2,940 research outputs found

    Manejo da fertirrigação em fruteiras e hortaliças.

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    Necessidade de nutrientes; Frequência de aplicação e distribuição de nutrientes; Preparo e aplicação da solução nutritiva; Monitoramento da fertirrigação

    Manejo da água de irrigação.

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    Considerações gerais sobre manejo da água de irrigação; Indicadores para manejo da água de irrigação; Indicadores de manejo de irrigação com base na planta; Aparência visual da planta; Potencial de água na folha; Temperatura da folha e índice de estresse hídrico da cultura; Indicadores de manejo de irrigação com base no solo; Teor de água no solo; Tensão de água no solo; Tensiômetros; Blocos de resistência elétrica; Sistema Irrigas e tensiômetro a gás; Curva de retenção de água no solo; Disponibilidade de água no solo; Profundidade efetiva do sistema radicular; Local e profundidade de amostragem de solo ou de instalação de sensores; Indicadores de manejo de irrigação com base na atmosfera; Coeficiente de cultura; Métodos de manejo da água de irrigação; Método do balanço diário de água no solo; Método do estado da água no solo; Método combinado do estado da água no solo e da evapotranspiração; Método do calendário de irrigação; Manejo de irrigação com água salina; Aumento da eficiência do uso de água pelas plantas; Tempo de irrigação; Irrigação por aspersão; Irrigação localizada; Irrigação por sulco; Horário de irrigar

    Editorial:FGF21 as a therapeutic target for obesity and insulin resistance: from rodent models to humans

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    Obesity is a global pandemic that requires the urgent development of therapies and prevention strategies. To define new pharmacologic therapies or nutritional approaches it is mandatory to find new targets. Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is considered a potential target to treat obesity, due to its favorable metabolic activity, signalling pathways and regulatory mechanisms. It is well-documented that FGF21 is induced by a wide range of biological stress conditions and a key signal that communicates and coordinates the physiologic response to restore the metabolic homeostasis in different tissues (1). FGF21 is elevated in pathological conditions such as obesity, insulin resistance, or fatty liver disease where an impairment of its signalling has been described (2). On the other hand, FGF21 analogues tested in overweight/obese patients with type 2 diabetes or NAFLD/NASH can reduce dyslipidaemia and steatosis, but improvements in glycaemic control or body weight were not globally restored (3). This suggests that pharmacologic effects of FGF21 are different from its physiological effects. In this Research Topic “FGF21 as a therapeutic target for obesity and insulin resistance: from rodent models to humans”, we include publications related to new advances involving FGF21, its signalling pathway, and its potential as a target to treat obesityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Produtividade do meloeiro sob diferentes intervalos de irrigação e disposições de linhas laterais de gotejamento em solo arenoso coeso.

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    Este trabalho, objetiva oferecer alternativas de reducao nos custos de sistemas de irrigacao por gotejamento de meloeiro, sem afetar o manejo da irrigacao e comparar o gotejamento enterrado, em termos de rendimento da cultura, ao gotejamento superficial. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em um solo arenoso coeso de tabuleiro costeiro, com o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, em parcelas subdivididas, com cinco repeticoes. Os tratamentos consistiram da combinacao de quatro intervalos de irrigacao (1,2,3 e 4 dias) com as linhas laterais de gotejamento junto a fileira de plantas e entre fileiras alternadas de plantas, superficial e enterradas a profundidade de 0,25 m. O intervalo de irrigacao e a disposicao das linhas laterais nao afetaram a produtividade do meloeiro

    Crop Type Exerts Greater Influence Upon Rhizosphere Phosphohydrolase Gene Abundance and Phylogenetic Diversity than Phosphorus Fertilization.

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    Rock phosphate is considered as an alternative form of phosphorus fertilizer in acidic, nutrient depleted soils of the Brazilian Cerrado. However, there is no information regarding the influence of phosphorus fertilizer sources in Cerrado soils upon microbial genes coding for phosphohydrolase enzymes in crop rhizospheres. Here, we analyse a field experiment comparing phosphorus fertilization (rock phosphate and triple superphosphate) of maize and sorghum upon crop performance, phosphatase activity and rhizosphere microbiomes at three levels of diversity: small subunit rRNA marker genes of bacteria, archaea and fungi; a suite of alkaline and acid phosphatase and phytase genes; and ecotypes of individual genes. We showed that there is no significant difference in crop performance between the fertilizers sources. Differences in rhizosphere microbiomes were observed at all levels of biodiversity due to crop type, but not fertilization. Inspection of phosphohydrolase gene ecotypes responsible for differences between the crops suggests a role for lateral genetic transfer in establishing ecotype distributions. Our results suggest development of inocula of microorganisms harbouring the gene ecotypes identified in this study, or selective breeding of crops with an enhanced capacity to attract beneficial microorganisms to the rhizosphere may prove useful to optimizing rock phosphate fertilizer in Cerrado soils

    Phosphate fertilization affects rhizosphere microbiome of maize and sorghum genotypes.

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    Despite the lower reactivity of natural phosphates compared to soluble fertilizers, their P bioavailability can increase over the cultivation years, due to the physicochemical processes and the activity of soil microbiota. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the ? and ? diversity of the rhizosphere microbiota of maize and sorghum genotypes grown under diferent sources and doses of phosphate fertilizers. Four commercial maize and four sorghum genotypes were grown under feld conditions with three levels of triple superphosphate (TSP) and two types of rock phosphate sources: phosphorite (RockP) and bayóvar (RP) during two seasons. Maize and sorghum presented a signifcant diference on the genetic ? diversity of both rhizosferic bacterial and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Moreover, P doses within each phosphate source formed two distinct groups for maize and sorghum, and six bacterial phyla were identifed in both crops with signifcant diference in the relative abundance of Firmicutes and Proteobacteria. It was observed that RockP fertilization increased Firmicutes population while Proteobacteria was the most abundant phylum after TSP fertilization in maize. In sorghum, a signifcant impact of fertilization was observed on the Acidobacteria and Proteobacteria phyla. TSP fertilization increased the Acidobacteria population compared to no fertilized (P0) and RockP while Proteobacteria abundance in RockP was reduced compared to P0 and TSP, indicating a shift toward a more copiotrophic community. Our results suggested that the reactivity of P source is the predominant factor in bacterial community? structures in the maize and sorghum rhizosphere from the evaluated genotypes, followed by P source.First online

    Sugarcane giant borer transcriptome analysis and identification of genes related to digestion.

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    Sugarcane is a widely cultivated plant that serves primarily as a source of sugar and ethanol. Its annual yield can be significantly reduced by the action of several insect pests including the sugarcane giant borer (Telchin licus licus), a lepidopteran that presents a long life cycle and which efforts to control it using pesticides have been inefficient. Although its economical relevance, only a few DNA sequences are available for this species in the Gen-Bank. Pyrosequencing technology was used to investigate the transcriptome of several developmental stages of the insect. To maximize transcript diversity, a pool of total RNA was extracted from whole body insects and used to construct a normalized cDNA database. Sequencing produced over 650,000 reads, which were de novo assembled to generate a reference library of 23,824 contigs. After quality score and annotation, 43% of the contigs had at least one BLAST hit against the NCBI non-redundant database, and 40% showed similarities with the lepidopteran Bombyx mori. In a further analysis, we conducted a comparison with Manduca sexta midgut sequences to identify transcripts of genes involved in digestion. Of these transcripts, many presented an expansion or depletion in gene number, compared to B. mori genome. From the sugarcane giant borer (SGB) transcriptome, a of aminopeptidase N (APN) cDNAs were characterized based on homology to those reported as Cry toxin receptors. This is the first report that provides a large-scale EST database for the species. Transcriptome analysis will certainly be useful to identify novel developmental genes, to better understand the insect?s biology and to guide the development of new strategies for insect-pest control