562 research outputs found

    Degradation of Entanglement in Markovian Noise

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    The entanglement survival time is defined as the maximum time a system which is evolving under the action of local Markovian, homogenous in time noise, is capable to preserve the entanglement it had at the beginning of the temporal evolution. In this paper we study how this quantity is affected by the interplay between the coherent preserving and dissipative contributions of the corresponding dynamical generator. We report the presence of a counterintuitive, non-monotonic behaviour in such functional, capable of inducing sudden death of entanglement in models which, in the absence of unitary driving are capable to sustain entanglement for arbitrarily long times.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    A tomographic approach to non-Markovian master equations

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    We propose a procedure based on symplectic tomography for reconstructing the unknown parameters of a convolutionless non-Markovian Gaussian noisy evolution. Whenever the time-dependent master equation coefficients are given as a function of some unknown time-independent parameters, we show that these parameters can be reconstructed by means of a finite number of tomograms. Two different approaches towards reconstruction, integral and differential, are presented and applied to a benchmark model made of a harmonic oscillator coupled to a bosonic bath. For this model the number of tomograms needed to retrieve the unknown parameters is explicitly computed.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Building versatile bipartite probes for quantum metrology

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    We consider bipartite systems as versatile probes for the estimation of transformations acting locally on one of the subsystems. We investigate what resources are required for the probes to offer a guaranteed level of metrological performance, when the latter is averaged over specific sets of local transformations. We quantify such a performance via the average skew information, a convex quantity which we compute in closed form for bipartite states of arbitrary dimensions, and which is shown to be strongly dependent on the degree of local purity of the probes. Our analysis contrasts and complements the recent series of studies focused on the minimum, rather than the average, performance of bipartite probes in local estimation tasks, which was instead determined by quantum correlations other than entanglement. We provide explicit prescriptions to characterize the most reliable states maximizing the average skew information, and elucidate the role of state purity, separability and correlations in the classification of optimal probes. Our results can help in the identification of useful resources for sensing, estimation and discrimination applications when complete knowledge of the interaction mechanism realizing the local transformation is unavailable, and access to pure entangled probes is technologically limited.Comment: 13+5 pages, 2 figures (added new section

    Reconstruction of Markovian Master Equation parameters through symplectic tomography

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    In open quantum systems, phenomenological master equations with unknown parameters are often introduced. Here we propose a time-independent procedure based on quantum tomography to reconstruct the potentially unknown parameters of a wide class of Markovian master equations. According to our scheme, the system under investigation is initially prepared in a Gaussian state. At an arbitrary time t, in order to retrieve the unknown coefficients one needs to measure only a finite number (ten at maximum) of points along three time-independent tomograms. Due to the limited amount of measurements required, we expect our proposal to be especially suitable for experimental implementations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Gaussian Discriminating Strength

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    We present a quantifier of non-classical correlations for bipartite, multi-mode Gaussian states. It is derived from the Discriminating Strength measure, introduced for finite dimensional systems in A. Farace et al., New. J. Phys. 16, 073010 (2014). As the latter the new measure exploits the Quantum Chernoff Bound to gauge the susceptibility of the composite system with respect to local perturbations induced by unitary gates extracted from a suitable set of allowed transformations (the latter being identified by posing some general requirements). Closed expressions are provided for the case of two-mode Gaussian states obtained by squeezing or by linearly mixing via a beam-splitter a factorized two-mode thermal state. For these density matrices, we study how non-classical correlations are related with the entanglement present in the system and with its total photon number.Comment: 11+6 pages, 4 figure

    Local quantum thermal susceptibility

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    Thermodynamics relies on the possibility to describe systems composed of a large number of constituents in terms of few macroscopic variables. Its foundations are rooted into the paradigm of statistical mechanics, where thermal properties originate from averaging procedures which smoothen out local details. While undoubtedly successful, elegant and formally correct, this approach carries over an operational problem: what is the precision at which such variables are inferred, when technical/practical limitations restrict our capabilities to local probing? Here we introduce the local quantum thermal susceptibility, a quantifier for the best achievable accuracy for temperature estimation via local measurements. Our method relies on basic concepts of quantum estimation theory, providing an operative strategy to address the local thermal response of arbitrary quantum systems at equilibrium. At low temperatures it highlights the local distinguishability of the ground state from the excited sub-manifolds, thus providing a method to locate quantum phase transitions.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; supplemental material (2 pages). Substantial change

    Entropy production and asymptotic factorization via thermalization: a collisional model approach

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    The Markovian evolution of an open quantum system is characterized by a positive entropy production, while the global entropy gets redistributed between the system and the environment degrees of freedom. Starting from these premises, we analyze the entropy variation of an open quantum system in terms of two distinct relations: the Clausius inequality, that provides an intrinsic bound for the entropy variation in terms of the heat absorbed by the system, and an extrinsic inequality, which instead relates the former to the corresponding entropy increment of the environment. By modeling the thermalization process with a Markovian collisional model, we compare and discuss the two bounds, showing that the latter is asymptotically saturated in the limit of large interaction time. In this regime not only the reduced density matrix of the system reaches an equilibrium configuration, but it also factorizes from the environment degrees of freedom. This last result is proven analytically when the system-bath coupling is sufficiently strong and through numerical analysis in the weak-coupling regime.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
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