34 research outputs found

    Induction of SCEs and DNA fragmentation in bovine peripheral lymphocytes by in vitro exposure to tolylfluanid-based fungicide

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    The potential for genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of tolylfluanid-based fungicide (50% active agent) was evaluated using sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and proliferation indices (PI) in cultured bovine peripheral lymphocytes. For the detection of possible genetic damage, DNA fragmentation assay was also applied. Bovine lymphocytes cultured for 72 h were treated with the fungicide at the final concentrations of 1.75, 3.5, 8.75, and 17.5 μg/mL for the last 24 and 48 h of culture without S9 metabolic activation, and during the last 2 h of culture with S9 metabolic activation. In the SCE assays no evidence for genotoxic activity of the fungicide was found in treatments of 24 h without and 2 h with S9. After the 24 h exposure to tolylfluanid, a weak decrease in the PI was observed. With the prolonged exposure time (48 h), dose dependence in the increase of SCE frequencies was observed. Moreover, after 48 h exposure slight fragmentation of DNA at the concentrations of 3.5 and 8.75 μg/mL was demonstrated. SCE quantification is the most widely used approach for the assessment of genotoxic/cytogenetic effects of chemical compounds. Positive results in the assay at 48 h exposure indicated a potential of the fungicide to increase frequency of chromosomal damage (replication injuries) that is the confirmation of early effect of exposure

    Deciphering the Role of RND Efflux Transporters in Burkholderia cenocepacia

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    Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315 is representative of a highly problematic group of cystic fibrosis (CF) pathogens. Eradication of B. cenocepacia is very difficult with the antimicrobial therapy being ineffective due to its high resistance to clinically relevant antimicrobial agents and disinfectants. RND (Resistance-Nodulation-Cell Division) efflux pumps are known to be among the mediators of multidrug resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. Since the significance of the 16 RND efflux systems present in B. cenocepacia (named RND-1 to -16) has been only partially determined, the aim of this work was to analyze mutants of B. cenocepacia strain J2315 impaired in RND-4 and RND-9 efflux systems, and assess their role in the efflux of toxic compounds. The transcriptomes of mutants deleted individually in RND-4 and RND-9 (named D4 and D9), and a double-mutant in both efflux pumps (named D4-D9), were compared to that of the wild-type B. cenocepacia using microarray analysis. Microarray data were confirmed by qRT-PCR, phenotypic experiments, and by Phenotype MicroArray analysis. The data revealed that RND-4 made a significant contribution to the antibiotic resistance of B. cenocepacia, whereas RND-9 was only marginally involved in this process. Moreover, the double mutant D4-D9 showed a phenotype and an expression profile similar to D4. The microarray data showed that motility and chemotaxis-related genes appeared to be up-regulated in both D4 and D4–D9 strains. In contrast, these gene sets were down-regulated or expressed at levels similar to J2315 in the D9 mutant. Biofilm production was enhanced in all mutants. Overall, these results indicate that in B. cenocepacia RND pumps play a wider role than just in drug resistance, influencing additional phenotypic traits important for pathogenesis

    A Functional Genomics Approach to Establish the Complement of Carbohydrate Transporters in Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    The aerotolerant anaerobe Streptococcus pneumoniae is part of the normal nasopharyngeal microbiota of humans and one of the most important invasive pathogens. A genomic survey allowed establishing the occurrence of twenty-one phosphotransferase systems, seven carbohydrate uptake ABC transporters, one sodium∶solute symporter and a permease, underlining an exceptionally high capacity for uptake of carbohydrate substrates. Despite high genomic variability, combined phenotypic and genomic analysis of twenty sequenced strains did assign the substrate specificity only to two uptake systems. Systematic analysis of mutants for most carbohydrate transporters enabled us to assign a phenotype and substrate specificity to twenty-three transport systems. For five putative transporters for galactose, pentoses, ribonucleosides and sulphated glycans activity was inferred, but not experimentally confirmed and only one transport system remains with an unknown substrate and lack of any functional annotation. Using a metabolic approach, 80% of the thirty-two fermentable carbon substrates were assigned to the corresponding transporter. The complexity and robustness of sugar uptake is underlined by the finding that many transporters have multiple substrates, and many sugars are transported by more than one system. The present work permits to draw a functional map of the complete arsenal of carbohydrate utilisation proteins of pneumococci, allows re-annotation of genomic data and might serve as a reference for related species. These data provide tools for specific investigation of the roles of the different carbon substrates on pneumococcal physiology in the host during carriage and invasive infection

    Expressão gênica induzida por estresses abióticos em nódulos de feijão-caupi

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito isolado ou simultâneo dos estresses hídrico e térmico na expressão gênica em nódulos de feijão-caupi. A bactéria Bradyrhizobium japonicum (estirpe BR 3267) foi inoculada em sementes de feijão-caupi da cultivar IPA 206 e, 35 dias após a germinação, as plantas foram submetidas a diferentes regimes de disponibilidade hídrica e a estresse térmico, em casa de vegetação. Para a identificação dos genes diferencialmente expressos, foi utilizada a técnica de cDNA-AFLP, tendo-se isolado 67 fragmentos derivados de transcritos (FDTs) diferencialmente expressos. Após o sequenciamento dos FDTs e das análises de similaridade, com uso do programa Blastx, foram identificados 14 genes diferencialmente expressos envolvidos em diferentes processos metabólicos. O padrão de expressão de seis genes sob estresse abiótico foi confirmado por RT-qPCR, e observou-se indução de genes pertencentes a diferentes categorias funcionais, como biossíntese de ácido abscísico, sinalização celular, transportador de prolina e biossíntese de lipídeos de membranas. A expressão desses genes indica sua participação em processos relacionados à proteção dos nódulos ao estresse abiótico

    Predictive studies suggest that the risk for the selection of antibiotic resistance by biocides is likely low in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

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    Biocides are used without restriction for several purposes. As a consequence, large amounts of biocides are released without any control in the environment, a situation that can challenge the microbial population dynamics, including selection of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Previous work has shown that triclosan selects Stenotrophomonas maltophilia antibiotic resistant mutants overexpressing the efflux pump SmeDEF and induces expression of this pump triggering transient low-level resistance. In the present work we analyze if two other common biocides, benzalkonium chloride and hexachlorophene, trigger antibiotic resistance in S. maltophilia. Bioinformatic and biochemical methods showed that benzalkonium chloride and hexachlorophene bind the repressor of smeDEF, SmeT. Only benzalkonium chloride triggers expression of smeD and its effect in transient antibiotic resistance is minor. None of the hexachlorophene-selected mutants was antibiotic resistant. Two benzalkonium chloride resistant mutants presented reduced susceptibility to antibiotics and were impaired in growth. Metabolic profiling showed they were more proficient than their parental strain in the use of some dipeptides. We can then conclude that although bioinformatic predictions and biochemical studies suggest that both hexachlorophene and benzalkonium chloride should induce smeDEF expression leading to transient S. maltophilia resistance to antibiotics, phenotypic assays showed this not to be true. The facts that hexachlorophene resistant mutants are not antibiotic resistant and that the benzalkonium chloride resistant mutants presenting altered susceptibility to antibiotics were impaired in growth suggests that the risk for the selection (and fixation) of S. maltophilia antibiotic resistant mutants by these biocides is likely low, at least in the absence of constant selection pressure

    The degradative capabilities of new Amycolatopsis isolates on polylactic acid

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    Polylactic acid (PLA), a bioplastic synthesized from lactic acid, has a broad range of applications owing to its excellent proprieties such as a high melting point, good mechanical strength, transparency, and ease of fabrication. However, the safe disposal of PLA is an emerging environmental problem: it resists microbial attack in environmental conditions, and the frequency of PLA-degrading microorganisms in soil is very low. To date, a limited number of PLA-degrading bacteria have been isolated, and most are actinomycetes. In this work, a method for the selection of rare actinomycetes with extracellular proteolytic activity was established, and the technique was used to isolate four mesophilic actinomycetes with the ability to degrade emulsified PLA in agar plates. All four strains—designated SO1.1, SO1.2, SNC, and SST—belong to the genus Amycolatopsis. The PLA-degrading capability of the four strains was investigated by testing their ability to assimilate lactic acid, fragment PLA polymers, and deteriorate PLA films. The strain SNC was the best PLA degrader—it was able to assimilate lactic acid, constitutively cleave PLA, and form a thick and widespread biofilm on PLA film. The activity of this strain extensively eroded the polymer, leading to a weight loss of 36% in one month in mesophilic conditions