1,028 research outputs found

    Triple-Band Concurrent Reconfigurable Matching Network

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    Reconfigurable Matching Networks (RMN) have found a wide range of applications, such as antenna impedance matching (Antenna Tuning Units -ATU-), the design of reconfigurable power amplifiers, applications in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), adjustable low noise amplifier design, etc. In this paper, we propose the experimental design and verification of a reconfigurable impedance synthesis network that can simultaneously work in three different bands and is completely independent so that the impedance variations in a frequency band are approximately transparent to the rest. The variable elements used in this paper are varactors. To verify its operation, it is applied to a process of matching a laser modulator in three different frequency bands for C-RAN (Cloud Radio Access Networks) applications. Experimental results demonstrate, as expected, that losses may depend on the state in which they are driven. Consequently, a state that can guarantee a good match could also imply greater losses, leading to a certain trade-off. The application of genetic algorithms in this context points out that it may be convenient to optimize the insertion losses of the complete chain instead of the return losses

    Predistorsión Digital mediante Señales Enventanadas Tipo Chirp para la Linealización de Amplificadores de Potencia

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    Digital PreDistortion (DPD) is a well-known method to reduce nonlinear distortion in power amplifiers (PA). In a LTE uplink transmission, the modulation schemes are adaptive. Thus, the DPD function will have to be re-calibrated once the modulation changes. This fact increases the DPD computational cost and the required memory. If the DPD is not re-trained its linearity performance will decrease. This effect can be reduced using a suitable training signal. We propose several novel non-stationary calibration signals based on a windowed-chirp waveform. The envelope of these sequences is bounded by different windows used in signal processing such as Bartlett, Blackman, Hamming or Welch. Bartlett and Blackman windows generate calibration sequences with higher peak to average power ratio values than Welch. Welch envelope creates a signal with a more uniform probability density function (pdf) than the Hamming-window, whose pdf is similar to a Rayleigh distribution. The linearization strategy is based on capturing the described sequences at the PA input and output to extract the predistortion parameters. Once the predistorter functions are computed, we apply them on various LTE-transmissions and perform linearity measurements in terms of the adjacent channel leakage ratio to compare with the standard requirements. In all cases the maximum nonlinear distortion reduction is accomplished with the Chirp-Bartlett sequence (up to 37dBc when transmitting a QPSK-LTE-signal). Thus, good DPD performance is achieved when using the proposed Bartlett-Chirp in the DPD-training-stage. This avoids generating specific DPDs for each modulation scheme, saving computational cost, required memory, and increasing the system efficiency

    DPD Linearization Complexity Reduction of Remote Radio Heads in C-RAN with Radio over Fiber Fronthaul

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    Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) is a suitable technology for efficiently developing the cloud-RAN concept in Fifth Generation (5G) deployments based on Long Term Evolution Advanced LTE-A. Distortion coming out from the radiofrequency (RF) power amplifier should be taken into account in order to achieve the desired performance at the base station. In this paper, a complexity reduction technique based on a variable degree polynomial predistorter is proposed. The obtained results show that it is possible to achieve a reduction of operations with a penalty of 1.6 dB in ACLR and negligible impact on the EVM

    Minimization of Feedback Loop Distortions in Digital Predistortion of a Radio-Over-Fiber System with Optimization Algorithms

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    This article proposes the linearization of an intensity modulation/direct detection radio-over-fiber (RoF) link with feedback loop. The goal is to carry out the predistortion process in a real scenario, in which the output signals are a few kilometers far from the baseband unit (BBU). First, the feedback loop is considered ideal, so the output signals are captured at the remote radio head side. Then, the feedback loop is taken into account, and both the input and output signals are captured at the BBU side. Applying optimization algorithms, such as Fibonacci, Golden, or Powell, it is possible to seek the optimal attenuation value within only a few iterations, which minimizes the distortion of the feedback loop. Experiments are carried out in a RoF system with 10 and 25 km length fiber within the long-Term evolution (LTE) standard. Measured results show how with a proper choice of the attenuation it is possible to reach analogous results regarding to an ideal feedback loop in terms of adjacent channel power ratio, the output signal power and error vector magnitude

    Radio-over-fiber linearization with optimized genetic algorithm CPWL model

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    This article proposes an optimized version of a canonical piece-wise-linear (CPWL) digital predistorter in order to enhance the linearity of a radio-over-fiber (RoF) LTE mobile fronthaul. In this work, we propose a threshold allocation optimization process carried out by a genetic algorithm (GA) in order to optimize the CPWL model (GA-CPWL). Firstly, experiments show how the CPWL model outperforms the classical memory polynomial DPD in an intensity modulation/direct detection (IM/DD) RoF link. Then, the GA-CPWL predistorter is compared with the CPWL model in several scenarios, in order to verify that the proposed DPD offers better performance in different optical transmission conditions. Experimental results reveal that with a proper threshold allocation, the GA-CPWL predistorter offers very promising outcomes

    Calculation of nanowire thermal conductivity using complete phonon dispersion relations

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    The lattice thermal conductivity of crystalline Si nanowires is calculated. The calculation uses complete phonon dispersions, and does not require any externally imposed frequency cutoffs. No adjustment to nanowire thermal conductivity measurements is required. Good agreement with experimental results for nanowires wider than 35 nm is obtained. A formulation in terms of the transmission function is given. Also, the use of a simpler, nondispersive "Callaway formula", is discussed from the complete dispersions perspective.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Experimental Evaluation of Transmitted Signal Distortion Caused by Power Allocation in Inter-Cell Interference Coordination Techniques for LTE/LTE-A and 5G Systems

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    Error vector magnitude (EVM) and out-of-band emissions are key metrics for evaluating in-band and out-band distortions introduced by all potential non-idealities in the transmitters of wireless systems. As EVM is a measure of the quality of the modulated signal/symbols, LTE/LTE-A and 5G systems specify mandatory EVM requirements in transmission for each modulation scheme. This paper analyzes the influence of the mandatory satisfaction of EVM requirements on the design of radio resource management strategies (RRM) (link adaptation, inter-cell interference coordination), specifically in the downlink (DL). EVM depends on the non-idealities of the transmitter implementations, on the allocated power variations between the subcarriers and on the selected modulations. In the DL of LTE, link adaptation is usually executed by adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) instead of power control, but some flexibility in power allocation remains being used. LTE specifies some limits in the power dynamic ranges depending on the allocated modulation, which ensures the satisfaction of EVM requirements. However, the required recommendations concerning the allowed power dynamic range when inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC) and enhanced ICIC (eICIC) mechanisms (through power coordination) are out of specification, even though the EVM performance should be known to obtain the maximum benefit of these strategies. We perform an experimental characterization of the EVM in the DL under real and widely known ICIC implementation schemes. These studies demonstrate that an accurate analysis of EVM is required. It allows a better adjustment of the design parameters of these strategies, and also allows the redefinition of the main criteria to be considered in the implementation of the scheduler/link adaptation concerning the allocable modulation coding scheme (MCS) in each resource block. © 2013 IEEE

    Efficiency enhancement by reconfigurable matching networks in LINC transmitters

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    This paper proposes the use of a transmitter based on a linear amplification with nonlinear components (LINC) architecture, in which the reconfigurable matching networks (RMNs) are included. By varying the RMN active cell number, it is possible to change the load impedance at the power amplifier (PA) output, improving the amplifier drain efficiency and therefore the efficiency of the whole system. A long-term evolution (LTE) downlink signal with a bandwidth of 1.4 MHz and a peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of 11.48 dB is applied in order to carry out the experiments. Results show that the use of the RMNs in a LINC architecture improves the efficiency at all tested frequencies, especially at 927 MHz reaching an enhancement of 36.50%. Regarding the distortion, the adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) values increase in all cases, with an improvement of 3.5 dB at 958 MHz. Finally, in terms of error vector magnitude (EVM), the proposed architecture offers a value of 1.96% at 927 MHz

    Prognostic classification for malignant tumors of the parotid gland

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    AbstractObjectiveThe histological classification of the World Health Organization (WHO), along with improved imaging studies, provide relevant information for the management of parotid carcinomas. However, the prognosis depends on factors other than histology and tumor extension. This article evaluates the usefulness of a prognostic classification of parotid cancers, including these factors in patients in a hospital area.MethodsA follow-up was conducted on 19 patients with parotid carcinomas, excluding lymphoid tumors or intra-parotid metastases, between 1998 and 2012. The prognostic index was obtained from the formulas proposed by Vander Poorten, with factors including age, tumor size, lymph node involvement, skin invasion, facial nerve involvement, perineural growth and margins of resection, before surgery (PS1) and after (PS2). Overall survival was related to 5 years for each patient based on their inclusion in any of the 4 risk groups defined.ResultsRisk stratification based on the results Vander Poorten PS2 was distributed into Risk Groups (GR) 1 (3 patients, 15.7%), 2 (5 patients, 26.3%), 3 (1 patient, 5.8%) and 4 (10 patients, 52.2%). The 6 patients who died during follow-up belonged to GR4. Only one of the 4 patients belonging to GR4 has exceeded the 5-year survival up to the current time.The comparison of the values that relate the pretreatment (PS1) and after treatment (PS2) results showed overall survival in patients with PS1<4.5 and PS2<4.9, whereas mortality was greater with indices of PS1>6.5 and PS2>7.7.ConclusionsVander Poorten index can be applied in hospital areas with small numbers of parotid carcinomas. It enables a more accurate prognosis for individual patients

    Traffic monitoring for assuring quality of advanced services in future internet

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21560-5_16Services based on packet switched networks are becoming dominant in telecommunication business and both operators and service providers must evolve in order to guarantee the required quality. Increasing bandwidth is no longer a viable solution because of the business erosion for network operators which cannot expect revenues due to the large investments required to satisfy new applications demand of bandwidth. This paper presents devices and a specific architecture of services monitoring platform that allows network operators and service providers to analyze the perceived quality of service and check their service level agreements. Thus, a cost-effective service management, based on direct IP traffic measuring, can be supported on integrated monitoring systems to provide network-centric mechanisms for differentiated quality of service, security and other advanced services.This work has been partially developed in the framework of the Celtic and EUREKA initiative IPNQSIS (IP Network Monitoring for Quality of Service Intelligent Support)