2,515 research outputs found

    L’autorĂ©gulation de l’apprentissage et la collaboration dans le dĂ©veloppement professionnel des enseignants

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    Cet article examine l’interrelation entre l’autorĂ©gulation et l’apprentissage collaboratif dans le dĂ©veloppement professionnel des enseignants. Pour commencer, un cadre thĂ©orique est Ă©tabli afin de dĂ©finir le dĂ©veloppement professionnel chez les individus comme situĂ© dans la pratique, au sein de communautĂ©s d’apprentissage collaboratif. Cette discussion fournit les balises pour dĂ©crire deux initiatives consĂ©cutives de dĂ©veloppement professionnel dans lesquelles les enseignants ont cherchĂ© Ă  traduire des principes Ă©ducatifs innovants dans la pratique. Un aperçu des deux projets est fourni, accompagnĂ© d’un rapport de rĂ©sultats centrĂ©s sur l’enseignement de processus d’apprentissage, et sur comment les enseignants sont arrivĂ©s Ă  changer leur pratique Ă  travers leur participation Ă  cette recherche collaborative.This article examines the relationship between self-regulation and collaborative learning in teachers’ professional development. Firstly, the author presents a theoretical frame that defines individual professional development as being present in practices within collaborative learning communities. This discussion provides the criteria for describing two series of initiatives for professional development in which teachers were asked to translate innovative educational principles into practice. The author provides a brief description of these projects and a report of results centred on teaching learning processes and specifically on how teachers changed their practices through their participation in this collaborative research project.Este artĂ­culo analiza la interrelaciĂłn entre la autoregulaciĂłn y el aprendizaje cooperativo en el desarrollo profesional de los docentes. En primer lugar, se establece un marco teĂłrico con la finalidad de definir el desarrollo profesional en los individuos tal como aparece en la prĂĄctica, dentro de comunidades de aprendizaje cooperativo. Este examen facilita las pautas para describir dos iniciativas consecutivas de desarrollo profesional dentro de las cuales los docentes han buscado la manera de aplicar los principios educativos innovadores en la prĂĄctica. Se presenta un resumen de los dos proyectos, acompañado de un informe de los resultados centrados en la enseñanza de los procesos de aprendizaje, y en cĂłmo los docentes han llegado a cambiar su prĂĄctica por medio de su participaciĂłn a la presente investigaciĂłn cooperativa

    Reconsidering Respect: Its Role in the British Prison Service

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    This article examines the meaning of respect in the interpersonal relationships within Her Majesty’s Prison Service. It is argued that respect-as-esteem and respect-asconsideration are often confused and unequally emphasised in modern society. This confusion is especially evident within the prison context where, due to the prison service’s ‘decency agenda’, the respectful treatment of inmates has become a topical issue. What does respect mean in prison? Why is it important? How can respectful relationships be established between staff and inmates? This article discusses these questions and proposes that there are different forms of respect possible between people. It is argued that there needs to be a recognition of the nuances of meaning when we use the word respect and that ‘respect-as-consideration’ may be the form of respect most consistently achievable, at the present time, within interpersonal relationships in English and Welsh prisons

    Decolonizing Possibilities in Special Education Services

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    Colonial contexts continue to shape the experiences of Indigenous students, especially in special education, even as educators work to respond to Indigenous perspectives. In this article we first apply a decolonizing critique to consider how colonialism affects special education programming, then survey Indigenous and decolonizing scholarship to (re)imagine how educators may start to address these concerns. Our analysis suggests that educators (1) engage in critical self-examination, (2) adopt holistic assessment strategies, (3) explore teaching practices emerging from decolonizing perspectives, and (4) examine and (re)imagine service delivery models. Educators may use these ideas as a springboard for exploring more contextualized decolonizing possibilities. Keywords: inclusive education, special education, decolonizationLes contextes coloniaux continuent de façonner les expĂ©riences des Ă©lĂšves autochtones, en particulier en enseignement spĂ©cialisĂ©, et ce, mĂȘme si les Ă©ducateurs s’efforcent de s’adapter au point de vue autochtone. Dans cet article, nous utilisons une critique de la dĂ©colonisation afin d’examiner comment le colonialisme affecte les programmes d’éducation spĂ©cialisĂ©e, et nous sondons le savoir autochtone et de dĂ©colonisation pour (rĂ©)imaginer par oĂč les Ă©ducateurs peuvent commencer pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces prĂ©occupations. Notre analyse permet de suggĂ©rer aux Ă©ducateurs de : (1) s’engager dans un autoexamen critique, (2) d’adopter des stratĂ©gies d’évaluation holistiques, (3) d’explorer les pratiques d’enseignement Ă©mergeant des perspectives de dĂ©colonisation, et (4) d’examiner et de (rĂ©)imaginer des modĂšles de prestation de services. Les Ă©ducateurs peuvent utiliser ces idĂ©es comme un tremplin pour explorer des pistes de dĂ©colonisation plus contextualisĂ©es. Mots-clĂ©s : Ă©ducation inclusive, Ă©ducation spĂ©cialisĂ©e, dĂ©colonisatio

    Workplace Theft: A Proposed Model and Research Agenda

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    Lucy A. McClurg is an associate professor in the W. T. Beebe Institute of Personnel and Employment Relations, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-4014 Deborah S. Butler is an associate professor in the Department of Management, Robinson College of Business. Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-4014

    When Shall I Tell? Relational Promotion and Timing of Information Technology Diffusion

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    This study adds to existing knowledge about information technology diffusion within organizations by examining the effects of social embeddedness on behavior of individual diffusers. Building on a social capital perspective of relationships, the authors theorize that individuals make intentional decisions to promote or suppress an innovation contingent on the nature of their relationship(s) with the potential adopters. Hypotheses regarding the likelihood of diffusion of an IT innovation through friendship, advice and multiplex friend and advisor relationships at early versus later stages in the diffusion process were tested using social network and panel survey data in two organizations. Results support predictions that individual diffusion behavior is contingent on the relation type and the progress of the innovation in the organization

    Values and Knowledge about Computer Mediated Communications: Testing a Model of Social and Broadcast Media Effects

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    Many knowledge-intensive organizations, such as educational institutions, technology developers, or professional services firms, depend on the ability of individuals to obtain information and ideas. Use of computer mediated communication (CMC) systems, including electronic mail, commercial on-line services, and the Internet, has the potential to vastly improve information flow. Thus, for many organizations, individuals\u27 ability to obtain knowledge about CMC technology will remain an important issue as new services become available. Attitudes and knowledge can both play a role in adoption of innovations. Therefore it is important to understand how values regarding new technologies develop within organizations. In this paper, we apply existing theories of social influence and learning to these issues. We propose and test a model of the impact of social interaction, department structures, and broadcast media on the spread of knowledge and values regarding CMC system

    L’autorĂ©gulation de l’apprentissage par la lecture d’adolescents en milieu dĂ©favorisĂ©

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    Cette Ă©tude a pour but de prĂ©senter les portraits d’autorĂ©gulation, lors de l’apprentissage par la lecture, de 20 545 Ă©lĂšves du secondaire (12 Ă  17 ans) frĂ©quentant 59 Ă©coles francophones de milieux dĂ©favorisĂ©s du QuĂ©bec. Elle repose sur le questionnaire d’évaluation Lire pour apprendre (Cartier et Butler, 2003). Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les Ă©lĂšves voient une certaine complexitĂ© Ă  la situation, par leur interprĂ©tation, leurs objectifs et les critĂšres de performance. Le volet apprentissage de la situation est moins ciblĂ©. Par ailleurs, les Ă©lĂšves prĂ©sentent des portraits d’autorĂ©gulation lacunaires. Des diffĂ©rences d’autorĂ©gulation entre les Ă©lĂšves du dĂ©but et de la fin du secondaire ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es.This study presents a portrait of the self-regulated learning-by-reading strategies of 20,545 secondary level students (aged 12 to 17) from 59 Francophone schools in low socio-economic areas in Quebec. The authors applied an evaluation questionnaire, “Lire pour apprendre” (Cartier et Butler, 2003). Results show that students understand the complexity of a situation based on their interpretation, their objectives and their performance criteria. The learning aspect in the situation is less targeted. However, students present self-regulated learning strategies that are inadequate. Differences in self-regulation by students at the beginning and at the end of the secondary level were found.Este estudio tiene por objetivo presentar los perfiles de autorregulaciĂłn durante el aprendizaje por la lectura de 20 545 alumnos de la secundaria (de 12 a 17 años de edad) provenientes de 59 escuelas francĂłfonas de medios desfavorecidos de la provincia de Quebec. Se fundamenta en el cuestionario de evaluaciĂłn Lire pour apprendre (Cartier y Butler, 2003). Los resultados muestran que los alumnos encuentran una cierta complejidad a la situaciĂłn por su interpretaciĂłn, sus objetivos y los criterios de desempeño. La parte « aprendizaje » de la situaciĂłn se encuentra menos señalada. Por otro lado, los alumnos presentan perfiles de autorregulaciĂłn con lagunas. Se observaron diferencias de autorregulaciĂłn entre los alumnos del principio y del final de la secundaria

    Examining Classroom Contexts in Support of Culturally Diverse Learners’ Engagement: An Integration of Self-Regulated Learning and Culturally Responsive Pedagogical Practices.

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    Research shows that culturally diverse students are often disengaged in multicultural classrooms. To address this challenge, literatures on self-regulated learning (SRL) and culturally responsive teaching (CRT) both document practices that foster engagement, although from different perspectives. This study examined how classroom teachers at schools that enrol students from diverse cultural communities on the West Coast of Canada built on a Culturally Responsive Self-Regulated Learning Framework to design complex tasks that integrated SRL pedagogical practices (SLPPs) and culturally-responsive pedagogical practices (CRPPs) to support student engagement. Two elementary school teachers and their 43 students (i.e., grades 4 and 5) participated in this study. We used a multiple, parallel case study design that embedded mixed methods approaches to examine how the teachers integrated SRLPPs and CRPPs into complex tasks; how culturally diverse students engaged in each teacher’s task; and how students’ experiences of engagement were related to their teachers' practices. We generated evidence through video-taped classroom observations, records of classroom practices, students’ work samples, a student self-report, and teacher interviews. Overall findings showed: (1) that teachers were able to build on the CR-SRL framework to guide their design of an CR-SRL complex task; (2) benefits to students’ engagement when those practices were present; and (3) dynamic learner-context interactions in that student engagement was situated in features of the complex task that were present on a given day. We close by highlighting implications of these findings, limitations, and future directions.   &nbsp

    Subjectivation and performative politics—Butler thinking Althusser and Foucault: intelligibility, agency and the raced-nationed-religioned subjects of education

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    Judith Butler is perhaps best known for her take-up of the debate between Derrida and Austin over the function of the performative and her subsequent suggestion that the subject be understood as performatively constituted. Another important but less often noted move within Butler‘s consideration of the processes through which the subject is constituted is her thinking between Althusser‘s notion of subjection and Foucault‘s notion of subjectivation. In this paper, I explore Butler‘s understanding of processes of subjectivation; examine the relationship between subjectivation and the performative suggested in and by Butler‘s work, and consider how the performative is implicated in processes of subjectivation – in =who‘ the subject is, or might be, subjectivated as. Finally, I examine the usefulness of understanding the subjectivating effects of discourse for education, in particular for educationalists concerned to make better sense of and interrupt educational inequalities. In doing this I offer a reading of an episode of ethnographic data generated in an Australian high School. I suggest that it is through subjectivating processes of the sort that Butler helps us to understand that some students are rendered subjects inside the educational endeavour, and others are rendered outside this endeavour or, indeed, outside student-hood
