23 research outputs found

    Carotenoid Composition Of Two Brazilian Genotypes Of Acerola (malpighia Punicifolia L.) From Two Harvests

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    Acerola fruit is native to Central America and adapted very well to Brazil, which in turn became the major worldwide acerola producer, consumer and exporter. Two acerola genotypes were harvested from a Brazilian plantation during the 2003 and 2004 summer harvests. Both genotypes presented β-carotene (265.5-1669.4 μg/100 g), lutein (37.6-100.7 μg/100 g), β-cryptoxanthin (16.3-56.5 μg/100 g) and α-carotene (7.8-59.3 μg/100 g) as the major carotenoids. In both harvests, the β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin and α-carotene levels were higher in the Olivier genotype, whereas the lutein content was higher in the Waldy Cati 30 genotype. Due to higher sunlight exposure, the fruits harvested in 2004 showed higher total carotenoid contents than those from the 2003 harvest. Acerola, especially the Olivier genotype, with 148-283 RE/100 g, can be considered as a good source of provitamin A. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.388-910731077Assis, S.A., Lima, D.C., Faria-Oliveira, O.M.M., Activity of pectinmethylesterase, pectin content and vitamin C in acerola fruit at various stages of development (2001) Food Chemistry, 74, pp. 133-137Assunção, R.B., Mercadante, A.Z., Carotenoids and ascorbic acid from cashew-apple (Anacardium occidentale L.): Variety and geographic effects (2003) Food Chemistry, 81, pp. 495-502Britton, G., UV/visible spectroscopy (1995) Carotenoids Spectroscopy, 1, pp. 13-62. , G. Britton S. Liaaen-Jensen H. Pfander Birkhauser BaselCavalcante, M.L., Rodriguez-Amaya, D.B., Carotenoid composition of the tropical fruits Eugenia uniflora and Malpighia glabra (1992) Food Science and Human Nutrition, pp. 643-650. , G. Charalambous Elsevier Sci. Publ. AmsterdamDavies, B.H., Carotenoids (1976) Chemistry and Biochemistry of Plant Pigments, 2, pp. 38-165. , T.W. Goodwin Academic Press LondonGodoy, H.T., Rodriguez-Amaya, D.B., Occurrence of cis-isomers of provitamin a in Brazilian fruits (1994) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 42, pp. 1306-1313Hamano, P.S., Mercadante, A.Z., Composition of carotenoids from commercial products of caja (Spondias lutea) (2001) Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 14, pp. 335-343Mercadante, A.Z., Chromatographic separation of carotenoids (1999) Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrition, 49, pp. 52-57Mercadante, A.Z., Rodriguez-Amaya, D.B., Performance of thin-layer chromatography versus HPTLC in the screnning of carotenoids (1991) Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 11, pp. 200-209Mercadante, A.Z., Rodriguez-Amaya, D.B., Effects of ripening, cultivar differences, and processing on the carotenoid composition of mango (1998) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 46, pp. 128-130Mercadante, A.Z., Rodriguez-Amaya, D.B., Britton, G., HPLC and mass spectrometric analysis of carotenoids from mango (1997) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 45, pp. 120-123Merzlyak, M.N., Solovchenko, A.E., Chivkunova, O.B., Patterns of pigment changes in apple fruits during adaptation to high sunlight and sunscald development (2002) Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 40, pp. 679-684(1989) Recommended Dietary Allowances (10th Ed.), , WashingtonNational Academy of ScienceOliveira, J.R.P., Soares Filho, W.S., Situação da cultura da acerola no Brasil e ações da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura em recursos genéticos e melhoramento (1998) Simpósio de Recursos Genéticos e Melhoramento de Plantas para O Nordeste Do Brasil, p. 1998. , Embrapa Semi-Árido Petrolina, PE, BrazilPorcu, O.M., Rodriguez-Amaya, D.B., Carotenóides de Acerola: Efeito de Estágio de Maturação e Remoção de Película (2003) V Simpósio Latinoamericano de Ciencia de Alimentos, , Campinas, SP, Brazil, 10-14 November 2003Vendramini, A.L., Trugo, L.C., Chemical composition of acerola fruit (Malpighia punicifolia L.) at three stages of maturity (2000) Food Chemistry, 71, pp. 195-19

    Evaluation Of Colour And Stability Of Anthocyanins From Tropical Fruits In An Isotonic Soft Drink System

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    Due to the growing market of food products associated to good health, the colour changes and stability of anthocyanin extracts from acerola, containing high level of ascorbic acid, and from açai, rich in flavonoids, were evaluated in an isotonic soft drink like system and in buffer solution. The degradation of anthocyanins from both sources followed first-order kinetics in all the systems, under air, either in the presence or absence of light. Addition of sugars and salts had a negative effect on the anthocyanin stability, being the rate constant (kobs) values in isotonic soft drink system 6.0 × 10- 2 h- 1 for acerola and 7.3 × 10- 4 h- 1 for açai, both in the dark. In the presence of light, the anthocyanin degradation was 1.2 times faster for acerola and 1.6 times faster for açai in soft drink isotonic systems, as compared to their respective buffer solutions. The highest stability observed in all açai systems was correlated to its high total flavonoid content and absence of ascorbic acid. The gradual degradation of red colour during storage of all systems was verified by the decrease of a* values, accompanied with decreased colour intensity (decrease in C* values) and tonality changes from red to yellow colour, as the h values increased during the experiment time. Industrial relevance: Functional foods and addition of bioactive compounds to processed foods and drinks are a worldwide growing market. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of added anthocyanins from acerola and açai to an isotonic soft drink system and to study the effect of fluorescent light, mimicking the supermarket conditions, in such systems. Since colour is of fundamental importance for the acceptance of a food by consumers, the colour fading that occurs in these systems was also verified. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.83347352ACNielsen Global, Services., (2004) News Report Os produtos mais quentes de mundo - Informações sobre o crescimento de categorias de alimentos & bebidas em 2004Assis, S.A., Lima, D.C., Faria-Oliveira, O.M.M., Activity of pectinmethylesterase, pectin content and vitamin C in acerola fruit at various stages of development (2001) Food Chemistry, 74, pp. 133-137Debicki-Pospisil, J., Lovric, T., Trinajstic, N., Sabljic, A., Anthocyanin degradation in the presence of furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (1983) Journal of Food Science, 48, pp. 411-416De Rosso, V.V., Mercadante, A.Z., Carotenoid composition of two Brazilian genotypes of acerola (Malpighia punicifolia L.) from two harvests (2005) Food Research International, 38, pp. 1073-1077De Rosso, V.V., Mercadante, A.Z., The high ascorbic acid content is the main cause of the low stability of anthocyanin extracts from acerola (2007) Food Chemistry, 103, pp. 935-943Duhard, V., Garnier, J.C., Megard, D., Comparison of the stability of selected anthocyanins colorants in drink model systems (1997) Agro-Food-Industry Hi-Technology, 8, pp. 28-34Dyrby, M., Westergaard, N., Stapelfeldt, H., Light and heat sensitivity of red cabbage extract in soft drink model systems (2001) Food Chemistry, 72, pp. 431-437Es-Safi, N.-E., Cheynier, V., Moutounet, M., Study of the reactions between (+)-catechin and furfural derivatives in the presence and absence of anthocyanins and their implication in food color change (2000) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48, pp. 5946-5954Gallori, S., Bilia, A.R., Bergonzi, M.C., Barbosa, W.L.R., Vincieri, F.F., Polyphenolic constituents of fruit pulp of Euterpe oleracea Mart. (açai palm) (2004) Chromatographia, 59, pp. 739-743Gonnet, J.-F., Colour effects of co-pigmentation of anthocyanins revisited. 3: A further description using CIELAB differences and assessment of matched colours using CMC model (2001) Food Chemistry, 63, pp. 409-415Hanamura, T., Hagiwara, T., Kawagishi, H., Structural and functional characterization of polyphenols isolated from acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC.) fruit (2005) Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 69, pp. 280-286Katsaboxakis, K., Papanicolaou, D., Melanitou, M., Stability of pigmented orange anthocyanins in model and real food systems (1998) Italian Journal of Food Sciences, 1, pp. 17-25Kong, J.-M., Chia, L.-S., Goh, N.-K., Chia, T.-F., Brouillard, R., Analysis and biological activities of anthocyanins (2003) Phytochemistry, 64, pp. 923-933Krifi, B., Chouteau, F., Boudrant, J., Metche, M., Degradation of anthocyanin from blood orange juices (2000) International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 35, pp. 275-283López, R., (2002) Energia Potencial - Segmentos de bebidas isotônicas e energéticas apresentam mercados em ascenção no Brasil, com perspectivas de manutenção do crescimento. Revista Engarrafador Moderno, , setembro, 12-16Malien-Aubert, A., Dangles, O., Amiot, J., Color stability of commercial anthocyanin-based extracts in relation to the phenolic composition. Protective effects by intra- and intermolecular copigmentation (2001) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 49, pp. 170-176Martí, N., Pérez-Vicente, A., García-Viguera, C.G., Influence of storage temperature and ascorbic acid addition on pomegranate juice (2001) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82, pp. 217-221Mazza, G., Miniati, E., Introduction (1993) Anthocyanins in fruits, vegetables and grains, pp. 1-23. , Mazza G. (Ed), CRC Press, Boca RatonRodriguez-Saona, L.E., Giusti, M.M., Wrolstad, R.E., Color and pigment stability of red radish and red-fleshed potato anthocyanins in juice model systems (1999) Journal of Food Science, 64, pp. 451-456Sangronis, E., Teixeira, P., Otero, M., Guerra, M., Hidalgo, G., Manaca, sweet potato and yam: Possible substitutes of wheat in foods for two ethnic population in Venezuelan Amazon (2006) Archivos Latinoamericanos De Nutricion, 56, pp. 77-82Seeram, N., Nair, M., Inhibition of lipid peroxidation and structure- activity-related studies of the dietary constituents anthocyanins, anthocyanidins, and catechins (2002) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, pp. 5308-5312Shinoda, Y., Komura, H., Homma, S., Murata, M., Browning of model orange juice solution: Factors affecting the formation of decomposition products (2005) Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 69, pp. 2129-2137Vendramini, A.L., Trugo, L.C., Chemical composition of acerola fruit (Malpighia punicifolia L.) at three stages of maturity (2000) Food Chemistry, 71, pp. 195-198Wrolstad, R.E., Anthocyanin pigments - Bioactivity and coloring properties (2004) Journal of Food Science, 69, pp. 419-421Wrolstad, R.E., Skrede, G., Lea, P., Enersen, G., Influence of sugar on anthocyanin pigment stability in frozen strawberries (1990) Journal of Food Science, 55, pp. 1064-1065. , 107

    Bioactive Compounds Of Blackberry Fruits (rubus Spp.) Grown In Brazil [compostos Bioativos Presentes Em Amora-preta (rubus Spp.)]

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    The blackberry (Rubus spp.), a small fruit that grows in temperate climate, shows an attractive color ranging from purple red to blue, due to the high content of anthocyanins. The anthocyanins, along with carotenoids, are the major natural pigments found in several fruits. Many studies have reported the importance of these natural pigments as protectors and, or, inhibitors of degenerative disorders; however, data regarding the bioactive compounds in blackberry cultivated in Brazil are rare. Thus, the objectives of the present study were to identify the anthocyanins and carotenoids in blackberry (Rubus spp.), to determine the total contents of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, carotenoids, and total, monomeric, polymeric and co-pigmented anthocyanins, and the antioxidant capacity against the free radicals ABTS and DPPH. The total carotenoids level was low (86.5 ± 0.2 μg/100 g), with all-trans-b-carotene (39.6 %) and all-trans-lutein (28.2 %) as the major ones. The blackberries showed high antioxidant status mainly due to the high level of monomeric anthocyanins (104.1 ± 1.8 mg/100 g of fruit), presence of polymeric anthocyanins (22.9 ± 0.4 %), low percentage of co-pigmented anthocyanins (1.6 ± 0.1 %) and high contents of phenolic compounds (241.7 ± 0.8 mg Gallic acid equivalent/100 g) and total flavonoids (173.7 ± 0.7 mg catechin equivalent/100 g). Cyanidin 3-glucoside was the major anthocyanin (92.9 %). These results indicate that the blackberry cultivated in Brazil can be considered a rich natural source of antioxidants and pigments.323664674Antunes, L.E.C., Duarte Filho, J., de Souza, C.M., Conservação pós-colheita de frutos de amoreira-preta (2003) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 38 (3), pp. 413-419. , BrasíliaAntunes, L.E.C., Trevisan, R., Gonçalves, E.D., Franzon, R.C., Produção Extemporânea de Amora-preta (2006) Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 28 (3), pp. 430-434. , JaboticabalBarreto, G.P.M., Benassi, M.T., Mercadante, A.Z., Bioactive compounds from several tropical fruits and correlation by multivariate analysis to free radical scavenger activity (2009) Journal Brazilian Chemical Society, , São Paulo, In pressBenvenuti, S., Pellati, F., Melegari, M., Bertelli, D., Polyphenols, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid and radical scavenging activity of Rubus, Ribes, and Aronia (2004) Journal of Food Science, 69 (3), pp. 164-169. , ChicagoBrand-Williams, W., Cuvelier, M.E., Berset, C., Use of a free radical method to evaluate antioxidant activity (1995) Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie, 28 (1), pp. 25-30. , ZurichBritton, G., UV/visible Spectroscopy (1995) Carotenoids: Spectroscopy, 1 B, pp. 13-62. , In: BRITTON, G.LIAAEN-JENSEN, S.PFANDER, H (Ed.). 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    Phenolic Compounds And Carotenoids From Four Fruits Native From The Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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    Fruits from the Atlantic Forest have received increasing interest because they contain high levels of bioactive compounds with notable functional properties. The composition of carotenoids and phenolic compounds from fruits found in the Atlantic Forest (jussara, uvaia, araça, and grumixama) was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array and mass spectrometry detectors. Uvaia showed the highest levels of carotenoids (1306.6 μg/100 g fresh matter (f.m.)). Gallic acid was the major phenolic compound in araça (12.2 mg GAE/100 g f.m.) and uvaia (27.5 mg GAE/100 g f.m.). In grumixama, eight quercetin derivatives were found; the main carotenoids included all-trans-β-cryptoxanthin (286.7 μg/100 g f.m.) and all-trans-lutein (55.5 μg/100 g f.m.). Uvaia and grumixama contain high amounts of carotenoids, while jussara showed greater levels of phenolic compounds (415 mg GAE/100 g f.m.), particularly anthocyanins (cyanidin 3-rutinoside: 179.60 mg/100 g f.m.; cyanidin 3-glucoside: 47.93 mg/100 g f.m.). © 2014 American Chemical Society.622250725084www.rbma.org.br/anuariomataatlantica/mata_atlantica.php, Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica. Anuário da Mata Atlânticahttp://www.apremavi.org.br/entrando-na-mata/flora/, Associação de Preservação do meio Ambiente e da Vida. Muitas espécies da flora da Mata Atlântica são endêmicas e ameaçadas de extinçãoLorenzi, H., (2002) Árvores Brasileiras, Manual de Identificação e Cultivo de Plantas Arbóreas Nativas Do Brasil, , Instituto Plantarum de Estudos da FloraKriech, C.A., Casanova, L., Prochnow, M., Guia de Espécies, , www.apremavi.org.br/guia-de-especies, Accessed November 2, 2012Maiochi, G.M., Uvaia. 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Birkhäuser: Basel, SwitzerlandFaria, A.F., De Rosso, V.V., Mercadante, A.Z., Carotenoid composition of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), determined by HPLC-PDA-MS/MS (2009) Plant Foods Hum. Nutr., 64, pp. 108-115De Rosso, V.V., Mercadante, A.Z., HPLC-PDA-MS/MS of anthocyanins and carotenoids from dovyalis and tamarillo fruits (2007) J. Agric. Food Chem., 55, pp. 9135-9141De Rosso, V.V., Hillebrand, S., Montilla, E.C., Bobbio, F.O., Winterhalter, P., Mercadante, A.Z., Determination of anthocyanins from acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC.) and açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) by HPLC-PDA-MS/MS (2008) J. Food Comp. Anal., 21, pp. 291-299Wu, X., Prior, R.L., Identification and characterization of anthocyanins by high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionizations-tandem mass spectrometry in common foods in the United States: Vegetables, nuts and grains (2005) J. Agric. 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    Evaluation Of The Genotoxic And Antigenotoxic Effects After Acute And Subacute Treatments With Açai Pulp (euterpe Oleracea Mart.) On Mice Using The Erythrocytes Micronucleus Test And The Comet Assay

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    Açai, the fruit of a palm native to the Amazonian basin, is widely distributed in northern South America, where it has considerable economic importance. Whereas individual polyphenolics compounds in açai have been extensively evaluated, studies of the intact fruit and its biological properties are lacking. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to investigate the . in vivo genotoxicity of açai and its possible antigenotoxicity on doxorubicin (DXR)-induced DNA damage. The açai pulp doses selected were 3.33, 10.0 and 16.67. g/kg b.w. administered by gavage alone or prior to DXR (16. mg/kg b.w.) administered by intraperitoneal injection. Swiss albino mice were distributed in eight groups for acute treatment with açai pulp (24. h) and eight groups for subacute treatment (daily for 14 consecutive days) before euthanasia. The negative control groups were treated in a similar way. The results of chemical analysis suggested the presence of carotenoids, anthocyanins, phenolic, and flavonoids in açai pulp. The endpoints analyzed were micronucleus induction in bone marrow and peripheral blood cells polychromatic erythrocytes, and DNA damage in peripheral blood, liver and kidney cells assessed using the alkaline (pH >13) comet assay. There were no statistically significant differences (. p>. 0.05) between the negative control and the groups treated with the three doses of açai pulp alone in all endpoints analyzed, demonstrating the absence of genotoxic effects. The protective effects of açai pulp were observed in both acute and subacute treatments, when administered prior to DXR. In general, subacute treatment provided greater efficiency in protecting against DXR-induced DNA damage in liver and kidney cells. These protective effects can be explained as the result of the phytochemicals present in açai pulp. These results will be applied to the developmental of food with functional characteristics, as well as to explore the characteristics of açai as a health promoter. © 2009 Elsevier B.V..6951-22228Lila, M.A., Anthocyanins and human health: an in vitro investigative approach (2004) J. Biomed. Biotechnol., 5, pp. 306-313De Rosso, V.V., Mercadante, A.Z., Identification and quantification of carotenoids, by HPLC-PDA-MS/MS, from Amazonian fruits (2007) J. Agric. Food Chem., 55, pp. 5062-5072Murrieta, R.S.S., Dufour, D., Siqueira, A.D., Food consumption and subsistence in three caboclo populations on Marajo Island, Amazônia, Brazil (1999) Hum. Ecol., 27, pp. 455-475Tinoco, A.C., (2005), Açaí amazônico: novas perspectivas de negócio, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, PA, 2005, 1 CD-ROM. 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    Evaluation Of The Antihypertensive Properties Of Yellow Passion Fruit Pulp (passiflora Edulis Sims F. Flavicarpa Deg.) In Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

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    Various species of the genus Passiflora have been extensively used in traditional medicine as sedatives, anxiolytics, diuretics and analgesics. In the present study, after the identification and quantification of phytochemical compounds from yellow passion fruit pulp by liquid chromatography-photodiode array-mass spectrometry (HPLC-PDA-MS/MS), its antihypertensive effect was investigated on spontaneously hypertensive rats. Additionally, the renal function, evaluated by kidney/body weight, serum creatinine, proteinuria, urinary flow, reduced glutathione (GSH) levels and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) and mutagenicity in bone marrow cells were assessed to evaluate the safety of passion fruit consumption. Yellow passion fruit pulp (5, 6 or 8 g/kg b.w.) was administered by gavage once a day for 5 consecutive days. HLPC-PDA-MS/MS analysis revealed that yellow passion fruit pulp contains phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, carotenoids and flavonoids. The highest dose of passion fruit pulp significantly reduced the systolic blood pressure, increased the GSH levels and decreased TBARS. There were no changes in renal function parameters or the frequency of micronuclei in bone marrow cells. In conclusion, the antihypertensive effect of yellow passion fruit pulp, at least in part, might be due to the enhancement of the antioxidant status. The exact mechanisms responsible by this effect need further investigation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.2812832Appel, K., Rose, T., Fiebich, B., Kammler, T., Hoffmann, C., Weiss, G., Modulation of the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system by Passiflora incarnata L (2011) Phytother. Res., 25, pp. 838-843Biswas, S.K., De Faria, J.B.L., Which comes first: Renal inflammation or oxidative stress in spontaneously hypertensive rats? (2007) Free Radic. Res., 41, pp. 216-224Boeira, J.M., Fenner, R., Betti, A.H., Toxicity and genotoxicity evaluation of Passiflora alata Curtis (Passifloraceae) (2010) J. 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    Caracterização físico-química do suco de açaí de Euterpe precatoria Mart. oriundo de diferentes ecossistemas amazônicos

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    Os frutos do açaizeiro (Euterpe precatoria Mart.) procedentes de diferentes ecossistemas amazônicos foram processados para a obtenção de suco. O produto foi avaliado quanto à composição centesimal (umidade, cinzas, lipídeos, proteína, glicídios e fibra alimentar), minerais, ácidos graxos e antocianinas. Os frutos foram comparados quanto ao peso, constatando-se uma variação significativa de 1,1 a 2,0 g entre eles. Com relação ao suco, verificou-se baixa concentração de proteína e alto teor de energia devido, principalmente, à presença de lipídeos cuja concentração variou de 4,24 a 9,74%. Dentre os minerais, o potássio foi o mais abundante com teores na faixa de 73,78 a 376,69 mg 100 g-¹ (do suco), seguido do cálcio (15,99 a 57,85 mg 100g-¹). O ferro foi encontrado em concentrações minoritárias, na ordem de 0,43 a 1,2 mg 100g-¹. Com relação aos ingredientes funcionais, o suco de açaí apresentou concentrações importantes de fibra alimentar (2,37 a 7,8%), e antocianinas, variando de 128,4 mg 100 g-¹ , nos frutos de coloração verde, procedentes de Parintins, até 868,9 mg 100 g-¹ nas amostras de Manaquiri (base seca). Na fração lipídica, destacou-se ainda a presença do ácido graxo oleico (18:1), com porcentagem média de 68,2% no total de ácidos graxos, seguido do ácido palmítico (16:0) com 17,5%. Tais resultados reforçam o potencial do açaí como fonte de energia, lipídeos, fibra alimentar, antocianinas, ácido graxo monoinsaturado e minerais. O presente estudo irá contribuir para a ampliação da tabela de composição química de alimentos e, consequentemente, auxiliar nos programas de melhoramento genético, mercado e inclusão social