7,343 research outputs found

    Prevalence of QoI resistance and mtDNA diversity in the Irish Zymoseptoria tritici population

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    peer-reviewedThe emergence and spread of Quinone outside Inhibitor (QoI) fungicide resistance in the Irish Zymoseptoria tritici population in the early 2000s had immediate impacts on the efficacy of the entire group of fungicides for the control of septoria tritici blotch. As a result, a dramatic reduction in the quantities applied to winter wheat occurred in the following seasons. Even in the absence of these fungicides, the frequency of the resistance allele, G143A in the pathogens mtDNA has remained exceptionally high (>97%), and as such, it can be anticipated that continued poor efficacy of current QoI fungicides will be observed. Amongst the isolates with G143A, differences in sensitivity to the QoI pyraclostrobin were observed in vitro. The addition of the alternative oxidase (AOX) inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid increased sensitivity in these isolates, suggesting some continued impairment of respiration by the QoI fungicides, albeit weak. Interestingly, amongst those tested, the strains from a site with a high frequency of inserts in the MFS1 transporter gene known to enhance QoI efflux did not exhibit this increase in sensitivity. A total of 19 mtDNA haplotypes were detected amongst the 2017 strain collection. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the suggestion of a common ancestry of all the haplotypes, even though three of the haplotypes contained at least one sensitive strain

    Effect on hatchability of length of time for turning eggs during the incubation in Red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa)

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    El volteo de los huevos en la incubación artificial es clave para lograr buenas tasas de eclosión y pollos viables. En la producción de perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa) la duración recomendada para el periodo durante el que los huevos deben ser volteados en la incubación no se ha comprobado experimentalmente. Para contribuir al conocimiento de la duración óptima del periodo de volteo, se incubaron 74 huevos divididos en tres grupos: huevos volteados hasta el día 18 ó 19, volteados hasta el día 20 ó 21 y volteados hasta el día 22 de incubación. La tasa de eclosión fue mayor en los huevos volteados durante 20 días o másTurning of the eggs during the artificial incubation is critical in order to obtain a good hatchability and viable one-day-old chicks. In Red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) farming, the recommended length of time during which the eggs should be turned along the incubation process has not been experimentally tested. With the aim of improving knowledge on the optimum length of time for the eggs to be turned during the incubation, seventy four eggs were incubated, divided into three groups: eggs that were turned until day 18 or 19, eggs that were turned until day 20 or 21, and eggs that were turned until day 22 of incubation. The hatchability of the eggs was higher for the eggs that were turned during the incubation over at least 20 days

    Understanding User Triads on Facebook

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    Contemporary approaches that analyze user behavior on online social networks only consider interactions among dyads, which are pairs of directly connected users. A large body of sociological work, however, suggests that mutual connections among users can influence their activities, leading to differences between two- and three-way interactions. This paper explores the dynamics of triads among Facebook users based on the wall posts from the New Orleans regional network. Initially, each connection is categorized as a close friendship or an acquiantance, contingent on the number of wall posts exchanged. Subsequently, the impact of different types of connections comprising triads is examined on the post volume and inter-post times. The analysis finds that these two properties are influenced by the number of close friendships constituting triads

    A Coronal Jet Ejects from Sunspot Light Bridge

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    Chromospheric brighten and Hα\alpha surge are the evident and common phenomena along sunspot light bridge. In this paper, a coronal jet ejects from sunspot light bridge is presented. Using the data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and Hinode satellites, it is confirmed that the jet has the root near light bridge, this suggests that the jet may be a result of reconnection between main sunspot and light bridge. Due to the processing of jet ejects, the intensity and width of light bridge have some changes at some extent. This also suggests that jet is related to the interaction between light bridge and umbra, possibly magnetic reconnection or heat plasma trapped in light bridge escaping and moving along field line.Comment: It has been accepted for publication in PAS

    Verification Testing To Confirm VO2max Attainment in Inactive Women With Obesity

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(4): 1448-1458, 2020. Incidence of obesity is increasing worldwide which is deleterious to health due to its association with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Completion of regular physical activity in individuals with obesity increases maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). However, whether individuals with obesity can exhibit ‘true’ VO2max is unresolved. This study examined efficacy of verification testing (VER) to identify ‘true’ VO2max in 17 inactive women with obesity (age, body fat, and VO2max = 37 ± 10 yr, 48.7 ± 3.5 %, and 19.4 ± 3.0 mL/kg/min, respectively). They performed ramp exercise (RAMP) to volitional fatigue followed by VER at 105 percent peak power output (%PPO) at baseline and after 3 and 6 wk of high intensity interval training. Results showed no difference in ramp and verification-derived VO2max (1.99 ± 0.37 L/min vs. 1.98 ± 0.32 L/min, 2.00 ± 0.40 L/min vs. 2.04 ± 0.38 L/min, and 2.08 ± 0.34 L/min vs. 2.08 ± 0.32 L/min at 0, 3 and 6 wk of training), although in 40 % of VER tests, VO2max was greater than the RAMP value. Overall, verification testing may be adopted as an additional approach to confirm ‘true’ VO2max attainment in obese women as ramp exercise frequently underestimates VO2max in this population

    Women\u2019s human rights when experiencing humanitarian crises and conflicts: the impact of United Nations Security Council Resolutions on women, peace, security, and the CEDAW General Recommendation no. 30.

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    Violence and insecurity are strictly linked to unequal political, social, and economic power. However, the continuity of violence is obscured by masculinist and patriarchal rules of security within gendered structures, especially inside the division of public/private dimensions and spaces, of production-reproduction activities, and of conflicts of war/peace. Nowadays, there is a general perception of the gendered dimensions of humanitarian emergencies in public policy outcomes and more in general in institutional contexts where the central role of women in security and maintaining peace, at all levels of decision making, both prior to, during, and after the conflict stage, hostilities, and peace-keeping and peace-building stages, as well as in trying to pursue a condition of reconciliation and reconstruction, has been formally recognized at international level. Nevertheless, it is necessary to focus on some problems related to the conceptualization of and legal provision for \u2018gender based security\u2019 and its subsequent effects upon accountability, with particular reference to transitional justice and post-conflict societies. It is important to assess a range of contemporary issues implicated for women and security, such as violence and other forms of harassment in times of post-conflict

    Behavior Of Spandrel Beams Strengthened With Steel Fibers Under Combined Loading

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    Anggota konkrit mengalami kilasan diiringi juga dengan lenturan dan ricihan. Sehingga kini, kod amalan reka bentuk anggota-anggota konkrit bertetulang menganggap bahawa kesan kilasan dapat dielakkan dengan selamat disebabkan faktor keselamatan yang tinggi digunakan dalam lenturan dan ricihan. Justeru itu, gabungan beban terhadap anggota-anggota tidak diberi perhatian yang serius. Namun demikian, andaian ini sudah tidak boleh diaplikasi lagi kerana isu kilasan kini merupakan perkara biasa dan memainkan peranan yang signifikan dalam struktur, contohnya rasuk spandrel. Rasuk spandrel atau dikenali juga sebagai rasuk-L, amat bergantung pada perimeter bangunan. Sebarang kegagalan pada rasuk spandrel boleh menjadi serius sehingga mencacatkan papak, sumbungan tiang-rasuk dan tebukan plat rata konkrit. Dengan mencampurkan gentian keluli sebagai bahan tambahan, ia boleh meningkatkan kekuatan kilasan rasuk spandrel di bawah beban gabungan dan prestasi struktur konkrit seperti beban maksimum, kemuluran dan rintangan retak. Gentian keluli boleh merintangi gabungan beban seperti rakap dan tetulang membujur, namun penyelidikan di dalam bidang ini masih samar dan terhad. Lebih-lebih lagi kepentingan menggunakan bertetulang gentian dalam struktur konkrit untuk diaplikasi dalam infrastruktur awam telah meningkat. Oleh yang demikian, pengetahuan sedia ada tentang konkrit gentian keluli sepaiknya digabungjalinkan dalam kod amalan reka bentuk. Eksperimen dijalankan untuk menilai perlakuan rasuk spandrel gentian yang diperkukuh dengan gentian keluli tertakluk pada gabungan kilasan, lenturan dan ricihan. Sejumlah 18 rasuk spandrel disediakan dan diuji dengan dua gabungan beban biasa i.e. kilasan tinggi terhadap nisbah lenturan dan kilasan rendah terhadap nisbah lenturan. Sampel rasuk dibahagikan kepada tiga kumpulan, iaitu rasuk konkrit biasa, spesimen dengan tetulang pengukuh memanjang, dan spesimen dengan tertulang dan rakap. Semua kes dikaji dengan pecahan isipadu gentian keluli 0%, 1%, dan 1.5%. Rasuk konkrit bertetulang gentian mempamerkan prestasi keseluruhan yang baik berbanding dengan rasuk kawalan tanpa gentian. Diperhatikan sumbangan utama daripada gentian keluli ke atas tingkah laku kilasan adalah terhadap keretakan konkrit. Penambahan gentian keluli adalah penting untuk rasuk tanpa tetulang keluli konvensional, penambahan ini terbukti mampu meningkatkan kapasiti semasa kilasan. Di samping itu, analisis berangka melalui kaedah elemen terhingga dilakukan terhadap data eksperimen untuk meramalkan tingkah laku struktur rasuk spandrel. Satu teknik baru diutara untuk mengambilkira kesan gentian keluli dalam elemen konkrit dan kesan titik lembut konkrit dalam mampatan dan tegangan. Kelakuan umum model unsur terhingga yang diwakili plot kilas-piuh dan plot bebanlenturan menunjukkan hubungan yang baik dengan data ujian daripada rasuk kawalan dan rasuk spandrel. Walau bagaimanapun, model unsur terhingga menunjukkan kekukuhan yang tinggi berbanding dengan data ujian dalam julat tidak linear untuk rasuk tanpa tetulang keluli. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Important concrete members are subjected to significant torsion accompanied by bending and shear. Until recent years, the design codes of reinforced concrete members assumed that the effects of torsion could be safely neglected due to high safety factors for shear and bending moment. Thus, members under combined loading were not treated with serious attention. However, this assumption cannot be applied anymore as torsion issues become common and play a significant role in structural members, such as spandrel beams. The spandrel beam, or the L-beam, lies on the perimeter of buildings. Any failure in spandrel beams can seriously damage slabs, beam-column connections, and punch concrete flat-plates. By incorporating steel fibers, it can enhance torsional behavior of spandrel beam under combined load in addition to the structural performance such as maximum load, ductility and cracking resistance. Steel fibers may provide resistance to combined loading as stirrups and longitudinal bars, this investigation is still scare and limited. Moreover, a worldwide interest in utilizing fiber reinforced concrete structures for civil infrastructure applications has increased. This study presents the advantage of using steel fiber concrete in strengthening spandrel beams under different reinforcement and loading cases. An experimental investigation was conducted to assess the behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete spandrel beams subjected to combined torsion, bending, and shear. A total of 18 spandrel beams were prepared and tested with two common loading combinations i.e. high torque to bending ratio and low torque to bending ratio. All beams were divided into three groups, namely, plain concrete beams, specimens with longitudinal reinforcing bars and specimens with bars and stirrups. All cases were examined with 0%, 1%, and 1.5% steel fiber volume fractions. Fibrous concrete beams exhibited improved overall torsional performance with respect to the corresponding non-fibrous control beams. The main contribution of steel fibers on the torsional behavior is mainly observed after concrete cracking. The addition of steel fibers was essential to the beams without conventional steel reinforcement since fibers were the only reinforcement and proved capable to provide enhanced torsional moment capacities. Besides, a numerical analysis by finite element method was suggested against the experimental data to predict the structural behavior of spandrel beams. A new technique was presented to incorporate the effects of steel fibers within concrete element and the softening effect of concrete in compression and tension. The general behavior of the finite element model represented by the torque-twist plot and load-deflection plots show good agreement with the test data from the plain and fiber reinforced spandrel beam. However, the finite element models show higher stiffness than the test data in the nonlinear ranges for beams without steel reinforcement