62,424 research outputs found

    The formation of giant planets in wide orbits by photoevaporation-synchronised migration

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    The discovery of giant planets in wide orbits represents a major challenge for planet formation theory. In the standard core accretion paradigm planets are expected to form at radial distances 20\lesssim 20 au in order to form massive cores (with masses 10 M\gtrsim 10~\textrm{M}_{\oplus}) able to trigger the gaseous runaway growth before the dissipation of the disc. This has encouraged authors to find modifications of the standard scenario as well as alternative theories like the formation of planets by gravitational instabilities in the disc to explain the existence of giant planets in wide orbits. However, there is not yet consensus on how these systems are formed. In this letter, we present a new natural mechanism for the formation of giant planets in wide orbits within the core accretion paradigm. If photoevaporation is considered, after a few Myr of viscous evolution a gap in the gaseous disc is opened. We found that, under particular circumstances planet migration becomes synchronised with the evolution of the gap, which results in an efficient outward planet migration. This mechanism is found to allow the formation of giant planets with masses Mp1MJupM_p\lesssim 1 M_{\rm Jup} in wide stable orbits as large as \sim130 au from the central star.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. Comments are welcom

    First record of Eptesicus brasiliensis argentinus Thomas, 1920 (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in Entre Ríos province, Argentina

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    Here, we present the first record of Eptesicus brasiliensis argentinus Thomas, 1920 for the province of Entre Ríos, Argentina. This subspecies was originally described as a full species (Eptesicus argentinus) based on its morphological features that clearly separates it from all other species of the genus. However, it was later treated as a subspecies of Eptesicus brasiliensis by Cabrera (1957), a treatment that was followed by all authors until today. Our record raises to 21 the number of bat species for the province of Entre Ríos. This locality represents the fourth record for this subspecies in Argentina, after 35 years since the last known record was obtained. Its geographic range is extended for approximately 130 km to the south, which represents the southernmost known record for this subspecies, and a new eco-region, the Espinal, is added to its distribution.Fil: Díaz, María Mónica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Programa de Investigación de Biodiversidad Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez, Rocío Tatiana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Universidad Nacional de La Rioja. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Provincia de La Rioja. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja; ArgentinaFil: Oviedo, Mirna Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto Superior de Entomología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Barquez, Ruben Marcos. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Programa de Investigación de Biodiversidad Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; Argentin

    Cruise Report 62S5,62S6, 62M1, 62M2 - Abalone

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    Goiter and iodine deficiency in europe

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    Cruise Report 63-S-3 - Rockfish

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    A Grid of Synthetic Stellar UV Fluxes

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    We present preliminary results of a large project aimed at creating an extended theoretical and observational database of stellar spectra in the ultraviolet wavelength range. This library will consist of IUE spectra at low and high resolution, and a set of LTE and NLTE theoretical fluxes. A first grid of 50 model fluxes with solar metallicity, in the wavelength interval 1000 - 4400 AA, is reported here. Calculations are based on the Kurucz (1993) SYNTHE code. The models span effective temperatures between 10,000 K and 50,000 K, and a surface gravity in the range 2.5 <= log g <= 5.0 dex.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, To appear in proceedings, "New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics: The Link Between Stars and Cosmology ", March 26-30, 2001, Eds. M. Chavez, A. Bressan, A. Buzzoni & D. Mayy

    Program doskonalenia kompetencji nauczycieli akademickich - doświadczenia hiszpańskie

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    This paper provides a detailed discussion of the Spanish concept of teaching competence programming for academic teachers and the implications of this concept. The programme in question emerged from the work on continuous training model for academic teachers in Andalusia, under the leadership of professor Luis Miguel Villar Angulo, conducted until 2002. The outputs of that effort included a course for academic teachers, taught in the academic year 2002/2003 (from 8 January to 2 April 2003) and a book entitled Programa para la Mejora de la Docencla Universitaria (Programme for quality improvement in university education) published in 2004 by Pearson Education. The book was published in a few countries in parallel, notably in Spanish speaking ones (it was released in Madrid, Mexico City, Santafe de Bogota, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Lima, Montevideo, San Juan, San Jose, Santiago, Sao Paulo, White Plains) and came with a CD-ROM containing key information on programme design and its theoretical underpinnings. Luis Miguel Villar Angulo is a professor at the University of Seville and specialises in didactics and organisation of schooling. He co-ordinated a team of 24 academic lecturers specialising in teacher training, representing eight Spanish universities and four fields (didactics and organisation of schooling, education studies methodology, social psychology, sociology).Przedmiotem artykułu jest szczegółowe omówienie hiszpańskiej koncepcji programowania doskonalenia kompetencji u nauczycieli akademickich oraz implikacji, jakie owa propozycja za sobą niesie. Omawiany program powstał w wyniku prac nad modelem rozwoju zawodowego nauczycieli akademickich w Andaluzji, prowadzonych pod kierunkiem prof. Luisa Miguela Villar Angulo do 2002 r. Efektem prac nad tym programem był kurs dla nauczycieli akademickich, przeprowadzony w roku akademickim 2002/2003 (między 8 stycznia a 2 kwietnia 2003 r.), oraz książka zatytułowana Program podnoszenia jakości kształcenia uniwersyteckiego (Programa para la Mejora de la Docencia Universitaria) wydana w 2004 r. przez wydawnictwo Pearson Educación. Książka ukazała się w kilku krajach jednocześnie, przede wszystkim hiszpańskojęzycznych (miejsca wydania: Madryt, Meksyk, Santafe de Bogota, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Lima, Montevideo, San Juan, San José, Santiago, Sao Paulo, White Plains) i dołączono do niej CD z najważniejszymi informacjami dotyczącymi konstrukcji samego programu oraz założeń teoretycznych, które legły u jego podstaw. Luis Miguel Villar Angulo jest profesorem mianowanym Uniwersytetu w Sewilli i zajmuje się dydaktyką oraz organizacją szkolnictwa. Koordynował pracę zespołu naukowców złożonego z 24 wykładowców uniwersyteckich, specjalizujących się w kształceniu nauczycieli, reprezentujących osiem uczelni hiszpańskich i cztery dziedziny nauki: dydaktykę i organizację szkolnictwa, metodologię badań edukacyjnych, psychologię społeczną oraz socjologię

    The California Red Sea Urchin, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, Fishery: Catch, Effort, and Management Trends

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    California's red sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, catch peaked at 23,577 metric tons (t) in 1988. Since then, catches and CPUE have trended downward at different rates in northern and southern California, with 10,086 t landed statewide in 1995. West coast sea urchin catches and CPUE from British Columbia, Can., to Baja California, Mex., have generally declined during this period which followed a decade of rapid fishery expansion. This expansion was in response to increasing demand from Japan fueled by rising prices based largely on a more favorable export currency exchange rate. West coast stock assessment methods have been based on integrating a combination of fisheries dependent data and population surveys into models at various levels of complexity. California management policy has centered on technical measures such as size limits and seasonal closures and has been largely ineffective in stabilizing declining catches

    Sport Tourism: Regional Promotion Strategies

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    The main purposes of this paper are (i) to analyze the regional promotion strategies of the UEFA Euro 2004 and (ii) to contribute for the improvement of planning and implementation strategies of tourism marketing at regional level. Data regarding these strategies were collected and synthesided. We verified if these match some of the theoretical issues of promotion and tourism marketing. Despite the fact that already many studies have been made, internationally, on the impact of sport events, the present study contains something new as it introduces an ante analysis on the regional pronotion strategies of major sport events.Unlikely, the results show that no specific and integrated regional promotion strategy was pursuit, and no substantial additional financial effort was made. In what concerns the private regional tourism agents, no promotion could be found. The main tourism promotion competition came from across the boarder, whit dynamic promotion actions of the nearby Spanish regional responsibles.UEFA Euro 2004, tourism, promotion, marketing, regional, Minho, Portugal, Spain and major sport events.