7,294 research outputs found

    The QCD pomeron at TESLA - motivation and exclusive J/psi production

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    We briefly present the motivation for studying the processes mediated by the QCD pomeron at high energy e+e- colliders. We describe the behaviour of the cross-section for the reaction gamma gamma to J/psi J/psi obtained from the BFKL equation with dominant non-leading corrections. We give the predictions for the rates of anti-tagged e+e- to e+e- J/psi J/psi events in TESLA and conclude that such reactions may be excellent probes of the hard pomeron.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the 2nd Joint ECFA/DESY Study on Physics and Detectors for a Linear Electron-Positron Collider, Obernai, France, October 199

    How a small quantum bath can thermalize long localized chains

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    We investigate the stability of the many-body localized (MBL) phase for a system in contact with a single ergodic grain, modelling a Griffiths region with low disorder. Our numerical analysis provides evidence that even a small ergodic grain consisting of only 3 qubits can delocalize a localized chain, as soon as the localization length exceeds a critical value separating localized and extended regimes of the whole system. We present a simple theory, consistent with the arguments in [Phys. Rev. B 95, 155129 (2017)], that assumes a system to be locally ergodic unless the local relaxation time, determined by Fermi's Golden Rule, is larger than the inverse level spacing. This theory predicts a critical value for the localization length that is perfectly consistent with our numerical calculations. We analyze in detail the behavior of local operators inside and outside the ergodic grain, and find excellent agreement of numerics and theory.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Brownian Motion in a Simple Model System

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    We consider a quantum particle coupled (with strength λ) to a spatial array of independent non-interacting reservoirs in thermal states (heat baths). Under the assumption that the reservoir correlations decay exponentially in time, we prove that the motion of the particle is diffusive at large times for small, but finite λ. Our proof relies on an expansion around the kinetic scaling limit ( λ↘0{\lambda \searrow 0} , while time and space scale as λ−2) in which the particle satisfies a Boltzmann equation. We also show an equipartition theorem: the distribution of the kinetic energy of the particle tends to a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, up to a correction of O(λ2

    Approach to ground state and time-independent photon bound for massless spin-boson models

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    It is widely believed that an atom interacting with the electromagnetic field (with total initial energy well-below the ionization threshold) relaxes to its ground state while its excess energy is emitted as radiation. Hence, for large times, the state of the atom+field system should consist of the atom in its ground state, and a few free photons that travel off to spatial infinity. Mathematically, this picture is captured by the notion of asymptotic completeness. Despite some recent progress on the spectral theory of such systems, a proof of relaxation to the ground state and asymptotic completeness was/is still missing, except in some special cases (massive photons, small perturbations of harmonic potentials). In this paper, we partially fill this gap by proving relaxation to an invariant state in the case where the atom is modelled by a finite-level system. If the coupling to the field is sufficiently infrared-regular so that the coupled system admits a ground state, then this invariant state necessarily corresponds to the ground state. Assuming slightly more infrared regularity, we show that the number of emitted photons remains bounded in time. We hope that these results bring a proof of asymptotic completeness within reach.Comment: 45 pages, published in Annales Henri Poincare. This archived version differs from the journal version because we corrected an inconsequential mistake in Section 3.5.1: to do this, a new paragraph was added after Lemma 3.

    Extended Weak Coupling Limit for Friedrichs Hamiltonians

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    We study a class of self-adjoint operators defined on the direct sum of two Hilbert spaces: a finite dimensional one called sometimes a ``small subsystem'' and an infinite dimensional one -- a ``reservoir''. The operator, which we call a ``Friedrichs Hamiltonian'', has a small coupling constant in front of its off-diagonal term. It is well known that under some conditions in the weak coupling limit the appropriately rescaled evolution in the interaction picture converges to a contractive semigroup when restricted to the subsystem. We show that in this model, the properly renormalized and rescaled evolution converges on the whole space to a new unitary evolution, which is a dilation of the above mentioned semigroup. Similar results have been studied before \cite{AFL} in more complicated models and they are usually referred to as "stochastic Limit".Comment: changes in notation and title, minor correction

    Statistical Modeling of Lower Limb Kinetics During Deep Squat and Forward Lunge.

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    PURPOSE: Modern statistics and higher computational power have opened novel possibilities to complex data analysis. While gait has been the utmost described motion in quantitative human motion analysis, descriptions of more challenging movements like the squat or lunge are currently lacking in the literature. The hip and knee joints are exposed to high forces and cause high morbidity and costs. Pre-surgical kinetic data acquisition on a patient-specific anatomy is also scarce in the literature. Studying the normal inter-patient kinetic variability may lead to other comparable studies to initiate more personalized therapies within the orthopedics. METHODS: Trials are performed by 50 healthy young males who were not overweight and approximately of the same age and activity level. Spatial marker trajectories and ground reaction force registrations are imported into the Anybody Modeling System based on subject-specific geometry and the state-of-the-art TLEM 2.0 dataset. Hip and knee joint reaction forces were obtained by a simulation with an inverse dynamics approach. With these forces, a statistical model that accounts for inter-subject variability was created. For this, we applied a principal component analysis in order to enable variance decomposition. This way, noise can be rejected and we still contemplate all waveform data, instead of using deduced spatiotemporal parameters like peak flexion or stride length as done in many gait analyses. In addition, this current paper is, to the authors' knowledge, the first to investigate the generalization of a kinetic model data toward the population. RESULTS: Average knee reaction forces range up to 7.16 times body weight for the forwarded leg during lunge. Conversely, during squat, the load is evenly distributed. For both motions, a reliable and compact statistical model was created. In the lunge model, the first 12 modes accounts for 95.26% of inter-individual population variance. For the maximal-depth squat, this was 95.69% for the first 14 modes. Model accuracies will increase when including more principal components. CONCLUSION: Our model design was proved to be compact, accurate, and reliable. For models aimed at populations covering descriptive studies, the sample size must be at least 50

    Derivation of some translation-invariant Lindblad equations for a quantum Brownian particle

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    We study the dynamics of a Brownian quantum particle hopping on an infinite lattice with a spin degree of freedom. This particle is coupled to free boson gases via a translation-invariant Hamiltonian which is linear in the creation and annihilation operators of the bosons. We derive the time evolution of the reduced density matrix of the particle in the van Hove limit in which we also rescale the hopping rate. This corresponds to a situation in which both the system-bath interactions and the hopping between neighboring sites are small and they are effective on the same time scale. The reduced evolution is given by a translation-invariant Lindblad master equation which is derived explicitly.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, minor revisio
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