629 research outputs found

    Apakah Kamu Teman Yang Amanah? Psikologi Indijinus: Teman Yang Amanah Pada Masyarakat Melayu

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    Amanah sebagai sifat dapat dilihat sebagai perilaku dalam konteks relasi. Amanah erat kaitannya dengan keterpercayaan. Amanah menjadi hal yang relevan dalam masyarakat melayu disebabkan masyarakat melayu memegang teguh nilai-nilai keislaman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali konsep amanah yang hidup pada mahasiswa dalam konteks pertemanan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan Psikologi indijinus dengan memberikan pertanyaan terbuka. Responden dalam penelitian adalah 288 orang mahasiswa UIN Suska Riau. Data diolah dengan menggunakan Nvivo 8 secara multirespon. Hasil analisis menunjukkan konsep amanah yang muncul berada pada hubungan sesama manusia. Teman yang amanah ditentukan oleh tiga hal, yaitu karakter (41%), pelaksanaan tugas (39%), dan kualitas pertemanan (20%). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa relasi antar individu tidak menjadi faktor utama seseorang dianggap amanah. Amanah menjadi karakter yang melekat dalam diri individu dan kemudian dievaluasi ketika individu menjalankan perannya

    Relationship between Emotional Labor, Perceived School Climate and Emotional Exhaustion: A Study on Public School Teachers

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    Teachers’ emotional labor strategies have increased their importance in recent years. Teaching as a profession requires the high level of emotional labor which is a new area of research and it needs to be examined in terms of causes and consequences. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between emotional labor, perceived school climate, and emotional exhaustion. The sample included 212 primary, middle and high school teachers in Istanbul. As a survey instrument questionnaire was used to learn the respondents’ perception of school climate, emotional labor strategies, and emotional exhaustion. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze if; school climate is an antecedent of emotional labor, emotional exhaustion is a consequence of emotional labor and there is a relationship between school climate and emotional exhaustion. Results indicated that Turkish school teachers’ emotional exhaustion was negatively affected by the school climate. In contrast, teachers’ perceptions of school climate did not have a significant effect on emotional labor strategies. On the other hand, teachers’ surface acting strategies had a positive and significant effect on emotional exhaustion but teachers’ deep acting behaviors had no significant effect on emotional exhaustion

    Nanofibre encapsulation of limonene and modelling its release mechanisms

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    In this study, limonene was encapsulated by using gelatine, Na-alginate, polyvinyl alcohol, lactalbumin or xanthan gum with the uniaxial electrospinning process. The highest encapsulation efficiency was obtained for the sample containing polyvinyl alcohol. The release kinetic studies of nanofibre encapsulated limonene were carried out at 5.5, 20, and 38.5 °C. The Peppas equation expressed the release behavior of limonene for all systems very well, indicating quasi-Fickian diffusion. The modelling data suggested that maybe more than one mechanism was involved for the release at 20 °C. The activation energy for releasing limonene from the electrospun polyvinyl alcohol-alginate encapsulation system was found to be 6.2 kJ mol–1 from the Arrhenius equation

    Perancangan Robot Pencapit Untuk Penyotir Barang Berdasarkan Warna Led Rgb Dengan Display Lcd Berbasis Arduino Uno

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    Pada rancangan penelitian ini dibuat sebuah robot yang dapat mengenali benda berdasarkan warna dan ditampilkan pada LCD dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler berbasis arduino uno. Robot akan mengelompokkan barang (box) yang sejenis secara otomatis. Robot ini mendekteksi 6 macam warna yaitu merah muda, hijau, biru, orange, hitam dan putih. Warna-warna tersebut dideteksi dengan menggunakan sensor warna yang memiliki output frekuensi, besar frekuensi yang dihasilkan tergantung dari panjang gelombang warna objek dan Intensitas cahayanya. Sedangkan sebagai pusat kendalinya menggunakan mikrokontroler berbasis arduino uno yang diprogram menggunakan bahasa C. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Robot ini dapat berjalan dengan baik pada saat membaca warna box dan menempatkan box tersebut sesuai dengan tempatnya serta warna tersebut ditampilkan pada LCD dan manfaat penggunaan robot dalam penyortiran akan lebih efisien dan efektif

    Perancangan Tool Punching Untuk Pipa Sanitari Diameter 2 In

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    Dalam sebuah proyek pemipaan sanitari selalu terkendala material fitting Tee yang menyebabkan proyek tersebut menjadi tidak bisa bersaing baik dalam biaya juga waktu pengerjaan, bahkan proyek terkadang menjadi rugi, melihat Kenyataan ini peneliti akhirnya mencari solusi dengan merencanakan alat bantu untuk membuat sejenis fiting tee sanitari yang dibuat dari pipa sanitari yang dibentuk dengan metode deformasi plastis dan cara proses pendesakan dalam serta uji kekuatan pada proses akhirnya. Bahan dan alat bantu untuk proses pembuatan alat ini diusahakan dari alat yang ada dan mudah dicari di pasaran dengan tujuan siapapun bisa mengembangkan alat ini lebih lanjut. Hasil yang dicapai tool yang dapat membentuk lubang pipa dengan batasan toleransi yaitu 1% untuk kebulatan pipa minimal 1.2 untuk ketebalan dinding pipa serta material dengan Kualitas A240-316Ti ( C 0.08%, Mg 2.0%, Cr 16-18%, Ni 10-14%, Mo 2-3%, ) yang sudah cukup baik

    A Deep Learning algorithm to accelerate Algebraic Multigrid methods in Finite Element solvers of 3D elliptic PDEs

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    Algebraic multigrid (AMG) methods are among the most efficient solvers for linear systems of equations and they are widely used for the solution of problems stemming from the discretization of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The most severe limitation of AMG methods is the dependence on parameters that require to be fine-tuned. In particular, the strong threshold parameter is the most relevant since it stands at the basis of the construction of successively coarser grids needed by the AMG methods. We introduce a novel Deep Learning algorithm that minimizes the computational cost of the AMG method when used as a finite element solver. We show that our algorithm requires minimal changes to any existing code. The proposed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) tunes the value of the strong threshold parameter by interpreting the sparse matrix of the linear system as a black-and-white image and exploiting a pooling operator to transform it into a small multi-channel image. We experimentally prove that the pooling successfully reduces the computational cost of processing a large sparse matrix and preserves the features needed for the regression task at hand. We train the proposed algorithm on a large dataset containing problems with a highly heterogeneous diffusion coefficient defined in different three-dimensional geometries and discretized with unstructured grids and linear elasticity problems with a highly heterogeneous Young's modulus. When tested on problems with coefficients or geometries not present in the training dataset, our approach reduces the computational time by up to 30%

    Accelerating Algebraic Multigrid Methods via Artificial Neural Networks

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    We present a novel deep learning-based algorithm to accelerate—through the use of Arti- ficial Neural Networks (ANNs)—the convergence of Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) methods for the iterative solution of the linear systems of equations stemming from finite element discretizations of Partial Differential Equations (PDE). We show that ANNs can be success- fully used to predict the strong connection parameter that enters in the construction of the sequence of increasingly smaller matrix problems standing at the basis of the AMG algo- rithm, so as to maximize the corresponding convergence factor of the AMG scheme. To demonstrate the practical capabilities of the proposed algorithm, which we call AMG-ANN, we consider the iterative solution of the algebraic system of equations stemming from finite element discretizations of two-dimensional model problems. First, we consider an ellip- tic equation with a highly heterogeneous diffusion coefficient and then a stationary Stokes problem. We train (off-line) our ANN with a rich dataset and present an in-depth analy- sis of the effects of tuning the strong threshold parameter on the convergence factor of the resulting AMG iterative scheme

    I nomi greci in -\u3b1\u3c1 e -\u3c9\u3c1: ricerche sull'eteroclisi nominale in -r/n- in greco

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    This dissertation investigates the Greek -\u3b1\u3c1 and -\u3c9\u3c1 nouns, which can be taken into account as certain or possible heteroclitic -r/n- stems. While the topic of r/n-heteroclisis has always been a well known field of research within comparative Indo-European linguistics, a thorough study of the subject in the various Indo-European languages is still lacking. The analysis focuses mainly on morphological (such as root type, ablaut, suffix form) and semantic aspects, aiming at pointing out the factors that characterize the Greek -\u3b1\u3c1 and -\u3c9\u3c1 nouns as a class. In the first chapter, an introduction to the topic from an Indo-European perspective is provided: after a short history of the research based on the survey of some of the most important global contributions on the subject (from the end of 19th century to the present), the main topics concerning Indo-European r/n-heteroclisis are briefly presented and discussed. In the second chapter a one-by-one analysis of the Greek forms ending in -\u3b1\u3c1 and -\u3c9\u3c1 is made, taking into account both nouns attested as heteroclitic within Greek itself and nouns for whom an original heteroclitic inflection can be reconstructed on the basis of various factors (among them the presence of forms attesting an n-stem beside the r-stem). The third chapter sketches out a portrait of the Greek -\u3b1\u3c1 and -\u3c9\u3c1 nouns considered as a class, basing on morphological and semantic criteria. As a result, it is shown that in the evolution from Proto-Indo-European to Greek a substantial change took place in the type of root on which r/n-heteroclitic nouns were formed: while PIE heteroclitic nouns were mostly built on nominal roots, there is a clear morphological pattern in Greek that derives heteroclitic nouns from verbal roots. Furthermore, younger heteroclitic nouns in Greek consistently show not the simple heteroclitic suffix -r/n- but the complex suffix -wr/n-. The lack of homogeneity within the class of -\u3b1\u3c1 and -\u3c9\u3c1 nouns is thus (at least in part) explained by the simultaneous presence of older and younger heteroclitic formations, which imply different morphosemantic features. The link between Greek forms in -\u3c9\u3c1 and Indo-European \u2018collectives\u2019 is also investigated and it is argued that most of the Greek nouns ending in -\u3c9\u3c1 might be traced back to the PIE class of collective nouns according to three different semantic features, being either mass-nouns or abstract nouns or nouns whose meaning entails a collective view of their referent
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