1,210 research outputs found

    Moyamoya Disease with Peripheral Pulmonary Artery Stenoses and Coronary Artery Fistulae

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    Moyamoya is a progressive disorder of the cerebral vasculature. Our report describes a rare case of Moyamoya disease with distal peripheral pulmonary artery stenoses and coronary fistulae in a 12-year-old Caucasian female patient

    Length of Stay prediction for Hospital Management using Domain Adaptation

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    Inpatient length of stay (LoS) is an important managerial metric which if known in advance can be used to efficiently plan admissions, allocate resources and improve care. Using historical patient data and machine learning techniques, LoS prediction models can be developed. Ethically, these models can not be used for patient discharge in lieu of unit heads but are of utmost necessity for hospital management systems in charge of effective hospital planning. Therefore, the design of the prediction system should be adapted to work in a true hospital setting. In this study, we predict early hospital LoS at the granular level of admission units by applying domain adaptation to leverage information learned from a potential source domain. Time-varying data from 110,079 and 60,492 patient stays to 8 and 9 intensive care units were respectively extracted from eICU-CRD and MIMIC-IV. These were fed into a Long-Short Term Memory and a Fully connected network to train a source domain model, the weights of which were transferred either partially or fully to initiate training in target domains. Shapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) algorithms were used to study the effect of weight transfer on model explanability. Compared to the benchmark, the proposed weight transfer model showed statistically significant gains in prediction accuracy (between 1% and 5%) as well as computation time (up to 2hrs) for some target domains. The proposed method thus provides an adapted clinical decision support system for hospital management that can ease processes of data access via ethical committee, computation infrastructures and time

    The relation between self-event connections and personality functioning in youth with severe psychopathology

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    OBJECTIVE: One way in which individuals construct their narrative identity is by making self‐event connections, which are often linked to better functioning. Being unable to make connections is related to identity discontinuity and psychopathology. Work in the general population corroborates this association, but also highlights the importance of focusing on specific aspects of these connections and on vulnerable populations. METHOD: We examined the association of self‐event connections with personality functioning in youth with severe psychopathology (cross‐sectional N = 228, M (age) = 19.5, longitudinal N = 84), and the role of event and connection valence in the subsample of youth who made a connection (n = 188 and n = 68). Negative affectivity was controlled for in all models. RESULTS: We found no evidence that self‐event connections, nor connection valence and its interaction with event valence, are related to functioning. Positive event valence was associated with better functioning. Higher negative affectivity was strongly linked to lower functioning and explained the relation between event valence and functioning. No longitudinal associations emerged. CONCLUSIONS: These findings show that for youth with severe psychopathology making self‐event connections may not be associated with better functioning. Moreover, negative affectivity may be a distal predictor of both event valence and functioning

    Component-based programming for higher-order attribute grammars

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    This paper presents techniques for a component-based style of programming in the context of higher-oder attribute grammars (HAG). Attribute grammar components are "plugged in" into larger attribute grammar systems through higher-order attribute grammars. Higher-order attributes are used as (intermediate) "gluing" data structures.This paper also presents two attribute grammar components that can be re-used across different language-based tool specifications: a visualizer and animator of programs and a graphical user interface AG component. Both components are reused in the definition of a simple language processor. The techniques presented in this paper are implemented in LRC: a purely functional, higher-order attribute grammar-based system that generates language-based tools.(undefined

    A molecular analysis of the Afrotropical Baetidae

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    Recent work on the Afrotropical Baetidae has resulted in a number of important taxonomic changes: several polyphyletic genera have been split and more than 30 new Afrotropical genera have been established. In order to test their phylogenetic relevance and to clarify the suprageneric relationships, we reconstructed the first comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the Afrotropical Baetidae. We sequenced a total of ca. 2300 bp from nuclear (18S) and mitochondrial (12S and 16S) gene regions from 65 species belonging to 26 genera. We used three different approaches of phylogeny reconstruction: direct optimization, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. The molecular reconstruction indicates the Afrotropical Baetidae require a global revision at a generic as well as suprageneric level. Only four of the 12 genera were monophyletic when represented by more than one species in the analysis. Historically, two conflicting concepts of the suprageneric classification of Afrotropical Baetidae were proposed. One was based on the gathering of sister genera into complexes and the other on the division of the family into a restricted number of subfamilies. According to our reconstruction, neither is completely satisfactory: the major complexes of genera present in Africa are either paraphyletic or polyphyletic and the division of the Afrotropical Baetidae into two subfamilies is probably too simplified

    Subsurface life can modify volatile cycling on a planetary scale

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    The past decade of environmental microbiology has revealed that subsurface environments, both marine and continental, harbor one of the largest ecosystems of our planet, with diversity and biomass rivaling those of the surface. In addition, subsurface life has been recently shown to contribute significantly to the planet’s biogeochemistry, with microbial activity potentially playing an important role in controlling the flux and composition of volatiles recycled between the Earth’s surface and interior, which has broad implications for the search for life beyond our planet. Current efforts to discover extraterrestrial life are focused on planetary bodies with largely inhospitable surfaces, such as Mars, Venus, Europa, Titan, and Enceladus. In these locations, subsurface environments might provide niches of habitability, making the study of deep microbial life a priority for future astrobiological missions. Understanding how volatile elements are exchanged between planetary surfaces and interiors and the role of a subsurface biosphere in altering their composition and flux might provide a tractable target for defining planetary habitability and the detection of subsurface life forms.Fil: Giovanelli, D.. UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; Italia. Tokyo Institute of Technology; JapĂłn. Rutgers University; Estados Unidos. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Italia. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Estados UnidosFil: Barry, P. H.. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Estados UnidosFil: Bekaert, D. V.. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Estados UnidosFil: Chiodi, Agostina Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA; ArgentinaFil: Cordone, A.. UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; ItaliaFil: Covone, G.. UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; Italia. Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica; Italia. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare; ItaliaFil: Jessen, G.. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Lloyd, K.. University of Tennessee; Estados UnidosFil: de Moor, J. M.. Universidad Nacional; Costa RicaFil: Morrison, S. M.. Carnegie Institution For Science; Estados UnidosFil: Schrenk, M. O.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Vitale Brovarone, A.. Alma Mater Studiorum Universit`a Di Bologna; Italia. Sorbonne University; Francia. Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle; Franci

    Datalog-Based program analysis with BES and RWL

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    This paper describes two techniques for Datalog query evaluation and their application to object-oriented program analysis. The first technique transforms Datalog programs into an implicit Boolean Equation System (Bes) that can then be solved by using linear-time complexity algorithms that are available in existing, general purpose verification toolboxes such as Cadp. In order to improve scalability and to enable analyses involving advanced meta-programming features, we develop a second methodology that transforms Datalog programs into rewriting logic (Rwl) theories. This method takes advantage of the preeminent features and facilities that are available within the high-performance system Maude, which provides a very efficient implementation of Rwl. We provide evidence of the practicality of both approaches by reporting on some experiments with a number of real-world Datalog-based analyses. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.This work has been partially supported by the eu(feder), the Spanish mec/micinn under grants tin2007-68093-C02 and tin2010-21062-C02-02, and the Generalitat Valenciana under grant Emergentes gv/2009/024. M.A.Feliu was partially supported by the Spanish mec fpu grant AP2008-00608.Alpuente Frasnedo, M.; FeliĂș GabaldĂłn, MA.; Joubert, C.; Villanueva GarcĂ­a, A. (2011). Datalog-Based program analysis with BES and RWL. En Datalog Reloaded. Springer Verlag (Germany). 6702:1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24206-9_1S1206702Afrati, F.N., Ullman, J.D.: Optimizing joins in a map-reduce environment. In: Manolescu, I., Spaccapietra, S., Teubner, J., Kitsuregawa, M., LĂ©ger, A., Naumann, F., Ailamaki, A., Özcan, F. (eds.) EDBT. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, vol. 426, pp. 99–110. 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