228 research outputs found

    Cover Article Research Articles, Systems/Circuits

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    Double cones are the most common photoreceptor cell type in most avian retinas, but their precise functions remain a mystery. Among their suggested functions are luminance detection, polarized light detection, and light-dependent, radical-pair-based magnetoreception. To better understand the function of double cones, it will be crucial to know how they are connected to the neural network in the avian retina. Here we use serial sectioning, multi-beam scanning electron microscopy (ssmSEM) to investigate double cone anatomy and connectivity with a particular focus on their contacts to other photoreceptor and bipolar cells in the chicken retina. We found that double cones are highly connected with neighbouring double cones and with other photoreceptor cells through telodendria-to-terminal and telodendria-to-telodendria contacts. We also identified 15 bipolar cell types based on their axonal stratifications, photoreceptor contact pattern, soma position, and dendritic and axonal field mosaics. Thirteen of these 15 bipolar cell types contacted at least one or both members of the double cone. All bipolar cells were bi- or multistratified. We also identified surprising contacts between other cone types and between rods and cones. Our data indicate a much more complex connectivity network in the outer plexiform layer of the avian retina than originally expected

    Effects of Boiled Tomato Waste Utilization in the Diet on Serum Lipid Profile and Egg Quality of Laying-hens

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    Objective: An experiment had been conducted to study the effects of boiled tomato waste utilization in the diet on the serum lipid profile: total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and the egg quality (egg yolk cholesterol, egg yolk lipid and egg yolk color index) of 200 Isa Brown laying-hens of 60 weeks-old fed diet containing boiled tomato waste powder and to determine the appropriate level of boiled tomato waste in the diet. Materials and Methods: The experiment was performed in a completely randomized design with five different levels of boiled tomato waste powder in diets (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12%) as treatments and each treatment was replicated four times. Measured variables were total cholesterol, LDL and HDL of blood serum and total cholesterol, fat contents of egg yolk as well as egg yolk color index of laying-hens. Results: The experiment showed that the total cholesterol, LDL and HDL of laying-henʼs blood serum and fat content of egg yolk was not affected (p>0.05) by different levels of boiled tomato waste powder in diets, while the egg yolk total cholesterol and egg yolk color index were significantly influenced (p<0.05). The increase in the level of boiled tomato waste powder in the diet reduced the total cholesterol in egg yolk but increased the egg yolk color index. Conclusion: The inclusion of 12% boiled tomato waste powder in laying-henʼs diet was the best level for lowering egg yolk total cholesterol and improving egg yolk color index


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    Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keterbukaan informasi publik kepada masyarakat terhadap partisipasi dalam pembangunan di desa Baru kecamatan Mestong, dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan di desa Baru kecamatan Mestong. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kuesioner. Penelitian menggunakan sampel sebanyak 96 responden. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas dengan analisi uji regresi sederhana. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan hasil dan kesimpulan adalah sebagai berikut: pertama, ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara keterbukaan terhadap partisipasi masyarakat. Kedua, partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan di desa Baru kecamatan Mestong tergolong tinggi. Hal ini berdasarkan jawaban responden tentang pernyataan – pernyataan indikator partisipasi masyarakat yang diperoleh dari lapangan, yaitu mayoritas jawaban responden berada pada kategori setuju

    Potentiation of Synaptic GluN2B NMDAR Currents by Fyn Kinase Is Gated through BDNF-Mediated Disinhibition in Spinal Pain Processing

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    In chronic pain states, the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) transforms the output of lamina I spinal neurons by decreasing synaptic inhibition. Pain hypersensitivity also depends on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) and Src-family kinases, but the locus of NMDAR dysregulation remains unknown. Here, we show that NMDAR-mediated currents at lamina I synapses are potentiated in a peripheral nerve injury model of neuropathic pain. We find that BDNF mediates NMDAR potentiation through activation of TrkB and phosphorylation of the GluN2B subunit by the Src-family kinase Fyn. Surprisingly, we find that Cl−-dependent disinhibition is necessary and sufficient to prime potentiation of synaptic NMDARs by BDNF. Thus, we propose that spinal pain amplification is mediated by a feedforward mechanism whereby loss of inhibition gates the increase in synaptic excitation within individual lamina I neurons. Given that neither disinhibition alone nor BDNF-TrkB signaling is sufficient to potentiate NMDARs, we have discovered a form of molecular coincidence detection in lamina I neurons

    Lack of the Sodium-Driven Chloride Bicarbonate Exchanger NCBE Impairs Visual Function in the Mouse Retina

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    Regulation of ion and pH homeostasis is essential for normal neuronal function. The sodium-driven chloride bicarbonate exchanger NCBE (Slc4a10), a member of the SLC4 family of bicarbonate transporters, uses the transmembrane gradient of sodium to drive cellular net uptake of bicarbonate and to extrude chloride, thereby modulating both intracellular pH (pHi) and chloride concentration ([Cl-]i) in neurons. Here we show that NCBE is strongly expressed in the retina. As GABAA receptors conduct both chloride and bicarbonate, we hypothesized that NCBE may be relevant for GABAergic transmission in the retina. Importantly, we found a differential expression of NCBE in bipolar cells: whereas NCBE was expressed on ON and OFF bipolar cell axon terminals, it only localized to dendrites of OFF bipolar cells. On these compartments, NCBE colocalized with the main neuronal chloride extruder KCC2, which renders GABA hyperpolarizing. NCBE was also expressed in starburst amacrine cells, but was absent from neurons known to depolarize in response to GABA, like horizontal cells. Mice lacking NCBE showed decreased visual acuity and contrast sensitivity in behavioral experiments and smaller b-wave amplitudes and longer latencies in electroretinograms. Ganglion cells from NCBE-deficient mice also showed altered temporal response properties. In summary, our data suggest that NCBE may serve to maintain intracellular chloride and bicarbonate concentration in retinal neurons. Consequently, lack of NCBE in the retina may result in changes in pHi regulation and chloride-dependent inhibition, leading to altered signal transmission and impaired visual function


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    Desa Suak Labu merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat Provinsi Jambi dengan luas wilayah 5.597 Ha. Dengan luas wilayah tersebut, Desa Suak Labu memiliki perkebunan pinang kurang lebih seluas 850 Ha. Pinang merupakan pendapatan utama desa tersebut, namun pemerintah desa kurang perhatian terhadap petani pinang, padahal salah satu penunjang untuk meningkatkan pendapatan pemerintah desa. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan Kebijakan Pemerintah Desa Suak Labu Kecamatan Kuala Betara Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat Provinsi Jambi Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat Petani Pinang, serta mengetahui kendala, dan upaya apa yang di lakukan Pemerintah Desa Suak Labu dalam meningkatkan pendapatan masyrakat petani pinang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan tekhnik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Penentuan informasi diperoleh dengan tekhnik purposive sampling. Yakni Kepala Desa Suak Labu, Seketaris Desa Suak Labu, Kaur Pembangunan, Kaur Pemerintahan, Kepala Dusun Dan Masyrakat. Sedangkan tekhnik analisis data yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa pemerintah sangat berperan dalam meningkatkan pendapatan masyrakat petani pinang, walaupun terdapat kendala-kendala baik itu dari masyrakat, maupun dari sarana prasarana. Pemerintah dapat mengupayakan program-program yang telah disusun dan dapat menjadikan kehidupan masyrakat Desa Suak Labu lebih baik perekonomiannya kedepan

    Retinal horizontal cells use different synaptic sites for global feedforward and local feedback signaling

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    In the outer plexiform layer (OPL) of the mouse retina, two types of cone photoreceptors (cones) provide input to more than a dozen types of cone bipolar cells (CBCs). This transmission is modulated by a single horizontal cell (HC) type, the only interneuron in the outer retina. Horizontal cells form feedback synapses with cones and feedforward synapses with CBCs. However, the exact computational role of HCs is still debated. Along with performing global signaling within their laterally coupled network, HCs also provide local, cone-specific feedback. Specifically, it has not been clear which synaptic structures HCs use to provide local feedback to cones and global forward signaling to CBCs. Here, we reconstructed in a serial block-face electron microscopy volume the dendritic trees of five HCs as well as cone axon terminals and CBC dendrites to quantitatively analyze their connectivity. In addition to the fine HC dendritic tips invaginating cone axon terminals, we also identified “bulbs”, short segments of increased dendritic diameter on the primary dendrites of HCs. These bulbs are located well below the cone axon terminal base and make contact to other cells mostly identified as other HCs or CBCs. Using immunolabeling we show that HC bulbs express vesicular gamma-aminobutyric acid transporters and co-localize with GABA receptor γ2 subunits. Together, this suggests the existence of two synaptic strata in the mouse OPL, spatially separating cone-specific feedback and feedforward signaling to CBCs. A biophysics-based computational model of a HC dendritic branch supports the hypothesis that the spatial arrangement of synaptic contacts allows simultaneous local feedback and global feedforward signaling

    Effect of electron irradiation on vortex dynamics in YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-x} single crystals

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    We report on drastic change of vortex dynamics with increase of quenched disorder: for rather weak disorder we found a single vortex creep regime, which we attribute to a Bragg-glass phase, while for enhanced disorder we found an increase of both the depinning current and activation energy with magnetic field, which we attribute to entangled vortex phase. We also found that introduction of additional defects always increases the depinning current, but it increases activation energy only for elastic vortex creep, while it decreases activation energy for plastic vortex creep.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submited to Phys. Rev.