426 research outputs found

    Incidence of intracranial haemorrhage in low-birth weight infants and its outcome: a hospital based prospective study

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    Background: Intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) is one of the most important neurological complications in low birth weight (LBW) infants, especially in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants during the neonatal period. The objectives of the present study was to determine the incidence of intracranial hemorrhage among the low birth weight infants (<2.5kg), to determine the outcome of intracranial hemorrhage among the low birth weight infants (<2.5 kg) and to establish the relationship between the birth weight and degree of intracranial hemorrhage.Methods: It is a prospective observational study. The study was conducted from November 2011- April 2013 in the neonatal unit, Department of pediatrics medicine in collaboration with Department of radio diagnosis in Agartala, Government Medical College and GBP Hospital, Agartala, India.Results: Out of 400 infants, 32 (8%) of infants were ≤1 kg and 177 (44.25%) were 2-2.5 kg. Infants who had normal delivery 213 (53.25%) and 37 (9.25%) had difficult in vaginal delivery. Incidence of ICH among low birth weight newborns was 29%.Incidence of intra-ventricular hemorrhage (IVH) among low birth weight newborns detected in the study was 19.5% (79 out of 400). Among different types of intracranial hemorrhage IVH comprises the larger part (68.1%). Regarding various grading (severity) of IVH, found the study were, grade I IVH 35.4%, grade II IVH-41.7%,grade III IVH- 16.4% and grade IV IVH -6.3%. There was a direct association between birth weight and ICH and significant (p=03) association was found especially in babies below 1 kg. Overall mortality rate among newborn following various types of ICH was found to be 22.4%. Regarding long outcome of attending follow up clinic for 10 months showed delayed developmental milestone 13%, 8.6% develop seizure disorder and 13% develop hydrocephalus and 21.7% develop early sign cerebral palsy.Conclusions: Low gestational age, specially <34 weeks, very low birth weight, male gender, difficult vaginal delivery, birth asphyxia, and hypothermia are risk factors for intracranial hemorrhage, specially intra-ventricular hemorrhage. For better evaluation of risk factors for ICH and its outcome, multicentric study should be performed with large number of simple and longer time period of follow up with the help of newer modalities of investigation

    A clinico-pathological study of benign breast diseases in rural population

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    Background:Objective of current study was to study the pattern of benign breast diseases in females in our society.Methods:One hundred females who were treated in the department of surgery at Agartala government medical college & G B P Hospital, Agartala, Tripura (West) with various forms of benign breast diseases during the period from January 2013 to December 2013, were studied. Diagnosis were made by a combination of clinical assessment, radiological imaging and tissue biopsy so - called triple assessment.Results:The commonest presentation of benign breast diseases was breast lump followed by nodularity of breast. Fibroadnomas are the commonest benign breast disease and fibrocystic changes form the second most common lesion. The common age group of benign breast diseases range from 21 years to 40 years. This might be associated with certain environmental, regional, dietary or hormonal factors.Conclusion:The result of this study showed that benign breast diseases in females of our society are fibroadenomas followed by fibrocystic diseases. The actual factors responsible for this change needs further research and study

    The Concept of Nietzsche’s Morality: Morality for Will to Power

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    As our faces are different in shape so the moralities, our life are determined by the different moralities. And the actions are multidimensional; our actions are not followed by the single principle. Even one can take different principle in different situation. Morality cannot be one of a kind. Morality is now opposed of taste; we learned how to avoid the things that we love. We can never agree on the meaning of morality. Our conscience, our spirits never accept the morality which is not belongs to us. Morality is the guiding principle of our life. And there are many moralities and the finest or suitable morality is called as the virtue. The good and bad is nothing but which is conducive for achieving power. What is morality, kinds of morality, virtue, effects of religious morality, sympathy, cruelty, exploitation and will to power are the some issues which are discusses here in the light of Nietzsche

    Folk Music and Dances of Tripura: With Special Reference to Tripuri Tribe

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    India is a culturally very rich land. There is a diversity of cultures present here which are all interrelated and at the same time very different from each other. Culture is even varied in the people following the same religion according to various factors like social order and religion. However, a comparative study of different cultures is necessary to come to an understanding of collectiveness and commonality of it. As human beings cannot survive alone there has to be an exchange of thoughts and this is reflected in different cultures. Such a thought process is necessary in the human race as people are interdependent on each other. It is not applicable in the lower beings though, as they are directly under the laws of nature. Tribal culture is presently at a crossroads. The new generation is not much familiar with our culture and in this age of globalization the ocean of Tripuri culture stands depleted as the new generation fails to grasp the relevance of the art forms of the not so distant past. As the new generation does not realize the importance of our traditions the tribal culture of Tripura is being threatened by forces of commercialization. This is why we need to explore and expose our rich heritage which is lying dormant


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    This article delves into the complex issue of script selection for the Kokborok language in Tripura, where the imposition of the Bengali script against the desires of the indigenous people has ignited a profound struggle. We explore how this decision holds implications that extend far beyond language preservation, encompassing the preservation of indigenous identity, cultural rights, and resilience against cultural assimilation. It is argued that the movement advocating for the adoption of the Roman script for Kokborok exemplifies the unwavering determination of the indigenous Tipra people to safeguard their linguistic heritage. The Roman script, widely understood regionally and globally, not only transcends linguistic barriers but also fosters a sense of communal cohesion and empowerment. This movement is part of a broader narrative of resistance against the erosion of indigenous languages and cultures, resonating with similar struggles worldwide. The successful adoption of the Roman script not only validates cultural rights but also contributes to a more inclusive and compassionate world where linguistic diversity is celebrated and preserved for generations to come

    A rare case of chronic ectopic pregnancy mimicking ovarian tumor: a diagnostic dilemma

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    Clinical presentation of chronic ectopic pregnancy is often perplexing. The diagnosis becomes difficult due to paucity of classical signs and symptoms and at times the relevant investigations turn out to be falsely negative. We present one such case, reporting to our hospital which serves the underprivileged North Eastern population of India. The low resource set up led to limitations in our approach and here we point out the factors which led to the diagnostic dilemma. We are reporting this case because similar challenges can be faced by other clinicians who are working in set up like ours

    Comparative Analysis of ANN-Based Mobility Prediction Performance in an Ad-Hoc Network

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    The facility of arbitrary node movement one side has advantages on application on the other side very difficult to manage the network because random node mobility directly effects on network connectivity and interrupt on the performance, obtained challenges like routing overhead, packet losses, increases energy consumption, wasted bandwidth for reconnection, decreases&nbsp; throughput etc. Thus an accurate mobility prediction of a node before leaving one position to another or subsequence position can be improve network performance which is&nbsp; effects by node mobility. Now day’s artificial neural networks (ANNs) is very common and trending for approximation and prediction application and also popular for node trajectory prediction. In this paper we explore the architectures of some static (like MLP and RBF) and dynamic (like FTDNN, DTDNN, NARX and LSTM) neural network and search best ANN model by obtaining optimal model parameters to predict node mobility and compared the performance using mobility model (Gauss Markov model) dataset as well as real-world dataset collected from Crawdad to highlight generalization capabilities. Mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and average coordinates distance error (DE) between observed and estimated positions are used to evaluate their performance. The empirical results show that LSTM is the best artificial neural network (ANN) model for mobility prediction in both model based and real-world dataset(testing sets)


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    Vyanga is the one of the Kshudra Roga, characterised by Niruja (painless), Shyava Varna Mandalas (bluish black patches) occurring especially on the face. While considering the pathogenesis of Vyanga, involvement of Pitta is more and it is Rakta Pradoshaja vyadhi. On the basis of clinical features it is correlated with melasma, or facial melanosis, one of the hyper pigmented disorders. Melasma is a common acquired hypermelanosis that affects sun- exposed areas of skin. This study is important since melasma is a disease causing mental side effects in patients, due to darkness and opacity of the skin; therefore, the treatment of melasma in terms of its psychological complication is of particular importance. Jatiphala (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) is an important drug which has got various medicinal uses. The seed and aril of Jatiphala (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) of family myristicaceae have the utilized therapeutically as medicine as well as a spice. Acharya Bhavamishra have mentioned Jatiphala (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) as a single herbal remedy for its action on Vyanga. Intervention and duration: 30 patients having hyperpigmentation on face with clinical manifestations, fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of Vyanga, the prepared Lepa churna was applied over the affected area, once a day for 60 days. Pre test assessment was done on 15th day, 30th and 60thday. Results: The subjective and objective parameters of the study were graded and the results of the study were analysed statistically using descriptive statistics where the study has shown statistically significant in the subjective and objective parameters. Conclusion: This clinical study of Jatiphala churna lepa showed the result in 50-60% of people in the group of Vyanga
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