53,490 research outputs found

    Innovative teaching strategies: enhancing the soft-skilloriented approach through integrated onsite-online learning environments

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    ABSTRACT The integration of ICT in Higher Education requires reflective design by teachers. In particular, from recent international research on the subject, it emerges that the perspective of the TPCK framework (Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge) can favour an effective design reasoning of teachers. Teaching practice requires the implementation of innovative organizational models for the creation of learning environments that offer continuity between classroom and distance learning (Hybrid Instruction Solution). The empirical mix-method research involved a group of volunteer teachers of different teachings. The objective was to design and implement innovative teaching solutions using ICT in onsite/online environments to enhance specific soft skills in students. The results of a questionnaire (CAWI) given to incoming and outgoing teachers from the experience of designing and conducting the didactic action will be presented. the TPCK perspective design of integrated learning environments and the reasoned choice of coherent methodologies seem to make a soft-skilloriented didactics feasible

    Teacher education for effective technology integration

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    About a decade ago, several researchers used Shulman's (1986) framework about Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) - a body of knowledge that constitutes a special amalgam of content, pedagogy, learners, and context - as a theoretical basis for developing TPCK or TPACK: a framework for guiding teachers' cognition about technology integration in teaching and learning (Angeli, Valanides, & Christodoulou, 2016). Different models of TPCK/TPACK are proposed in the literature, each with a different focus (on practice, instructional design, context, etc.) and with a different theoretical interpretation about the nature and development of the knowledge that teachers need to have to be able to teach with technology (e.g., Angeli & Valanides, 2005, 2009, 2013; Koehler & Mishra, 2008; Niess, 2005).In this direction, research is being carried out to identify TPCK design procedures for initial teacher education. In teaching, when transferring TPCK to design and methodological practices, there is a need to consider a number of factors, especially: the different modes of adopting technologies; the integration of tool affordances, content and pedagogy; the implementation of learning environments; the operationalization of knowledge; and detailed analysis of teaching models and approache

    Hybrid spherical approximation

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    In this paper a local approximation method on the sphere is presented. As interpolation scheme we consider a partition of unity method, such as the modified spherical Shepard's method, which uses zonal basis functions (ZBFs) plus spherical harmonics as local approximants. Moreover, a spherical zone algorithm is efficiently implemented, which works well also when the amount of data is very large, since it is based on an optimized searching procedure. Numerical results show good accuracy of the method, also on real geomagnetic data

    Saturation Assumption and Finite Element Method for a One-Dimensional Model

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    In this paper we refer to the hierarchical finite element method and stabilization techniques for convection–diffusion equations. In particular, the aim is to outline an application of saturation assumption to a posteriori error estimates for such problems. We consider here a simple one–dimensional model; the inequality is proved from an analitical point of view for the stabilized finite element solutions in two cases: artificial diffusion and SUPG stabilization techniques

    Present and future trajectories towards a possible valid and useful diagnosis of ADHD

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    To date, diagnosing Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorder remains indeed one of the most controversial issues in contemporary psychiatry and behavioural sciences. Most of the conceptual problems regarding the validity of this diagnostic category arise from the heterogeneity of syndromal pictures and the high rate of comorbidity observed in subjects diagnosed with ADHD at all stages of the longitudinal course of the disorder. In this regard, DSM 5 increased complexity by allowing a diagnosis of comorbidity between ADHD and autism spectrum disorders while these two diagnoses were mutually exclusive in DSM-IV-TR

    A trivariate interpolation algorithm using a cube-partition searching procedure

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    In this paper we propose a fast algorithm for trivariate interpolation, which is based on the partition of unity method for constructing a global interpolant by blending local radial basis function interpolants and using locally supported weight functions. The partition of unity algorithm is efficiently implemented and optimized by connecting the method with an effective cube-partition searching procedure. More precisely, we construct a cube structure, which partitions the domain and strictly depends on the size of its subdomains, so that the new searching procedure and, accordingly, the resulting algorithm enable us to efficiently deal with a large number of nodes. Complexity analysis and numerical experiments show high efficiency and accuracy of the proposed interpolation algorithm

    Adaptive meshless refinement schemes for RBF-PUM collocation

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    In this paper we present an adaptive discretization technique for solving elliptic partial differential equations via a collocation radial basis function partition of unity method. In particular, we propose a new adaptive scheme based on the construction of an error indicator and a refinement algorithm, which used together turn out to be ad-hoc strategies within this framework. The performance of the adaptive meshless refinement scheme is assessed by numerical tests

    Quantiles, Expectiles and Splines

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    A time-varying quantile can be fitted to a sequence of observations by formulating a time series model for the corresponding population quantile and iteratively applying a suitably modified state space signal extraction algorithm. It is shown that such time-varying quantiles satisfy the defining property of fixed quantiles in having the appropriate number of observations above and below. Expectiles are similar to quantiles except that they are defined by tail expectations. Like quantiles, time varying expectiles can be estimated by a state space signal extraction algorithm and they satisfy properties that generalize the moment conditions associated with fixed expectiles. Time-varying quantiles and expectiles provide information on various aspects of a time series, such as dispersion and asymmetry, while estimates at the end of the series provide the basis for forecasting. Because the state space form can handle irregularly spaced observations, the proposed algorithms can be easily adapted to provide a viable means of computing spline-based non-parametric quantile and expectile regressions

    Time-Varying Quantiles

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    A time-varying quantile can be fitted to a sequence of observations by formulating a time series model for the corresponding population quantile and iteratively applying a suitably modified state space signal extraction algorithm. Quantiles estimated in this way provide information on various aspects of a time series, including dispersion, asymmetry and, for financial applications, value at risk. Tests for the constancy of quantiles, and associated contrasts, are constructed using indicator variables; these tests have a similar form to stationarity tests and, under the null hypothesis, their asymptotic distributions belong to the Cramér von Mises family. Estimates of the quantiles at the end of the series provide the basis for forecasting. As such they offer an alternative to conditional quantile autoregressions and, at the same time, give some insight into their structure and potential drawbacks

    Health and safety management in the offshore oil industry

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    This work-based project is an investigation of the interaction between multicultural crews and safety management systems and the influences of this interaction on health and safety in the offshore oil Industry. This study has been carried out in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Doctorate of Professional Studies at the Institute of Work Based Learning, Middlesex University, London. The aim of this project is to minimise occupational casualties in the industry by exploring the social science paradigms of human action and cultural diversity, and it relies heavily on ethnographic methodologies. The qualitative data collection techniques chosen are structured observations, semistructured interviews, focus groups and a research diary. The key themes that emerged from the project highlighted the perception of high consequences/low probability risk among the working community. In this context, the cultural relativity of the hazard perception is an instrument used to maintain group solidarity. The group that emerged from this work-based research is culturally-biased according to a ‘way of life’ that characterises it, and predisposes it to adopt a particular view of society at work. The data collected and analysed in this ethnographic investigation establish the fact that cultural bias and shared values have influenced how safety is lived and, most importantly, seen and perceived by the workforce community. The concept of “cross-cultural safety consciousness” is proposed in this research, along with a conceptual model for a practical approach to safety based on its findings, with the aim being to reduce the number of incidents in the offshore oil industry. The project may have an international impact and relevance; professional organisations and maritime trade unions have displayed interest in the outcomes of this investigation
