6,257 research outputs found

    Electrical characteristics of a free-burning direct-current argon arc operating between 90 and 563 kilowatts with two types of cathodes

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    The electrical characteristics of a high-power, long-lived, free-burning dc argon arc are presented. Empirical formulas relating voltage to current, electrode separation, and operating pressure are given for two types of cathodes: a typical point tip cathode and a cathode with a 1.27-cm-(0.5-in.-) diameter crater in the tip. Power was varied from 90 to 563 kW. A discussion of the cathode with the crater tip is given

    Improved diamond coring bits developed for dry and chip-flush drilling

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    Two rotary diamond bit designs, one operating with a chip-flushing fluid, the second including auger section to remove drilled chips, enhance usefulness of tool for exploratory and industrial core-drilling of hard, abrasive mineral deposits and structural masonry

    Answers that Have Integrity

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    [EN] Answers to queries in possibly inconsistent databases may not have integrity. We formalize ‘has integrity’ on the basis of a definition of ‘causes’. A cause of an answer is a minimal excerpt of the database that explains why the answer has been given. An answer has integrity if one of its causes does not overlap with any cause of integrity violation.Supported by FEDER and the Spanish grants TIN2009-14460-C03, TIN2010-17139.Decker, H. (2011). Answers that Have Integrity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6834:54-72. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23441-5S5472683

    Measure-Based Inconsistency-Tolerant Maintenance of Database Integrity

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    [EN] To maintain integrity, constraint violations should be prevented or repaired. However, it may not be feasible to avoid inconsistency, or to repair all violations at once. Based on an abstract concept of violation measures, updates and repairs can be checked for keeping inconsistency bounded, such that integrity violations are guaranteed to never get out of control. This measure-based approach goes beyond conventional methods that are not meant to be applied in the presence of inconsistency. It also generalizes recently introduced concepts of inconsistency-tolerant integrity maintenance.Partially supported by FEDER and the Spanish grants TIN2009-14460-C03 and TIN2010-17139Decker, H. (2013). Measure-Based Inconsistency-Tolerant Maintenance of Database Integrity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7693:149-173. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36008-4_7S1491737693Abiteboul, S., Hull, R., Vianu, V.: Foundations of Databases. 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    Surgical treatment of a paraspinal abscess with osteomyelitis and spinal cord compression in a rabbit

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    Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of thoracolumbar intervertenral disk extrusions and protrusions in large breed dogs

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    It has recently been shown that the fat-derived hormone adiponectin has the ability to decrease hyperglycemia and to reverse insulin resistance. However, bacterially produced full-length adiponectin is functionally inactive. Here, we show that endogenous adiponectin secreted by adipocytes is post-translationally modified into eight different isoforms, as shown by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Carbohydrate detection revealed that six of the adiponectin isoforms are glycosylated. The glycosylation sites were mapped to several lysines (residues 68, 71, 80, and 104) located in the collagenous domain of adiponectin, each having the surrounding motif of GXKGE(D). These four lysines were found to be hydroxylated and subsequently glycosylated. The glycosides attached to each of these four hydroxylated lysines are possibly glucosylgalactosyl groups. Functional analysis revealed that full-length adiponectin produced by mammalian cells is much more potent than bacterially generated adiponectin in enhancing the ability of subphysiological concentrations of insulin to inhibit gluconeogenesis in primary rat hepatocytes, whereas this insulin-sensitizing ability was significantly attenuated when the four glycosylated lysines were substituted with arginines. These results indicate that full-length adiponectin produced by mammalian cells is functionally active as an insulin sensitizer and that hydroxylation and glycosylation of the four lysines in the collagenous domain might contribute to this activity.link_to_subscribed_fulltex