611 research outputs found

    Profili dominirajućih strana tijela u tjelesnom odgoju

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the dominance preferences of physical educators and the impact the profiles can have on pedagogical knowledge in the teaching/learning environment. Participants completed a self-assessment of dominant preferences survey in the areas of the brain hemisphere, eye, ear, hand and foot preference. Chi-square and cross-tab analysis were used to analyze the data according to age, sex, and teaching experience. A basic dominance profile for physical educators in the study was determined and the results revealed a profile of equal distribution for left and right brain dominance and predominantly the right eye, ear, hand and foot preferences for the group. The profile for this group of physical educators was different from the profile of educators in previous research. The strengths of the left-brain dominants were in the visual, auditory, and movement preferences, while the weaknesses were in the kinesthetic preferences. The strengths for the right brain dominants were only in the kinesthetic preferences, while the weaknesses were in the visual, auditory, and movement areas.Uvod Ovo istraživanje proučavalo je osnovne profile dominacije za nastavnike tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u SAD-u. Faktori koji su bili proučavani uključivali su godine, spol, regiju SAD-a te godine nastavničkog iskustva u svrhu utvrđivanja njihove korelacije sa selekcijom dominacije. Istraživačka pitanja koja su vodila ovo istraživanje bila su: 1) koje su to primarne pogodnosti dominacije kod nastavnika TZK i ostalih srodnih zanimanja testiranih u ovom istraživanju; 2) koji faktori utječu na dominantne preferencije i 3) u sklopu dominantnih preferencija, koje su prednosti i nedostaci očigledni koje bi mogli utjecati na pedagoške spoznaje. Metode Istraživanje je provedeno na 698 ispitanika, nastavnika TZK, starosti od 19 do 64 godine, iz 48 američkih saveznih država sa nastavničkim iskustvom od 0 do 40 godina. Osnovni deskriptivni parametri izračunati su pomoću statističkog paketa SPSS. Za analizu podataka koji su se odnosili na dob, spol, nastavničko iskustvo i prebivalište koristili su se χ2 test i cross tab analiza. Profili dominacije bili su prikupljeni na prigodnom uzorku učitelja i studenata kineziološke edukacije i srodnih područja putem on-line upitnika u razdoblju od 6 godina. Upitnik je omogućio ispitanicima provedbu auto-procjene njihovog profila dominacije u području dominacije mozga, oka, uha, ruke i noge. Svaki je ispitanik bio zamoljen da odredi je li dominantno osjetilo, odnosno organ (mozak, oko, uho, ruka ili noga) bio primarno desne ili lijeve dominacije, odnosno neodređen. Rezultati Istraživanje je provedeno na 698 ispitanika od kojih su 65,8% bile žene, a 34,2% muškarci. Ispitanici su za potrebe analize podataka bili raspoređeni u grupe po starosti, spolu, prebivalištu (savezna država) te godinama iskustva. U cross tab analizi dominacije mozga sa godinama i prebivalištem nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike. Statističke razlike bile su zabilježene kod analize korelacija između određivanja dominacije lijeve ili desne hemisfere mozga sa brojem godina nastavničkog iskustva. Ukupni profil ispitanika nastavnika TZK pokazao je da je uzorak odredio jednaki omjer u dominaciji pojedinih hemisfera mozga te sa preferencijama u desnom oku (65,6%), desnom uhu (60,7%), desnoj ruci (89,8%) i desnoj nozi (82,3%). U određivanju dominacije pojedine strane mozga ispitanici su bili gotovo izjednačeno podijeljeni (lijeva strana mozga 50,7% te desna strana mozga 49,3%), ali su ostale preferencije bile pretežno desne dominacije. Cross tab analiza pokazala je da se veći postotak muških ispitanika odredio kao osoba kojoj je lijeva strana mozga dominantna (55%) u odnosu one s dominantnom desnom stranom mozga (45%) te da su se ženske ispitanice vrlo izjednačeno podijelile prema dominaciji hemisfera (50,9% dominacija desne hemisfere naspram 49,1% dominacije lijeva hemisfere mozga). Na svim razinama nastavničkog iskustva većina je ispitanika bila opredijeljena za dominaciju desnog oka i desne noge. Dobivena je statistička značajnost (p<.001) između godina nastavničkog iskustva i dominacije uha. Hannaford (1997) je predstavio 32 različita profila dominacije koja otkrivaju preferencije u procesuiranju informacija u procesu učenja. Kros-lateralna dominacija bila je uočena kod 20,2% ispitanika u uzorku u kojem je 92% ispitanika bilo određeno kao osobe sa dominacijom lijeve hemisfere i 8% sa dominacijom desne hemisfere. Homolateralna dominacija bila je uočena kod 20,5% ispitanika u uzorku u kojem je 9% ispitanika imalo dominantnu lijevu hemisferu i 91% dominantnu desnu hemisferu. Miješana dominacija profila mozga primijećena je kod 59,3% ispitanika te kod velikog postotka osoba koje imaju poteškoće u učenju. Diskusija i zaključak Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je utvrđivanje primarnih profila dominacije i preferencija nastavnika TZK i osoba u sličnim područjima, faktorima koji utječu na te preferencije te kako te spoznaje mogu utjecati na pedagoški proces učenja u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Konstruktivna teorija učenja navodi da ono što se događa u našim sadašnjim edukacijskim sustavima nije najbolje za sve učenike. Tradicionalni stilovi učenja ne moraju povećavati učenje, ali korištenje stilova dominantnih preferencija i učenja može doprijeti do svih učenika. Vrlo je važno razmatrati kako pojedinac procesuira informaciju u svom mozgu. Procesuiranje u mozgu utječe na sve ostale preferencije i stilove pojedine osobe. Ispitanici su u ovom istraživanju pokazali izjednačenost u dominaciji lijeve i desne hemisfere mozga. Istraživanja pokazuju da većina učenika u osnovnim školama imaju dominantu desnu hemisferu, dok je većina učitelja sa dominantnom lijevom hemisferom mozga (Dunn i Dunn, 1992; Dunn, 1993; Dunn, Dunn i Perrin, 1994). U ovom uzorku ispitanika profili dominacije za oko, uho, ruku i nogu su dominantno desni. Kao grupa, nastavnici TZK su vrlo logički nastrojeni, orijentirani detaljima, verbalni, vizualni i osobe s racionalnim i koordiniranim kretnjama. Naš sustav edukacije favorizira učitelje (i studente/učenike) koji informacije procesuiraju linearnim putem, ali osobe koje tako procesuiraju informacije predstavljaju tek 15% testirane populacije (Hannaford, 1993). Ti pojedinci vjerojatno imaju visoko samopouzdanje i manje su podložni stresu budući da su školske zadaće postavljene upravo prema njihovim mogućnostima procesuiranja. Sa manje dodatnog stresa ti učitelji mogu puno lakše doprijeti i brinuti se o svim tipovima učenika, neovisno o dominaciji preferencija. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da muškarci u većem postotku imaju dominaciju lijeve hemisfere mozga, dok je kod žena dominacija hemisfera vrlo ujednačena. Aktivnosti koje se provode na velikim otvorenim prostorima preferiraju osobe sa dominantnom desnom hemisferom mozga budući da je vrlo dobro dokumentirano da je desna strana mozga superiornija za prostorno procesuiranje. Nastavničko iskustvo u ovom uzorku ispitanika utjecalo je na promjene u dominaciji strane i uha i mozga. Dominacija desnog uha bila je zabilježena kod dvostruko više učitelja u prvih deset godina predavanja, ali se uravnotežila kod učitelja koji su imali veći radni staž. Učitelji koji su imali više nastavničkog iskustva bili su skloniji biti s dominantnom lijevom stranom mozga, dok su oni sa manjim nastavničkim iskustvom bili uglavnom osobe s dominantnom desnom hemisferom mozga. Veće iskustvo pokazalo je veće tendiranje prema dominaciji lijeve hemisfere mozga. Naše (američke) škole postavljene su tako da vrednuju pojedince koji imaju razvijeniju logičku komponentu razmišljanja. Učitelji koji su testirani u ovom istraživanju započeli su svoje karijere sa preferencijama desne hemisfere mozga, ali su s vremenom promijenili i prilagodili izbor dominacije kako bi učinkovitije funkcionirali. Ta promjena u izboru dominacije mogla bi predstavljati proces naučene kompenzacije. Iskusniji učitelji prilagođuju se sustavu koji je u SAD-u više kognitivno orijentiran (dominacija lijeve hemisfere mozga). Kako god, potrebna su buduća istraživanja u ovom području koja bi potvrdila ovakve zaključke. Kada je cjelokupan profil učitelja TZK bio predstavljen po kategorijama dominacije dobio se vrlo jasan uvid u prednosti i mane nastavnika TZK, ispitanika u ovom istraživanju. Približno 20% ispitanika prikazalo je kros-lateralan profil i 20% ispitanika imalo je homo-lateralan profil. 59% ispitanika imalo je miješani profil dominacije. Kros lateralna grupa ispitanika dobro se nosi sa situacijom u zemlji vezanom uz procese i stilove učenja, budući da se njihove preferencije uklapaju u edukacijski sustav sa dominacijom logičkih procesa učenja i obrazovanja. Ljudi ne mogu promijeniti svoje preferencije dominacije, ali mogu kompenzirati neke preferencije do određenog nivoa. Utvrđivanje svoje i preferencije dominacije drugih ljudi može nam pomoći da razumijemo područja prednosti i mana u obrazovnom okruženju. Kada te preferencije budu definirane, učitelji će imati bolje razumijevanje o tome kako doprijeti do učenika i kako unaprijediti obrazovni proces

    Teaching Bioethics as a Stand-alone Subject in a New Zealand State Secondary School

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    This study is based on the contention that there is a lack of theoretical values education, that is, ethical thinking, ethical consideration and understanding of ethical theory, within New Zealand’s schools and communities at a time when societies globally are facing significant ethical, legal, social, environmental, economic and political challenges resulting from rapid technological advances. This project’s principal aim is to explore the cognitive and affective outcomes for students interacting with a specially designed bioethics curriculum presented as a stand-alone subject within the timetable at their urban, decile six, co-educational, state secondary school. It explores the proposal that if the teaching and learning of bioethics is conducted in a student-centred context and includes the teaching of ethical theory, in addition to exploring applied bioethical situations in which learners are encouraged to generate and test their opinions, then it can engage many learners and provide them with a successful way to critique their personal value systems; develop an understanding of values systems that differ from their own; and develop the key academic and social competencies of critical thinking skills, relating to others, managing self, participating and contributing, and understanding language, symbols and text required by the New Zealand curriculum. The study proposes a constructivist view of learning as a multifaceted and continuously evolving developmental process in which new ideas are generated or assimilated based on an individual’s personal values, which have cultural, ethical and spiritual dimensions. Specifically, this investigation examines and describes the teaching and learning of bioethics through two case studies conducted in a state school environment across 78 students aged between 15 and 18 years, with a wide range of interests, backgrounds and academic abilities. This research has adopted a triangulated mixed-methods design in which both qualitative and quantitative data were generated and merged to develop a deep understanding of affective and cognitive outcomes for students participating in the full-year, stand-alone bioethics course. Participating students demonstrated high levels of engagement with the bioethics curriculum and the narrative, discussion-based pedagogy integral to the study. Results show that all participating students, regardless of their academic histories, had a positive affective and cognitive response to the bioethics curriculum. The stand-alone bioethics curriculum taught within the two bounded case study groups proved an effective vehicle for explicit and comprehensive values teaching and learning, incorporating both theoretical–cognitive and character–behavioural aspects. Students’ values appreciation, critical thinking skills, skills of argument, attitudes and behaviour towards others, and philosophical and scientific conceptual understanding, improved through their participation in the full-year, stand-alone bioethics trial. Data and experience acquired through this study will be of relevance to teachers from a wide variety of disciplines including the physical sciences and humanities, and to curriculum managers at individual and national policy levels

    Food and Energy for All

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    When asked what plants need for photosynthesis, many students can correctly recall the reaction equation and state that plants require CO2, H2O, and light. Many students, however, do not understand that these reactants are the raw materials plants use to make sugars and instead believe that they are food for plants. Moreover, when questioned further, students often voice the idea that plants get their food from the soil (Kestler 2014). This is consistent with findings that fewer than half of current middle and high school students have a correct understanding of the process of photosynthesis (AAAS 2015). We developed this lesson to help students confront their misconceptions about photosynthesis and what constitutes food for plants. Photosynthesis is a complex process that requires a unit of instruction including multiple student experiences. Therefore, we use this lesson as an introduction to the unit on matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems so that students develop a better understanding of the reactants of photosynthesis. We wanted students to investigate how different variables typically mistaken for plant food (e.g., CO2, H2O, light, soil) affect photosynthesis, with the goal of helping students develop an understanding that photosynthesis is a chemical process that produces food for plants. We modified a demonstration (Fox, Gaynor, and Shillcock 1999) that allows for an estimation of the rate of photosynthesis by timing how long it takes punched-out spinach-leaf disks to rise to the top of a solution due to the production of oxygen gas. In our modification, students perform the original demonstration in small groups and then develop their own follow-up investigations to explore the effects of other variables on the rate of photosynthesis, using the initial procedures as a model (see Online Supplemental Materials for a complete teacher guide)

    The Multidimensionality of IT Outsourcing Risks

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    Abstract: IT outsourcing is a complex endeavour with multiple sources of risks. The body of knowledge on the subject is vast but scattered. Our project aims to create an integrated risk and controls framework. This paper discusses the multidimensional nature of outsourcing risks that needs to be addressed when such framework is developed. This paper presents findings from two workshops where risks, their classifications and dimensions where discussed by a group of experienced risk practitioners. The results highlight that practitioners see strategy, stakeholders and the different phases of the outsourcing as important dimensions that create risk and need to be addressed when organisations are planning or running an outsourcing venture. This research confirms that there are a number of dimensions in IT outsourcing risk and it has provided depth to the understanding of these dimensions

    Exploring Practitioner Perspectives of Sourcing Risks: Towards the Development of an Integrated Risk and Control Framework

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    Outsourcing of information and communication technologies (ICT) and related services is an established and growing industry. Recent trends, such as the move toward multi-sourcing have increased the complexity and risk of these outsourcing arrangements. There is a critical research need to identify the risks faced by both the organisations that outsource ICT and the vendors that provide it in this changing landscape. To address growing concerns regarding the best way to deal with risk and control in this environment, our research focuses on establishing a Sourcing Risk and Control Framework to assist organisations identify these risks and develop effective mitigation strategies. In this paper we report on the first stage of our research that sought to document how sourcing risk is represented and considered in practice. To date, limited empirical research has been conducted in an Australian context. Using a series of workshops involving client and vendor representatives, we identified a broad range of risks and developed a cohesive categorisation scheme that incorporates functional and multi-stakeholder perspectives

    Activated Protective Fabric

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    Disclosed are fibrous activated materials that can remove and/or deactivate potentially dangerous airborne agents from a gas or air stream. Disclosed materials are multi-layer materials that include a fibrous nonwoven interceptor layer and an active layer immediately adjacent the interceptor layer. The interceptor layer is a fibrous membrane of very low basis weight and defines a relatively low porosity, and the active layer describes geometries, chemistries, etc. that can entrap and/or decontaminate compounds contained in an airstream passing through the material. Disclosed materials can be utilized in forming protective garments, face masks, and the like

    The Diabetes Primary Prevention Initiative interventions focus area: A case study and recommendations

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    Background: In 2005, CDC began the Diabetes Primary Prevention Initiative Interventions Focus Area (DPPI-IFA), which funded fıve state Diabetes Prevention and Control Programs (DPCPs) to translate diabetes primary prevention trials into real-world settings by developing and implementing a framework for state-level diabetes primary prevention. Purpose: The purpose of this case study, conducted in 2007, was to describe DPPI-IFA implementation, including facilitators and challenges to the initiative. Methods: Case studies of the fıve DPCPs in the DPPI-IFA involving site visits with key informant interviews of state staff and partners and archival record collection. Results: Partners recruited for DPPI-IFA activities included local or state public health agencies (three of fıve DPCPs); regional or state nonprofıt organizations (fıve DPCPs); businesses or employers (three DPCPs); and healthcare organizations (four DPCPs). The DPCPs implemented a variety of interventions in three main domains: diabetes primary prevention and prediabetes awareness, screening activities and lifestyle interventions, and prediabetes-related health policy efforts. Preliminary outcomes are described at the individual and organization/partnership levels. Results suggest the importance of utilizing preexisting partnerships to extend work into diabetes prevention, providing even small amounts of funding to partners, and prior program planning for diabetes prevention. Challenges for the DPPI-IFA included recruiting participants, establishing links with providers to obtain diagnostic testing for people screened for prediabetes, and offering a lifestyle intervention. Conclusions: The DPPI-IFA represents a unique effort by state public health programs in the translation of diabetes primary prevention trials into real-world settings. The experiences of the DPPI-IFA programs offer valuable lessons for future community-based diabetes prevention initiatives, especially regarding the need to strengthen clinical–community partnerships for referral of people with prediabetes to evidence-based lifestyle programs