222 research outputs found

    Del guión a la pantalla: concepción y desarrollo narrativo del cortometraje "Dummergeier"

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster Profesional consiste en la elaboración del cortometraje de ficción audiovisual “Dummergeier” (Alejandro de la Torre, 2022), desde su concepción inicial, pasando por la escritura del guion y finalizando con la presentación del cortometraje en su factura final. En el apartado metodológico, se ha hecho un especial hincapié en todo lo referente al desarrollo narrativo de la pieza, partiendo de la idea primigenia y trabajando sobre ella en sus diferentes fases (storyline, sinopsis, tratamiento, escaleta…) hasta obtener, tras diversas versiones y borradores, el guion literario final de la obra en formato profesional de guion. En todo el proceso citado nos hemos apoyado en un sustrato teórico conformado por un compendio de los grandes maestros de la narrativa audiovisual y de la teoría del guion cinematográfico: Syd Field, Robert Mckee, Linda Seger o John Truby, entre otros. Como colofón al desglose de las fases de creación y desarrollo narrativo expuestas en el trabajo, se adjunta el enlace para poder efectuar el visionado completo del cortometraje “Dummergeier”.This Professional Master's Final Project consists of the elaboration of the audiovisual fiction short film "Dummergeier" (Alejandro de la Torre, 2022), from its initial conception, through the writing of the script and ending with the presentation of the short film in its final form. In the methodological section, special emphasis has been placed on everything related to the narrative development of the piece, starting from the original idea and working on it in its different phases (storyline, synopsis, treatment, rundown...) until obtaining, after various versions and drafts, the final literary script of the work in professional script format. Throughout the aforementioned process we have relied on a theoretical substrate made up of a compendium of the great masters of audiovisual narrative and the theory of the film script: Syd Field, Robert Mckee, Linda Seger or John Truby, among others. As a culmination to the breakdown of the phases of creation and narrative development exposed in the work, the link is attached to be able to make the complete viewing of the short film "Dummergeier".Máster en Cine, comunicación e Industria Audiovisua

    Processing and characterisation of Calcium SulfoAluminate (CSA) eco-cements coated with a hybrid organo-inorganic material for photocatalytic applications

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    On the one hand, Calcium SulfoAluminate (CSA) eco-cements are receiving increasing attention since their manufacture produces up to 40% less CO2 than ordinary Portland cement (OPC). In addition, they show interesting properties such as high early-age strengths, short setting times, impermeability, sulfate and chloride corrosion resistance and low alkalinity. On the other hand, water treatment is a key issue and it will become much more important in the decades ahead. We have developed a photocatalytic material capable to degrade contaminants in water, under both UVA and visible radiations. In both cases, it works more effectively than nano-TiO2 (Evonik P25). The environmental benefits of the use of CSA eco-cements with a photocatalyst are two folds: the photocatalytic treatment of contaminated water, and lower CO2 emissions because of the use of eco-cements rather than OPC. However, before preparing the coating, different parameters need to be under control. This includes the effect of the photocatalyst onto the eco-cement (setting time, phase assemblage, and so on), and the effect of the eco-cement on the photocatalyst. This work deals with the processing and characterisation of coatings onto CSA eco-cement pastes, including rheological behaviour, setting time, adhesion, and so on.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work has been supported by Junta de Andalucía (Spain) through P11-FQM-7517 and P12-FQM-1656 research grants and FEDER/University of Málaga (FC14-MAT-23). Dr. I. Santacruz thanks a Ramón y Cajal fellowship, RYC-2008-03523

    Recent Advances in C-S-H Nucleation Seeding for Improving Cement Performances

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    Reducing cement CO2 footprint is a societal need. This is being achieved mainly by replacing an increasing amount of Portland clinker by supplementary cementitious materials. However, this comes at a price: lower mechanical strengths at early ages due to slow pozzolanic reaction(s). This is being addressed by using accelerator admixtures. In this context, calcium silicate hydrate nucleation seeding seems to have a promising future, as it can accelerate cement and pozzolanic reactions at early ages, optimising their microstructures, without compromising late strength and durability performances. In fact, these features could even be improved. Moreover, other uses are low temperature concreting, precasting, shotconcrete, etc. Here, we focus on reviewing recent reports on calcium silicate hydrate seeding using commercially available admixtures. Current knowledge on the consequences of nucleation seeding on hydration reactions and on early and late mechanical strengths is discussed. It is noted that other features, in addition to the classic alite hydration acceleration, are covered here including the enhanced ettringite precipitation and the very efficient porosity refinement, which take place in the seeded binders. Finally, because the seeded binders seem to be denser, durability properties could also be enhanced although this remains to be properly established.This research has been partly supported by PID2020-114650RB-I00 research grant, Spanish Government, which is co-funded by ERDF

    Does loneliness contribute to mild cognitive impairment and dementia? A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

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    There is growing evidence that loneliness is associated with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia. However, the extent of this association remains unclear. A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies examining this association was conducted. Six electronic databases were searched from inception to November 15th 2018. A random-effects meta-analysis was performed to obtain pooled estimates and 95% CIs. Studies were also assessed for heterogeneity, methodological quality and publication bias. A total of 4270 hits were retrieved based on the initial search strategy and ten studies met the eligibility criteria involving 37339 individuals (mean age from 64.9 to 83.1 years). Variation between studies was present for the measurement of loneliness as well as for the case ascertainment of MCI and dementia. Loneliness was positively associated with increased risk of dementia (overall RR = 1.26; 95% CI = 1.14, 1.40; n = 8). Due to lack of sufficient data, we could not explore the association between loneliness and risk of MCI through a meta-analysis, but limited evidence suggests a potential effect of loneliness on MCI. A further understanding of the deleterious effects of loneliness on MCI and dementia may assist the design of environmental and psychological interventions to prevent or delay the onset of these neuropsychiatric condition

    In-situ synchrotron powder diffraction study: activation of Portland and Belite cements

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    Portland cement (PC), whose main phase is alite (Ca3SiO5, C3S), is one of the most manufactured products in the world. However, cement industry is one of the major contributors for greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. In the fabrication of PC, 0.96 tons CO2 per ton PC are emitted into the atmosphere. Belite cements (BC), whose main component is the belite phase (Ca2SiO5, C2S), can decrease the CO2 footprint of cements. The main disadvantage of these BCs is its low mechanical strengths at early ages although they have very good mechanical values at late ages and also very good durability performances. Thus, it is necessary to study how to increase the mechanical properties at early ages, for instance, by activation. To do this, an in-situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study has been performed up to 48 hours of hydration using a PC and two different BCs (one activated during the clinkering stage and one non-activated). These cements have been hydrated without and with three different admixtures, two of them C-S-H seeding based (XS100 and XS130) and the other one being a single alkanolamine (triisopropanolamine, TIPA). Data have been collected at the BL04-MSPD beamline at ALBA synchrotron (Barcelona, Spain). The results were analysed by the Rietveld methodology to determine the phase content evolutions with time and with the activators. Fig. 1 shows, as an example, the hydration evolution of the activated BC without and with the XS130 admixture. In this study, we have obtained two main conclusions. The first observation is that C-S-H seeding accelerates the hydration of the three cements at early ages, mainly by enhancing calcium sulphates and calcium aluminates dissolutions. It has also been observed that admixtures do not significantly accelerate the hydration of crystalline C3S and C2S. The second is a synergy between C-S-H seeding and alkanolamines when compare to single alkanolamine dosage.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Effect of boron and water-to-cement ratio on the performances of laboratory prepared Belite-Ye'elimite-Ferrite (BYF) cements

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    The effect of superplasticiser, borax and the water-to-cement ratio on BYF hydration and mechanical strengths has been studied. Two laboratory-scale BYF cements—st-BYF (with -C2S and orthorhombic C4A3 S) and borax-activated B-BYF (with a’H-C2S and pseudo-cubic C4A3s) have been used, and both show similar particle size distribution. The addition of superplasticiser and externally added borax to BYF pastes has been optimised through rheological measurements. Optimised superplasticiser contents (0.3, 0.4 and 0.1 wt%for st-BYF, B-BYF and st-BYF with externally added 0.25 wt % B2O3, respectively) result in low viscosities yielding homogeneous mortars. The calorimetric study revealed that st-BYF is more reactive than B-BYF, as the values of heat released are 300–370 J/g and 190–210 J/g, respectively, after 7 days of hydration; this fact is independent of the water-to-cement ratio. These findings agree with the higher degree of hydration at 28 days of b -C2S in st-BYF (from 45 to 60%) than a’H-C2S in B-BYF (~20 to 30%). The phase assemblage evolution has been determined by LXRPD coupled with the Rietveld method and MAS-NMR. The formation of stratlingite is favoured by increasing the w/c ratio in both systems. Finally, the optimisation of fresh BYF pastes jointly with the reduction of water-to-cement ratio to 0.40 have allowed the achieving of mortars with compressive strengths over 40 MPa at 7 days in all systems. Moreover, the st-BYF mortar, where borax was externally added, achieved more than 70 MPa after 28 days. The main conclusion of this work does not support Lafarge’s approach of adding boron/borax to the raw meal of BYF cements. This procedure stabilises the alpha belite polymorph, but its reactivity, in these systems, is lower and the associated mechanical strengths poorer.UMA18-FEDERJA-095 y P18-RT-720, ambos cofinanciados FEDE

    Diseño y fabricación digital de tarjetas pop-ups en entornos educativos mediante tecnologías de bajo coste

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    La implantación de tecnologías de fabricación digital en centros escolares requiere habitualmente la creación de espacios específicos (Makerspaces, Fab labs, etc.). Sin embargo resulta interesante la introducción de estas tecnologías en aulas tradicionales. En este artículo se describe una experiencia llevada a cabo en el Colegio San Isidro, Los Salesianos de la Orotava, Tenerife en 4º curso de secundaria en la asignatura de expresión plástica, visual y audiovisual, en el que se ha realizado una actividad de diseño y creación de tarjetas pop-up. La realización de esta actividad implica el corte y doblado de papel que habitualmente se realiza mediante tijeras o cutter. Sin embargo, con la aparición de técnicas de fabricación digital de bajo coste, este proceso puede ser automatizado e introducido en cualquier aula

    Robotic Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Spine Metastasis Pain Relief

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    Spinal metastasis may occur in 40–70% of patients with cancer. Symptoms can vary from pain to spinal cord compression (SCC) and can affect their quality of life (QoL). Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) allows dose escalation of spinal tumor metastases, minimizing doses to organs at risk and improving pain control. The aim of this study is to retrospectively describe our institution’s experience with robotic SBRT (CyberKnife®, Accuray Incorporated, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) for spinal metastases, in terms of feasibility, oncological results, toxicities, and pain relief observed. In total, 25 patients with 43 lesions were assessed, most of them with dorsal metastases (48.8%). The median total dose was 27 Gy (16–35 Gy), the median number of fractions administered was 3 (1–5), and the median dose per fraction was 9 Gy. Pain was evaluated using the visual analogue scale at baseline and at the end of treatment. The statistically significant reduction in pain (p < 0.01) was associated with the total dose of radiotherapy delivered (p < 0.01). Only one patient developed grade 3 dermatitis. Female gender, adenocarcinoma tumors, and lack of previous surgery were associated with better response to SBRT (p < 0.05). Robotic spine SBRT is feasible, well-tolerated, and improves patients’ QoL through a statistically significant reduction in pain, so it should be offered to patients at an early stage in their process

    Early hydration of belite-ye’elimite-ferrite cements: Role of admixtures

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    The effect of TIPA and CaCl2 on early hydration, i.e. 24 h, of a B-BYF cement has been studied by in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, calorimetry, thermal analysis, NMR, and rheological measurements of the pastes and mechanical strength of the corresponding mortars. The addition of 0.05 %bwc (by weight of cement) of TIPA reduced the viscosity of the paste during the first minutes of hydration but, after the end of the induction period, ~7 h, it favored the formation of AFt compared to the reference paste. The latter is likely due to the acceleration of the dissolution of the amorphous aluminates and sulfates by the presence of TIPA. These results correlate with the increase of ~169% of the 1-day mechanical strengths. The addition of 2.0 %bwc of CaCl2 accelerated the dissolution rate of ye’elimite, causing an increase of the amount of precipitated ettringite even before the end of the induction period, which has been shorted to ~6 h. The 1-day mechanical strengths of the mortars with this admixture outperforms that of the reference mortar by 181%. Finally, ferrite and α’ H-belite reactivities were not affected by the addition of any of these admixtures during the first 24 h of hydration of this cement.P18-RT-720 from the Andalusian regional government and PID2019-104378RJ-I00 from the Spanish government are gratefully acknowl-edged. ALBA synchrotron is acknowledged for providing with beamtime at MSPD beamline. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA

    In situ synchrotron powder diffraction study of LC3 cement activation at very early ages by C-S-H nucleation seeding.

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    Limestone Calcined Clay Cements, LC3, are being widely researched as low-carbon binders. However, the hydration reactions during the first day are key for their performances and they were not well known. Here, we employ in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction to understand the hydration reactions that take place during the first day. The influence of two superplasticisers and three strength-enhancing admixtures have been investigated. The diffraction data were analysed by the Rietveld method and the results compared to mass balance calculations. For LC3 binders and in the absence of strength-enhancing admixtures, the hydration rates of the clinker phases, i.e. C3S, C3A and C4AF, are accelerated because of the filler effect. The C-S-H based-admixtures further accelerate the hydration of tricalcium aluminate and ferrite. Chiefly, it is firmly proved that the pozzolanic reaction takes place from 7 h onwards in the studied experimental conditions. The estimated degree of hydration of metakaolin at 22 h, in the studied binders, was ∼10 %.This research was partly supported by the research grant PID2020-114650RB-I00 which is co-funded by ERDF. ALBA synchrotron is thanked for providing beamtime at the BL04-MSPD beamline. We thank thorough discussions with Peter Schwesig and Sebastien Dhers from Master Builders Solutions. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Malaga/CBU