18 research outputs found

    Influence of flow on thawing of underwater slopes and the pace coastal erosion of rivers, occurring in the permafrost zone

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    In the hydraulic laboratory of department of architecture & civil engineering RUDN University was performed studies of destruction of underwater and above-water coastal slopes in conditions simulating permafrost, depending on the soil type, the initial slope, and the slope angle. It was shown by authors, the speed of erosion of the underwater slope lags behind the speed of thawing of frozen ground. Water flow's influence is much higher than the impact of other factors (temperature, effect of wind, solar radiation), resulting in the formation of the washout niches. Thus, the main goal of the work was to identify the most important factors that affect on the changes of the river bed in permafrost zone.Keywords: experiment; frozen ground; erosion; water flow; permafrost zone

    Mathematical rainfall model for hydrographic demarcation of Manabi (Ecuador)

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    To determine the average annual rainfall at a specific site in a basin, it is necessary to count with rainfall information in the study area and topographic information. Counting with base information, is comes to the filling of them data missing with the help of any of them methods statistical existing for the effect. Thiessen polygons are built. Based on this procedure, may be elaborated isohyet or curves of equal rainfall, that are an input that can help also to estimate of precipitation in a specific geographical site. Here is a methodology that allows creating with the help of geographic information systems (GIS), a mathematical model to estimate very accurately the values of rainfall based only on the geographical coordinates. To achieve this objective, the basins of the Hydrographic Demarcation of Manabí have been chosen to develop the indicated mathematical model, which can be applied to other basins in the world.Keywords: multiple regression; mathematical model; GIS; Hydrology; rainfall

    Моделирование деформаций русел, сложенных мёрзлыми породами, при повышении температуры окружающей среды

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    This paper is devoted to investigation of the influence of river flow and of the temperature rise on the deformation of the coastal slopes composed of permafrost with the inclusion of ice layer. The method of investigation is the laboratory and mathematical modeling. The laboratory experiments have shown that an increase in water and air temperature changes in a laboratory analogue of permafrost causes deformation of the channel even without wave action, i.e. at steady-state flow and non-erosive water flow velocity. The previously developed model of the bed deformation was improved to account for long-term changes of soil structure with increasing temperature. The three-dimensional mathematical model of coastal slopes thermoerosion of the rivers flowing in permafrost regions, and its verification was based on the results of laboratory experiments conducted in the hydraulic tray. Analysis of the results of mathematical and laboratory modeling showed that bed deformation of the rivers flowing in the permafrost zone, significantly different from the deformation of channels composed of soils not susceptible to the influence of the phase transition «water-ice», and can occur even under the non-erosive velocity of the water flow.Работа посвящена исследованию влияния речного потока и повышения температуры воды на деформации береговых склонов, сложенных многолетнемёрзлыми породами с включением пластов льда. Методы исследования – лабораторное и математическое моделирование. Лабораторные эксперименты показали, что при повышении температуры воды и воздуха изменения в структуре лабораторного аналога многолетнемёрзлого грунта вызывают деформации русла даже без волнового воздействия, т.е. при стационарном режиме течения и неразмывающих скоростях водного потока. В связи с этим возникла необходимость усовершенствования разработанной ранее модели деформации русла с целью учёта долгопериодных изменений структуры грунта при повышении температуры воды. В основу трёхмерной математической модели термоэрозии береговых склонов рек, протекающих в районах развития многолетней мерзлоты, и её верификации положены результаты лабораторных экспериментов в гидравлическом лотке. Анализ результатов математического и лабораторного моделирования показал, что русловые деформации рек, протекающих в криолитозоне, значительно отличаются от деформаций русел, сложенных грунтами, не подверженными влиянию фазового перехода «вода–лёд», и могут наблюдаться даже при неразмывающих скоростях водного потока


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    In the hydraulic laboratory of department of architecture & civil engineering RUDN University was performed studies of destruction of underwater and above-water coastal slopes in conditions simulating permafrost, depending on the soil type, the initial slope, and the slope angle. It was shown by authors, the speed of erosion of the underwater slope lags behind the speed of thawing of frozen ground. Water flow's influence is much higher than the impact of other factors (temperature, effect of wind, solar radiation), resulting in the formation of the washout niches. Thus, the main goal of the work was to identify the most important factors that affect on the changes of the river bed in permafrost zone


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    In the hydraulic laboratory of department of architecture & civil engineering RUDN University was performed studies of destruction of underwater and above-water coastal slopes in conditions simulating permafrost, depending on the soil type, the initial slope, and the slope angle. It was shown by authors, the speed of erosion of the underwater slope lags behind the speed of thawing of frozen ground. Water flow's influence is much higher than the impact of other factors (temperature, effect of wind, solar radiation), resulting in the formation of the washout niches. Thus, the main goal of the work was to identify the most important factors that affect on the changes of the river bed in permafrost zone

    The Seasonal Deformations of the Coastal Slopes in the Permafrost Zone

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    With the recent global warming, especially in the northern hemisphere, requires expansion of research on the modeling and prediction of the destructive processes of coastal water bodies located in the permafrost. We have considered a set of interrelated factors that have a significant impact on deformations of the coastal slopes in the permafrost zone under conditions of seasonal changes in the environment. The model consists of several blocks: the thawing of frozen soil and the occurrence of melt flow, the division of the precipitation on the infiltration and the catchment (surface fluxes) and the seasonal melting of snow as a type of the incoming rainfall, the impact of surface runoff erosion on the coastal slope

    Traits of antisocial personality of juvenile offenders

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    The article presents the results of an empirical study of the so-called traits of an «antisocial personality» in juvenile offenders. In the educational colony of the PKU, the Aleksinsky VK of the UFSIN of Russia in the Tula region and the GSPU "Financial College No. 35" in Moscow, 28 convicts and 17 teenagers with conditional-normative behavior were examined. To describe the individual characteristics that characterize the traits of «antisocial personality», a set of psychological techniques (tests and questionnaires) is selected. A survey map is drawn up, which includes parameters relating to the history of the life of adolescent offenders. It is shown that juvenile convicts are marked by a number of traits that can be considered as predictors of unlawful behavior. In accordance with the foreign medical classifiers (ICD-10, DSM-5) and structured evaluation methods (PCL-R), they are designated as traitsof an «antisocial personality». The individual specificity of the traitsof the «asocial personality» has been determined

    About the substantiation of diagnostic indices in different categories of juveniles with delinquent behavior within the authority of the psychological, medical and educational committee

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    The problems of developing diagnostic indices, which could differentiate categories of deviant behavior in children and adolescents in the context of psychological, medical and educational committees’ (PMEC) activities are considered. The main goal of PMEC is timely detection of children with peculiarities in their physical and / or mental development and / or behavior deviation, their complex psychological, medical and educational examination and, on the basis of its results, development of recommendations for the corresponding assistance and organization of their education. This group of minors includes children and adolescents not only with limited health conditions, but also with different kinds of deviant behavior and in conflict with the law. In the article, the analysis of pupils’ personal files from special closed educational institutions for minors in conflict with the law is presented. The methodical instrument for the structured assessment of a child’s social situation of development in the work of a PMEC approved in the framework of the project “Development of scientific-methodical provisions for the PMEC work concerning examination and producing recommendations for pupils with deviant behavior and in conflict with the law” is described and used


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    In the hydraulic laboratory, experiments were conducted to determine the erosion of the inner and outer shores in a circular tray. The nature of the distribution of velocities and the formation of vortices on the installation, creating a rounded flow, was investigated. It is shown that, a vortex countercurrent occurs in the rounded flow at the inner shore. The impact of this velocity distribution on the erosion pattern of the various slopes of the rounded flow was analyzed.В гидравлической лаборатории были проведены эксперименты по определению размыва внутреннего и внешнего берегов в круговом лотке. Исследовался характер распределения скоростей и образования вихрей на установке, создающей закругленные потоки. Показано, что на повороте русла у внутреннего берега возникает вихревое противотечение. Анализировалось воздействие данного распределения скоростей на характер размыва различных склонов закругленного потока


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    Currently, the Russian rivers created by hydro, ensuring the solution of a large number of tasks that combine issues of livelihood and work of major industrial regions of the country. These facilities have significantly changed the natural regime of rivers and surrounding coastal areas. One of the main problems encountered during the construction and operation of hydro - negative channel processes downstream such as washouts and riverbeds destruction shores. Today this task is urgent, and even acute in some areas. However, some issues of erosion of banks and the reorganization of riverbeds downstream waterworks and their impact on the environment is not well understood. When activated, the lateral erosion develops general erosion processes with heterogeneous composition of sediments. In urban areas there is a risk of contamination of river water and coastal areas, damage to pipelines, dams collapse, flooding and inundation of large areas. The study and assessment of the extent of the dynamics of channel processes, allows us to develop recommendations, methods of forecasting and regulatory relief in order to prevent the negative consequences. It is necessary to solve problems that are important for the protection of rivers and coastal areas, and for the proper functioning of the industry and maintain the security of life of the population in such areas. The research of deformation shores downstream waterworks (for example, Rybinsk), a laboratory model at different levels of releases. The simulation showed that the strain is directly dependent on expenditures. However, if there is a permanent presence of transit charges, and it will be gradually added to the cost of other sources, the strain will be considerably less than the sudden release of water without transit