295 research outputs found

    Intradistrict equity: A proposed methodology for resource allocation

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    The purpose of this study was to develop an intradistrict allocation funding model. An extension of research methodology using an index-of-need as a proxy for the magnitude of educational need, this study identified indicators-of-need from the research literature and as present in 31 middle schools in Clark County School District, Las Vegas, Nevada. A neural net analysis categorized schools based on their indicator-of-need variables. Six variables were the basis for the index development: student poverty level, transiency rate, limited English proficiency (LEP) student enrollment, special education student enrollment, percentage of minority enrollment, and percentage of students eligible for Title I services. Schools were clustered in four groups based on the Kohonen neural network analysis. A backpropagation network analysis evaluated the categories to produce a hierarchical index of schools ranked from lowest to highest need. Simulated budget and staffing allocations were based on the derived index and the redistributive effects analyzed. The index-based methodology provided a viable methodology for intradistrict allocation of resources based on a vertical equity standard

    Illuminating Choices for Library Prep: A Comparison of Library Preparation Methods for Whole Genome Sequencing of Cryptococcus neoformans Using Illumina HiSeq.

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    The industry of next-generation sequencing is constantly evolving, with novel library preparation methods and new sequencing machines being released by the major sequencing technology companies annually. The Illumina TruSeq v2 library preparation method was the most widely used kit and the market leader; however, it has now been discontinued, and in 2013 was replaced by the TruSeq Nano and TruSeq PCR-free methods, leaving a gap in knowledge regarding which is the most appropriate library preparation method to use. Here, we used isolates from the pathogenic fungi Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii and sequenced them using the existing TruSeq DNA v2 kit (Illumina), along with two new kits: the TruSeq Nano DNA kit (Illumina) and the NEBNext Ultra DNA kit (New England Biolabs) to provide a comparison. Compared to the original TruSeq DNA v2 kit, both newer kits gave equivalent or better sequencing data, with increased coverage. When comparing the two newer kits, we found little difference in cost and workflow, with the NEBNext Ultra both slightly cheaper and faster than the TruSeq Nano. However, the quality of data generated using the TruSeq Nano DNA kit was superior due to higher coverage at regions of low GC content, and more SNPs identified. Researchers should therefore evaluate their resources and the type of application (and hence data quality) being considered when ultimately deciding on which library prep method to use

    Attitudes toward sport psychology consulting of adult athletes from the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany

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    The purpose of this study was to explore attitudes about sport psychology consulting of athletes living in the United States, United Kingdom and Germany. The Sport Psychology Attitudes - Revised form (SPA-R; Martin, Kellmann, Lavallee, & Page, 2002) was administered to 404 athletes from the United States, 147 athletes from the United Kingdom, and 260 athletes from Germany. A 2 (Gender) x 3 (Nationality: American, British and German) x 2 (Type of Sport: physical contact and physical non-contact) MANCOVA was conducted with past sport psychology conducting experience as a covariant and attitudes about sport psychology as dependent variables. Follow-up univariate and discriminant function analyses were then performed to identify the attitiudes that maximized differences related to gender, nationality, and type of sport. Results revealed that attitudes about sport psychology services might be influenced by gender, nationality, and type of sport. Sport psychology practitioners must be sensitive to how personal characteristics and past experiences influence athletes' expectations and attitudes toward sport psychology consulting to improve the services they offer