1,875 research outputs found

    Programación de un software para el prediseño del sistema de potencia de un satélite de órbita baja "Satellite Power simulation"

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    Programación de un software para el prediseño del sistema de potencia de un satélite de órbita baja. satellite power simulato

    Are we missing a mesopelagic-demersal coupling?

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    Despite demersal trawling monitoring programs are not aimed at quantifying mesopelagic organisms, they are recurrently captured as by catch between 30 and 800 m depth. These species are mostly diel vertical migrants, with differentiated behavior from benthic and demersal ones. Nevertheless, they are sometimes captured in large quantities (both abundance and biomass) although absent on other occasions. The co-occurrence observed with demersal populations may probably be due to the daytime and location of samplings, i.e. depth and type of bottom (habitat). In order to understand the mesopelagic-demersal coupling, we discuss spatio-temporal patterns observed along the Spanish Mediterranean coast during the 1994-2012 MEDITS survey.FEM

    A new redescription of Galeus atlanticus (Vaillant, 1888) (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) based on field marks

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    The Atlantic sawtail catshark, Galeus atlanticus, has long been synonymous with the blackmouth catshark, Galeus melastomus, until the validity of G. atlanticus was resurrected by Muñoz-Chapuli and Ortega (1985). Despite this resurrection, the two species are still often confused because of their close resemblance. Consequently, field characters are proposed to distinguish the two sibling species. In particular, the internal colour of the labial furrows is easily observable on fresh specimens and also on preserved ones in museum collections, since it is blackish in G. atlanticus as opposed to white in G. melastomus. The two Atlanto-Mediterranean species are also compared to the West-African species G. polli.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring diversity and distribution of demersal fish species from the Northern Alboran Sea and Gulf of Vera (Western Mediterranean Sea)

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    The Alboran Sea is a transition region between the Mediterranean basin and the Atlantic Ocean containing a mix of Mediterranean and Atlantic species. The Strait of Gibraltar, at the west end of the Alboran Sea, connects the Mediterranean with the Atlantic Ocean. The Gulf of Vera also occupies a strategic location in the Western Mediterranean, representing a transition zone between the Alboran Sea and the rest of the basins with a more distinctive Mediterranean character. The Alboran Sea is one of the most productive areas of the Mediterranean, in contrast to the Gulf of Vera that displays a more oligotrophic character. Despite of the interest of the study area the information about the distribution of demersal fishes is scarce. In the present study, the main aim is to analyse diversity and distribution of demersal fish species of circalittoral and bathyal soft bottoms of the Alboran Sea (with a higher Atlantic influence and primary production) and the Gulf of Vera (with a higher Mediterranean influence and lower primary production). Sampling was carried out in the scientific trawl survey MEDITS (International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean) between 30 and 800 m depth. All samples were taken from Estepona and Cabo de Palos between 1994-2015 in the Alboran Sea and between 1995-2008 and 2014-2015 in the Gulf of Vera. (Figure 1). A total of 818 samples (687 from Alboran and 131 from Vera) were considered for this study. For each haul, the abundance and weight of individuals per fish species were standardised to 1 hour towing in order to calculate both species abundance (number of individuals per 1 hour towing) (ind•h−1) and biomass (g•h−1). In order to identify fish assemblages, ordination and classification multivariate methods using fish species abundance and biomass per haul matrices were applied. Prior to analyses, all data were logarithmically transformed using log(x + 1) to minimise the weighting of extreme abundance or biomass values of certain species. An analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) was carried out for statistical comparisons of groups of samples according to the different factors considered (depth, Alboran vs. Vera). Species rarefaction curves were used to compare the species richness values of each fish assemblage. In addition, for each group, Shannon-Wiener (H’) and Taxonomic distinctness (Δ*) diversity indices were calculated. For comparisons of the mean values of the considered variables (abundance, biomass and diversity indices) across the identified assemblages and years, we used a non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test. A total of 231 fish species have been identified considering all samples, with 215 spp. collected from Alboran (3 classes, 25 orders and 75 families) and 160 spp.. from Vera (2 classes, 21 orders and 67 families), probably because the number of samples in the latter were lower. The number of occasional species, considering those that were captured only in 1 or 2 samples, were 56 in Alboran and 44 in Vera. The multivariate analyses (nMDS) indicated that depth is the main factor that determines the distribution of species in both areas, with four groups of samples displaying significant differences between them (ANOSIM-Alboran: R=0.85, p=0.001; ANOSIM-Vera: R=0.81, p=0.001). These groups were similar in both areas: Inner continental shelf (30-100 m), Outer continental shelf (101-200 m), Upper continental slope (201-500 m) and Middle continental slope (501-800 m) (Figures 2 and 3). Regarding the faunistic comparison between Alboran and Vera, the most acute differences were found between those samples from the Middle continental slope. These differences were evident for abundance (ANOSIM: R=0.81, p=0.001), biomass (ANOSIM: R=0.78, p=0.001) and species composition (presence-absence data) (ANOSIM: R=0.61, p=0.001). The trends for species rarefaction curves with depth was similar in both areas, with similar curves for the Inner and Outer continental shelf , a decrease of the species number for the Upper slope and finally the lowest number of species for the Middle slope. Likewise, the mean values of abundance, Shannon and Taxonomic indices also showed a similar pattern in both areas. Mean abundances differed significantly between assemblages increasing from the Inner shelf to Outer shelf and decreasing abruptly to the Upper and Lower slope (.minimum values). The Shannon diversity index showed significant differences in Alboran, but not in Vera, with minima in the Outer shelf in both areas. The taxonomic index also displayed significant differences in Alboran and Vera, with low values in the Inner shelf that increased abruptly to the Outer shelf and Upper slope, with a further acute increase in the Middle slope. Unlike for the other indexes, trends for mean the biomass values with depth were different in both areas. In Alboran biomass decreased from the Inner shelf to the Upper slope and increased to the Middle slope. Nevertheless, in Vera the biomass decreased with depth, with significant differences. In two sectors were evident significant differences. Regarding the interannual changes, the differences between years in Alboran were significant respect to species richness, abundance, biomass and Shannon diversity index. No clear increase or decrease trend was detected interannually. Unlike Alboran, in Vera, no significant interannual differences were detected. In conclusion: 1) Four main fish assemblages were detected on the continental shelf and slope in both areas that seem to be strongly linked to the depth gradient. 2) The middle slope showed the higher differences between both areas for abundance, biomass and presence-abundance data. 3) The species rarefaction curves, abundance, Shannon and Taxonomic diversity indices showed similar patterns with depth in both areas. Biomass index showed a different pattern, with maximum values in the Middle slope in Alboran and minimum ones in Vera

    Resultados preliminares sobre el hábitat de alimentación de la Pardela balear en el Levante ibérico peninsular

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    Resultados preliminares sobre el hábitat de alimentación de la Pardela Balear en el Levante Ibérico Peninsular. Las aves marinas son susceptibles a una variedad de impactos antropogénicos, incluyendo la ingestión de plásticos, vertidos de petróleo, competencia con la pesca y la captura incidental. Conocer su distribución en el mar puede ayudar a los gestores a evaluar la susceptibilidad de diferentes especies y poblaciones a amenazas específicas. Se caracterizó la distribución en el mar de la pardela balear Puffinus mauretanicus, una especie críticamente amenazada endémica de las Islas Baleares, a lo largo de la costa mediterránea de la península Ibérica durante tres años coincidiendo con el período de crecimiento del pollo (mayo-junio). La especie habitó principalmente la plataforma continental asociándose a frentes, en los que puede llegar a concentrarse una gran abundancia de presas, en torno a las aguas delta del Ebro.Preliminary results of the foraging habitat of the Balearic Shearwater off the eastern Iberian peninsula. Seabirds are susceptible to a variety of anthropogenic impacts, including plastic ingestion, oil spills, competition with fisheries, and bycatch. Understanding their distribution at sea can help managers to assess the susceptibility of different species and populations to specific threats. We characterized the at-sea distribution of the Balearic Shearwater, Puffinus mauretanicus, a critically endangered species endemic to the Balearic Islands, along the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula during three years coinciding with the chick-rearing period (May-June). The species mostly inhabited the productive continental shelf and associated with fronts where high prey concentrations could occur around the Ebro Delta area

    Mapping habitat loss in the deep-sea using current and past presences of Isidella elongata (Cnidaria: Alcyonacea)

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    The bamboo coral Isidella elongata is an engineering species that forms a characteristic biogenic habitat in the bathyal mud of the Mediterranean Sea. This habitat has been severely reduced in recent decades due to trawling impacts, and there is a growing concern about its conservation status. In this work, the habitat loss of I. elongata was computed using a novel approach that combines the realized niche of the species with the estimation of its past distribution (before trawling) to delineate potential areas of habitat loss with different levels of uncertainty. The realized niche of the species was modelled using only live colonies and including trawling effort as explanatory variable whereas the past distribution was estimated also using the leftovers of dead colonies as presences. Trawling effort had a statistically significant negative effect on the extent of the realized niche of I. elongata, confirming previous results on the impact of this pressure on its distribution. The novel approach used in this work has allowed us to map for the first time several areas of potential habitat loss for I. elongata in the studied area, opening new opportunities to provide this essential information for future management and restoration actions of vulnerable marine ecosystems worldwide.Versión del editor2,27

    History of the Spanish demersal fishery in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Seas

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    Long fisheries time series allow the review of baselines and inform our knowledge of past events that have conditioned the recent history of the stocks. In this study, we investigated trends in fisheries landings data for the most representative Atlantic and Mediterranean demersal fisheries off the Spanish Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands (1933–1986). The aim was to analyse the evolution of demersal species exploitation and detect changes in landings and fishing tactics. Ten species were selected, which included teleosts, crustaceans, and cephalopods. Results indicated a decrease in Landings Per Unit of Capacity (LPUC) in six of the species examined. While in the Atlantic the process of substitution or incorporation of new species to the fisheries occurs progressively, in the Mediterranean this incorporation occurs simultaneously for many of the species. Four main fishing tactics (landing pattern obtained from the classification analysis of landings per species) were identified. Geographically nearby and connected regions developed similar fishing tactics to each other, and also changed over time. While the fleets from isolated regions were more specialized, and only carrying out one fishing tactic during the study period. Improvements in LPUC with the implementation of new technology and legislative and management measures were not observed.Postprint2,27

    Distribución espacial a gran escala de la megafauna de aguas profundas en fondos arrastrables del Mediterráneo

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    The large-scale distribution pattern of megafauna communities along the Mediterranean middle slope was explored. The study was conducted between 500 and 800 m depth where deep-water fishery occurs. Although community studies carried out deeper than 500 m are partly available for some geographic areas, few large-scale comparative studies have been carried out. Within the framework of the MEDITS survey programme, we compared the megafauna community structure in ten geographical sub-areas (GSAs) along the Mediterranean coasts. Additionally, the spatial distribution of fishing was analysed using vessel monitoring by satellite information. Overall, the community showed a significant difference between sub-areas, with a decreasing eastward pattern in abundance and biomass. Longitude was the main factor explaining variation among sub-areas (by generalized additive models). However, we found a region which did not follow the general pattern. GSA 6 (northern Spain) showed significantly lower abundance and a different composition structure to the adjacent areas. The decrease in community descriptors (i.e. abundance and biomass) in this area is probably a symptom of population changes induced by intense fishery exploitation. Overall, a combination of environmental variables and human-induced impacts appears to influence the bentho-pelagic communities along the slope areas of the Mediterranean.En este estudio se describe la estructura y patrones de distribución de la comunidad de megafauna que habita en el margen continental medio a lo largo del Mediterráneo. El estudio se realizó entre los 500 y 800 m, coincidiendo espacialmente con las pesquerías de profundidad. A pesar de que se conoce parcialmente la estructura de las comunidades que habitan por debajo de 500 m, existe la necesidad de estudiar estas comunidades a una escala espacial más amplia. Dentro del marco del proyecto internacional MEDITS, se comparó la estructura de las comunidades en diez sub-áreas geográficas (GSAs) a lo largo de las costas mediterráneas. Además se analizó la distribución espacial del esfuerzo pesquero utilizando la información de los datos de seguimiento de buques. En general los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre subáreas mostrando un patrón decreciente en los valores de biomasa hacia el este, siendo la longitud el principal factor explicativo del modelo de distribución (GAMs). Sin embargo, encontramos una subárea que no seguía el patrón general, la GSA6 (norte de España). La GSA6 mostró una biomasa y estructura de la comunidad diferente a las áreas adyacentes. La disminución de la biomasa en esta área parece ser un síntoma de los cambios poblaciones causados por la elevada intensidad de pesca en la zona. Los resultados sugieren que la distribución y estructura de las comunidades bento-pelágicas parecen estar moduladas por la combinación de las variables ambientales y los impactos producidos por la actividad humana
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