116 research outputs found

    Use of rare earth oxides as tracers to identify sediment source areas for agricultural hillslopes

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    Understanding sediment sources is essential to enable more effective targeting of in-field mitigation approaches to reduce diffuse pollution from agricultural land. In this paper we report on the application of rare earth element oxides to arable soils at hillslope scale in order to determine sediment source areas and their relative importance, using a non-intrusive method of surface spraying. Runoff, sediments and rare earth elements lost from four arable hillslope lengths at a site in the UK with clay soils were monitored from three rainfall events after tracer application. Measured erosion rates were low, reflecting the typical event conditions occurring at the site, and less than 1% of the applied REO tracers were recovered, which is consistent with the results of comparable studies. Tracer recovery at the base of the hillslope was able to indicate the relative importance of different hillslope sediment source areas, which were found to be consistent between events. The principal source of eroded sediments was the upslope area, implying that the wheel tracks were principally conduits for sediment transport, and not highly active sites of erosion. Mitigation treatments for sediment losses from arable hillslopes should therefore focus on methodologies for trapping mobile sediments within wheel track areas through increasing surface roughness or reducing the connectivity of sediment transport processes

    Word analysis skills in the intermediate grades.

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    Thesis (Ed.D.)--Boston University

    Book Reviews

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    Book Reviews of: Bruno Bettelheim and Karen Zelan, On Learning To Read: The Child’s Fascination With Meaning (Alfred A. Knopf) Tracy Kidder, The Soul of a New Machine (Atlantic Monthly Press, 1981) Robert B. Reich, The Last American Frontier (Times Books, 1983

    National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development: A Practice Agenda in Support of How Learning Happens

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    Learning is a social, emotional, and academic endeavor, but the ways we approach learning and development do not always reflect this reality. This document features practice recommendations that seek to provide a framework through which key voices - students, teachers, families, after-school and youth development organizations - can work together to create learning environments that foster the comprehensive development of all young people

    A summary of research in interests and preferences of school children.

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Novel Calixarene-Schiff Bases that Bind Silver(I) Ion

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    Two novel calix[4]arene-Schiff base receptors have been synthesized. One of the new compounds has two pendant aldimines, while the second has been prepared by two-point attachment of a calixarene-dialdehyde onto a calixarene-diamine to form a “calix-tube”. Preliminary binding studies with AgClO4 show large complexation-induced shifts in 1H NMR positions

    The Penicillin for the Emergency Department Outpatient treatment of CELLulitis (PEDOCELL) trial: update to the study protocol and detailed statistical analysis plan (SAP)

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    Background: Cellulitis is a painful, potentially serious, infectious process of the dermal and subdermal tissues and represents a significant disease burden. The statistical analysis plan (SAP) for the Penicillin for the Emergency Department Outpatient treatment of CELLulitis (PEDOCELL) trial is described here. The PEDOCELL trial is a multicentre, randomised, parallel-arm, double-blinded, non-inferiority clinical trial comparing the efficacy of flucloxacillin (monotherapy) with combination flucloxacillin/phenoxymethylpenicillin (dual therapy) for the outpatient treatment of cellulitis in the emergency department (ED) setting. To prevent outcome reporting bias, selective reporting and data-driven results, the a priori-defined, detailed SAP is presented here. Methods/design: Patients will be randomised to either orally administered flucloxacillin 500 mg four times daily and placebo or orally administered 500 mg of flucloxacillin four times daily and phenoxymethylpenicillin 500 mg four times daily. The trial consists of a 7-day intervention period and a 2-week follow-up period. Study measurements will be taken at four specific time points: at patient enrolment, day 2-3 after enrolment and commencing treatment (early clinical response (ECR) visit), day 8-10 after enrolment (end-of-treatment (EOT) visit) and day 14-21 after enrolment (test-of-cure (TOC) visit). The primary outcome measure is investigator-determined clinical response measured at the TOC visit. The secondary outcomes are as follows: lesion size at ECR, clinical treatment failure at each follow-up visit, adherence and persistence of trial patients with orally administered antibiotic therapy at EOT, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and pharmacoeconomic assessments. The plan for the presentation and comparison of baseline characteristics and outcomes is described in this paper. Discussion: This trial aims to establish the non-inferiority of orally administered flucloxacillin monotherapy with orally administered flucloxacillin/phenoxymethylpenicillin dual therapy for the ED-directed outpatient treatment of cellulitis. In doing so, this trial will bridge a knowledge gap in this understudied and common condition and will be relevant to clinicians across several different disciplines. The SAP for the PEDOCELL trial was developed a priori in order to minimise analysis bias

    Study protocol for evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of an emergency department longitudinal patient monitoring system using a mixed-methods approach

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    Background: Early detection of patient deterioration is a key element of patient safety as it allows timely clinical intervention and potential rescue, thus reducing the risks of serious patient safety incidents. Longitudinal patient monitoring systems have been widely recommended for use to detect clinical deterioration. However, there is conflicting evidence on whether they improve patient outcomes. This may in part be related to variation in the rigour with which they are implemented and evaluated. This study aims to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of a longitudinal patient monitoring system designed for adult patients in the unique environment of the Emergency Department (ED). Methods: A novel participatory action research (PAR) approach is taken where socio-technical systems (STS) theory and analysis informs the implementation through the improvement methodology of ‘Plan Do Study Act’ (PDSA) cycles. We hypothesise that conducting an STS analysis of the ED before beginning the PDSA cycles will provide for a much richer understanding of the current situation and possible challenges to implementing the ED-specific longitudinal patient monitoring system. This methodology will enable both a process and an outcome evaluation of implementing the ED-specific longitudinal patient monitoring system. Process evaluations can help distinguish between interventions that have inherent faults and those that are badly executed. Discussion: Over 1.2 million patients attend EDs annually in Ireland; the successful implementation of an ED-specific longitudinal patient monitoring system has the potential to affect the care of a significant number of such patients. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study combining PAR, STS and multiple PDSA cycles to evaluate the implementation of an ED-specific longitudinal patient monitoring system and to determine (through process and outcome evaluation) whether this system can significantly improve patient outcomes by early detection and appropriate intervention for patients at risk of clinical deterioration

    Testing Mass Loss in Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheids using Infrared and Optical Observations II. Predictions and Tests of the OGLE-III Fundamental-Mode Cepheids

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    In this article, we test the hypothesis that Cepheids have infrared excesses due to mass loss. We fit a model using the mass-loss rate and the stellar radius as free parameters to optical observations from the OGLE-III survey and infrared observations from the 2MASS and SAGE data sets. The sample of Cepheids have predicted minimum mass-loss rates ranging from zero to 108M10^{-8}M_\odot yr1yr^{-1}, where the rates depend on the chosen dust properties. We use the predicted radii to compute the Period-Radius relation for LMC Cepheids, and to estimate the uncertainty caused by the presence of infrared excess for determining angular diameters with the infrared surface brightness technique. Finally, we calculate the linear and non-linear Period-Luminosity (P-L) relations for the LMC Cepheids at VIJHK + IRAC wavelengths and we find that the P-L relations are consistent with being non-linear at infrared wavelengths, contrary to previous results.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables, ApJ Accepte