9 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Table S3. of Genome-wide polymorphism and signatures of selection in the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia

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    GO enrichment analysis for gene models in outlier regions from Table S2. (XLS 156 kb

    Additional file 4: Table S1. of Genome-wide polymorphism and signatures of selection in the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia

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    Read coverage based genotyping of Symbiodinium communities harbored by Aiptasia strains. (XLS 40 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S2. of Genome-wide polymorphism and signatures of selection in the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia

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    Gene models in genomic regions with outlier values of Tajima’s D, H W , and/or π. (XLS 411 kb

    Additional file 5: Table S5. of Genome-wide polymorphism and signatures of selection in the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia

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    Fibroblast growth factor signalling genes with elevated Tajima’s D, H W , and π. (XLS 40 kb


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    apal.5x.nc2.mac4.vcf contains vcf file of genotypes for all E. pallida individuals after clone removal, but before filtering for loci with a minimum allele frequency of 5%. pcadapt_analysis_final.R contains code to perform PCA analysis with pcadapt. This analysis is based on a SNP matrix (SNPmat0.05.txt) of 2577 SNPs that have a minimum allele frequency of 5%. The names of the loci are in locusNames_0.05.txt and information about the population designation for each sample is in pop_file.csv. Gene set enrichment analyses in ErmineJ used the Gene Annotation file bvpSNPS_erminej.txt and were based on the PC1 loadings in column 3 of PCloadings_final.txt. The file bvpSNPS_erminej.txt contains the AIPGENE models for all SNPs in apal.5x.nc2.mac4.vcf that were present in genic regions (5'UTR, CDS, intron or 3'UTR) as well as GO annotations from the Aiptasia genome v1.0. out.weir.fst is a file containing Weir and Cockerham FST values output from vcftools for E. pallida from the global lineage vs. the Bocas specific lineage. This was based on the 2577 biallelic SNPs with minimum allele frequency of 5%


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    Contains files necessary to recreate analyses of anemone abundance. Bocas_transects_individual_roots.csv contains abundance data for the three sites within the Bocas del Toro archipelago, where anemones were counted on mangrove roots from 30-m transects. Each row contains the number of anemones per root ("Abundance_root") for a different mangrove root in a particular 30-m transect ("Transect"). The collection site (Isla Colon/Cayo Roldan/Cayo Agua) is given in the "Population" column, as well as the GPS coordinates, taken at the start of the transect ("Lat"/"Lon"). The distance into the transect in meters is given in the "Distance_m" column. distances_bw_transects.csv: This file contains the shortest distance in meters (e.g. as the crow flies) between the start of one transect to the start of another, for transects that were conducted in continuous surveys

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    Protein.csv contains absorbance values from Pierce BCA assay determination of total protein (2 replicates per sample). Columns "Abs1" and "Abs2" are the raw absorbance values. "Vol_mL" is the total volume of the supernatant. Total protein is given in both micrograms ("TotalProtein_ug") and mg ("mg"). The date of the assay is given in the "Date" column, and different batches are indicated by the capital letters appended to the date. Algal_Counts.csv contains cell count/mitotic index data from hemocytometer counts. The R script algae.R uses these files to calculate algal cell density within each anemone. Note that we collected more anemones than we genotyped via 2bRAD, so these files contain data for more samples than are present in the Sample_collections.txt file

    Extreme precipitation in low mountain ranges in Central Europe: a comparative study between the Vosges and the Ore mountains

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    of the doctoral dissertation Extreme precipitation is related to flooding which is one of the most frequent natural hazards in Central Europe. Detailed understanding of extreme precipitation is the precondition for an efficient risk management and more precise projections of precipitation, which include uncertainties, especially at regional scale. The thesis focuses on extreme precipitation in the Ore Mountains (OM) and the Vosges Mountains (VG); two low mountain ranges in Central Europe experiencing orographic effect on precipitation. Based on state of the art about precipitation in OM and VG, a currently missing analysis of the temporal distribution of precipitation in VG was needed prior to the analysis of extremes. The original dataset of daily precipitation totals from 14 weather stations used in the initial study was extended to 168 stations covering a broader area of VG. The study of temporal distribution of precipitation during 1960-2013 led to a classification of stations: (i) mountainous stations with winter maxima and highest mean annual totals due to orographic enhancement of precipitation, (ii) stations on leeward slopes with two maxima (summer and winter), (iii) lee side stations with summer maxima and lowest mean annual totals due to rain shadow and more continental character, and..