9 research outputs found

    Effects of local meteorology and aerosols on ozone and nitrogen dioxide retrievals from OMI and pandora spectrometers in Maryland, USA during DISCOVER-AQ 2011

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    An analysis is presented for both ground- and satellite-based retrievals of total column ozone and nitrogen dioxide levels from the Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Maryland, metropolitan area during the NASA-sponsored July 2011 campaign of Deriving Information on Surface COnditions from Column and VERtically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality (DISCOVER-AQ). Satellite retrievals of total column ozone and nitrogen dioxide from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura satellite are used, while Pandora spectrometers provide total column ozone and nitrogen dioxide amounts from the ground. We found that OMI and Pandora agree well (residuals within ±25 % for nitrogen dioxide, and ±4.5 % for ozone) for a majority of coincident observations during July 2011. Comparisons with surface nitrogen dioxide from a Teledyne API 200 EU NOx Analyzer showed nitrogen dioxide diurnal variability that was consistent with measurements by Pandora. However, the wide OMI field of view, clouds, and aerosols affected retrievals on certain days, resulting in differences between Pandora and OMI of up to ±65 % for total column nitrogen dioxide, and ±23 % for total column ozone. As expected, significant cloud cover (cloud fraction \u3e0.2) was the most important parameter affecting comparisons of ozone retrievals; however, small, passing cumulus clouds that do not coincide with a high (\u3e0.2) cloud fraction, or low aerosol layers which cause significant backscatter near the ground affected the comparisons of total column nitrogen dioxide retrievals. Our results will impact post-processing satellite retrieval algorithms and quality control procedures

    Satellite NO2 Trends and Hotspots Over Offshore Oil and Gas Operations in the Gulf of Mexico

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    Abstract The Outer Continental Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is populated with numerous oil and natural gas (ONG) platforms which produce NOx (NOx = NO + NO2), a major component of air pollution. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is mandated to ensure that the air quality of coastal states is not degraded by these emissions. As part of a NASA‐BOEM collaboration, we conducted a satellite data‐based analysis of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) patterns and trends in the GOM. Data from the OMI and TROPOMI sensors were used to obtain 18+ year records of tropospheric column (TrC) NO2 in three GOM regions: (a) Houston urban area, (b) near shore area off the Louisiana coast, and a (c) deepwater area off the Louisiana coast. The 2004–2022 time series show a decreasing trend for the urban (−0.027 DU/decade) and near shore (−0.0022 DU/decade) areas, and an increasing trend (0.0019 DU/decade) for the deepwater area. MERRA‐2 wind and TROPOMI NO2 data were used to reveal several NO2 hotspots (up to 25% above background values) under calm wind conditions near individual platforms. The NO2 signals from these deepwater platforms and the high density of shallow water platforms closer to shore were confirmed by TrC NO2 anomalies of up to 10%, taking into account the monthly TrC NO2 climatology over the GOM. The results presented in this study establish a baseline for future estimates of emissions from the ONG hotspots and provide a methodology for analyzing NO2 measurements from the new geostationary TEMPO instrument

    Two Air Quality Regimes in Total Column NO2 Over the Gulf of Mexico in May 2019: Shipboard and Satellite Views

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    Abstract The Satellite Coastal and Oceanic Atmospheric Pollution Experiment (SCOAPE) cruise in the Gulf of Mexico was conducted in May 2019 by NASA and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to determine the feasibility of using satellite data to measure air quality in a region of concentrated oil and natural gas (ONG) operations. SCOAPE addressed both technological and scientific issues related to measuring NO2 columns over the outer continental shelf. Featured were nitrogen dioxide (NO2) instruments (Pandora, Teledyne API analyzer) at Cocodrie, LA (29.26°, −90.66°), and on the Research Vessel Point Sur operating off the Louisiana coast with measurements of ozone, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The findings: (a) all NO2 observations revealed two atmospheric regimes over the Gulf, the first influenced by tropical air in 10–14 May, the second influenced by flow from urban areas on 15–17 May; (b) comparisons of OMI v4 and TROPOMI v1.3 TC (total column) NO2 data with shipboard Pandora NO2 column observations averaged 13% agreement with the largest difference during 15–17 May (∌20%). At Cocodrie, the satellite–Pandora agreement was ∌5%. (c) Three new‐model Pandora instruments displayed a TC NO2 precision of 0.01 Dobson Units (∌5%); (d) regions of smaller, older natural gas operations showed high methane readings from leakage; elevated VOCs were also detected. Neither satellite nor spectrometer captured the magnitude of ambient NO2 variability near ONG platforms. Given an absence of regular air quality monitoring over the Gulf of Mexico, SCOAPE data constitute a baseline against which future observations can be compared

    A Post‐2013 Dropoff in Total Ozone at a Third of Global Ozonesonde Stations: Electrochemical Concentration Cell Instrument Artifacts?

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    An international effort to improve ozonesonde data quality and to reevaluate historical records has made significant improvements in the accuracy of global network data. However, between 2014 and 2016, ozonesonde total column ozone (TCO; O3) at 14 of 37 regularly reporting stations exhibited a sudden dropoff relative to satellite measurements. The ozonesonde TCO drop is 3–7% compared to satellite and ground‐based TCO, and 5–10% or more compared to satellite stratospheric O3 profiles, compromising the use of recent data for trends, although they remain reliable for other uses. Hardware changes in the ozonesonde instrument are likely a major factor in the O3 dropoff, but no single property of the ozonesonde explains the findings. The bias remains in recent data. Research to understand the dropoff is in progress; this letter is intended as a caution to users of the data. Our findings underscore the importance of regular ozonesonde data evaluation

    A Post‐2013 Dropoff in Total Ozone at a Third of Global Ozonesonde Stations: Electrochemical Concentration Cell Instrument Artifacts?

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    An international effort to improve ozonesonde data quality and to reevaluate historical records has made significant improvements in the accuracy of global network data. However, between 2014 and 2016, ozonesonde total column ozone (TCO; O3) at 14 of 37 regularly reporting stations exhibited a sudden dropoff relative to satellite measurements. The ozonesonde TCO drop is 3–7% compared to satellite and ground‐based TCO, and 5–10% or more compared to satellite stratospheric O3 profiles, compromising the use of recent data for trends, although they remain reliable for other uses. Hardware changes in the ozonesonde instrument are likely a major factor in the O3 dropoff, but no single property of the ozonesonde explains the findings. The bias remains in recent data. Research to understand the dropoff is in progress; this letter is intended as a caution to users of the data. Our findings underscore the importance of regular ozonesonde data evaluation

    Effects of local meteorology and aerosols on ozone and nitrogen dioxide retrievals from OMI and pandora spectrometers in Maryland, USA during DISCOVER-AQ 2011

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    An analysis is presented for both ground- and satellite-based retrievals of total column ozone and nitrogen dioxide levels from the Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Maryland, metropolitan area during the NASA-sponsored July 2011 campaign of Deriving Information on Surface COnditions from Column and VERtically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality (DISCOVER-AQ). Satellite retrievals of total column ozone and nitrogen dioxide from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura satellite are used, while Pandora spectrometers provide total column ozone and nitrogen dioxide amounts from the ground. We found that OMI and Pandora agree well (residuals within ±25 % for nitrogen dioxide, and ±4.5 % for ozone) for a majority of coincident observations during July 2011. Comparisons with surface nitrogen dioxide from a Teledyne API 200 EU NOx Analyzer showed nitrogen dioxide diurnal variability that was consistent with measurements by Pandora. However, the wide OMI field of view, clouds, and aerosols affected retrievals on certain days, resulting in differences between Pandora and OMI of up to ±65 % for total column nitrogen dioxide, and ±23 % for total column ozone. As expected, significant cloud cover (cloud fraction \u3e0.2) was the most important parameter affecting comparisons of ozone retrievals; however, small, passing cumulus clouds that do not coincide with a high (\u3e0.2) cloud fraction, or low aerosol layers which cause significant backscatter near the ground affected the comparisons of total column nitrogen dioxide retrievals. Our results will impact post-processing satellite retrieval algorithms and quality control procedures

    Five years of Sentinel-5p TROPOMI operational ozone profiling and geophysical validation using ozonesonde and lidar ground-based networks

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    International audienceThe Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) satellite operated by the European Space Agency (ESA) carries the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on a Sun-synchronous low-Earth orbit since October 13, 2017. The S5P mission has acquired more than five years of TROPOMI nadir ozone profile data retrieved from the Level-0-to-1B processor version 2.0 and the Level-1B-to-2 Optimal Estimation based processor version 2.4.0. The latter is described in detail in this work, followed by the geophysical validation of the resulting ozone profiles for the period May 2018 to April 2023. Comparison of TROPOMI 5 ozone profile data to co-located ozonesonde and lidar measurements used as references, concludes to a median agreement better than 5 to 10 % in the troposphere. The bias goes up to-15 % in the upper stratosphere (35-45 km) where it can exhibit vertical oscillations. The comparisons show a dispersion of about 30 % in the troposphere and 10 to 20 % in the upper troposphere to lower stratosphere (UTLS) and in the middle stratosphere, which is close to mission requirements. Chi-square tests of the observed differences confirm on average the validity of the ex-ante (prognostic) satellite and ground-based data 10 uncertainty estimates in the middle stratosphere, above about 20 km. Around the tropopause and below, the mean chi-square