575 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Selected Climate Action Plans in California

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    This project involves the research and comparison of seven cities’ climate action plans, each from its own region within California. The areas selected roughly represent major California regions, each with unique characteristics that will impact the characteristics of the climate action plan’s framework and contents. This analysis will identify similarities in framework and content among each plan, highlighting organizational differences, some generalized observations, and the consistency of topics covered and not covered within the plans. This project reviews the California Office of Planning & Research’s General Plan Guidelines Chapter 8, the California Office of Emergency Services’ California Adaptation Planning Guide, and California’s 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan. Each climate action plan will be analyzed through the lens of state guidelines and its perceived level of effectiveness in terms of its policy, programs, implementation methods, and monitoring methods

    Timsko vodstvo i timski rad u Hrvatskoj ratnoj mornarici – MIO boarding timovi

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    This paper deals with the topic of teamwork, and application of the theory of team leadership to the example of Maritime Interdiction Operations Teams (MIT) and transfer of teams, in composition of the Croatian Navy. The paper presents the key topics and issues of the theory of team leadership: influence of the leadership process on the team’s processes and ultimately on performance, distributed leadership within the team, influence of the context on leadership and success. By researching boarding teams, their structure, leadership processes of such teams, processes performed by teams and the way in which such teams carry out their tasks in context of the military organization, the Croatian Navy and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia were elaborated. Peculiarities of the team leadership and team processes from cognitive, motivational, coordination, and emotional categories were determined. Characteristic activities of the transition phase of the team as well as the action phase, and peculiarities of performance of the boarding teams, were determined. Scientific contributions of the work, and contribution to military organization, as well as a wider social contribution, are the result of the aforementioned findings.Ovaj rad bavi se temom timskog rada te primjene teorije timskog vodstva na primjer timova za presretanje plovila i prekrcaj (Maritime Interdiction Operations Teams - MIT), u sastavu Hrvatske ratne mornarice. Kroz rad su izložene ključne teme i problematika teorije timskog vodstva: utjecaj procesa vodstva na procese tima i u konačnici na performanse, raspodijeljeno vodstvo unutar tima, utjecaj konteksta na vodstvo i uspjeh. Zatim je istraživanjem boarding timova obrađen njihov ustroj, procesi vodstva ovakvih timova, procesi koje timovi izvode i način na koji ovakvi timovi provode svoje zadaće u kontekstu vojne organizacije, Hrvatske ratne mornarice i Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske. Utvrđene su osobitosti timskog vodstva i procesa tima iz kategorija spoznajnih, motivacijskih, koordinacijskih, emocionalnih. Utvrđene su i karakteristične aktivnosti tranzicijske faze tima kao i faze akcije, te osobitosti performansi boarding timova. Iz navedenih spoznaja slijede znanstveni doprinosi rada, te doprinos za vojno organiziranje kao i širi društveni doprinos


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    Investors are parties who determine a company’s sustainability because the funds invested by investors are a source of funds for the company. Investors do not only consider financial statements but also the nonfinancial side, namely the value of a company and how the company manages risk. The company’s value can be seen from the fair market value of the share price. If the stock price of a company is high, the value of the company is also high, thereby increasing investor confidence in investing. Therefore, this study examines the effect of enterprise risk management disclosures on firm value through profitability. The design of this research is quantitative research with hypothesis testing. The population in this study are banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2018 – 2020. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling so that a sample of 40 companies is obtained. The research period used is three years (2018 – 2020) which has total sample data is 120. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression using the SPSS version 23 application to process the data. The test results prove that the Company’s Risk Management Disclosure positively affects Firm Value and Profitability. While profitability does not affect firm value and does not have a significant impact on mediating the influence of corporate risk management on firm value. Keywords: enterprise risk management disclosure, firm value, profitabilit

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan Pada Ny. S.D. di Puskesmas Gaura Periode 28 April s/d 29 Juni 2019.

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    Latar Belakang: Angka kematian Ibu (AKI) di NTT masih tinggi. Data yang di laporkan bagian kehatan keluarga dinas kesehatan Kabupaten Kupang tercatat tahun 2016 sebesar 13 per 100.000 Kelahiran hidup (KH), terbanyak karena perdarahan dan Angka kematian bayi (AKB) sebesar 17 per 1000 KH, dengan dilakukan asuhan kebidanan secara berkelanjutan pada ibu hamil Trimester III hingga perawatan masa nifas diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam menurunkan AKI dan AKB di Indonesia serta tercapai kesehatan ibu dan anak yang optimal. Tujuan Penelitian: Menerapkan Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan pada Ny. S.D di Puskesmas Gaura Kecamatan Laboya Barat Kabupaten Sumba Barat Periode 28 April s/d 29 Juni 2019. Metode Penelitian: Jenis studi kasus yang digunakan adalah penelahan kasus, subyek studi kasus yaitu Ny. S.D di Puskesmas Gaura, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer yang meliputi pemeriksaan fisik, wawancara, dan observasi sedangkan data sekunder meliputi kepustakaan dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil: Kehamilan Ny. S.D berlangsung selama 39 minggu, telah melakukan ANC 6 kali. Masalah yang dialami adalah sering kencing pada malam hari, setelah dilakukan asuhan masalah teratasi. Simpulan: Asuhan Kebidanan secara berkelanjutan keadaan pasien baik mulai dari kehamilan sampai pada bayi baru lahi rdan KB asuhan dapat diberikan dengan bai

    Heavy metals as endocrine disruptors

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    Broj kemijskih tvari kojima su ljudi izloženi tijekom proteklih stotinu godina dramatično se povećao. Međutim, veliki broj kemijskih tvari, prirodnih i sintetiziranih, ima svojstvo imitacije prirodnih hormona. Te kemijske tvari, koje ulaskom u organizam mogu se vezati na hormonske receptore, te na taj način remetiti normalnu funkciju hormona, nazivamo endokrini disruptori. Endokrini disruptori imaju sposobnost oponašanja aktivnosti endogenih hormona i postizanja ekvivalentnih učinaka. Endokrini disruptori također blokiraju aktivnost endogenih hormona preko mehanizma kojim se natječu za hormonske receptore ili mogu utjecati na fiziološku koncentraciju hormona. Također, endokrini disruptori pokazuju svojstvo sinergizma, međusobnim djelovanjem znatno povećavaju ukupan učinak. Narušena endokrina ravnoteža se očituje promjenama na različitim organima i sustavima organizma, uzrokujući negativne razvojne, reproduktivne, neurološke i imunološke učinke u ljudi. Za razliku od drugih toksičnih tvari, koje su otrovne u većim količinama, endokrini disruptori trenutačno djeluju na zdravlje čak i u malim količinama, budući da su kemijski vrlo slični ljudskim hormonima. Posebno je opasno njihovo djelovanje u razdoblju fetalnog rasta i razvoja, kada su i najmanje količine različitih hormona izlučenih u specifično vrijeme važne za pravilan razvoj organa, cijelog tijela i uspostavu biokemijskog sustava. U skupinu endokrinih disruptora pripadaju mnogi pesticidi (atrazin, DDT, alaklor, glifosat), aditivi u plastici (ftalati, PBDE, bisfenol A) kozmetički konzervansi (triklosan, benzofenoni, parabeni), dioksini, poliklorirani bifenili, sintetski estrogeni (DES), urbani zagađivači zraka (policiklički aromatski ugljikovodici PAH) i dr. Nalazimo ih u mnogim proizvodima koje svakodnevno koristimo poput plastičnih boca, limenki za hranu, deterdžentima, igračkama, kozmetici, lijekovima i hrani. U organizam ih unosimo hranom, vodom ili ih udišemo. Istraživanja na području reproduktivne i razvojne toksikologije pokazala su da teški metali: olovo, živa, kadmij i arsen također štetno utječu na reprodukcijske funkcije i rast i razvoj čovjeka.In the last 100 years number of chemical substances to which humans are exposed has increased dramatically. A large number of natural and chemical substances have properties of emulating natural hormones. These chemical substances entering human body can bind to hormonal receptors and interfere with hormonal function, are named endocrine disruptors. Therefore, endocrine disruptors have ability to mimic endogenous hormones and achieve equivalent effects. Endocrine disruptors also block activity of endogenous hormones through competitive mechanism of binding hormonal receptors or they can influence physiologic concentrations of hormones. Also, different endocrine disruptors can act in synergy increasing total adverse effect on human organism. Disrupted balance of endocrine system manifests itself with alterations in different organs and organ systems, causing developmental, reproductive, neurologic and immune adverse effects. Different from other toxic substances, which cause poisoning in higher doses, endocrine disruptors are a health risk already in low concentrations, considering them being very much alike human hormones. In particular, dangerous is their effect in period of fetal growth and development, when even the lowest concentrations of different hormones present in specific timing, is crucial for normal development of organs, the whole organism and biochemical system. Endocrine disruptors are numerous pesticides (athrazine, DDT, alachlor, glifosate), plastics aditives (phtalates, PBDE, Bisphenol A), conservatives in cosmetics (triclosane, benzophenons, parabens), dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, synthetic estrogen (DES), urban air pollutants (plycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAH) etc. They are found in numerous products we use daily like plastic bottles, food cans, detergents, toys, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and food. They enter the body by ingesting food, water or through inhalation. Research in reproductive and developmental toxicology have shown that metaloestrogens: lead, mercury, cadmium and arsen also adversely affect reproductive functions and human growth and development

    Heavy metals as endocrine disruptors

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    Broj kemijskih tvari kojima su ljudi izloženi tijekom proteklih stotinu godina dramatično se povećao. Međutim, veliki broj kemijskih tvari, prirodnih i sintetiziranih, ima svojstvo imitacije prirodnih hormona. Te kemijske tvari, koje ulaskom u organizam mogu se vezati na hormonske receptore, te na taj način remetiti normalnu funkciju hormona, nazivamo endokrini disruptori. Endokrini disruptori imaju sposobnost oponašanja aktivnosti endogenih hormona i postizanja ekvivalentnih učinaka. Endokrini disruptori također blokiraju aktivnost endogenih hormona preko mehanizma kojim se natječu za hormonske receptore ili mogu utjecati na fiziološku koncentraciju hormona. Također, endokrini disruptori pokazuju svojstvo sinergizma, međusobnim djelovanjem znatno povećavaju ukupan učinak. Narušena endokrina ravnoteža se očituje promjenama na različitim organima i sustavima organizma, uzrokujući negativne razvojne, reproduktivne, neurološke i imunološke učinke u ljudi. Za razliku od drugih toksičnih tvari, koje su otrovne u većim količinama, endokrini disruptori trenutačno djeluju na zdravlje čak i u malim količinama, budući da su kemijski vrlo slični ljudskim hormonima. Posebno je opasno njihovo djelovanje u razdoblju fetalnog rasta i razvoja, kada su i najmanje količine različitih hormona izlučenih u specifično vrijeme važne za pravilan razvoj organa, cijelog tijela i uspostavu biokemijskog sustava. U skupinu endokrinih disruptora pripadaju mnogi pesticidi (atrazin, DDT, alaklor, glifosat), aditivi u plastici (ftalati, PBDE, bisfenol A) kozmetički konzervansi (triklosan, benzofenoni, parabeni), dioksini, poliklorirani bifenili, sintetski estrogeni (DES), urbani zagađivači zraka (policiklički aromatski ugljikovodici PAH) i dr. Nalazimo ih u mnogim proizvodima koje svakodnevno koristimo poput plastičnih boca, limenki za hranu, deterdžentima, igračkama, kozmetici, lijekovima i hrani. U organizam ih unosimo hranom, vodom ili ih udišemo. Istraživanja na području reproduktivne i razvojne toksikologije pokazala su da teški metali: olovo, živa, kadmij i arsen također štetno utječu na reprodukcijske funkcije i rast i razvoj čovjeka.In the last 100 years number of chemical substances to which humans are exposed has increased dramatically. A large number of natural and chemical substances have properties of emulating natural hormones. These chemical substances entering human body can bind to hormonal receptors and interfere with hormonal function, are named endocrine disruptors. Therefore, endocrine disruptors have ability to mimic endogenous hormones and achieve equivalent effects. Endocrine disruptors also block activity of endogenous hormones through competitive mechanism of binding hormonal receptors or they can influence physiologic concentrations of hormones. Also, different endocrine disruptors can act in synergy increasing total adverse effect on human organism. Disrupted balance of endocrine system manifests itself with alterations in different organs and organ systems, causing developmental, reproductive, neurologic and immune adverse effects. Different from other toxic substances, which cause poisoning in higher doses, endocrine disruptors are a health risk already in low concentrations, considering them being very much alike human hormones. In particular, dangerous is their effect in period of fetal growth and development, when even the lowest concentrations of different hormones present in specific timing, is crucial for normal development of organs, the whole organism and biochemical system. Endocrine disruptors are numerous pesticides (athrazine, DDT, alachlor, glifosate), plastics aditives (phtalates, PBDE, Bisphenol A), conservatives in cosmetics (triclosane, benzophenons, parabens), dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, synthetic estrogen (DES), urban air pollutants (plycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAH) etc. They are found in numerous products we use daily like plastic bottles, food cans, detergents, toys, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and food. They enter the body by ingesting food, water or through inhalation. Research in reproductive and developmental toxicology have shown that metaloestrogens: lead, mercury, cadmium and arsen also adversely affect reproductive functions and human growth and development

    Clinical Placement: Experiences, School and Hospital-based Gaps and Challenges of Undergraduate Nursing Students of the University of Cape Coast

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    The goal of the study was to assess the school-based and hospital-based gaps and challenges among undergraduate nursing students. The specific objectives of the study was identify the gaps between school-based and hospital-based learning, explore students’ clinical practice experiences and to determine the challenges students encounter during clinical placement. The Explanatory Mixed Method Design was used for the study. For the quantitative part, the simple random sampling technique was used to select 141 study participants. Questionnaires were used to collect numeric data. Quantitative data was analysed using IBM SPSS version 21. For the qualitative part, purposive sampling was used to select five participants for interviewing. Braun and Clarke (2006) steps for thematic analysis was employed to analyse the responses for the interviewing. The qualitative data was used to validate the quantitative results.The findings from the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the study point to common gaps and challenges and experiences of nursing students. The findings showed a consensus on differences in types of equipment and availability of equipment, learning experiences and clinical nursing practices between the hospital and school settings. Challenges with students attending more errands, poor supervision and combining school and academic work were also highlighted in the two data sets. However, the two data sets suggest that nurses create an enabling environment for the students to meet their learning objectives. This study has highlighted areas that require improvement and further research. Gaps and challenges with school learning and clinical placement in terms of making students aware of their objectives, availability of equipment, ensuring proper supervision and feedback need to be addressed. Keywords: Undergraduate nursing, clinical placement, hospital learning, theory-practice DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-5-04 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Pemberian Makanan Pendamping Asi Dengan Status Gizi Baduta Usia 6-24 Bulan Di Desa Tablolong

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    Latar Belakang : Masa bayi merupakan kelompok masyarakat rawan gizi dimana prevalensi tertinggi ditemukan pada kelompok tersebut. Hasil riset kesehatan dasar (Riskesdas) kementrian kesehatan 2018 menunjukan kecendrungan prevalensi anak balita pendek atau stunting sebesar 30,8%. Rumusan Masalah : Bagaimana gambaran tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang pemberian makanan pendamping Asi dengan status gizi Baduta usia 6-24 bulan di Desa Tablolong?. Tujuan umum : Untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang pemberian makanan pendamping ASI dengan status gizi baduta usia 6-24 bulan di Desa Tablolong. Tujuan Khusus : Untuk mengetahui pengetahuan Ibu tentang MP-ASI,Untuk mengetahui status gizi baduta usia 6-24 bulan,untuk mengetahui pengetahuan ibu dengan status gizi. Jenis Penelitian : Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan observasional deskriptif. Penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan utama untuk mengetahui gambaran atau deskripsi secara objektif tentang pola pemberian MP-ASI dengan status gizi anak. Hasil Penelitian : Tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang MP-ASI dengan kategori baik ada 7 (17,9%), cukup ada 27 ( 79,2%) dan kurang ada 5 (12,8%) , status gizi berdasarkan 4 indikator didapatkan bahwa, status gizi berdasarkan indikator Berat Badan Menurut Tinggi Badan yang lebih dominan adalah status gizi normal yaitu sebanyak 30 baduta (76,9%). indikator Berat Badan Menurut umur yang lebih dominan adalah status gizi baik yaitu sebanyak 32 baduta (82,1%) .Indikator Tinggi Badan menurut Umur lebih dominan adalah status gizi normal yaitu sebanyak 34 baduta (87,2%) , dan indikator Indeks Massa Tubuh Menurut Umur lebih dominan adalah status gizi normal yaitu sebanyak 30 baduta (76,9%)

    La prostitución y la trata en España : estudio antropológico en perspectiva etic nacional y emic local

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    [ES] La prostitución y la trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual son dos fenómenos interrelacionados. Las mujeres que ejercen la prostitución, ya sea de forma voluntaria o forzada, constituyen un colectivo vulnerable y con frecuencia silenciado. El presente trabajo parte del relativismo cultural para estudiar, en perspectiva etic y emic, las actitudes de la población española y las experiencias de las mujeres en situación de prostitución y trata. En el primer estudio empírico, se analiza de qué manera las experiencias personales de la población dan forma a sus actitudes sobre la prostitución y la trata. Los datos se han recogido a través de un cuestionario con 70 participantes. Los resultados muestran que las personas que han estado en contacto con el sistema prostitucional presentan más conciencia de la diversidad presente en el mismo. En consonancia, las personas que nunca han tenido contacto con este manifiestan una opinión más polarizada. En el segundo estudio, se proporciona a cinco mujeres en situación de trata un medio artístico para expresar sus experiencias pasadas y presentes, y sus anhelos futuros. Los datos fueron generados a través de la fotografía participativa. El análisis del discurso de las participantes revela cuatro temas en común en sus fotografías: conflicto interpersonal, familia, felicidad y esperanza. [EN] Prostitution and sex trafficking are two interconnected phenomena. Women engaged in prostitution are a vulnerable and frequently silenced collective, whether they perform voluntarily or in a forced manner. This thesis studies Spanish population's attitudes and prostituted and sex trafficked women's experiences through the lens of cultural relativism, from an etic and emic perspective. The first empirical study explores how personal experience affects attitudes towards prostitution and sex trafficking. The data was collected using a questionnaire with 70 participants. The results show that people who have been in contact with the prostitution system are more aware of its diversity. In line with this first finding, people who have never been in contact with the system have polarized opinions. The second study provided five sex trafficked women with an artistic medium to enable the expression of their past and present experiences, and their desires for their future. The data was collected using the photovoice technique. The analysis of participants' discourses reveals four common topics across their photographs, these being: interpersonal conflict, family, happiness and hope

    Industrial Attachment: Perspectives, Conceptions and Misconceptions of Students at Cape Coast Polytechnic, Ghana

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    The general objective of the study was to evaluate the perspectives, conceptions and misconceptions of students on Industrial Attachment. The study employed the descriptive research design. In all one hundred and seventy-one (171) students participated in the study. Questionnaire was the main instruments for data collection. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including chi-square tests and correlation analysis were used to ascertain the associations and relationships between variables.The study revealed that students benefit immensely from industrial attachment. The study also found out that students were interested, happy and also had good perception about the Industrial Attachment activity, however; they wished that the duration for Industrial Attachment could be extended to two months or more. Moreover, the study discovered a strong positive correlation between student field of study and industrial experience. Notwithstanding the benefits, it was discovered that greater percentage of the students had difficulty getting an industry for attachment. It is therefore recommended that the polytechnic review and extend the period or duration for attachment to enable students familiarize themselves better with the operations of the industry. Since the study revealed that students found difficulty in securing industrial placement, it is recommended that the polytechnic take-up the responsibility by assisting students to search for places for attachment. This can be achieved through a closer working relationship with the industry. Beside, the polytechnic should also ensure that students are placed in institutions or industries where they can have a practical feel of their study fields. Keywords: Attachment; Experience; Perception; Competencies and on-the-job Trainin