1,269 research outputs found

    Interlayer exchange coupling in magnetic multilayers : a systematic experimental study

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    Pompproef M219 te Vierakker

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    Op 17 en 18 april 1967 is ten behoeve van geo-hydrologisch onderzoek in de Achterhoek een pompproef uitgevoerd in de omgeving van Vierakker. Om een indruk te verkrijgen van de beweging van de grondwaterspiegel onder invloed van het seizoen tijdens de pompproef werden ook grondwaterstandswaarnemingen verricht

    De consequenties van grondwaterwinning in de Achterhoek

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    De resultaten van eerder uitgevoerd geohydrologisch onderzoek in de Achterhoek, hebben een inzicht gegeven in de spreiding van doorlatendheid en drainageweerstand. Bovendien is een indruk gekregen van de wijze waarop de overtollige neerslag via de verschillende drainagestelsels tot afvoer komt. Met behulp van deze gegevens is het mogelijk geworden plannen te maken voor de grondwaterwinning in de toekomst en te trachten de gevolgen van deze winning te overzien. Bij de grondwateronttrekking kan onderscheid gemaakt worden tussen onttrekking door middel van een diffuus verspreid stelsel van pompstations en meer geconcentreerde onttrekking in hydrologisch gezien gunstig gelegen gebieden, waarbij eventueel kunstmatige infiltratie kan worden toegepast. In de nota zullen beide mogelijkheden worden besproken en zal getracht worden de gevolgen van grondwaterstandsdaling bij een diffuus onttrekkingsstel te berekenen

    Market Sampling of Landings of Commercial Fish Species in the Netherlands in 2002

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    This report contains information on the biological sampling for the market sampling program: which species are sampled, how they were caught, when and where the samples are taken (date and position), how many fish have been measured, how many fish have been aged, etc. The report gives an overview of all the biological sampling activities in 2002 by RIVO on the landings of the commercial important species of herring, mackerel, horse mackerel, blue whiting, greater argentine, sole, plaice, turbot, brill, dab, lemon sole, cod, whiting, Norway lobster and four different species of rays from all ICES areas. This biological sampling took place on landings by both the Dutch fleet as well as foreign fleets landing in the Netherlands. In addition this report contains information on the biological samples collected during research vessel surveys and discard trips both on commercial and non-commercial species

    Exponential or Power Distance-Decay for Commuting? An Alternative Specification

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    In this paper we determine the effect of transport cost on commuting flows, on the basis of an analysis of home-to-work journeys between municipalities in Denmark. Special attention is given to a proper estimation method and the form of the distance-decay function. It appears that neither an exponential nor a power distance-decay function fits the data well. The specification of log trips as a (downwards) logistic function of log cost results in a better fit. We find that the cost elasticity of commuting reaches a value of –4 for distances around 24 km, while it is close to 0 for both very short and very long distances. Finally, we demonstrate that the choice of functional form for distance-decay can make an important difference for predictions concerning the effect of infrastructure improvements on commuting flows

    Reported adverse drug reactions during the use of inhaled steroids in children with asthma in the Netherlands

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    Objective: Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are widely used in the treatment of asthma. We studied the suspected adverse drug reactions (sADRs) reported during the use of ICS in the Netherlands. Methods: In the Netherlands, health professionals and patients can report suspected ADRs to the Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb. All reported sADRs on ICS were categorised and assessed as to whether these were likely to be associated with use of the steroid. Age and gender adjusted Reported Odds Ratios (RORs) and Naranjo Scores (NS) were computed for sADRs reported more than 3 times. Results: Since 1984, sADRs of ICS were reported in 89 children (mean age 6 years), 48 (54%) were boys. Suspected drugs were fluticasone in 46 children (52%), budesonide in 21 (24%), and beclomethasone in 22 cases (24%). Psychiatric symptoms were reported in 19 children (21%; ROR 3.8, NS 3.6), growth retardation in 6 children (7%; ROR 47.8, NS 3.0) and rashes in 6 cases (7%; ROR 0.7, NS 2.4). There were 7 reports (8%; ROR 2.1, NS 3.4) concerning abnormalities of the teeth, 4 reports of alopecia (4%; ROR 3.3, NS 3.5), and 3 reports of hirsutism and hypertrichosis (NS 4.0). Non-fatal adrenal insufficiency was reported once. Conclusion: Alteration of behaviour was the most frequently reported sADR. There are more indications that alterations of behaviour could be a real sADR of ICS. Non-fatal adrenal insufficiency was the only reported possible life threatening sADR. The association of hypertrichosis and teeth abnormalities after ICS in children has not been reported in the literature before

    Pompproef M163 tussen Dinxperlo en Aalten

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    Op 21 en 22 september 1966 werd door het I.C.W. in het kader van het geohydrologisch onderzoek in de Achterhoek een pompproef gehouden in het gebied tussen Dinxperlo en Aalten. De boringen vonden plaats in een pre-glaciaal dal, dat zich tot zeer diep in het Tertiair heeft ingesneden. Met behulp van boringen en geo-elektrisch onderzoek kon dit dal worden gevolgd van Dinxperlo tot aan Vreden in Duitsland. Vanaf 9 september zijn dagelijks in de peilbuizen grondwaterstandswaarnemingen gedaan
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