A greater understanding of TK is beginning to emerge based on our research with both the Irulas and Malasars; they believe that a healthy lifestyle is founded on a healthy environment. These aboriginal groups chose to share this knowledge with society-at-large in order to promote a global lifestyle of health and environmental sustainability
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