27 research outputs found

    Mind the gap - tip leakage vortex in axial turbines

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    The tendency of designing large Kaplan turbines with a continuous increase of output power is bringing to the front the cavitation erosion issue. Due to the flow in the gap between the runner and the discharge ring, axial turbine blades may develop the so called tip leakage vortex (TLV) cavitation with negative consequences. Such vortices may interact strongly with the wake of guide vanes leading to their multiple collapses and rebounds. If the vortex trajectory remains close to the blade tip, these collapses may lead to severe erosion. One is still unable today to predict its occurrence and development in axial turbines with acceptable accuracy. Numerical flow simulations as well as the actual scale-up rules from small to large scales are unreliable. The present work addresses this problematic in a simplified case study representing TLV cavitation to better understand its sensitivity to the gap width. A Naca0009 hydrofoil is used as a generic blade in the test section of EPFL cavitation tunnel. A sliding mounting support allowing an adjustable gap between the blade tip and wall was manufactured. The vortex trajectory is visualized with a high speed camera and appropriate lighting. The three dimensional velocity field induced by the TLV is investigated using stereo particle image velocimetry. We have taken into account the vortex wandering in the image processing to obtain accurate measurements of the vortex properties. The measurements were performed in three planes located downstream of the hydrofoil for different values of the flow velocity, the incidence angle and the gap width. The results clearly reveal a strong influence of the gap width on both trajectory and intensity of the tip leakage vortex

    Distract yourself: prediction of salient distractors by own actions and external cues.

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    Distracting sensory events can capture attention, interfering with the performance of the task at hand. We asked: is our attention captured by such events if we cause them ourselves? To examine this, we employed a visual search task with an additional salient singleton distractor, where the distractor was predictable either by the participant's own (motor) action or by an endogenous cue; accordingly, the task was designed to isolate the influence of motor and non-motor predictive processes. We found both types of prediction, cue- and action-based, to attenuate the interference of the distractor-which is at odds with the "attentional white bear" hypothesis, which states that prediction of distracting stimuli mandatorily directs attention towards them. Further, there was no difference between the two types of prediction. We suggest this pattern of results may be better explained by theories postulating general predictive mechanisms, such as the framework of predictive processing, as compared to accounts proposing a special role of action-effect prediction, such as theories based on optimal motor control. However, rather than permitting a definitive decision between competing theories, our study highlights a number of open questions, to be answered by these theories, with regard to how exogenous attention is influenced by predictions deriving from the environment versus our own actions

    URANS Models for the Simulation of Full Load Pressure Surge in Francis Turbines Validated by Particle Image Velocimetry

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    Due to the penetration of alternative renewable energies, the stabilization of the electrical power network relies on the off-design operation of turbines and pump-turbines in hydro-power plants. The occurrence of cavitation is however a common phenomenon at such operating conditions, often leading to critical flow instabilities which undercut the grid stabilizing capacity of the power plant. In order to predict and extend the stable operating range of hydraulic machines, a better understanding of the cavitating flows and mainly of the transition between stable and unstable flow regimes is required. In the case of Francis turbines operating at full load, an axisymmetric cavitation vortex rope develops at the runner outlet. The cavity may enter self-oscillation, with violent periodic pressure pulsations. The flow fluctuations lead to dangerous electrical power swings and mechanical vibrations, dictating an inconvenient and costly restriction of the operating range. The present paper reports an extensive numerical and experimental investigation on a reduced scale model of a Francis turbine at full load. For a given operating point, three pressure levels in the draft tube are considered, two of them featuring a stable flow configuration and one of them displaying a self-excited oscillation of the cavitation vortex rope. The velocity field is measured by two-dimensional (2D) particle image velocimetry (PIV) and systematically compared to the results of a simulation based on a homogeneous unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) model. The validation of the numerical approach enables a first comprehensive analysis of the flow transition as well as an attempt to explain the onset mechanism

    Identification of the wave speed and the second viscosity in cavitating flow with 2D RANS computations - Part II

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    The 1D modelling of cavitation vortex rope dynamics in Francis turbine draft tube is decisive for prediction of pressure fluctuations in the system. However, models are defined with parameters which values must be quantified either experimentally or numerically. In this paper a methodology based on CFD simulations is setup to identify these parameters by exciting the flow through outlet boundary condition. A simplified test case is considered to assess if 1D cavitation model parameters can be identified from CFD simulations. It is shown that a low wave speed and a second viscosity due to the cavitating flow can be identified

    Identification of the wave speed and the second viscosity of cavitation flows with 2D RANS computations - Part I

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    1D hydro-electric models are useful to predict dynamic behaviour of hydro-power plants. Regarding vortex rope and cavitation surge in Francis turbines, the 1D models require some inputs that can be provided by numerical simulations. In this paper, a 2D cavitating Venturi is considered. URANS computations are performed to investigate the dynamic behaviour of the cavitation sheet depending on the frequency variation of the outlet pressure. The results are used to calibrate and to assess the reliability of the 1D models

    RANS computations for identification of 1-D cavitation model parameters: application to full load cavitation vortex rope

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    Due to the massive penetration of alternative renewable energies, hydropower is a key energy conversion technology for stabilizing the electrical power network by using hydraulic machines at off design operating conditions. At full load, the axisymmetric cavitation vortex rope developing in Francis turbines acts as an internal source of energy, leading to an instability commonly referred to as self-excited surge. 1-D models are developed to predict this phenomenon and to define the range of safe operating points for a hydropower plant. These models require a calibration of several parameters. The present work aims at identifying these parameters by using CFD results as objective functions for an optimization process. A 2-D Venturi and 3-D Francis turbine are considered

    Independent effects of endogenous and exogenous spatial cueing: inhibition of return at endogenously attended target locations

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    Inhibition of return (IOR) is thought to reflect a bias against returning attention to previously attended locations. According to this view, IOR should occur only if attention is withdrawn from the target location prior to target appearance. In the present study, endogenous attention and exogenous cueing were manipulated orthogonally. IOR was observed both when a target appeared at an unexpected location, and when a target appeared at the expected location. A similar pattern of results was obtained in a reanalysis of data from a study with Neglect patients. These results suggest that IOR is independent of endogenous orienting

    Seismic Cycle and Rheological Effects on Estimation of Present-Day Slip Rates for the Agua Blanca and San Miguel-Vallecitos Faults, Northern Baja California, Mexico

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    Geodesy can be used to infer long‐term fault slip rates, assuming a model for crust and upper mantle rheology. We examine the sensitivity of fault slip rate estimates to assumed rheology for the Agua Blanca and San Miguel‐Vallecitos faults in northern Baja California, Mexico, part of the Pacific–North America plate boundary zone. The Agua Blanca fault is seismically quiet, but offset alluvial fans indicate young activity. Current seismicity is confined to the nearby San Miguel‐Vallecitos fault, a small offset fault better aligned with plate motion. GPS measurements between 1993 and 1998 suggest that both faults are active, with a combined slip rate of 4–8 mm yr−1 regardless of rheological model. However, slip rate estimates for the individual faults are sensitive to assumed rheology. Elastic half‐space models yield 2–3 mm yr−1 for the Agua Blanca fault, and somewhat faster rates for the San Miguel‐Vallecitos fault, 2–4 mm yr−1, with uncertainties of about 1 mm yr−1. Models incorporating viscoelastic rheology and seismic cycle effects suggest a faster slip rate for the Agua Blanca fault, 6 ± 1 mm yr−1, and a slower rate for the San Miguel‐Vallecitos fault, 1 ± 1 mm yr−1, in better agreement with geological data, but these rates are sensitive to assumed rheology. Numerical simulations with a finite element model suggest that for similar rheological and friction conditions, slip on the San Miguel‐Vallecitos fault should be favored due to better alignment with plate motion. Long‐term faulting processes in the larger offset Agua Blanca fault may have lowered slip resistance, allowing accommodation of motion despite misalignment with plate motion