1,161 research outputs found

    Static versus dynamic longevity­ risk hedging

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    This paper provides the static, swap-based hedge for an annuity, and compares it with the dynamic, delta-based hedge, achieved using longevity bonds. We assume that the longevity intensity is distributed according to a CIR-type process and provide closed-form derivatives prices and hedges, also in presence of an analogous CIR process for interest rate risk. Our calibration to 65-year old UK males shows that – once interest rate risk is perfectly hedged – the average hedging error of the dynamic hedge is moderate, and both its variance and the thickness of the tails of its distribution are decreasing with the rebalancing frequency. The spread over the basic "swap rate" which makes 99.5% quantile of the distribution of the dynamic hedging error equal to the cost of the static hedge lies between 0.01 and 0.04%

    Intervenções de enfermagem à pessoa com diabetes tipo 2 em cuidados de saúde primários : contributos para uma prática baseada em evidência

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    Introdução: A diabetes tipo 2 é um problema crescente com grande impacto social e económico uma vez que implica uma grande carga nos custos psicossociais e económicos, quer para os doentes e famílias quer para o Sistema Nacional de Saúde. Os enfermeiros devem ter um lugar relevante na prestação de cuidados à pessoa com diabetes tipo 2, uma vez que os estudos apontam que uma grande parte desses cuidados podem ser prestados por enfermeiros, desde que estruturados e orientados por protocolos detalhados ou Normas de Orientação Clínica (NOC). Objectivos: O objectivo principal deste trabalho foi o de contribuir com conhecimentos baseados em evidência para o desenvolvimento e promoção da consulta de enfermagem à pessoa com diabetes tipo 2. Como objectivos secundários estabelecemos: 1) Consensualizar as intervenções que devem ser realizadas pelos enfermeiros na consulta à pessoa com diabetes mellitus (DM) 2 em Cuidados de Saúde Primários (CSP); 2) Elaborar uma NOC para orientação da consulta de enfermagem à pessoa com DM2 em CSP, com base nas intervenções de consenso e nas recomendações baseadas em evidência das NOCs; 3) Identificar diferenças entre a prática corrente dos enfermeiros na consulta à pessoa com DM2 em CSP e as recomendações da NOC elaborada. Métodos: Para dar resposta a cada um dos objectivos, este estudo desenvolveu-se em três fases distintas mas interligadas. Na 1ª fase elaborámos um Painel de Delphi para consensualizar as intervenções a realizar pelos enfermeiros na consulta à pessoa com diabetes tipo 2 em CSP. Na 2ª fase realizámos pesquisa bibliográfica, suportada na metodologia da ADAPTE Collaboration, para sustentarmos as intervenções em recomendações baseadas em evidência e elaborarmos uma NOC. Na 3ª fase construímos e aplicámos um questionário aos enfermeiros que realizam consulta à pessoa com diabetes tipo 2 em CSP que teve por objectivo identificar as diferenças entre a prática corrente dos enfermeiros e as recomendações da Norma elaborada. Resultados: À excepção da avaliação do pulso, todas as intervenções de consenso são suportadas por recomendações baseadas em evidência. Entre a prática corrente e o preconizado pela NOC elaborada, a maior diferença existe no registo dos valores de Hemoglobina Glicosilada. Conclusões: Existem poucas diferenças entre as recomendações avaliadas da NOC e a prática referida dos enfermeiros que constituíram a amostra.Introduction: Type 2 Diabetes is a growing problem with social and economic impact because it involves psychosocial and economic costs for patients, families and for the National Health System. Nurses should have an important place in providing care to patients with type 2 diabetes. Studies show that a large part of care provided by nurses can be as long as structured and guided by protocols or by clinical guidelines. Mains: The principal main of this study was to contribute with evidence based knowledge to the development and promotion of nursing consultation to patients with type 2 diabetes. As secondary objectives we established: 1) Obtain consensus that interventions should be undertaken by nurses in consultation to patients with type 2 diabetes in Primary Health Care (PHC), 2) Based interventions of consensus and evidence based recommendations from existing guidelines; 3) Identify differences between the current practice of nurses in consultation of patients with type 2 diabetes in PHC, and recommendations from the guideline. Methods: This study was developed in three separate but affiliated phases: Phase 1, we developped a Delphi Panel to achieve consensus about interventions that nurses should be undertaken at consultation of patients with type 2 diabetes in PHC. Phase 2, to sustain the interventions in evidence based recommendations and to elaborate a guideline, we conducted literature search supported in ADAPT Collaboration. Phase 3, to identify differences between current practice and guidelines recommendations, we drafted and applied a questionnaire to nurses who performs patients with type 2 diabetes consultation. Results: All interventions supported by consensus recommendations are based on evidence, except assessment of the pulse rate. The difference between current practice and guidelines recommendations are in the glycosylated hemoglobin registry values.Conclusions: There are a few differences between guideline recommendations and current practice of nurses

    Competências relacionais: necessidades sentidas pelos estudantes de enfermagem

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    OBJECTIVE: to identify the needs of nursing students in the field of relational competencies. METHOD: qualitative study with an exploratory-descriptive nature. The random sample included 62 students in the 2nd year of the nursing undergraduate program of a school located in the central region of Portugal. The inclusion criterion was the nonexistence of clinical teaching. Data were collected through a form designed to assess relational needs; content analysis was used to analyze data. RESULTS: the results indicated that the students' concept of nursing care at this stage of their education is focused on the performance of nursing tasks and techniques instead of on scientific knowledge. Overall, they are aware that greater personal development and better self-knowledge are determinant for their personal and social well-being and for them to become good professionals. CONCLUSION: these results will support the improvement of an intervention program to be developed with these students.OBJETIVO: identificar las necesidades manifestadas por los estudiantes de enfermería en el área de las habilidades relacionales. MÉTODO: estudio, cualitativo con características exploratorio-descriptivas, la muestra aleatoria incluyó 62 estudiantes del 2º año del Curso de Licenciatura en Enfermería (Escuela de la Región Centro de Portugal). Se consideró como criterio de selección la inexistencia de realización de Enseño Clínico. Recogida de datos realizada por medio de la Ficha de Evaluación de Necesidades Relacionales con análisis de contenido de los datos. RESULTADOS: indicaron que en esta fase de la formación, los estudiantes detienen un concepto de cuidar en Enfermería centrado en la ejecución de tareas y técnicas de enfermería en vez de en la cientificidad del saber en Enfermería y, que globalmente saben que un mayor desarrollo personal, un mejor conocimiento de sí será determinante para el bienestar personal y social y serán buenos profesionales. CONCLUSIÓN: las evidencias permitirán apurar el programa de intervención a desarrollar con estos estudiantes.OBJETIVO: identificar as necessidades manifestadas pelos estudantes de enfermagem na área das competências relacionais. MÉTODO: estudo, qualitativo com características exploratório-descritivas, a amostra aleatória incluiu 62 estudantes do 2º ano do Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem (Escola da Região Centro de Portugal). Considerou-se como critério de selecção a inexistência de realização de Ensino Clínico. Coleta de dados realizada por meio da Ficha de Avaliação de Necessidades Relacionais com análise de conteúdo dos dados. RESULTADOS: indicaram que nesta fase da formação, os estudantes detêm um conceito de cuidar em Enfermagem centrado na execução de tarefas e técnicas de enfermagem em vez de na cientificidade do saber em Enfermagem e, que globalmente estão cientes que um maior desenvolvimento pessoal, um melhor conhecimento de si será determinante para o bem-estar pessoal e social e ser um bom profissional. CONCLUSÃO: as evidências permitirão aprimorar o programa de intervenção a desenvolver com estes estudantes

    Justiça e cidadania infantil em Portugal (1820-1978). A tutoria de Coimbra

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    Tese de doutoramento em Letras, área de História, especialidade de História Contemporânea, apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbr

    Intervenções de enfermagem no programa Enhanced Recovery After Surgery®: scoping review

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the Nursing interventions, described in literature, in the ERAS® program. METHOD: We defined a scoping review based on the recommendations of The Institute Joanna Brigs (JBI) and on research in electronic databases. We chose the studies through flow diagrams "Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)" and presented them in a chart. RESULTS: We found 306 articles published between 2010 and 2018 and included 14 of them. The main results were: the crucial role nurses play throughout the surgical process, which begins at the preoperative nursing consultation; goes to post-operative care, such as early giving food to patients, effective management of pain or early mobilization; and ends in telephone follow-up. CONCLUSION: The introduction of the surgical program ERAS® may be an opportunity for nurses to play a more influential role in the surgical path, directly involving with their clients' results.Objetivo: Identificar as intervenções de Enfermagem no programa ERAS® descritas na literatura. Método: Foi elaborada uma scoping review com base nas recomendações do The Institute Joanna Brigs (JBI) e na pesquisa em bases de dados eletrônicas. Os estudos foram selecionados através de diagramas de fluxo Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) e apresentados em um quadro. Resultados: Foram encontrados 306 artigos publicados entre 2010 e 2018, tendo-se incluído 14 deles. Os principais resultados são: o papel crucial que o enfermeiro desempenha ao longo de todo o processo cirúrgico, começando na consulta de Enfermagem pré-operatória, passando pelos cuidados pós-operatórios como a introdução precoce da alimentação, gestão eficaz da dor ou mobilização precoce e terminando com o follow-up telefônico. Conclusão: A implementação do programa cirúrgico ERAS® pode ser uma oportunidade para o enfermeiro desempenhar um papel mais influente no percurso cirúrgico, envolvendo-se diretamente nos resultados do cliente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The non-fiscal attribute of the import duty in favor of the acquisition of artwork

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    This paper aims to expose the reasons why private acquisition of artworks should be considered duty-free in relation to the import duty, which is a non-fiscal tax. In fact, its main goal is to promote the balance between inner and external markets. Given the definition of art as a sui generis merchandise, it is pointed that no artwork can be similar to another; therefore, the charge of import duty is improper in this case, once foreign art objects do not compete with any other national product. Moreover, its cultural value would require the promotion of its entrance in the country, even though it is due to a private purchase, considering that it is able to stimulate enrichment of the national artistic patrimony and foments a higher development of the Brazilian artwork market. It was employed a critical-dialectical methodology, with the using of both quantitative and qualitative approaches, by the analysis of national and foreign legislations and the assessment of data and concepts extracted from bibliographic materials.Este trabalho objetiva expor as razões para a concessão de isenção total do imposto sobre a importação de obras de arte adquiridas por particulares. O mencionado tributo possui caráter eminentemente extrafiscal, sendo sua função precípua a promoção do equilíbrio entre os mercados interno e externo. A partir da definição de arte como mercadoria sui generis, evidencia-se a inexistência de similaridade entre objetos artísticos, pelo que se demonstra a impropriedade da cobrança do referido imposto aduaneiro sobre a entrada definitiva de obras de arte, as quais não competem com qualquer outro produto nacional. Ademais, o valor cultural dessa espécie de mercadoria exigiria o fomento ao seu ingresso no Brasil, ainda que ele se dê pela aquisição privada, com o intuito de enriquecer o patrimônio artístico nacional e promover o aquecimento do mercado nacional de arte. A metodologia adotada é crítico-dialética, com abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa, por meio da análise das legislações pátria e alienígena e do exame de dados e conceitos extraídos de material bibliográfico

    Un impulso hacia el envejecimiento activo y la mejora de calidad de vida en personas con discapacidad intelectual

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    Este proyecto de intervención está enfocado en potenciar un envejecimiento activo y la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad intelectual tuteladas por la Fundación Tutelar Canaria Sonsoles Soriano Bugnion, con edades comprendidas entre 41-78 años. El objetivo general del proyectose enmarca en la Estrategia canaria de envejecimiento activo 2017-2020, concretamente enel eje de Bienestar y promoción “promover el sentimiento de bienestar en las personas mayores para propiciar unas condiciones de vida saludables, que les permitan estar activos y saludables físicamente y fuertes emocionalmente, previniendo futuras situaciones de dependencia y vulnerabilidad”. A lo largo de este documento, se definirán una serie de conceptos clave relacionados con la temática elegida y se indicará la propuesta de intervención diseñada.This intervention project focuses on developing active aging and improving life’s quality of people with intellectual disabilities supervised by the Sonsoles Soriano Bugnion Canary Tutelary Foundation, aged between 41 and 78 years old. The overall objective of the project is part of the Canarian Strategy for active aging 2017-2020, specifically in the area of Well-being and promotion“to promote the sense of well-being in elderly people and contribute to having healthy living conditions, which allow them tobe physically active and healthy and emotionally strong, preventing future dependency and vulnerability situations”. Throughout this document, a set of key concepts related to the chosen theme will be defined, and the proposed intervention will be explained

    Relevance of endo-ß-mannanase enzyme in coffee seed deterioration process.

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    The endo-?-mannanase acts on the hemicellulose fraction of the endosperm cell walls, mainly mannans and galactomannans. This process weakens cell walls and allows radicle protrusion during seed germination, but may also occur during the deterioration process. Thus, the aim of this research was to determine the activity of endo-?-mannanase enzyme in dry coffee seeds and in soaked seeds, evaluating its relationship between physiological qualities. Coffee seeds obtained by different processing methods (natural, fermented and demucilated) and drying (sun, shade and dryer) were used. Seed quality was evaluated by germination and tetrazolium tests, and the endo-?-mannanase enzyme activity was determined in dry seeds and after 10 days of soaking. From the results, it was concluded that there is significant inverse relationship between the physiological quality of coffee seeds and the expression of endo-?-mannanase, and seeds with lower percentages of germination and viability of embryos have a higher activity of the enzyme. After ten days of soaking, coffee seeds had higher expression of endo-?-mannanase as compared to the dry seeds for all treatments of fruit processing and drying

    The finding of vascular and urinary anomalies in the harvested kidney for transplantation.

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    INTRODUCTION: In kidney transplantation, anatomical vascular and excretory anomalies may represent causes of failure. Today's surgical techniques have made the most of the organs with anatomic anomalies and iatrogenic injury successfully used for transplantation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 2000 to June 2006, we harvested 230 kidneys, of including 88 kidneys (20%) with vascular, urinary, or vascular-urinary anomalies; 64 kidneys were implanted and 15 were sent to other transplantation centers. Only 9 kidneys were not appropriate for transplantation. RESULTS: All patients who received kidneys with the above-mentioned anomalies were carefully examined after the transplantation and short-term and long-term complications were evaluated with respect to controls without anomalies. DISCUSSION: Renal anatomic anomalies are frequently observed during kidney transplantation and may produce postsurgical complications. However, the presence of these anomalies does not necessarily imply the impossibility of using the kidney for a transplant, especially because of improved surgical techniques. Our experience in transplantation procedures showed that even if kidneys present the above-mentioned anomalies they can still be considered appropriate for transplantation when we perform a correct harvesting/back-table transplant surgery. So vascular and urinary anomalies have to be considered always an incentive to research new surgical solutions and to perform a careful surgical technique