322 research outputs found

    Temporal Regularity Detection and Rate Discrimination in Cochlear-Implant Listeners

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    Cochlear implants (CIs) convey fundamental-frequency information using primarily temporal cues. However, temporal pitch perception in CI users is weak and, when measured using rate discrimination tasks, deteriorates markedly as the rate increases beyond 300 pulses-per-second. Rate pitch may be weak because the electrical stimulation of the surviving neural population of the implant recipient may not allow accurate coding of inter-pulse time intervals. If so, this phenomenon should prevent listeners from detecting when a pulse train is physically temporally jittered. Performance in a jitter detection task was compared to that in a rate-pitch discrimination task. Stimuli were delivered using direct stimulation in cochlear implants, on a mid-array and an apical electrode, and at two different rates (100 and 300 pps). Average performance on both tasks was worse at the higher pulse rate and did not depend on electrode. However, there was a large variability across and within listeners that did not correlate between the two tasks, suggesting that rate-pitch judgement and regularity detection are to some extent limited by task-specific processes. Simulations with filtered pulse trains presented to NH listeners yielded broadly similar results, except that, for the rate discrimination task, the difference between performance with 100- and 300-pps base rates was smaller than observed for CI users.</p

    Effects of the relative timing of opposite-polarity pulses on loudness for cochlear implant listeners.

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    The symmetric biphasic pulses used in contemporary cochlear implants (CIs) consist of both cathodic and anodic currents, which may stimulate different sites on spiral ganglion neurons and, potentially, interact with each other. The effect on the order of anodic and cathodic stimulation on loudness at short inter-pulse intervals (IPIs; 0-800 μs) is investigated. Pairs of opposite-polarity pseudomonophasic (PS) pulses were used and the amplitude of each pulse was manipulated independently. In experiment 1 the two PS pulses differed in their current level in order to elicit the same loudness when presented separately. Six users of the Advanced Bionics CI (Valencia, CA) loudness-ranked trains of the pulse pairs using a midpoint-comparison procedure. Stimuli with anodic-leading polarity were louder than those with cathodic-leading polarity for IPIs shorter than 400 μs. This effect was small-about 0.3 dB-but consistent across listeners. When the same procedure was repeated with both PS pulses having the same current level (experiment 2), anodic-leading stimuli were still louder than cathodic-leading stimuli at very short intervals. However, when using symmetric biphasic pulses (experiment 3) the effect disappeared at short intervals and reversed at long intervals. Possible peripheral sources of such polarity interactions are discussed

    Spatial Selectivity in Cochlear Implants: Effects of Asymmetric Waveforms and Development of a Single-Point Measure.

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    Three experiments studied the extent to which cochlear implant users' spatial selectivity can be manipulated using asymmetric waveforms and tested an efficient method for comparing spatial selectivity produced by different stimuli. Experiment 1 measured forward-masked psychophysical tuning curves (PTCs) for a partial tripolar (pTP) probe. Maskers were presented on bipolar pairs separated by one unused electrode; waveforms were either symmetric biphasic ("SYM") or pseudomonophasic with the short high-amplitude phase being either anodic ("PSA") or cathodic ("PSC") on the more apical electrode. For the SYM masker, several subjects showed PTCs consistent with a bimodal excitation pattern, with discrete excitation peaks on each electrode of the bipolar masker pair. Most subjects showed significant differences between the PSA and PSC maskers consistent with greater masking by the electrode where the high-amplitude phase was anodic, but the pattern differed markedly across subjects. Experiment 2 measured masked excitation patterns for a pTP probe and either a monopolar symmetric biphasic masker ("MP_SYM") or pTP pseudomonophasic maskers where the short high-amplitude phase was either anodic ("TP_PSA") or cathodic ("TP_PSC") on the masker's central electrode. Four of the five subjects showed significant differences between the masker types, but again the pattern varied markedly across subjects. Because the levels of the maskers were chosen to produce the same masking of a probe on the same channel as the masker, it was correctly predicted that maskers that produce broader masking patterns would sound louder. Experiment 3 exploited this finding by using a single-point measure of spread of excitation to reveal significantly better spatial selectivity for TP_PSA compared to TP_PSC maskers

    A quantitative approach for measuring the reservoir of latent HIV-1 proviruses.

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    A stable latent reservoir for HIV-1 in resting CD4+ T cells is the principal barrier to a cure1-3. Curative strategies that target the reservoir are being tested4,5 and require accurate, scalable reservoir assays. The reservoir was defined with quantitative viral outgrowth assays for cells that release infectious virus after one round of T cell activation1. However, these quantitative outgrowth assays and newer assays for cells that produce viral RNA after activation6 may underestimate the reservoir size because one round of activation does not induce all proviruses7. Many studies rely on simple assays based on polymerase chain reaction to detect proviral DNA regardless of transcriptional status, but the clinical relevance of these assays is unclear, as the vast majority of proviruses are defective7-9. Here we describe a more accurate method of measuring the HIV-1 reservoir that separately quantifies intact and defective proviruses. We show that the dynamics of cells that carry intact and defective proviruses are different in vitro and in vivo. These findings have implications for targeting the intact proviruses that are a barrier to curing HIV infection
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