2,238 research outputs found

    Viable Control of an Epidemiological Model

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    In mathematical epidemiology, epidemic control often aims at driving the number of infected individuals to zero, asymptotically. However , during the transitory phase, the number of infected can peak at high values. In this paper, we consider mosquito vector control in the Ross-Macdonald epidemiological model, with the goal of capping the proportion of infected by dengue at the peak. We formulate this problem as one of control of a dynamical system under state constraint. We allow for time-dependent fumigation rates to reduce the population of mosquito vector, in order to maintain the proportion of infected individuals by dengue below a threshold for all times. The so-called viability kernel is the set of initial states (mosquitoes and infected individuals) for which such a fumigation control trajectory exists. Depending on whether the cap on the proportion of infected is low, high or medium, we provide different expressions of the viability kernel. We also characterize so-called viable policies that produce, at each time, a fumigation rate as a function of current proportions of infected humans and mosquitoes, such that the proportion of infected humans remains below a threshold for all times. We provide a numerical application in the case of control of a dengue outbreak in 2013 in Cali, Colombia

    The Impact of Incarceration on the Family; Perceptions of Fatherhood by Incarcerated Fathers in a New York Jail: A Phenomenological Study

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    The purpose of this study was to understand and explore, through a qualitative phenomenological design, the lived parental experiences of incarcerated fathers in a Northeastern New York jail. For this research, an incarcerated father will be defined as a father who has a child 18 years or younger and is confined to a jail. This research project sought to gain knowledge in this area, and this study’s results will inform policymakers who create policies and programs that may address the sustainability and development of an incarcerated father’s parental identity. The study population comprised of nine incarcerated fathers, between the ages of 20 to 37, who were currently incarcerated in a New York jail. Data from semi-structured interviews with these fathers revealed 14 themes: parenting/caregiver, family engagement, roles and responsibility, reflection and trauma, identity management, survival, engagement, staying connected, inability to interact physically, staying present, family collaboration breakdown, economic and mental strain, goals and aspirations, and availability. The themes were grouped into five categories and were used to analyze the results from the research questions and the findings. The categories are internalized, significant behaviors, self-appraisal of behaviors, disruption to the family unit, and reestablishing parental identity. The results from the study identify several recommendations for practice, including one-on-one counseling with certified professionals, protection of in-person visits, rehabilitative programs to help incarcerated fathers transition back into society, and electronic record software. These recommendations can be utilized by scholars, public officials, policymakers, mental health professionals, informed trauma care, the criminal justice system, and the Department of Corrections in improving the experiences and outcomes for incarcerated fathers and their family dynamics

    Camera, handlens, and microscope optical system for imaging and coupled optical spectroscopy

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    An optical system comprising two lens cells, each lens cell comprising multiple lens elements, to provide imaging over a very wide image distance and within a wide range of magnification by changing the distance between the two lens cells. An embodiment also provides scannable laser spectroscopic measurements within the field-of-view of the instrument

    Possibilities for recycling cellulases after use in cotton processing

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    Research conducted in the Department of Textile Engineering at the University of Minho, Guimaräes, PortugalRepeated treatments on cotton fabrics, using a total cellulase from Trichoderma reesei, showed that active enzymes remained in the treatment liquor and adsorbed on the fabric substrates after five treatment cycles. The activity (measured as fabric weight loss) of the cellulases remaining in solution, however, decreased by 80% over the five cycles. It was suggested that this could be due to end-product inhibition, thermal and or mechanical deactivation, or to the loss of some components of the cellulase complex by preferential and irreversible adsorption to the cotton substrates. End-product inhibition studies showed that the build-up of cellobiose and glucose in solution would cause less than 25% activity loss after five treatment cycles. Agitation levels similar to those used in textile processing did not cause significant cellulase deactivation, but incubation of total cellulase solutions for 5h at 50 °C (equivalent to five treatment cycles) reduced their activity by about 20%. Analysis of cellulase solutions, by fast protein liquid chromatography, before and after adsorption onto cotton, suggested that the cellobiohydrolase II content of the cellulase complex was reduced, relative to the other components, by preferential adsorption. This would lead to a marked reduction in activity in the supernatant after several treatment cycles and top-up with pure cellobiohydrolase II would be necessary unless this component is easily recoverable from the treated fabric. Although desorption studies showed that much of the adsorbed cellulase protein was recoverable by washing in buffer solution, concentration of the washings by ultrafiltration needs to be carefully costed. Experiments with pure endoglucanases, with and without their cellulose binding domains, suggested that desired cotton finishing effects might be achievable using only cellulase components that are adsorbed reversibly. These would be ideal for recycling. Ultrafiltration was used successfully to reduce end-product concentrations in treatment liquors, but this technique failed to separate dyes from cellulase proteins. Since dye-cellulase complexes cause backstaining problems, it seems unlikely that cellulases used for enzymatic stonewashing (currently the most important cellulase-finishing process) can be recycled unless a solution to this problem is found. Using only reversibly adsorbed cellulase components may be beneficial also in this context. Cost estimates suggested that when more than 100 to 125 tonnes per annum of cellulosic fabric are being treated with cellulases, the savings made by recycling enzymes would exceed the capital and running costs of the ultrafiltration unit required for their recovery and concentration.Peshall-Hirst Trust Fund and The Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters

    Optimization of Energy Distribution in Solar Panel Array Configurations by Graph Theory and Minkowski’s Paths

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    Nowadays, the development of the photovoltaic (PV) technology is consolidated as a source of renewable energy. The research in the topic of maximum improvement on the energy efficiency of the PV plants is today a major challenge. The main requirement for this purpose is to know the performance of each of the PV modules that integrate the PV field in real time. In this respect, a PLC communications based Smart Monitoring and Communications Module, which is able to monitor at PV level their operating parameters, has been developed at the University of Malaga. With this device you can check if any of the panels is suffering any type of overriding performance, due to a malfunction or partial shadowing of its surface. Since these fluctuations in electricity production from a single panel affect the overall sum of all panels that conform a string, it is necessary to isolate the problem and modify the routes of energy through alternative paths in case of PV panels array configuration.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Camera, handlens, and microscope optical system for imaging and coupled optical spectroscopy

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    An optical system comprising two lens cells, each lens cell comprising multiple lens elements, to provide imaging over a very wide image distance and within a wide range of magnification by changing the distance between the two lens cells. An embodiment also provides scannable laser spectroscopic measurements within the field-of-view of the instrument

    Necesidades de cuidado de pacientes con cáncer en tratamiento ambulatorio

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    Cancer causes significant physical, emotional and social changes; as a result, it generates numerous needs in both, patients and families. The necessity for information and support for home care and daily activities has increased in patients with cancer who are facing changes in medical models and must undergoing ambulatory treatments, shorter hospitalization and longer survival period. In this cross sectional study we explored the health-care needs of 173 cancer patients undergoing ambulatory treatment in three specialized oncology units at two hospitals in Bogota, by using the Spanish validated version of the Supportive Care Needs Survey (SCNS-SFS28). Nearly half of the patients (46.95%) reported care needs in at least one of the five domains under consideration. Identifying care needs is particularly important in the case of patients with high risk of being unattended because these can affect negatively their compliance with the treatment, health condition and quality of life. A questionnaire like the one used in our survey allows nurses to identify care needs and to focus on appropriate nursing care actions and patient education. Nursing care should take into account the particular needs of all patients in order to teach them and their families how to provide effective self-care, to solve health problems and to satisfy patient needs and demands.  El cáncer provoca cambios físicos, emocionales y sociales que generan diversas necesidades en los pacientes y sus familias. La menor estancia hospitalaria, la mayor sobrevida y el amplio número de pacientes que se mantienen en sus hogares recibiendo cuidado, han creado una mayor necesidad de asistencia en aspectos como el transporte de los pacientes, el cuidado en casa, el desarrollo de las actividades de la vida diaria y en la forma de reducir los costos que la enfermedad genera. Se realizó un estudio transversal que exploró las necesidades de atención de salud de 173 pacientes con cáncer sometidos a tratamiento ambulatorio en tres unidades de oncología especializados en dos hospitales de Bogotá, mediante el uso de la Encuesta de Necesidades (SCNS-SFS28) validada en castellano en población colombiana. Casi la mitad de los pacientes (46,95%) informó necesidades de cuidado en al menos uno de los cinco dominios considerados. La identificación de las necesidades de cuidado es especialmente importante en el caso de los pacientes con alto riesgo de tenerlas desatendidas porque éstas pueden afectar negativamente la adherencia al tratamiento, el estado de salud y calidad de vida. Un cuestionario como el que fue empleado en este estudio permite a las enfermeras identificar las necesidades de  cuidado adecuados de los pacientes. Los cuidados de enfermería deben tener en cuenta las necesidades particulares de todos los pacientes con el fin de enseñarles a ellos y a sus familias como para proporcionar el autocuidado eficaz, para resolver los problemas de salud y para satisfacer las necesidades de cuidado del paciente

    Influência do tipo de levedura e do uso de enzima pectolítica sobre a qualidade de vinhos tintos tropicais cv. Petit verdot.

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    Existem leveduras com atividades metabólicas variáveis, que permitem a elaboração de vinhos com características sensoriais diferentes. A região do Vale do Submédio São Francisco vem produzindo vinhos há 20 anos, mas está ainda em busca de cultivares que sejam representativas e que possibilitem a obtenção de vinhos potenciais com qualidade e tipicidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do tipo de levedura e do uso de enzima pectolítica, em três condições, sobre a qualidade de vinhos da cv. Petit Verdot. As plantas foram instaladas em fevereiro de 2005, enxertadas sobre o porta-enxerto R110, sistema de condução em espaldeira, solo arenoso, irrigadas por gotejamento. As uvas foram colhidas em julho/2007, apresentando sólidos solúveis totais de 24,5 (ºBrix), acidez total titulável (ATT) de 8 g.L-1 em ácido tartárico, pH 3,5 e peso médio de 100 bagas de 97,6 g. A vinificação foi realizada em frascos de vidro de 20 L, utilizando-se 15 Kg de uvas para cada tratamento. As cinco leveduras testadas foram PDM, Ever rouge e Ever cru, Fermol rouge e Fermol cru. Para cada levedura, foram realizados três tratamentos: sem adição de enzima pectolítica (25 ºC, a temperatura de fermentação), com enzima adicionada a frio (10 ºC durante 24 h) para a maceração pré-fermentação, e enzima adicionada a 25 ºC, totalizando quinze tratamentos. Após a fermentação malolática, os vinhos foram analisados, apresentando variações no teor de álcool (entre 14,2 e 15 % v/v), ATT (entre 4,4 e 7,7), pH (entre 3,9 e 4,3) e índice de polifenóis totais, IPT (entre 89,7 e 101,6). A escolha do tipo de levedura e o uso de enzimas é fundamental para a obtenção de vinhos com diferentes estilos, principalmente nas condições do Vale do São Francisco, onde se busca ainda conhecer o potencial de diferentes cultivares às condições edafo-climáticas locais