20 research outputs found

    DyAnNet: A Scene Dynamicity Guided Self-Trained Video Anomaly Detection Network

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    Unsupervised approaches for video anomaly detection may not perform as good as supervised approaches. However, learning unknown types of anomalies using an unsupervised approach is more practical than a supervised approach as annotation is an extra burden. In this paper, we use isolation tree-based unsupervised clustering to partition the deep feature space of the video segments. The RGB- stream generates a pseudo anomaly score and the flow stream generates a pseudo dynamicity score of a video segment. These scores are then fused using a majority voting scheme to generate preliminary bags of positive and negative segments. However, these bags may not be accurate as the scores are generated only using the current segment which does not represent the global behavior of a typical anomalous event. We then use a refinement strategy based on a cross-branch feed-forward network designed using a popular I3D network to refine both scores. The bags are then refined through a segment re-mapping strategy. The intuition of adding the dynamicity score of a segment with the anomaly score is to enhance the quality of the evidence. The method has been evaluated on three popular video anomaly datasets, i.e., UCF-Crime, CCTV-Fights, and UBI-Fights. Experimental results reveal that the proposed framework achieves competitive accuracy as compared to the state-of-the-art video anomaly detection methods.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, and 4 tables. (ACCEPTED AT WACV 2023

    Can We Automate Diagrammatic Reasoning?

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    Diagrammatic reasoning (DR) problems are well known. However, solving DR problems represented in 4 × 1 Raven’s Progressive Matrix (RPM) form using computer vision and pattern recognition has not yet been tried. Emergence of deep learning techniques aided by advanced computing can be exploited to solve such DR problems. In this paper, we propose a new learning framework by combining LSTM and Convolutional LSTM to solve 4 × 1 DR problems. Initially, the elementary geometrical shapes in such problems are detected using a typical CNN-based detector. Next, relations of various shapes are analyzed and a high-level feature set is produced and processed in the LSTM framework. A new 4 × 1 DR dataset has been prepared and made available to the research community. We believe, it will be helpful in advancing this research further. We have compared our method with some of the existing frameworks that can be used for solving RPM-guided DR problems. We have recorded 18–20% increase in the average prediction accuracy as compared to the prior frameworks when applied to RPM-guided DR problems. We believe the CV research community will be interested to carry out similar research, particularly to investigate the feasibility of solving other types of known DR problems

    ELM-HTM guided bio-inspired unsupervised learning for anomalous trajectory classification

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    Artificial intelligent systems often model the solutions of typical machine learning problems, inspired by biological processes, because of the biological system is faster and much adaptive than deep learning. The utility of bio-inspired learning methods lie in its ability to discover unknown patterns, and its less dependence on mathematical modeling or exhaustive training. In this paper, we propose a new bio-inspired learning model for a single-class classifier to detect abnormality in video object trajectories. The method uses a simple but dynamic extreme learning machine (ELM) and hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) together referred to as ELM-HTM in an unsupervised way to learn and classify time series patterns. The method has been tested on trajectory sequences in traffic surveillance to find abnormal behaviors such as high-speed, unusual stops, driving in wrong directions, loitering, etc. Experiments have also been performed with 3D air signatures captured using sensors and used for biometric authentication(forged/genuine). The results indicate a significant gain over training time and classification accuracy. The proposed method outperforms in predicting long-time patterns by observing small steps with an average accuracy gain of 15% as compared to the state-of-the-art HTM. The method has applications in detecting abnormal activities in videos by learning the movement patterns as well as in biometric authentication