439 research outputs found

    Playing Bebop: Culture and Bebop’s Reciprocal Influence

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    Following the sweet, pleasant Swing era style music of the 1930’s, Bebop emerged within the United States as an aggressive, percussive, musician-focused style in the 1940’s. However, Bebop’s creation was not spontaneous. Its composers, John Birks Gillespie, Charlie Parker, and Thelonious Monk, wrote for the sake of the music itself as a form of self-expression, not as entertainment for an audience. Bebop’s dissonant sound expressed political and cultural frustrations, stemming from World War II and similarly shown in the early Civil Rights Movement. I will argue that not only did Bebop develop out of such conflicts, but in a reciprocal manner it shaped society, giving legitimacy to black musicians’ technical abilities in a white-dominated music industry

    Shared Governance At Lincoln University: An Elusive Quarry

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    This paper identifies those factors that led to American Association of University Professors (AAUP) representation at the nation’s oldest degree-granting Historically Black College University (HBCU).  In the span of 18 months, Lincoln Faculty overwhelmingly embraced unionism when the body agreed to have AAUP as its official agent in the collective bargaining process. While the decision to organize presented some difficulties, securing and maintaining faculty voice in campus decision-making was fraught with challenges. That struggle continues today

    Examination of turbulent shear models and the prediction of compressible turbulent boundary layers by the method of weighted residuals

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    Evaluation of turbulent shear models and prediction of compressible turbulent boundary layers by method of weighted residual

    Faculty Governance And Outcomes Assessment: Compatible Or Combustible?

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    This paper identifies the various factors driving the outcomes assessment movement, contrasts the old paradigm with the model now espoused by regional accreditors, discusses the six-step process of student outcomes assessment, emphasizes faculty ownership of the process to prevent administrative usurpation, and proposes specific strategies to enhance faculty empowerment

    When The Corporate Storm Strikes The Academy: Faculty Response Required

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    When the corporate storm strikes the academy, faculty must be willing and able to repel administrative assaults upon academic freedom, shared governance, and tenure.  This paper will describe the on-going clash between administrators who embrace the corporate mindset and faculty who cherish traditions of shared governance and collegial decision-making.  The corporate model of management will be contrasted with the shared governance model. A brief explanation of those forces that fueled the corporate takeover will be provided.  Lastly, suggestions for faculty action designed to haltl/slow down the eroding force of corporatization will be shared

    Mandating Obesity Testing Across the Curriculum: Lessons Learned

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    In response to the obesity problem that has dramatically increased over the past 30 years, Lincoln University’s HPER faculty petitioned the University faculty to accept a somewhat radical approach: test all entering first year students using Body Mass Indices (BMI) data for placing students in a Fitness for Life class. This class would constitute the intervention for students with BMI scores of 30 or higher (obese rating). This paper describes the chronology of events that unfolded once the placement policy became known beyond the campus green. Arguments both for and against the controversial course are presented. While the placement policy has been modified, the aim of the intervention has not wavered: identify those students who are most at risk for hypokinetic disease and provide them with the appropriate resources to effectively address those amenable lifestyle factors that will rob them of quality and quantity of life.

    Obesity Acceptance: Recipe For A Pandemic

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    Despite the well-publicized media coverage of the escalating rates of obesity and its co-morbidities, the American public seems largely unconcerned. While the reasons for societal inaction to this health dilemma are complex and interdependent, one factor seems particularly salient: obesity acceptance. This article will examine how and why this notion has devolved from acceptance of the person with obesity to acceptance (and in some cases outright celebration) of the condition obesity. Until such melding is separated, real progress in advancing public health in this arena will continue to founder

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Pisang Sebagai Arang Aktif Di Desa Nagori Bangun

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    Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah mengedukasi masyarakat mengenai cara memanfaatkan limbah kulit pisang sebagai arang aktif. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan ada 2 tahapan yaitu : 1) Tahap Persiapan meliputi : Penyiapan bahan paparan, Diskusi dan sharing dengan anggota tim, Pencarian bahan paparan di internet dan buku, Penyiapan kuisener., dan Persiapan bahan untuk demonstrasi/praktek pembuatan ecoenzym, II) Tahap Pelaksanaan PkM di lokasi mitra : Penyebaran kuisener sebelum paparan, Pemaparan bahan paparan kepada masyarakat, Praktek Pembuatan Ecoenzym dan Penyebaran kuisener setelah paparan. Target yang diharapkan pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu bertambahnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai cara memanfaatkan limbah kulit pisang. Target ini tercapai, hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil kuisioner yang disebar sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan PkM. &nbsp
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