4,153 research outputs found

    L’intreccio tra attività scientifica e invenzione industriale a Trieste

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    2nonemixedDe Stefano D.; Zaccarin S.DE STEFANO, Domenico; Zaccarin, Susann

    I brevetti delle UniversitĂ  regionali e la rete degli accademici inventori

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    2Come differiscono le reti di collaborazione generate dai brevetti quando si considerino congiuntamente i brevetti Univerity Owned e quelli Unvieristy Invented? Le diverse configurazioni che si generano sono influenzate delle strategie delle singole Università?’ E qual è la loro importanza come canali di trasferimento della conoscenza nel territorio più prossimo? .Lo studio contribuisce all’esame di questi problemi attraverso l’analisi del caso studio delle Università di Trieste e di Udine. I risultati della Social Network Analysis evidenziano significative differenze tra le due Università: in particolare. nel caso di Trieste, le reti generate dai due tipi di brevetti mostrano una sovrapposizione nettamente più marcata. Il legame con il territorio locale appare, invece, sempre piuttosto debole sia per i brevetti Univerity Owned che per quelli Univerity Invented., Sotto il profilo metodologico, l’analisi micro, condotta a livello delle sottoreti e di regioni specifiche della rete, si dimostra quella più fruttuosa.openopenCapellari S.; De Stefano D.Capellari, Saveria; DE STEFANO, Domenic

    Different network typologies in patenting activity of academic inventors through time: the case of Italian chemists in the period 2000\u20132011

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    In this paper, we present the results of a network analysis applied to academic patent data in a subsector of the chemical field in Italy in the period 2000\u20132011. In particular, we analyse the micro-level interactions to point out the different network structures shaped by university-owned and university-invented patents. We detected three subnetwork typologies (labelled type A, B, and C) that exemplify different qualitative relational structures as well as different attributions to propriety rights. Type A (open science) exemplifies the typical owned patent; type B (multiple ties) represents the hybrid structure with multiple ties and involvement of academics as individuals and of universities as organisation; type C (disconnected subnetworks) represents the typical invented patent with no role of universities as organisation. The whole network seems to show a breaking point in terms of connectivity around 2005, a year that marks a change in policy rule and strategic orientation of Italian universities towards patenting. After 2005, the number of actors grew disproportionally and the network appears disconnected in several comparable components. Also, the composition in terms of subnetwork types changed. The overall picture seems to underline a big structural change dominated by the important increase of academic patenting both direct (university ownership) and indirect (increasing academic patenting)

    Non solo entrate: il percorso della conoscenza attraverso i conti terzi delle UniversitĂ  di Trieste e Udine

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    This paper focuses on the contract research (contratto in conto terzi), a frequent observed type of linkage between university and business but largely neglected in economic studies. The goal of the is twofold: i) to identify the characteristics of this specific “channel” of knowledge transfer (exchange); ii) to specify these relations in terms of network links between universities and external partners. In this paper we study the interactions established in terms of contract research, by the Departments of Universities of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, a northern-east Italian region. Applying Social Network Analysis to data drawn from the administrative databases of two regional Universities, significant interactions between the University Departments and the outside world are shown. Particular attention is paid to the relationships activated with firms, grouped by sector and location, in order to stress the importance of geographical proximity in facilitating university-business relationships. The results support the existence of different knowledge exchange patterns between the two Universities, strongly influenced by the relational behavior and the scientific specialization of the most “central” Departments

    Multiple factor analysis for time-varying two-mode networks

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    Most social networks present complex structures. They can be both multi-modal and multi-relational. In addition, each relationship can be observed across time occasions. Relational data observed in such conditions can be organized into multidimensional arrays and statistical methods from the theory of multiway data analysis may be exploited to reveal the underlying data structure. In this paper, we adopt an exploratory data analysis point of view, and we present a procedure based on multiple factor analysis and multiple correspondence analysis to deal with time-varying two-mode networks. This procedure allows us to create static displays in order to explore network evolutions and to visually analyze the degree of similarity of actor/event network profiles over time while preserving the different statuses of the two modes

    Quality issues in co-authorship data of a national scientific community

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    A stream of research on co-authorship, used as a proxy of scholars’ collaborative behavior, focuses on members of a given scientific community defined at discipline and/or national basis for which co-authorship data have to be retrieved. Recent literature pointed out that international digital libraries provide partial coverage of the entire scholar scientific production as well as under-coverage of the scholars in the community. Bias in retrieving co-authorship data of the community of interest can affect network construction and network measures in several ways, providing a partial picture of the real collaboration in writing papers among scholars. In this contribution, we collected bibliographic records of Italian academic statisticians from an online platform (IRIS) available at most universities. Even if it guarantees a high coverage rate of our population and its scientific production, it is necessary to deal with some data quality issues. Thus, a web scraping procedure based on a semi-automatic tool to retrieve publication metadata, as well as data management tools to detect duplicate records and to reconcile authors, is proposed. As a result of our procedure, it emerged that collaboration is an active and increasing practice for Italian academic statisticians with some differences according to the gender, the academic ranking, and the university location of scholars. The heuristic procedure to accomplish data quality issues in the IRIS platform can represent a working case report to adapt to other bibliographic archives with similar characteristics

    Improving co-authorship network structures by combining multiple data sources: evidence from Italian academic statisticians

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    The aim of the present contribution is to merge bibliographic data for members of a bounded scientific community in order to derive a complete unified archive, with top-international and nationally oriented production, as a new basis to carry out network analysis on a unified co-authorship network. A two-step procedure is used to deal with the identification of duplicate records and the author name disambiguation. Specifically, for the second step we strongly drew inspiration from a well-established unsupervised disambiguation method proposed in the literature following a network-based approach and requiring a restricted set of record attributes. Evidences from Italian academic statisticians were provided by merging data from three bibliographic archives. Non-negligible differences were observed in network results in the comparison of disambiguated and not disambiguated data sets, especially in network measures at individual level
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