354 research outputs found

    FIBTEM clot firmness parameters correlate well with the fibrinogen concentration measured by the Clauss assay in patients and healthy subjects

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    The Clauss assay is the assay most often used for measuring plasma fibrinogen levels. However, the FIBTEM-assay, determined using thromboelastometry (ROTEM) can also be used to estimate fibrinogen levels. A major advantage of the FIBTEM is that it can provide information about fibrinogen levels within minutes, while the Clauss assay needs 30–60 min before the result is available. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between fibrinogen levels measured by the Clauss assay and results from the FIBTEM-assay. We included 111 patients 18 years for whom both ROTEM analyses and a fibrinogen measurement using the Clauss assay were available. In addition, ROTEM and Clauss measurements from 75 healthy subjects were included. Spearman correlation was used to determine the association between the results of both assays. The patients included were mostly patients with major trauma or undergoing large surgery (e.g. cardiac surgery or liver transplantation). Strong correlations were found between FIBTEM clot firmness parameters and fibrinogen levels measured by the Clauss assay in patients (Spearman’s correlation coefficients (rs) above 0.80 (p < .001) for all subgroups) and healthy subjects (rs ¼ 0.66, p < .001). The correlation between early FIBTEM parameters (clot firmness at 5 or 10 min) and the maximum clot firmness was almost perfect (rs above 0.96). Also, the correlation between the a-angle a

    Analysis of prehospital perimortem caesarean deliveries performed by Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in the Netherlands and recommendations for the future

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    Background: Prehospital perimortem caesarean delivery (PCD) is a rarely performed procedure. In this study, we aimed to examine all PCDs performed by the four Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in the Netherlands; to describe the procedures, outcomes, complications, and compliance with the reco

    Watersense eindrapport

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    Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van het project WaterSense, dat liep van 2008 tot en met 2012. In het project zijn de mogelijkheden van sensortechnologie onderzocht voor waterbeheer door landbouwers, waterschappen en drinkwaterbedrijven. Het doel van WaterSense was: - het onderzoeken en ontwikkelen van het concept van een beslissingsondersteunend systeem voor waterbeheer met behulp van sensortechnologie; - validatie van het concept aan de hand van een demonstratiesysteem. In WaterSense zijn diverse aspecten van meten, modelleren en sturen met betrekking tot waterkwantiteit, waterkwaliteit en landbouw onderzocht

    Prednisolone versus placebo addition in the treatment of patients with recent-onset psychotic disorder: a trial design

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    BACKGROUND: The symptom severity of a substantial group of schizophrenia patients (30-40%) does not improve through pharmacotherapy with antipsychotic medication, indicating a clear need for new treatment options to improve schizophrenia outcome. Meta-analyses, genetic studies, randomized controlled trials, and post-mortem studies suggest that immune dysregulation plays a role in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Some anti-inflammatory drugs have shown beneficial effects on the symptom severity of schizophrenia patients. Corticosteroids are effective in various chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Prednisolone, a potent glucocorticosteroid, has minor mineral-corticosteroid potencies and can adequately pass the blood-brain barrier

    Unexpected finding of uniparental disomy mosaicism in term placentas: Is it a common feature in trisomic placentas?

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    Objective: Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) detects placental chromosome aberrations. When amniocentesis reveals a normal karyotype, confined placental mosaicism (CPM) may be assumed. In order to confirm this, placental cytogenetic studies were performed. Method: NIPT was conducted in the course of the Dutch TRIDENT study. Placentas of 10 cases with NIPT results indicating an autosomal trisomy and showing a normal (N = 9) or low mosaic karyotype (N = 1) in amniotic fluid (AF) were investigated. The cytotrophoblast as well as the mesenchymal core of two to four placental chorionic villi biopsies were studied with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. Clinical outcome data were collected. Results: In 10/10 cases, CPM was proven. In 3/10 cases trisomy/uniparental disomy (UPD)/biparental disomy (BPD) mosaicism was discovered. In 2/3 cases, all three cell lines were present in the placenta, whereas BPD was found in AF. In 1/3 cases trisomy 22/UPD22 was present in AF while trisomy 22/BPD22 mosaicism was found in the placenta. Five of 10 pregnancies were affected with pre-eclampsia, low birth weight, preterm delivery, and/or congenital malformations. Conclusion: The presence of trisomy/UPD/BPD mosaicism in 3/10 cases that we investigated proves that trisomic zygote rescue may involve multiple rescue events during early embryogenesis. UPD mosaicism, when present in crucial fetal tissues, may explain the abnormal phenotype in undiagnosed cases
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