298 research outputs found

    Bibliography Freddy Decreus 1974-2011

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    Practical challenges for methods transforming i* goal models into business process models

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    The field of requirements engineering for business processes has grown during the last several years. As business processes are assumed to fulfil organizational goals, goal models could be transformed into business process models that specify how business processes fulfil the organizational goals. Although both the fields of Goal-Oriented RE (GORE) and Business Process Management (BPM) received a lot of attention from researchers, the methods to transform goal models into business process models still need further research. This paper analyses current methods to identify the practical challenges that need to be addressed for an effective transformation of goal models into business process models

    The Democratic Ideal and the Oresteia between “Back to Basics” and Cultural Studies, between Old and New Historicism

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    Some Aspects of Methodological Blindness in Interpreting Sophocles’ "Oedipus"

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    Bodies, Back from Exile

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    The history of the West has been constructed on a remarkable base, the nearly total absence of a "philosophy of the body." The acceptance and birth of this philosophy was a very slow (Le Goff and Truong 2003) and complex (Foucault 1978) process that testified to the global distrust felt by the ideology and the religions of the West towards that threatening and corrupting instrument called physicality. During recent decades, however, a new interdisciplinary combination of philosophy, psychoanalysis and neuroscientific studies has witnessed the resurrection of this body. Theodoros Terzopoulos was one of the first practitioners both to introduce this energetic climate on stage and to apply it to the staging of classical texts. His productions introduced a bio-energetic methodology that radically questioned the perennial presuppositions of the "phallogocentric" West and its "metaphysics of presence.

    "The Oresteia", or the Myth of the Western Metropolis between Habermas and Foucault

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    Catherine Bouko, Théâtre et réception. Le spectateur postdramatique, Collection Dramaturgies No. 26, P.I.E. Peter Lang, Bruxelles 2010, 258 p., 25 photographies

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