730 research outputs found

    Economic Considerations for Playa Management Alternatives

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    Playa lakes are very important to the Texas High Plains. They provide habitat for a wide variety of wildlife, and are the Ogallala Aquifer’s primary recharge source. Plowing and sedimentation have caused substantial damage to the overall health of many playas. A need exists to protect this resource for future generations. Several government programs are available to assist landowners with playa preservation including CP23A, the Wetlands Reserve Program, and the Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program. This study evaluates each conservation program and weighs the economic benefits and costs of program implementation.Southern Great Plains, Playa Lakes, CP23A, Conservation Reserve Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Sebagai Media Belajar Mengenali Unsur Zat Kimia Menggunakan Metode Backward Chaining

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    Media pembelajaran kimia menggunakan tabel unsur periodik masih sangat manual, dan kendala utama yang muncul dalam mempelajari unsur kimia yaitu kesulitan dalam menghafal serta mengenali ciri dari setiap unsur kimia. Aplikasi sistem pakar sebagai media belajar mengenali unsur kimia memiliki fungsi sebagai media belajar atau tutorial, dengan harapan dapat membantu para pengguna dalam mengenali setiap unsur zat kimia serta membantu meningkatkan mutu pendidikan khususnya dibidang ilmu kimia. Sistem pakar dapat menjadi sumber referensi informasi yang dibutuhkan para pengguna, dimana informasi yang terdapat pada sistem aplikasi ini didapat dari seorang pakar kimia. Dengan menggunakan sistem pakar, informasi akan lebih cepat didapat dan lebih efektif tanpa harus adanya seorang pakar kimia. Dalam penelitian sistem pakar ini terdapat data akuisisi pengetahuan (knowledge acquisition) seperti ciri unsur kimia, data unsur kimia serta basis aturan (rule) yang didapat dari seorang pakar kimia. Dari data yang ada kemudian diimplementasikan ke dalam metode sistem pakar yaitu backward chaining (runut Balik) yang kemudian direpresentasikan ke dalam program aplikasi. Dalam aplikasi ini pengguna dapat melakukan konsultasi mengenai ciri unsur kimia yang ditampilkan oleh sistem, pengguna juga dapat memilih ciri unsur yang sesuai keinginan yang kemudian diproses menggunakan metode yang telah diterapkan pada program aplikasi hingga menghasilkan output daftar unsur kimia serta penjelasan dari unsur kimia yang dipili

    Lingkungan sebagai Media Pengembang Potensi dan Kreativitas dalam Belajar Matematika di SMA Negeri 10

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    This study aims at driving creativity in learning mathematics is enough . Samples were taken from two class XI. In this research uses descriptive qualitative data analysis of the field data, that is using exposure, a description and picture. Based on research findings, and the discussion it can be concluded that the application of the media environment as potential and creativity developers in learning mathematics can improve motivation (attention, learning time, effort, and feeling the rhythm of appearance) studied Mathematics class XI of SMAN 10 Singkawang 7.32%. Application of the environment as a learning medium improves learning outcomes Mathematics class XI of SMAN 10 Singkawang of 26.83% with a mean increase of 8.51 learning outcomes. It supports the use of the media environment as a driver of creativity in learning mathematics from students and teachers that is the high student interest of each student, the cooperation between teachers, and the dedication of the teachers in carrying out the duties of teaching

    Perancangan Tool Punching Untuk Pipa Sanitari Diameter 2 In

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    Dalam sebuah proyek pemipaan sanitari selalu terkendala material fitting Tee yang menyebabkan proyek tersebut menjadi tidak bisa bersaing baik dalam biaya juga waktu pengerjaan, bahkan proyek terkadang menjadi rugi, melihat Kenyataan ini peneliti akhirnya mencari solusi dengan merencanakan alat bantu untuk membuat sejenis fiting tee sanitari yang dibuat dari pipa sanitari yang dibentuk dengan metode deformasi plastis dan cara proses pendesakan dalam serta uji kekuatan pada proses akhirnya. Bahan dan alat bantu untuk proses pembuatan alat ini diusahakan dari alat yang ada dan mudah dicari di pasaran dengan tujuan siapapun bisa mengembangkan alat ini lebih lanjut. Hasil yang dicapai tool yang dapat membentuk lubang pipa dengan batasan toleransi yaitu 1% untuk kebulatan pipa minimal 1.2 untuk ketebalan dinding pipa serta material dengan Kualitas A240-316Ti ( C 0.08%, Mg 2.0%, Cr 16-18%, Ni 10-14%, Mo 2-3%, ) yang sudah cukup baik

    High sensitivity and multifunctional micro-Hall sensors fabricated using InAlSb/InAsSb/InAlSb heterostructures

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    Further diversification of Hall sensor technology requires development of materials with high electron mobility and an ultrathin conducting layer very close to the material's surface. Here, we describe the magnetoresistive properties of micro-Hall devices fabricated using InAlSb/InAsSb/InAlSb heterostructures where electrical conduction was confined to a 30 nm-InAsSb two-dimensional electron gas layer. The 300 K electron mobility and sheet carrier concentration were 36 500 cm(2) V-1 s(-1) and 2.5 x 10(11) cm(-2), respectively. The maximum current-related sensitivity was 2 750 V A(-1) T-1, which was about an order of magnitude greater than AlGaAs/InGaAs pseudomorphic heterostructures devices. Photolithography was used to fabricate 1 mu m x 1 mu m Hall probes, which were installed into a scanning Hall probe microscope and used to image the surface of a hard disk

    Pengembangan Multimedia Blog untuk Perolehan Kecakapan Menghubungkan Konsep dalam Pembelajaran Biologi

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    This study aims to develop a multimedia blog which is relevant to acquire the adroitness in connecting the concept for Biology Learning. The proficiency of understanding a concept is one of the intellectual proficiency in cognitive domain that can develop the students thinking skills and furthermore, it can be used for their daily problem solving activities. This qualitative research is done in SMA Negeri 3 Pontianak which is developed to fulfill its needs and learners characteristics and being researched based on the common phases of research development, which cover: research and initial data collecting, planning, validating, product revising, early trials, field trials and operational trials. Instructional design has been validated internally by learning experts, subject matter experts validate the learning aspects and materials, media experts validate and display aspects of programming. Based on the input from subject matter experts and media experts, the multimedia products have been revised and declared as proper for learning activities USAge. The trials result showed that the multimedia blog product is able to be used by students to make an independent self-learning that are easier, funnier, also can be done anytime or anywhere and mastery learning objective can be achieved

    Effect of Types of Natural Food and Their Combination on Growth Dab Survival Rate of Tambaqui (Colossoma Macropomum) Larvae

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    The effect of types of natural food and their combinations on growth and survival rate of tambaqui (Collossoma macropomum) larvae was conducted at the Fish Hatchery and Breeding Lalboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau in 18-L recirculating water system aquaria for 6 weeks rearing period. Six-days old larvae were stocked at density of 30 larvae/ aquarium and fed with Artemia nauplii for 6 weeks (treatment 1), water fleas 6 weeks (Treatment 2); tubifex worm 6 weeks (Treatment 3); Artemia nauplii 3 weeks followed by tubifex worm 3 weeks (treatment 4); water fleas 3 weeks followed by tubifex worm 3 weeks (Treatment 5) and Artemia nauplii 2 weeks, followed by water fleas 2 weeks and lasted by tubifex worm 2 weeks (Treatment 6). The weight gain (2.2 g) and specific growth rate (9.75%/day) were significantly higher for larvae fed with tubifex worm for 6 weeks than those fed with artemia and water flea or their combinations. Therefore, the survival rate of larvae was best (74.4%) when fed with either artemia nauplii followed by tubifex worm or water flea followed by tubifex worm

    Bahan Ajar Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Penyelesaian Masalah Matematis Siswa SMP

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    This study aims (1) to develop the student' problem based worksheet in order to improve the students' mathematical problem solving competence in SPLDVmaterial; (2) to explain that the developed students' wordsheet can improve the student' mathematical problem solving competence in SPLDV material. This developmental study used ADDIE model which consists of 4 phase: Analyze, Desaign, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. The result shows that the developed students' worksheet after validating and testing process can improve the students' mathematical problem solving competence in SPLDV material

    Analisis Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Pembelajaran Operasi Hitung Bilangan Bulat di SMPN

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    This research the “analysis ability communication see mathematical in studied arithmetic operation occupation number overall in the class VII SMPN 3 Sungai Ambawang” by means of object research for information acquire about (1) ability expressiveness student mathematics idea mathematics drawing to bend, (2) ability student unspecified to deep evident independent clause mathematic, (3) apply ability analysised student in the information. Research method the be descriptive purpose. In bend the study medical. In the research subjek student class VII SMPN 3 Sungai to Ambawang 40 quantity people. On the strength of t is that result research (1) ability student expressiveness mathematics idea drawing to bend appertain until with percentage 56,40%, (2) ability student unspecified to evident deep independent clause mathematic appertain until with percentage 91,71%, (3) analysis information ability student appertain apply in the until with percentage 38, 43%.
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