15 research outputs found

    Afectividad en mujeres v铆ctimas y no v铆ctimas de violencia de pareja atendidos en una cl铆nica universitaria a trav茅s del psicodiagn贸stico de Rorschach

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    The goal was to compare the characteristics of affection in women victims and non victims of couple violence in a university clinic by Rorschach . It was based on a mixed approach quantitative descriptive comparative and qualitative turn through discourse analysis of the responses given by subjects in the protocols. Affectivity in women victims and non-victims of partner violence was characterized , to that end the Rorschach and Self-Diagnosis Questionnaire violence by intimate partners , who collected data on participants and information on dating violence was applied suffered . A quantitatively significant differences (p < 0.05) between female victims and non-victims of violence in some Rorschach variables that make up the cluster indicators affectivity control and modulation of emotions (FC), emotional responsivity (Afr) were revealed, search of independence and assertiveness (S) and activity level of analysis and synthesis (complex responses) representing some features of emotion more inadequate female victims compared to women not victims of partner violence . Furthermore, qualitative differences in affectivity of Rorschach Content, analyzed from the perspective of the Comprehensive System among female victims and non-victims of violence being predominantly aggression, repressed fantasies of death in the first were found.El objetivo fue comparar las caracter铆sticas de afectividad en mujeres v铆ctimas y no v铆ctimas de violencia de pareja en una Cl铆nica Universitaria a trav茅s de Psicodiagn贸stico de Rorschach. Se bas贸 en un enfoque mixto, cuantitativo descriptivo comparativo y a su vez cualitativo a trav茅s del an谩lisis del discurso de las respuestas emitidas por los sujetos en los protocolos. Se caracteriz贸 la afectividad en mujeres v铆ctimas y no v铆ctimas de violencia de pareja, para alcanzar dicho fin se aplic贸 el Psicodiagn贸stico de Rorschach y un Cuestionario de Autodiagn贸stico de Violencia en la pareja, que recogi贸 datos sobre los participantes e informaci贸n relativa a la violencia de pareja sufrida. A nivel cuantitativo se revelaron diferencias significativas (p< 0,05) entre las mujeres v铆ctimas y no v铆ctimas de violencia en algunas variables del Rorschach que componen el cl煤ster afectividad en indicadores control y modulaci贸n de emociones (FC), responsividad emocional (Afr), b煤squeda de independencia y autoafirmaci贸n (S) y grado de actividad de an谩lisis y s铆ntesis (respuestas complejas) que representan algunas de las caracter铆sticas de la afectividad m谩s inadecuadas en las mujeres v铆ctimas en comparaci贸n con mujeres no v铆ctimas de violencia de pareja. Asimismo, se hallaron diferencias cualitativas en afectividad de los Contenidos Rorschach, analizados desde el enfoque del Sistema Comprensivo entre las mujeres v铆ctimas y no v铆ctimas de violencia siendo predominante agresividad reprimida y fantas铆as de muerte en las primeras

    Riesgo Suicida, Depresi贸n y Personalidad en estudiantes de Psicolog铆a con y sin Dificultad Vocacional de una Universidad de Lima

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    La presente investigaci贸n fue de un dise帽o no experimental descriptivo y comparativo de dos grupos de estudiantes con (46 sujetos) y sin dificultad vocacional (46 sujetos) que fueron evaluados con el Psicodiagn贸stico de Rorschach (Sistema Comprehensivo de Exner). Los resultados indican que dentro de las caracter铆sticas generales de personalidad existe una mayor distorsi贸n del pensamiento (intelectualizaci贸n), actitudes de dominio y autoafirmaci贸n en el grupo con dificultad vocacional (p<0,05); en donde, cualitativamente, destaca infantilismo ps铆quico. En indicadores de constelaci贸n de suicidio (S-Con) y niveles de riesgo suicida no registran diferencias significativas; el grupo con dificultad vocacional, cualitativamente, expresa pensamientos destructivos y caracter铆sticas disf贸ricas predominantes. En DEPI y en niveles de depresi贸n, revelan presencia similar de depresi贸n leve (28,3%), rasgos depresivos (13%) y trastorno significativo (6,6%) sin diferencias significativas, reflejando autocr铆tica negativa en el grupo con dificultad vocacional asociada con contenidos m贸rbidos (MOR>3), inadecuaci贸n interpersonal y sentido cr铆tico negativo. Espec铆ficamente, en el grupo con dificultad vocacional, se hall贸 diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en indicadores seg煤n Cluster de acuerdo al subgrupo sin y con apoyo psicol贸gico. Existiendo, en el primero, mayores interferencias emocionales e inmadurez para el ejercicio profesional en el futuro.Palabras clave: Conducta suicida, depresi贸n, estudiante de psicolog铆a, dificultad vocacional, Psicodiagn贸stico de Rorschac

    Actitudes hacia la investigaci贸n cient铆fica en estudiantes universitarios: an谩lisis en dos universidades nacionales de Lima

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    The attitudes toward the scientific investigation were analyzed in students of two National Universities of Lima: National University Federico Villarreal (Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, UNFV) and The National University of Engineering (Universidad nacional de ingenier铆a, UNI). For such purpose, the Scale of Attitudes toward the scientific investigation of Portocarrero y De La Cruz (2006) was used, instrument psychometrically evaluated to determine its validity and reliability. Subsequently, it was administered to two groups of university students (Psychology of the UNFV = 115 and Civil Engineering of the UNI = 140) who were selected in a simple random sampling. The results showed that there are not significant differences (p<0.01) regarding the UNFV students, who showed a more positive attitude in the subscale of scientific training compared to UNI students. While there are similar mean scores in the sub-scales trainer teachers and attitude toward scientific interest (proactivity). Moreover, this similarity is seen in the total score. On the other hand, for origin and religion there are not significant in differences. Finally, attitudes towards trainer teachers and the scientific training given to students are the best predictors of interest for research.Se analizaron las actitudes hacia la investigaci贸n cient铆fica en estudiantes de dos universidades estatales de Lima: Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (UNFV) y Universidad Nacional de Ingenier铆a (UNI). Para tal fin se utiliz贸 la Escala de actitudes hacia la investigaci贸n cient铆fica de Portocarrero y De La Cruz (2006), instrumento evaluado psicom茅tricamente en cuanto a validez y confiabilidad. Luego se administr贸 a dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios (Psicolog铆a de la UNFV = 115 e Ingenier铆a Civil de la UNI = 140) los que fueron seleccionados de manera probabil铆stica aleatoria simple. Los resultados evidenciaron que existen diferencias significativas (p<0,01) a favor de los estudiantes UNFV, quienes muestran mayor actitud positiva en la sub-escala formaci贸n cient铆fica comparados con los estudiantes UNI. Mientras que, se aprecian puntajes medios similares en las sub-escalas Los docentes formadores y Actitud hacia el inter茅s Cientifico (proactividad). Asimismo, esta similitud se observa en el puntaje total. Por otro lado, seg煤n procedencia y religi贸n hay ausencia de significaci贸n en las diferencias. Finalmente, las actitudes hacia los docentes formadores y la formaci贸n cient铆fica brindada a los estudiantes constituir铆an los mejores predictores del inter茅s por la investigaci贸n

    Escalas abreviadas de Depresi贸n, Ansiedad y Estr茅s (DASS-21): validez, fiabilidad y equidad en adolescentes peruanos

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    En los 煤ltimos a帽os se ha observado un creciente aumento de los trastornos psicol贸gicos en la adolescencia, particularmente de ansiedad y depresi贸n. A pesar de su importancia cl铆nica, estos des贸rdenes emocionales no son abordados oportunamente, entre otras razones por la escasez de instrumentos para este grupo etario. Por ello, en este estudio de dise帽o instrumental se busc贸 analizar la validez, fiabilidad y equidad de las Escalas Abreviadas de Depresi贸n, Ansiedad y Estr茅s (DASS-21). Participaron 731 adolescentes peruanos con edades entre 14 y 17 a帽os (M = 15.46; DE = 1.00, 54% hombres), provenientes de tres instituciones educativas p煤blicas de la provincia constitucional del Callao. Se analizaron las evidencias de validez de contenido y se examinaron estad铆sticamente los 21 铆tems del DASS-21. El an谩lisis factorial confirmatorio mostr贸 la pertinencia del modelo de tres factores: X2/gl = 2.87, CFI = .91, TLI = .89, RMSEA = .05 y SRMR = .04. Se corrobor贸 que el estr茅s es predictor de ansiedad (r = .88, r2 = .76) y depresi贸n (r = .86, r2 = .74), y que ansiedad y depresi贸n (r =.86, r2 =.73) suelen manifestarse en conjunto. Los coeficientes de consistencia interna alfa y omega > .80 demuestran la alta fiabilidad de las tres escalas. Finalmente, el an谩lisis de invarianza factorial indic贸 que el instrumento es equivalente seg煤n edad y sexo. Se concluye que las escalas DASS-21 cuentan con evidencias psicom茅tricas para su aplicaci贸n como instrumento de cribado en adolescentes peruanos. No obstante, se sugiere realizar futuras investigaciones para obtener mayores evidencias de validez, fiabilidad y equidad, y elaborar datos normativosAbbreviated Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21): validity, reliability and equity in Peruvian adolescents. In recent years, an increasing prevalence of psychological disorders in adolescence, particularly anxiety and depression, has been observed. Despite their clinical importance, these emotional disorders are not addressed in a timely manner, among other reasons due to the lack of instruments for this age group. For this reason, this instrumental design study sought to analyze the validity, reliability and equity of the Abbreviated Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21). 731 Peruvian adolescents between the ages of 14 and 17 (M = 15.46; SD = 1.00, 54% male), from three public educational institutions in the constitutional province of Callao participated. Evidence of content validity was analyzed and the 21 test items were statistically examined. Confirmatory factor analysis showed the relevance of the three-factor model: X2 / gl = 2.87, CFI = .91, TLI = .89, RMSEA = .05 and SRMR = .04. It was confirmed that stress is a predictor of anxiety (r = .88, r2 = .76) and depression (r = .86, r2 = .74), and that anxiety and depression (r = .86, r2 = .73) that these usually manifest together. The internal consistency coefficients alpha and omega > .80 demonstrate the high reliability of the three scales. Finally, the factor invariance analysis indicated that the instrument is equivalent according to age and sex. It is concluded that the DASS-21 has psychometric evidence for its use as a screening instrument in Peruvian adolescents. However, it is suggested to carry out future investigations to obtain more evidence of validity, reliability and invariance, and to elaborate normative dat

    Abbreviated depression, anxiety and stress scales (DASS-21): validity, reliability and equity in Peruvian adolescents [Escalas abreviadas de depresi贸n, ansiedad y estr茅s (DASS-21): validez, fiabilidad y equidad en adolescentes peruanos]

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    En los 煤ltimos a帽os se ha observado un creciente aumento de los trastornos psicol贸gicos en la adolescencia, particularmente de ansiedad y depresi贸n. A pesar de su importancia cl铆nica, estos des贸rdenes emocionales no son abordados oportunamente, entre otras razones por la escasez de instrumentos para este grupo etario. Por ello, en este estudio de dise帽o instrumental se busc贸 analizar la validez, fiabilidad y equidad de las Escalas Abreviadas de Depresi贸n, Ansiedad y Estr茅s (DASS-21). Participaron 731 adolescentes peruanos con edades entre 14 y 17 a帽os (M = 15.46; DE = 1.00, 54% hombres), provenientes de tres instituciones educativas p煤blicas de la provincia constitucional del Callao. Se analizaron las evidencias de validez de contenido y se examinaron estad铆sticamente los 21 铆tems del DASS-21. El an谩lisis factorial confirmatorio mostr贸 la pertinencia del modelo de tres factores: X2/gl = 2.87, CFI = .91, TLI = .89, RMSEA = .05 y SRMR = .04. Se corrobor贸 que el estr茅s es predictor de ansiedad (r = .88, r2 = .76) y depresi贸n (r = .86, r2 = .74), y que ansiedad y depresi贸n (r =.86, r2 =.73) suelen manifestarse en conjunto. Los coeficientes de consistencia interna alfa y omega > .80 demuestran la alta fiabilidad de las tres escalas. Finalmente, el an谩lisis de invarianza factorial indic贸 que el instrumento es equivalente seg煤n edad y sexo. Se concluye que las escalas DASS-21 cuentan con evidencias psicom茅tricas para su aplicaci贸n como instrumento de cribado en adolescentes peruanos. No obstante, se sugiere realizar futuras investigaciones para obtener mayores evidencias de validez, fiabilidad y equidad, y elaborar datos normativos.Abbreviated Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21): validity, reliability and equity in Peruvian adolescents. In recent years, an increasing prevalence of psychological disorders in adolescence, particularly anxiety and depression, has been observed. Despite their clinical importance, these emotional disorders are not addressed in a timely manner, among other reasons due to the lack of instruments for this age group. For this reason, this instrumental design study sought to analyze the validity, reliability and equity of the Abbreviated Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21). 731 Peruvian adolescents between the ages of 14 and 17 (M = 15.46; SD = 1.00, 54% male), from three public educational institutions in the constitutional province of Callao participated. Evidence of content validity was analyzed and the 21 test items were statistically examined. Confirmatory factor analysis showed the relevance of the three-factor model: X2 / gl = 2.87, CFI = .91, TLI = .89, RMSEA = .05 and SRMR = .04. It was confirmed that stress is a predictor of anxiety (r = .88, r2 = .76) and depression (r = .86, r2 = .74), and that anxiety and depression (r = .86, r2 = .73) that these usually manifest together. The internal consistency coefficients alpha and omega > .80 demonstrate the high reliability of the three scales. Finally, the factor invariance analysis indicated that the instrument is equivalent according to age and sex. It is concluded that the DASS-21 has psychometric evidence for its use as a screening instrument in Peruvian adolescents. However, it is suggested to carry out future investigations to obtain more evidence of validity, reliability and invariance, and to elaborate normative data

    Teacher-Student Performance Criteria During Online Classes due to COVID-19: Self-Report by Postgraduate Students in Education

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    During didactic interactions, teachers and students employ competencies and skills that correspond functionally to one another, and several models propose to typify didactic performances in higher education. For this study, we chose the didactic performance interbehavioral model as the substantive theory to identify six pairs of didactic performance criteria through self-evaluations from graduate students. These included: Competency exploration–precurrent learning behaviors, Criteria explicitness–Criteria identification, Illustration–Participation, Practice supervision–Relevant practice, Feedback–Improvement, and Evaluation–Application.309 Peruvian students from an in-person postgraduate course in Education Sciences filled out two scales (via Google Forms) to assess teacher-student performance criteria during online classes. Convergent and divergent validity were obtained separately for six teacher/student performance constructs through a confirmatory analysis using LISREL 8. Moreover, differences according to sex were only significant for the Illustration teacher criterion (favoring men) and the Application student criterion (favoring women). Students rated Explicitness of criteria and Illustration as the teacher performance criteria most frequently seen during online classes. On the other hand, Criteria identification ranked the highest in terms of the students’ performance criteria, followed by Feedback–Improvement. Another conclusion was that the didactic performance interbehavioral model could be empirically supported by the two self-assessment questionnaires, which yielded good convergent and divergent validity of constructs

    Psychometric properties of the Maslach Burnout Inventory in healthcare professionals, Ancash Region, Peru [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background Burnout syndrome (BS) among healthcare professionals in Peru demands immediate attention. Consequently, there is a need for a validated and standardized instrument to measure and address it effectively. This study aimed to determine the psychometric properties of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) among healthcare professionals in the Ancash region of Peru. Methods Using an instrumental design, this study included 303 subjects of both sexes (77.56% women), ranging in age from 22 to 68 years (M = 44.46, SD = 12.25), selected via purposive non-probability sampling. Appropriate content validity, internal structure validity, and item internal consistency were achieved through confirmatory factor analysis, and discriminant validity for the three dimensions was obtained. Evidence of convergent validity was found for the Emotional Exhaustion (EE) and Personal Accomplishment (PA) dimensions, with reliability values (蠅 > .75). Results The EE and PA dimensions exhibited acceptable levels of reliability (蠅 and 伪 > .80). However, the Depersonalization (DP) dimension demonstrated significantly lower reliability (伪 < .60 and 蠅 < .50). Conclusions A correlated three-factor model was confirmed, with most items presenting satisfactory factor loadings and inter-item correlations. Nonetheless, convergent validity was not confirmed for the DP dimension

    Ansiedad ante la muerte, soledad, depresi贸n y su relaci贸n con la ideaci贸n suicida de adultos peruanos durante la pandemia de la COVID-19, 2022

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    Se tuvo por objetivo determinar la influencia de las variables ansiedad ante la muerte (AM), soledad (S)y depresi贸n (D) sobre la ideaci贸n suicida (IS) en adultos peruanos durante la pandemia de la COVID-19, 2022. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1342 sujetos de Lima y regiones del Per煤 (m谩s del 78% de Lima y Callao), seleccionado con el tipo de muestreo no probabil铆stico intencionado. Dise帽o predictivo, b谩sica no experimental con medici贸n transversal mediante uso de cuestionarios previamente validados, con uso de modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales, an谩lisis factorial confirmatorio y de regresi贸n estructural. Los resultados permiten determinar el efecto diferencial de las variables AM, S y D, sobre la IS. Los dos modelos obtenidos mediante modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales destacan una relaci贸n predictiva significativa de D de manera directa sobre la IS, mientras que, la S es el segundo factor que mejor predice la ideaci贸n suicida en relaciones directas, asimismo, la S tambi茅n influye de manera indirecta sobre IS, mediada por la D. Asimismo, se comprob贸 que ser sexo femenino, grupo de edad menores a 30, habitar en provincia est谩n asociadas significativamente (p<0.05) y tienen efecto diferencial sobre S, AM y D. La misma tendencia evidencia ser soltero, instrucci贸n analfabeto o superior universitario inconcluso y no practicar deporte, no practicar deporte y dormir menos de 4 horas, y finalmente, no se comprob贸 que haber tenido COVID-19 influya en la ideaci贸n suicida.Publicaci贸n autorizada por el Instituto Central de Gesti贸n de la Investigaci贸

    Escalas abreviadas de Depresi贸n, Ansiedad y Estr茅s (DASS-21): validez, fiabilidad y equidad en adolescentes peruanos

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    Abbreviated Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21): validity, reliability and equity in Peruvian adolescents. In recent years, an increasing prevalence of psychological disorders in adolescence, particularly anxiety and depression, has been observed. Despite their clinical importance, these emotional disorders are not addressed in a timely manner, among other reasons due to the lack of instruments for this age group. For this reason, this instrumental design study sought to analyze the validity, reliability and equity of the Abbreviated Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21). 731 Peruvian adolescents between the ages of 14 and 17 (M = 15.46; SD = 1.00, 54% male), from three public educational institutions in the constitutional province of Callao participated. Evidence of content validity was analyzed and the 21 test items were statistically examined. Confirmatory factor analysis showed the relevance of the three-factor model: X2 / gl = 2.87, CFI = .91, TLI = .89, RMSEA = .05 and SRMR = .04. It was confirmed that stress is a predictor of anxiety (r = .88, r2 = .76) and depression (r = .86, r2 = .74), and that anxiety and depression (r = .86, r2 = .73) that these usually manifest together. The internal consistency coefficients alpha and omega > .80 demonstrate the high reliability of the three scales. Finally, the factor invariance analysis indicated that the instrument is equivalent according to age and sex. It is concluded that the DASS-21 has psychometric evidence for its use as a screening instrument in Peruvian adolescents. However, it is suggested to carry out future investigations to obtain more evidence of validity, reliability and invariance, and to elaborate normative data.En los 煤ltimos a帽os se ha observado un creciente aumento de los trastornos psicol贸gicos en la adolescencia, particularmente de ansiedad y depresi贸n. A pesar de su importancia cl铆nica, estos des贸rdenes emocionales no son abordados oportunamente, entre otras razones por la escasez de instrumentos para este grupo etario. Por ello, en este estudio de dise帽o instrumental se busc贸 analizar la validez, fiabilidad y equidad de las Escalas Abreviadas de Depresi贸n, Ansiedad y Estr茅s (DASS-21). Participaron 731 adolescentes peruanos con edades entre 14 y 17 a帽os (M = 15.46; DE = 1.00, 54% hombres), provenientes de tres instituciones educativas p煤blicas de la provincia constitucional del Callao. Se analizaron las evidencias de validez de contenido y se examinaron estad铆sticamente los 21 铆tems del DASS-21. El an谩lisis factorial confirmatorio mostr贸 la pertinencia del modelo de tres factores: X2/gl = 2.87, CFI = .91, TLI = .89, RMSEA = .05 y SRMR = .04. Se corrobor贸 que el estr茅s es predictor de ansiedad (r = .88, r2 = .76) y depresi贸n (r = .86, r2 = .74), y que ansiedad y depresi贸n (r =.86, r2 =.73) suelen manifestarse en conjunto. Los coeficientes de consistencia interna alfa y omega > .80 demuestran la alta fiabilidad de las tres escalas. Finalmente, el an谩lisis de invarianza factorial indic贸 que el instrumento es equivalente seg煤n edad y sexo. Se concluye que las escalas DASS-21 cuentan con evidencias psicom茅tricas para su aplicaci贸n como instrumento de cribado en adolescentes peruanos. No obstante, se sugiere realizar futuras investigaciones para obtener mayores evidencias de validez, fiabilidad y equidad, y elaborar datos normativo

    Escalas abreviadas de Depresi贸n, Ansiedad y Estr茅s (DASS-21): validez, fiabilidad y equidad en adolescentes peruanos

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    RESUMEN En los 煤ltimos a帽os se ha observado un creciente aumento de los trastornos psicol贸gicos en la adolescencia, particularmente de ansiedad y depresi贸n. A pesar de su importancia cl铆nica, estos des贸rdenes emocionales no son abordados oportunamente, entre otras razones por la escasez de instrumentos para este grupo etario. Por ello, en este estudio de dise帽o instrumental se busc贸 analizar la validez, fiabilidad y equidad de las Escalas Abreviadas de Depresi贸n, Ansiedad y Estr茅s (DASS-21). Participaron 731 adolescentes peruanos con edades entre 14 y 17 a帽os (M = 15.46; DE = 1.00, 54% hombres), provenientes de tres instituciones educativas p煤blicas de la provincia constitucional del Callao. Se analizaron las evidencias de validez de contenido y se examinaron estad铆sticamente los 21 铆tems del DASS-21. El an谩lisis factorial confirmatorio mostr贸 la pertinencia del modelo de tres factores: X2/gl = 2.87, CFI = .91, TLI = .89, RMSEA = .05 y SRMR = .04. Se corrobor贸 que el estr茅s es predictor de ansiedad (r = .88, r2 = .76) y depresi贸n (r = .86, r2 = .74), y que ansiedad y depresi贸n (r =.86, r2 =.73) suelen manifestarse en conjunto. Los coeficientes de consistencia interna alfa y omega > .80 demuestran la alta fiabilidad de las tres escalas. Finalmente, el an谩lisis de invarianza factorial indic贸 que el instrumento es equivalente seg煤n edad y sexo. Se concluye que las escalas DASS-21 cuentan con evidencias psicom茅tricas para su aplicaci贸n como instrumento de cribado en adolescentes peruanos. No obstante, se sugiere realizar futuras investigaciones para obtener mayores evidencias de validez, fiabilidad y equidad, y elaborar datos normativosABSTRACT Abbreviated Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21): validity, reliability and equity in Peruvian adolescents. In recent years, an increasing prevalence of psychological disorders in adolescence, particularly anxiety and depression, has been observed. Despite their clinical importance, these emotional disorders are not addressed in a timely manner, among other reasons due to the lack of instruments for this age group. For this reason, this instrumental design study sought to analyze the validity, reliability and equity of the Abbreviated Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21). 731 Peruvian adolescents between the ages of 14 and 17 (M = 15.46; SD = 1.00, 54% male), from three public educational institutions in the constitutional province of Callao participated. Evidence of content validity was analyzed and the 21 test items were statistically examined. Confirmatory factor analysis showed the relevance of the three-factor model: X2 / gl = 2.87, CFI = .91, TLI = .89, RMSEA = .05 and SRMR = .04. It was confirmed that stress is a predictor of anxiety (r = .88, r2 = .76) and depression (r = .86, r2 = .74), and that anxiety and depression (r = .86, r2 = .73) that these usually manifest together. The internal consistency coefficients alpha and omega > .80 demonstrate the high reliability of the three scales. Finally, the factor invariance analysis indicated that the instrument is equivalent according to age and sex. It is concluded that the DASS-21 has psychometric evidence for its use as a screening instrument in Peruvian adolescents. However, it is suggested to carry out future investigations to obtain more evidence of validity, reliability and invariance, and to elaborate normative data