18 research outputs found

    The Falling Incidence of Hematologic Cancer After Heart Transplantation

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    [Abstract] Background. A number of changes in the management of heart transplantation (HT) patients have each tended to reduce the risk of post-HT hematologic cancer, but little information is available concerning the overall effect on incidence in the HT population. Methods. Comparison of data from the Spanish Post-Heart-Transplantation Tumour Registry for the periods 1991–2000 and 2001–2010. Results. The incidence among patients who underwent HT in the latter period was about half that observed in the former, with a particularly marked improvement in regard to incidence more than five yr post-HT. Conclusions. Changes in HT patient management have jointly reduced the risk of hematologic cancer in the Spanish HT population. Long-term risk appears to have benefited more than short-term risk

    Empleo del balón de contrapulsación intraaórtico como puente al trasplante cardiaco en España: resultados del estudio ASIS-TC

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    Introducción y objetivos En España, el balón de contrapulsación intraaórtico (BCIA) se ha usado frecuentemente como puente al trasplante cardiaco (TxC) urgente. El propósito es analizar los resultados de esta estrategia. Métodos Se realizó una revisión retrospectiva caso por caso de los registros clínicos de 281 pacientes adultos listados para TxC urgente asistidos con BCIA en 16 hospitales españoles entre 2010 y 2015. Se analizaron la supervivencia antes y después del trasplante y la incidencia de eventos adversos. Resultados Se trasplantó a 194 pacientes (69%; IC95%, 63, 3-74, 4) y 20 (7, 1%; IC95%, 4, 4-10, 8) fallecieron durante la asistencia, cuya duración media fue de 10, 9 ± 9, 7 días. El BCIA se explantó antes de obtener un órgano a 32 pacientes (11, 4%). En 35 pacientes (12, 5%; IC95%, 8, 8-16, 9) se implantó un dispositivo de asistencia circulatoria mecánica completa. El tiempo en la lista de espera urgente se incrementó desde 5, 9 ± 6, 3 días en 2010 hasta 15 ± 11, 7 días en 2015 (p = 0, 001). La supervivencia a 30 días y a 1 y 5 años tras el TxC fue del 88, 1% (IC95%, 85, 7-90, 5), 76% (IC95%, 72, 9-79, 1) y 67, 8% (IC95%, 63, 7-71, 9) respectivamente. La tasa de incidencia de eventos adversos mayores —disfunción del BCIA, ictus, hemorragia o infección— durante la asistencia fue de 26 (IC95%, 20, 6-32, 4) eventos/1.000 pacientes-día. La tasa de incidencia de explante del BCIA por complicaciones fue de 7, 2 (IC95%, 4, 5-10, 8) casos/1.000 pacientes-día. Conclusiones En el contexto de listas de espera cortas, el BCIA puede utilizarse como puente al TxC urgente con resultados aceptables. Esta estrategia conlleva una incidencia significativa de eventos adversos. Introduction and objectives: In Spain, intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) has been used frequently as a bridge to urgent heart transplant (HT). We sought to analyze the clinical outcomes of this strategy. Methods: We conducted a case-by-case, retrospective review of clinical records of 281 adult patients listed for urgent HT under IABP support in 16 Spanish institutions from 2010 to 2015. Pre- and post-transplant survival and adverse clinical events were analyzed. Results: A total of 194 (69%, 95%CI, 63.3-74.4) patients were transplanted and 20 (7.1%, 95%CI, 4.4-10.8) died during a mean period of IABP support of 10.9 ± 9.7 days. IABP support was withdrawn before an organ became available in 32 (11.4%) patients. Thirty-five (12.5%, 95%CI, 8.8-16.9) patients transitioned from IABP to full-support mechanical devices. Mean urgent waiting list time increased from 5.9 ± 6.3 days in 2010 to 15 ± 11.7 days in 2015 (P =.001). Post-transplant survival rates at 30-days, 1-year, and 5-years were 88.1% (95%CI, 85.7-90.5), 76% (95%CI, 72.9-79.1), and 67.8% (95%CI, 63.7-71.9), respectively. The incidence rate of major adverse clinical outcomes—device dysfunction, stroke, bleeding or infection—during IABP support was 26 (95%CI, 20.6-32.4) episodes per 1000 patient-days. The incidence rate of IABP explantation due to complications was 7.2 (95%CI, 4.5-10.8) cases per 1000 patient-days. Conclusions: In a setting of short waiting list times, IABP can be used to bridge candidates to urgent HT with acceptable postoperative results, but there were significant rates of adverse clinical events during support. Full English text available from:www.revespcardiol.org/e

    Complicaciones infecciosas relacionadas con la asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración en candidatos a trasplante cardiaco urgente

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    Introducción y objetivos El uso de dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración como puente a trasplante es frecuente en España. Se desconocen la epidemiología y la repercusión de las complicaciones infecciosas en estos pacientes. Métodos Descripción sistemática de la epidemiología y análisis de la repercusión pronóstica de las complicaciones infecciosas en un registro multicéntrico retrospectivo de pacientes tratados con dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración como puente a trasplante cardiaco urgente entre 2010 y 2015 en 16 hospitales españoles. Resultados Se estudió a 249 pacientes; 87 (34, 9%) de ellos tuvieron un total de 102 infecciones. La vía respiratoria fue la localización más frecuente (n = 47; 46, 1%). En 78 casos (76, 5%) se obtuvo confirmación microbiológica; se aislaron en total 100 gérmenes causales, con predominio de bacterias gramnegativas (n = 58, 58%). Los pacientes con complicaciones infecciosas presentaron mayor mortalidad durante el periodo de asistencia circulatoria mecánica (el 25, 3 frente al 12, 3%; p = 0, 009) y menor probabilidad de recibir un trasplante (el 73, 6 frente al 85, 2%; p = 0, 025) que los pacientes sin infección. La mortalidad posoperatoria tras el trasplante fue similar en ambos grupos (con infección, el 28, 3%; sin infección, el 23, 4%; p = 0, 471). Conclusiones Los pacientes tratados con dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración como puente al trasplante cardiaco están expuestos a un alto riesgo de complicaciones infecciosas, las cuales se asocian con una mayor mortalidad en espera del órgano. Introduction and objectives Short-term mechanical circulatory support is frequently used as a bridge to heart transplant in Spain. The epidemiology and prognostic impact of infectious complications in these patients are unknown. Methods Systematic description of the epidemiology of infectious complications and analysis of their prognostic impact in a multicenter, retrospective registry of patients treated with short-term mechanical devices as a bridge to urgent heart transplant from 2010 to 2015 in 16 Spanish hospitals. Results We studied 249 patients, of which 87 (34.9%) had a total of 102 infections. The most frequent site was the respiratory tract (n = 47; 46.1%). Microbiological confirmation was obtained in 78 (76.5%) episodes, with a total of 100 causative agents, showing a predominance of gram-negative bacteria (n = 58, 58%). Compared with patients without infection, those with infectious complications showed higher mortality during the support period (25.3% vs 12.3%, P = .009) and a lower probability of receiving a transplant (73.6% vs 85.2%, P = .025). In-hospital posttransplant mortality was similar in the 2 groups (with infection: 28.3%; without infection: 23.4%; P = .471). Conclusions Patients supported with temporary devices as a bridge to heart transplant are exposed to a high risk of infectious complications, which are associated with higher mortality during the organ waiting period

    Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism combination pattern of the Klotho gene with non-cardiovascular death in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with an elevated risk of all-cause mortality, with cardiovascular death being extensively investigated. However, non-cardiovascular mortality represents the biggest percentage, showing an evident increase in recent years. Klotho is a gene highly expressed in the kidney, with a clear influence on lifespan. Low levels of Klotho have been linked to CKD progression and adverse outcomes. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the Klotho gene have been associated with several diseases, but studies investigating the association of Klotho SNPs with noncardiovascular death in CKD populations are lacking. The main aim of this study was to assess whether 11 Klotho SNPs were associated with non-cardiovascular death in a subpopulation of the National Observatory of Atherosclerosis in Nephrology (NEFRONA) study (n ¼ 2185 CKD patients). After 48 months of follow-up, 62 cardiovascular deaths and 108 non-cardiovascular deaths were recorded. We identified a high non-cardiovascular death risk combination of SNPs corresponding to individuals carrying the most frequent allele (G) at rs562020, the rare allele (C) at rs2283368 and homozygotes for the rare allele (G) at rs2320762 (rs562020 GG/AG þ rs2283368 CC/CT þ rs2320762 GG). Among the patients with the three SNPs genotyped (n ¼ 1016), 75 (7.4%) showed this combination. Furthermore, 95 (9.3%) patients showed a low-risk combination carrying all the opposite genotypes (rs562020 AA þ rs2283368 TT þ rs2320762 GT/TT). All the other combinations [n ¼ 846 (83.3%)] were considered as normal risk. Using competing risk regression analysis, we confirmed that the proposed combinations are independently associated with a higher fhazard ratio [HR] 3.28 [confidence interval (CI) 1.51-7.12]g and lower [HR 6 × 10- (95% CI 3.3 × 10--1.1 × 10-)] risk of suffering a non-cardiovascular death in the CKD population of the NEFRONA cohort compared with patients with the normal-risk combination. Determination of three SNPs of the Klotho gene could help in the prediction of non-cardiovascular death in CKD

    Association of candidate gene polymorphisms with chronic kidney disease : Results of a case-control analysis in the NEFRONA cohort

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major risk factor for end-stage renal disease, cardiovascular disease and premature death. Despite classical clinical risk factors for CKD and some genetic risk factors have been identified, the residual risk observed in prediction models is still high. Therefore, new risk factors need to be identified in order to better predict the risk of CKD in the population. Here, we analyzed the genetic association of 79 SNPs of proteins associated with mineral metabolism disturbances with CKD in a cohort that includes 2,445 CKD cases and 559 controls. Genotyping was performed with matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. We used logistic regression models considering different genetic inheritance models to assess the association of the SNPs with the prevalence of CKD, adjusting for known risk factors. Eight SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs2238135, rs1800247, rs385564, rs4236, rs2248359, and rs1564858) were associated with CKD even after adjusting by sex, age and race. A model containing five of these SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs1800247, rs4236, and rs2248359), diabetes and hypertension showed better performance than models considering only clinical risk factors, significantly increasing the area under the curve of the model without polymorphisms. Furthermore, one of the SNPs (the rs2248359) showed an interaction with hypertension, being the risk genotype affecting only hypertensive patients. We conclude that 5 SNPs related to proteins implicated in mineral metabolism disturbances (Osteopontin, osteocalcin, matrix gla protein, matrix metalloprotease 3 and 24 hydroxylase) are associated to an increased risk of suffering CKD

    Association of Candidate Gene Polymorphisms With Chronic Kidney Disease: Results of a Case-Control Analysis in the Nefrona Cohort

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major risk factor for end-stage renal disease, cardiovascular disease and premature death. Despite classical clinical risk factors for CKD and some genetic risk factors have been identified, the residual risk observed in prediction models is still high. Therefore, new risk factors need to be identified in order to better predict the risk of CKD in the population. Here, we analyzed the genetic association of 79 SNPs of proteins associated with mineral metabolism disturbances with CKD in a cohort that includes 2, 445 CKD cases and 559 controls. Genotyping was performed with matrix assisted laser desorption ionizationtime of flight mass spectrometry. We used logistic regression models considering different genetic inheritance models to assess the association of the SNPs with the prevalence of CKD, adjusting for known risk factors. Eight SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs2238135, rs1800247, rs385564, rs4236, rs2248359, and rs1564858) were associated with CKD even after adjusting by sex, age and race. A model containing five of these SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs1800247, rs4236, and rs2248359), diabetes and hypertension showed better performance than models considering only clinical risk factors, significantly increasing the area under the curve of the model without polymorphisms. Furthermore, one of the SNPs (the rs2248359) showed an interaction with hypertension, being the risk genotype affecting only hypertensive patients. We conclude that 5 SNPs related to proteins implicated in mineral metabolism disturbances (Osteopontin, osteocalcin, matrix gla protein, matrix metalloprotease 3 and 24 hydroxylase) are associated to an increased risk of suffering CKD

    EPIdemiology of Surgery-Associated Acute Kidney Injury (EPIS-AKI) : Study protocol for a multicentre, observational trial

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    More than 300 million surgical procedures are performed each year. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication after major surgery and is associated with adverse short-term and long-term outcomes. However, there is a large variation in the incidence of reported AKI rates. The establishment of an accurate epidemiology of surgery-associated AKI is important for healthcare policy, quality initiatives, clinical trials, as well as for improving guidelines. The objective of the Epidemiology of Surgery-associated Acute Kidney Injury (EPIS-AKI) trial is to prospectively evaluate the epidemiology of AKI after major surgery using the latest Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) consensus definition of AKI. EPIS-AKI is an international prospective, observational, multicentre cohort study including 10 000 patients undergoing major surgery who are subsequently admitted to the ICU or a similar high dependency unit. The primary endpoint is the incidence of AKI within 72 hours after surgery according to the KDIGO criteria. Secondary endpoints include use of renal replacement therapy (RRT), mortality during ICU and hospital stay, length of ICU and hospital stay and major adverse kidney events (combined endpoint consisting of persistent renal dysfunction, RRT and mortality) at day 90. Further, we will evaluate preoperative and intraoperative risk factors affecting the incidence of postoperative AKI. In an add-on analysis, we will assess urinary biomarkers for early detection of AKI. EPIS-AKI has been approved by the leading Ethics Committee of the Medical Council North Rhine-Westphalia, of the Westphalian Wilhelms-University Münster and the corresponding Ethics Committee at each participating site. Results will be disseminated widely and published in peer-reviewed journals, presented at conferences and used to design further AKI-related trials. Trial registration number NCT04165369

    Registro Español de Trasplante Cardiaco. XXXI Informe Oficial de la Asociación de Insuficiencia Cardiaca de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología

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    Introducción y objetivos Se presentan las características clínicas y los resultados de los trasplantes cardiacos realizados en España con la actualización correspondiente a 2019. Métodos Se describen las características clínicas y los resultados de los trasplantes cardiacos realizados en 2019, así como las tendencias de estos en el periodo 2010-2018. Resultados En 2019 se realizaron 300 trasplantes (8.794 desde 1984; 2.745 entre 2010 y 2019). Respecto a años previos, los cambios más llamativos son el descenso hasta el 38% de los trasplantes realizados en código urgente, y la consolidación en el cambio de asistencia circulatoria pretrasplante, con la práctica desaparición del balón de contrapulsación (0, 7%), la estabilización del uso del oxigenador extracorpóreo de membrana (9, 6%) y el aumento de los dispositivos de asistencia ventricular (29%). La supervivencia en el trienio 2016-2018 es similar a la del trienio 2013-2015 (p = 0, 34), y ambas mejores que la del trienio 2010-2012 (p = 0, 002 y p = 0, 01 respectivamente). Conclusiones Se mantienen estables tanto la actividad del trasplante cardiaco en España como los resultados en supervivencia en los últimos 2 trienios. Hay una tendencia a realizar menos trasplantes urgentes, la mayoría con dispositivos de asistencia ventricular. Introduction and objectives: The present report describes the clinical characteristics and outcomes of heart transplants in Spain and updates the data to 2019. Methods: We describe the clinical characteristics and outcomes of heart transplants performed in Spain in 2019, as well as trends in this procedure from 2010 to 2018. Results: In 2019, 300 transplants were performed (8794 since 1984; 2745 between 2010 and 2019). Compared with previous years, the most notable findings were the decreasing rate of urgent transplants (38%), and the consolidation of the type of circulatory support prior to transplant, with an almost complete disappearance of counterpulsation balloon (0.7%), stabilization in the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (9.6%), and an increase in the use of ventricular assist devices (29.0%). Survival from 2016 to 2018 was similar to that from 2013 to 2015 (P = .34). Survival in both these periods was better than that from 2010 to 2012 (P = .002 and P = .01, respectively). Conclusions: Heart transplant activity has remained stable during the last few years, as have outcomes (in terms of survival). There has been a trend to a lower rate of urgent transplants and to a higher use of ventricular assist devices prior to transplant

    Conversion From Immediate-Release Tacrolimus to Prolonged-Release Tacrolimus in Stable Heart Transplant Patients : A Retrospective Study

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    Lifelong adherence with post-transplant immunosuppression is challenging, with nonadherence associated with greater acute rejection (AR) risk. This retrospective study evaluated conversion from immediate-release tacrolimus (IRT) to prolonged-release tacrolimus (PRT), between January 2008 and December 2012 in stable adult heart transplant recipients. Cumulative incidence rate (IR) of AR and infection pre- and postconversion, safety, tacrolimus dose and trough levels, concomitant immunosuppression, and PRT discontinuation were analyzed (intention-to-treat population). Overall, 467 patients (mean age, 59.3 [SD, 13.3] years) converted to PRT at 5.1 (SD, 4.9) years post transplant and were followed for 3.4 (SD, 1.5) years. During the 6 months post conversion, 5 patients (1.1%; 95% CI, 0.35%-2.48%) had an AR episode and IR was 2.2/100 patient-years (95% CI, 0.91-5.26). Incidence of rejection preconversion varied by time from transplant to conversion. Infection IR was similar post- and preconversion (9.2/100 patient-years [95% CI, 7.4-11.3] vs 10.6/100 patient-years [95% CI, 8.8-12.3], respectively; P =.20). Safety variables remained similar post conversion. The IR of mortality/graft loss was 2.3/100 patient-years (95% CI, 1.7-3.1). Conversion from IRT to PRT in heart transplant recipients in Spain was associated with no new safety concerns and appropriate immunosuppressive effectiveness