4,980 research outputs found

    Prompt acceleration of ions by oblique turbulent shocks in solar flares

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    Solar flares often accelerate ions and electrons to relativistic energies. The details of the acceleration process are not well understood, but until recently the main trend was to divide the acceleration process into two phases. During the first phase elctrons and ions are heated and accelerated up to several hundreds of keV simultaneously with the energy release. These mildly relativistic electrons interact with the ambient plasma and magnetic fields and generate hard X-ray and radio radiation. The second phase, usually delayed from the first by several minutes, is responsible for accelerating ions and electrons to relativistic energies. Relativistic electrons and ions interact with the solar atmosphere or escape from the Sun and generate gamma ray continuum, gamma ray line emission, neutron emission or are detected in space by spacecraft. In several flares the second phase is coincident with the start of a type 2 radio burst that is believed to be the signature of a shock wave. Observations from the Solar Maximum Mission spacecraft have shown, for the first time, that several flares accelerate particles to all energies nearly simultaneously. These results posed a new theoretical problem: How fast are shocks and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence formed and how quickly can they accelerate ions to 50 MeV in the lower corona? This problem is discussed

    Energetic ion acceleration at collisionless shocks

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    An example is presented from a test particle simulation designed to study ion acceleration at oblique turbulent shocks. For conditions appropriate at interplanetary shocks near 1 AU, it is found that a shock with theta sub B n = 60 deg is capable of producing an energy spectrum extending from 10 keV to approx. 1 MeV in approx 1 hour. In this case total energy gains result primarily from several separate episodes of shock drift acceleration, each of which occurs when particles are scattered back to the shock by magnetic fluctuations in the shock vicinity

    Voyager 1 and 2 measurements of radial and latitudinal cosmic ray gradients during 1981 - 1984

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    The cosmic ray radial gradient was determined during 1981-84 using data from very similar detectors onboard spacecraft Voyagers 1 and 2 (radial separation approx. 6 AU, heliolatitude separation approx. 25 deg.) and from the Earth-orbiting satellite IMP 8. The principal result is that the radial gradient over this period decreased at the rate approx. 2.0%/AU between 1 and 16 AU and approx. 0.6%/AU between approx. 16 and 22 AU

    Improved diamond coring bits developed for dry and chip-flush drilling

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    Two rotary diamond bit designs, one operating with a chip-flushing fluid, the second including auger section to remove drilled chips, enhance usefulness of tool for exploratory and industrial core-drilling of hard, abrasive mineral deposits and structural masonry

    Change in interplanetary shock acceleration preceding STIP Interval 17

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    The intensity and frequency of shock acceleration events in the interplanetary medium decreased dramatically in early 1985. Low energy ions were observed by IMP 8 at 1 AU and Voyagers 1 and 2 at 22 and 16 AU, respectively. Voyager 1 was at 25 deg heliographic latitude while IMP 8 and Voyager 2 were near the solar equatorial plane. The decrease in low energy shock events led to a drop in the average ion flux by a factor of 20 to 50. It started about day 10 of 1985 in the approximately .5 MeV channel on IMP8 and took approximately 75 days to reach the new, lower, background level. The decrease at the Voyagers started approximately 50 days later. The time delay between the start of the decrease at IMP and at Voyager 2 implies that decrease was convected outward with a velocity of approximately 535 km/sec. The intensity and frequency of interplanetary shock events remained at the lower level for at least 1.5 years

    A mathematical model of a single main rotor helicopter for piloted simulation

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    A mathematical model, suitable for piloted simulation of the flying qualities of helicopters, is a nonlinear, total force and moment model of a single main rotor helicopter. The model has ten degrees of freedom: six rigid body, three rotor flapping, and the rotor rotational degrees of freedom. The rotor model assumes rigid blades with rotor forces and moments radially integrated and summed about the azimuth. The fuselage aerodynamic model uses a detailed representation over a nominal angle of attack and sideslip range of + or - 15 deg., as well as a simplified curve fit at large angles of attack or sideslip. Stabilizing surface aerodynamics are modeled with a lift curve slope between stall limits and a general curve fit for large angles of attack. A generalized stability and control augmentation system is described. Additional computer subroutines provide options for a simplified engine/governor model, atmospheric turbulence, and a linearized six degree of freedom dynamic model for stability and control analysis

    Is the magnetic field in the heliosheath laminar or a turbulent bath of bubbles?

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    All the current global models of the heliosphere are based on the assumption that the magnetic field in the heliosheath, in the region close to the heliopause is laminar. We argue that in that region the heliospheric magnetic field is not laminar but instead consists of magnetic bubbles. Recently, we proposed that the annihilation of the "sectored" magnetic field within the heliosheath as it is compressed on its approach to the heliopause produces the anomalous cosmic rays and also energetic electrons. As a product of the annihilation of the sectored magnetic field, densely-packed magnetic islands/bubbles are produced. These magnetic islands/bubbles will be convected with the ambient flows as the sector region is carried to higher latitudes filling the heliosheath. We further argue that the magnetic islands/bubbles will develop upstream within the heliosheath. As a result, the magnetic field in the heliosheath sector region will be disordered well upstream of the heliopause. We present a 3D MHD simulation with very high numerical resolution that captures the north-south boundaries of the sector region. We show that due to the high pressure of the interstellar magnetic field a north-south asymmetry develops such that the disordered sectored region fills a large portion of the northern part of the heliosphere with a smaller extension in the southern hemisphere. We suggest that this scenario is supported by the following changes that occur around 2008 and from 2009.16 onward: a) the sudden decrease in the intensity of low energy electrons detected by Voyager 2; b) a sharp reduction in the intensity of fluctuations of the radial flow; and c) the dramatic differences in intensity trends between GCRs at V1 and 2. We argue that these observations are a consequence of V2 leaving the sector region of disordered field during these periods and crossing into a region of unipolar laminar field.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Ap
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