702 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Pemberdayaan Anak Terlantar dan Remaja Putus Sekolah di Panti Sosial Bina Remaja Rumbai Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2011-2015

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    The background of this study was to describe the implementation of empowerment regarding the abandoned children and adolescents drop out of school at the Young Children's Social Development in 2011-2015. How the implementation of the empowerment of displaced children and adolescents out of school in the Panti Sosial Bina Remaja Rumbai Pekanbaru and supporting factors and obstacles anything in the implementation of the empowerment of displaced children in Children's Social Development Youth Rumbai Pekanbaru and seeks to know the empowerment process conducted by the Social Institution Bina Youth Tassel City Pekanbaru kepapa neglected children and adolescents drop out of school. As well as knowing what are the supporting factors and obstacles in the gudgeon waif and dropout.This type of research is descriptive qualitative study aimed to describe the real state of the field systematically and accurately related facts and research analysis unit, as well as field observations based on data (information) in particular. Methods of data collection is by interview, documentation and observation.The results showed that: Implementation of coaching waif includes delivery of content using simple language and interspersed with examples of everyday life, the method used is the method of lecture, discussion, question and answer, and practice as well as instructional media used such as modules, leaflets and films , The attitude of supervising the development activities are also friendly, humorous, firm and familiar. environment / atmosphere for learning yangmenyenangkan make children do not feel bored in following the activities. Factors supporting the coaching is the cooperation between partners and external parties / institutions in the implementation of the development, availability of infrastructure implementation guidance. In the process of empowerment there are still some problems that become obstacles in the empowerment of displaced children and adolescents drop out of school. As the need for updates and additional facilities and infrastructure skills to children so that is expected to deliver maximum results to the child

    PC tools for project management: Programs and the state-of-the-practice

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    The use of microcomputer tools for NASA project management; which features are the most useful; the impact of these tools on job performance and individual style; and the prospects for new features in project management tools and related tools are addressed. High, mid, and low end PM tools are examined. The pro's and con's of the tools are assessed relative to various tasks. The strengths and weaknesses of the tools are presented through cases and demonstrations

    Optimasi Penjadwalan Sumberdaya Dengan Metode Algoritma Genetik Dan Algoritma Momen Minimum

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    . Resource scheduling is one of the most important aspects of project control and scheduling. Existing methods such as Trial And Error Approach, Heuristics Algorithms, and Minimum Moment Algorithms, have the ability to solve resource scheduling problems, by means of minimizing fluctuations of resource utilization. In addition to resource scheduling and time-cost trade-off problems, the optimization for searching the optimal solution of two objective functions can hardly be solved by using simple mathematical programming. This paper presents an attempt to implement Genetic Algorithms approach in pursuit of finding optimal solution for resource scheduling problem by also considering the time-cost trade-off problems. Effort to find the optimal solution has been developed using minimum moment algorithm approach through the iterative calculation of improvement factor. The result shows that a near optimal solution for both resource schedule deviation and minimum cost can be achieved simultaneously

    Uji Ketahanan Galur Padi Terhadap Wereng Coklat Biotipe 3 Melalui Population Build-up

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    Screening of rice lines resistance to brown planthopper (BPH) through mass screening, filtering line resistance and the population build-up are essential for the release of resistant rice varieties. In addition, the stages of the endurance are important in determining the stability of resistance, as well as the type of resistant. The research was carried out in the screen house at Indonesian Center for Rice Research in 2007. The BPH used in the research was the off spring of BPH biotype 3 that had been rearing on IR42 (bph2) variety since 1994. The result of this research showed that 22.2% of 18 lines/varieties were moderately resistant to BPH biotype 3ft namely BP4130-1f-13-3-2*B, BP4188-7f-1-2-2*B, BP2870-4e- Kn-22-2-1-5*B, and Pulut Lewok. On the population build-up test, the above lines/varieties were moderately resistant to BPH biotype 3pb. The low FPLI values were found in BP4130-1f-13-3-2*B and Pulut Lewok. The highest tolerance index was found on BP4130-1f- 13-3-2*B and Pulut Lewok followed by BP2870-4e-Kn-22-2-1-5*B and BP4188-7f-1-2-2*B. Pulut Lewok has the highest antibiosis index and is not significantly different to BP4130-1f-13-3-2*B, while BP4188-7f-1-2-2*B was lowest. Although Pulut Lewok has antibiosis defense mechanism, it is not tolerant to BPH biotype 3. The BP4130-1f-13-3-2*B line have both antibiosis and tolerant to BPH biotype 3. BP4188-7f-1-2-2*B line has tolerance character, but does not have character of antibiosis to BPH biotype 3

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik dan Pendekatan Ctl

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    This research aims to obtain information about the effect of instruction using scientific approach on the improvement of mathematical problem solving ability among students of State Junior High School (SMP Negeri) 13 Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The method used in this research was experiment research with a randomized pretest-posttest comparison group design. The results of data analysis showed that there were significant differences between the pretest and the posttest, namely using the scientific approach (pretest: 61.78%; posttest: 69.3 3%) and using CTL approach (pretest 58.50%; posttest 65.89%). This suggests that the improvement of the students\u27 ability in the mathematical problem solving using scientific approach is higher than the ability in the mathematical problem solving using contextual teaching and learning, and the improvement of the students\u27 ability is classified as moderate