1,141 research outputs found

    Forebrain Ischemia Triggers GABAergic System Degeneration in Substantia Nigra at Chronic Stages in Rats

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    The long-term consequences of forebrain ischemia include delayed Parkinson's syndrome. This study revealed delayed neurodegeneration in the substantia nigra 8 weeks after 12.5 minutes of global ischemia in rat brain. Following neuronal loss of 30–40% in central and dorsolateral striatum at day 3, neuronal damage in the substantia nigra (SN) was assessed at 4–8 weeks using immunohistochemistry for glutamate decarboxylase 67 (GAD67), vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT), and calretinin (CR). At day 56, the optical density of GAD67-, but not VGAT-, immunoreactivity in substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNR)—significantly decreased. CR-neurons concentrated in substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC) were reduced by 27% from day 3 (n = 5) to day 56 (n = 7, ANOVA, p < .01). Movement coordination was impaired at day 56, as evaluated using beam-walking test (time-to-traverse 5.6 ± 1.2 sec versus 11.8 ± 5.4 sec; sham versus ischemia, p < .05, n = 5, and 7, resp.). Our results demonstrate delayed impairment of the GABAergic system components in SN and associated with movement deficits after global ischemia

    Life satisfaction among a clinical eating disorder population

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    Background The primary objective was to understand life satisfaction (LS) of patients with eating disorders (EDs) in relation to eating pathology severity, personal/familial ED history, and key demographic and anthropometric variables. Methods Participants (N = 60) completed the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), the Eating Pathology Severity Index (EPSI), and demographic questionnaires. Bivariate associations via correlations and multiple linear regression models were used to explore these relationships. Results The SWLS mean score was 3.7 out of 7, suggesting it is below the population-based norm. LS was positively statistically significantly associated with private insurance, past ED, EPSI muscle building, EPSI restricted eating, and EPSI negative attitudes. When included in multiple linear regression, the model explained 33% of the variability of LS [F (7, 56) = 3.4, p = 0.0054, R2 = 0.33]. EPSI muscle building remained the strongest predictor (β = 0.13, p = 0.04). Conclusions Based on the data, individuals who have/have had EDs scored lower on the SWLS than the general population. Individuals scoring within this range typically experience significant issues in several areas of life or a substantial issue in one area

    Functional neurological disorders as seen by a cohort of general practitioners in northern italy: Evidence from an online survey

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    General practitioners (GPs) provide primary care and advise their patients on which diagnostic and therapeutic pathways they judge most appropriate. For patients with functional neurological disorders (FND), receiving a proper explanation of diagnosis by their GP from the very beginning may drastically improve prognosis. Novel approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of FND have important implications for effective management. The aim of this study was to investigate Italian GP opinion and knowledge about FND in light of new approaches to the illness. To do this, we evaluated the responses to a 13-item web-based survey completed by 133 GPs practicing in northern Italy. Psychological terms to describe FND were more frequently used than functional neurological disorder and mental illness was considered an important predictor of diagnosis. Referral to a neurologist rather than to a psychiatrist was largely preferred, while physiotherapy consultation was seldom recognized as a valuable approach to treating FND. Overall, the survey findings suggest that knowledge about novel approaches to FND is somewhat lacking. Currently, GPs appear to be transitioning from a classical psychological view of the disorder toward a more modern conceptualization, in which neurobiological, psychological, and social factors all play an important role. Professional education during this transition would be an advantageous way to optimize physician management of FND and to enhance diagnosis, explanation, and management across primary and secondary care pathways

    Tactile and proprioceptive temporal discrimination are impaired in functional tremor

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    Background and Methods: In order to obtain further information on the pathophysiology of functional tremor, we assessed tactile discrimination threshold and proprioceptive temporal discrimination motor threshold values in 11 patients with functional tremor, 11 age- and sex-matched patients with essential tremor and 13 healthy controls. Results: Tactile discrimination threshold in both the right and left side was significantly higher in patients with functional tremor than in the other groups. Proprioceptive temporal discrimination threshold for both right and left side was significantly higher in patients with functional and essential tremor than in healthy controls. No significant correlation between discrimination thresholds and duration or severity of tremor was found. Conclusions: Temporal processing of tactile and proprioceptive stimuli is impaired in patients with functional tremor. The mechanisms underlying this impaired somatosensory processing and possible ways to apply these findings clinically merit further research

    Reshaping cortical connectivity in traumatic spinal cord injury: a novel effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

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    Introduction: Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) represent a severe neuro-traumatic occurrence and an excruciating social burden. Though the hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) has been credited as a first line therapeutic resource for SCIs, its mechanism of action in the spine is only partially known, while the impingement upon other areas of the nervous system deserves additional investigation. In this study we deem to describe a novel effect of HBO2 in a subject affected by SCI who, along with the clinical improvement, showed a reshaped connectivity in cortical sensory-motor areas. Case presentation: A 45 years male presenting severe sensory-motor symptoms following a spinal lesion partially involving the C1 segment was successfully treated with HBO2 cycles. After the dramatic improvement reflected by an excellent optimization of the single performances, it has been investigated whether this result would reveal not only an intrinsic effect upon the spinal cord, but also a better connectivity strength in sensory-motor cortical regions. The results obtained by implementing EEG recordings with EEGLAB auto regressive vector plugins indeed suggest a substantial reshaping of cortico-cortical connectivity after HBO2. Discussion: These results show a correlation between positive clinical evolution and a new modulation of cortical connectivity. Though further clinical investigations would clarify as to whether HBO2 might be directly or epiphenomenally involved in this aspect of the network architecture, our report suggests that a comparison between clinical results and the study of brain connectivity represent a holistic approach in investigating the physiopathology of SCIs and in monitoring the treatment

    Systematic pathological component scores for skin-containing vascularized composite allografts

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    Clinical management of skin-containing vascularized composite allografts (VCA) requires accurate assessment of the graft status, typically based on skin biopsies. The Banff 2007 Working Classification proposed 4 grades of acute rejection, but did not score individual features or include vascular rejection. Here we report a systematic scoring system developed from MHC-mismatched porcine skin-containing VCA. Biopsies from 20 VCA, 9 autologous skin flaps and 9 normal skin were analyzed to optimize the methodology and set thresholds. The components quantified were: perivascular cells/dermal vessel (pc), perivascular dermal infiltrate area (pa), luminal leukocytes/capillary or venule (c), epidermal infiltrate (ei), epidermal apoptosis or necrosis (e), endarteritis (v), and chronic allograft vasculopathy (cav). To evaluate prognostic value, we scored a separate group of 28 serial biopsies from 8 recipients (4 that were ultimately accepted and 4 that rejected. Parameters on the initial biopsies predicting later graft rejection included pc (p &lt; 0.02), pa (p &lt; 0.03), ei (p &lt; 0.0005), e (p &lt; 0.003) and c (p &lt; 0.005). Reproducibility between 2 pathologists blinded to clinical data was acceptable, with weighted kappa scores for pc (0.673), pa (0.399), ei (0.464), e (0.663), v (0.766), and c (0.642). This component scoring system can be adapted clinically, since human and porcine skin are highly similar. Vascular lesions in VCA are also highlighted in this system and could impact graft outcome. The component score approach complements Banff 2007 grades and will enable the establishment of clinically significant thresholds