817 research outputs found

    Individuals' Donations to Charities and their Use of Tax Relief

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    The study investigated the extent British people gave money to charity over the last 12 months: how much they gave, how they gave it, what proportion of these donations were of the kind that attract tax relief and how much of this relief was actually taken up. It also investigated people's awareness of tax relief, how they saw the connection between giving to charity and the use of tax relief and how this might have influenced the pattern or scale of their giving

    PET and P300 Relationships in Early Alzheimer\u27s Disease

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    The P300 (P3) wave of the auditory brain event-related potential was investigated in patients with probable Alzheimer\u27s disease to determine whether P300 latency discriminated these patients from controls and whether prolonged P300 latency correlated with rates of brain glucose metabolism as measured by Positron Emission Tomography. P300 latency was prolonged by more than 1.5 standard deviations from age expectancy in 14 of 18 patients, but none of 17 controls. In these subjects P300 latency was shown to be inversely correlated with relative metabolic rates of parietal and, to a lesser extent, temporal and frontal association areas, but not with subcortical areas

    Shaping young children's handwriting and keyboarding performance:Individual and contextual-level factors

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    There is a strong body of research showing associations between handwriting automaticity and children’s writing performance. However, less is known about keyboarding automaticity and young students’ writing performance. We investigated the relationship between handwriting and keyboarding automaticity and writing performance in both modalities in a sample of 49 students, as well as children’s attitudes toward writing in each modality. We also examined the frequency and the nature of the teaching strategies implemented to support children’s writing development at school, and the writing practices and support that children reported experiencing at home. Our findings showed statistically significant associations between letter writing automaticity in both modalities and the quality and the length of Year 2 children’s handwritten and keyboarded texts. Results further suggested statistically significant moderate to strong associations between all handwriting and keyboarding variables assessed. While our findings concur with research stressing the importance of preparing students to become “hybrid” writers by mastering both handwritten and keyboarding modalities, they also stress the need to examine contextual factors, such as teaching and home writing practices, to gain a more comprehensive view of factors impacting children’s writing acquisition and development

    A comparative analysis of 2D and 3D experimental data for the identification of the parameters of computational models

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    : Computational models are becoming an increasingly valuable tool in biomedical research. Their accuracy and effectiveness, however, rely on the identification of suitable parameters and on appropriate validation of the in-silico framework. Both these steps are highly dependent on the experimental model used as a reference to acquire the data. Selecting the most appropriate experimental framework thus becomes key, together with the analysis of the effect of combining results from different experimental models, a common practice often necessary due to limited data availability. In this work, the same in-silico model of ovarian cancer cell growth and metastasis, was calibrated with datasets acquired from traditional 2D monolayers, 3D cell culture models or a combination of the two. The comparison between the parameters sets obtained in the different conditions, together with the corresponding simulated behaviours, is presented. It provides a framework for the study of the effect of the different experimental models on the development of computational systems. This work also provides a set of general guidelines for the comparative testing and selection of experimental models and protocols to be used for parameter optimization in computational models

    Subclinical infection without encephalitis in mice following intranasal exposure to Nipah virus-Malaysia and Nipah virus-Bangladesh

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    BACKGROUND: Nipah virus and Hendra virus are closely related and following natural or experimental exposure induce similar clinical disease. In humans, encephalitis is the most serious outcome of infection and, hitherto, research into the pathogenesis of henipavirus encephalitis has been limited by the lack of a suitable model. Recently we reported a wild-type mouse model of Hendra virus (HeV) encephalitis that should facilitate detailed investigations of its neuropathogenesis, including mechanisms of disease recrudescence. In this study we investigated the possibility of developing a similar model of Nipah virus encephalitis. FINDINGS: Aged and young adult wild type mice did not develop clinical disease including encephalitis following intranasal exposure to either the Malaysia (NiV-MY) or Bangladesh (NiV-BD) strains of Nipah virus. However viral RNA was detected in lung tissue of mice at euthanasia (21 days following exposure) accompanied by a non-neutralizing antibody response. In a subsequent time course trial this viral RNA was shown to be reflective of an earlier self-limiting and subclinical lower respiratory tract infection through successful virus re-isolation and antigen detection in lung. There was no evidence for viremia or infection of other organs, including brain. CONCLUSIONS: Mice develop a subclinical self-limiting lower respiratory tract infection but not encephalitis following intranasal exposure to NiV-BD or NiV-MY. These results contrast with those reported for HeV under similar exposure conditions in mice, demonstrating a significant biological difference in host clinical response to exposure with these viruses. This finding provides a new platform from which to explore the viral and/or host factors that determine the neuroinvasive ability of henipaviruses

    Occupational Injuries on Thoroughbred Horse Farms: A Description of Latino and Non-Latino Workers\u27 Experiences

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    Animal production is a dangerous industry and increasingly reliant on a Latino workforce. Within animal production, little is known about the risks or the occupational hazards of working on farms involved in various aspects of thoroughbred horse breeding. Extant research suggests that horse workers are at risk of musculoskeletal and respiratory symptoms, kicks, and other injuries. However, limited known research has examined the experiences of the industry\u27s workers, including immigrant workers, despite their prominence and increased vulnerability. Using data collected from thoroughbred farm representatives via a phone-administered survey, a 2-hour face-to-face semi-structured interview, and farm injury logs, this article identifies and describes types of injuries experienced by workers (N = 284) and their surrounding circumstances. Results indicate that general injuries and musculoskeletal strains, sprains, and tears account for a majority of injuries among workers on thoroughbred farms. Upper limbs and extremities are most frequently injured, while direct contact with the horse accounted for over half of all injuries. No differences in the diagnoses or distribution of injury were found by ethnicity; however, Latinos were more often struck by or trampled by a horse while non-Latinos were more often injured by an insect or plant. Implications and opportunities for future research are discussed

    Good images, effective messages? Working with students and educators on academic practice understanding

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    Work at Northumbria University has focussed on activity that extends opportunities for students to engage directly with the skills development necessary for sound academic practice. This has included highly visual campaigns on the "Plagiarism trap", providing access to Turnitin plagiarism detection software, guides and sessions to highlight use of associated referencing tools. Sessions on a variety of topics, such as supporting study skills and reading originality reports, have been provided for students on taught, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. This provision has included students working on collaborative partners' sites and also those on research programmes. Alongside the activities with students, "designing out" approaches have been embedded in staff development within the educator community at Northumbria. Formative use of Turnitin is integrated throughout programmes and academic practice development is formally recognised within the University Learning and Teaching Strategy's focus on information literacy. This article outlines and reviews these activities in a critical institutional context and evaluates responses from a variety of students and educators to determine how effective these measures have been

    The Australian Breast Cancer Tissue Bank (ABCTB)

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    The ABCTB was established in 2006 as an open access, not for profit resource dedicated to providing biospecimens and/or data to both national and international research projects in the field of breast cancer. Donors are consented according to standard ethical principles for use of their material for unspecified future research. ABCTB collects fully annotated clinical samples and associated clinical and longitudinal data from donors. Material and data is supplied to research projects.</p
