1,078 research outputs found

    Missouri\u27s Law on Admissibility of Other Crimes Evidence: Increasing Inclusivity

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    Evidence of other crimes, or uncharged misconduct evidence as it is commonly called, has been important in many criminal trials, including such well-publicized trials as that of O.J. Simpson for murder and those of William Kennedy Smith and Mike Tyson for rape.2 Furthermore, this type of evidence is important because studies have shown that admission of uncharged misconduct evidence greatly increases the likelihood that a jury will find the defendant guilty.3 State v. Skillicorn4 presents a look at the current state of the law concerning admission of other crimes evidence in Missouri. The case illustrates the difficulty in applying current rules on the admission of such evidence and the need for more definite guidelines on admission of other crimes evidence

    Molecular evolution under increasing transposable element burden in Drosophila: A speed limit on the evolutionary arms race.

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    Genome architecture is profoundly influenced by transposable elements (TEs), and natural selection against their harmful effects is a critical factor limiting their spread. Genome defense by the piRNA silencing pathway also plays a crucial role in limiting TE proliferation. How these two forces jointly determine TE abundance is not well understood. To shed light on the nature of factors that predict TE success, we test three distinct hypotheses in the Drosophila genus. First, we determine whether TE abundance and relaxed genome-wide purifying selection on protein sequences are positively correlated. This serves to test the hypothesis that variation in TE abundance in the Drosophila genus can be explained by the strength of natural selection, relative to drift, acting in parallel against mildly deleterious non-synonymous mutations. Second, we test whether increasing TE abundance is correlated with an increased rate of amino-acid evolution in genes encoding the piRNA machinery, as might be predicted by an evolutionary arms race model. Third, we test whether increasing TE abundance is correlated with greater codon bias in genes of the piRNA machinery. This is predicted if increasing TE abundance selects for increased efficiency in the machinery of genome defense

    Male disadvantage?:Fetal sex and cardiovascular responses to asphyxia in preterm fetal sheep

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    Clinically and experimentally male fetuses are at significantly greater risk of dying or suffering injury at birth, particularly after premature delivery. We undertook a retrospective cohort analysis of 60 female and 65 male singleton preterm fetal sheep (103-104 days, 0.7 gestation) with mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate, and carotid and femoral blood flow recordings during 25 min of umbilical cord occlusion in utero. Occlusions were stopped early if fetal MAP fell below 8 mmHg or if there was asystole for >20 s. Fetuses that were able to complete the full 25-min period of occlusion showed no differences between sexes for any cardiovascular responses. Similar numbers of occlusions were stopped early in males (mean: 21 min, n = 16) and females (mean: 23 min, n = 16); however, they showed different responses. Short-occlusion males (n = 16) showed a slower initial fall in femoral vascular conductance, followed by greater bradycardia, hypotension, and associated organ hypoperfusion compared with full-occlusion fetuses. In contrast, short-occlusion females (n = 16) showed a significantly more rapid early increase in femoral vascular conductance than the full-occlusion fetuses, followed by worsening of bradycardia and hypotension that was intermediate to the full-occlusion fetuses and short-occlusion males. Among all fetuses, MAP at 15 min of occlusion, corresponding with the time of the maximal rate of fall, was correlated with postmortem weight in males (R(2) = 0.07) but not females. In conclusion, male and female fetuses showed remarkably similar chemoreflex and hemodynamic responses to severe asphyxia, but some males did show impaired hemodynamic adaptation within the normal weight range

    Dynamical density functional theory for interacting Brownian particles: stochastic or deterministic?

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    We aim to clarify confusions in the literature as to whether or not dynamical density functional theories for the one-body density of a classical Brownian fluid should contain a stochastic noise term. We point out that a stochastic as well as a deterministic equation of motion for the density distribution can be justified, depending on how the fluid one-body density is defined -- i.e. whether it is an ensemble averaged density distribution or a spatially and/or temporally coarse grained density distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, to be submitted to Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Privacy, Anonymity, and Big Data in the Social Sciences

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    Quality social science research and the privacy of human subjects require trust

    An organotypic slice culture model of chronic white matter injury with maturation arrest of oligodendrocyte progenitors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>CNS myelination disturbances commonly occur in chronic white matter lesions in neurodevelopmental and adult neurological disorders. Recent studies support that myelination failure can involve a disrupted cellular repair mechanism where oligodendrocyte (OL) progenitor cells (OPCs) proliferate in lesions with diffuse astrogliosis, but fail to fully differentiate to mature myelinating OLs. There are no <it>in vitro </it>models that reproduce these features of myelination failure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Forebrain coronal slices from postnatal day (P) 0.5/1 rat pups were cultured for 1, 5, or 9 days <it>in vitro </it>(DIV). Slices rapidly exhibited diffuse astrogliosis and accumulation of the extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan (HA), an inhibitor of OPC differentiation and re-myelination. At 1 DIV ~1.5% of Olig2<sup>+ </sup>OLs displayed caspase-3 activation, which increased to ~11.5% by 9 DIV. At 1 DIV the density of PDGFRα<sup>+ </sup>and PDGFRα<sup>+</sup>/Ki67<sup>+ </sup>OPCs were significantly elevated compared to 0 DIV (<it>P </it>< 0.01). Despite this proliferative response, at 9 DIV ~60% of white matter OLs were late progenitors (preOLs), compared to ~7% in the postnatal day 10 rat (<it>P </it>< 0.0001), consistent with preOL maturation arrest. Addition of HA to slices significantly decreased the density of MBP<sup>+ </sup>OLs at 9 DIV compared to controls (217 ± 16 <it>vs. </it>328 ± 17 cells/mm<sup>2</sup>, respectively; <it>P </it>= 0.0003), supporting an inhibitory role of HA in OL lineage progression in chronic lesions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Diffuse white matter astrogliosis and early OPC proliferation with impaired OL maturation were reproduced in this model of myelination failure. This system may be used to define mechanisms of OPC maturation arrest and myelination failure related to astrogliosis and HA accumulation.</p

    Realising governmentality: pastoral power, governmental discourse and the (re)constitution of subjectivities

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    Michel Foucault’s concept of governmentality has been hugely influential in sociology and other disciplinary fields. However, its application has been criticised by those who suggest it neglects agency, and gives overwhelming power to governmental discourses in constituting subjectivities, determining behaviour, and reproducing social reality. Drawing on posthumously translated lecture transcripts, we suggest that Foucault’s nascent concept of pastoral power offers a route to a better conceptualisation of the relationship between discourse, subjectivity and agency, and a means of understanding the (contested, non-determinate, social) process through which governmental discourses are shaped, disseminated, and translated into action. We offer empirical examples from our work in healthcare of how this process takes place, present a model of the key mechanisms through which contemporary pastoral power operates, and suggest future research avenues for refining, developing or contesting this model
