9 research outputs found

    Two new species of Phalangopsis Serville, 1831 (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phalangopsidae) from Brazilian Amazon Forest

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    We describe here two new species of the genus Phalangopsis Serville, 1831 from the Brazilian Amazon Forest. The male genitalia and the female copulatory papilla were described, and a combination of diagnostic characteristics was given to separate both new species from the other described species. The principal morphological characteristics of this genus were discussed.Aqui foram descritas duas espécies novas do gênero Phalangopsis Serville, 1831 da Floresta Amazônica brasileira. A genitália masculina e a papila copulatória feminina são descritas, bem como uma combinação de características diagnósticas para separar ambas as novas espécies das outras espécies descritas. As principais características morfológicas foram discutidas

    Aggregation of Cricket Activity in Response to Resource Addition Increases Local Diversity

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    <div><p>Crickets are often found feeding on fallen fruits among forest litter. Fruits and other sugar-rich resources are not homogeneously distributed, nor are they always available. We therefore expect that crickets dwelling in forest litter have a limited supply of sugar-rich resource, and will perceive this and displace towards resource-supplemented sites. Here we evaluate how sugar availability affects cricket species richness and abundance in old-growth Atlantic forest by spraying sugarcane syrup on leaf litter, simulating increasing availability, and collecting crickets via pitfall trapping. We found an asymptotic positive association between resource addition and species richness, and an interaction between resource addition and species identity on cricket abundance, which indicates differential effects of resource addition among cricket species. Our results indicate that 12 of the 13 cricket species present in forest litter are maintained at low densities by resource scarcity; this highlights sugar-rich resource as a short-term driver of litter cricket community structure in tropical forests. When resource was experimentally increased, species richness increased due to behavioral displacement. We present evidence that the density of many species is limited by resource scarcity and, when resources are added, behavioral displacement promotes increased species packing and alters species composition. Further, our findings have technical applicability for increasing sampling efficiency of local cricket diversity in studies aiming to estimate species richness, but with no regard to local environmental drivers or species-abundance characteristics.</p></div

    Cuidado nutricional hospitalar: percepção de nutricionistas para atendimento humanizado Hospital nutritional care: perception of the nutritionist for humanized attendance

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    A pesquisa identificou as ações de cuidado alimentar e nutricional considerando as perspectivas da equipe de nutricionistas de um hospital de referência para a Política Nacional de Humanização (PNH). A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizou-se a técnica de grupos focais. A pesquisa envolveu treze nutricionistas, que foram divididas em dois grupos de acordo com o tempo de serviço, seguindo critérios de homogeneidade. As entrevistas foram desenvolvidas para análise da categoria: ser nutricionista para um atendimento humanizado, buscando-se conhecer as seguintes ações da prática destes profissionais: avaliação nutricional do paciente; planejamento, implementação e avaliação do cuidado nutricional e alimentar. A análise do conteúdo foi utilizada como técnica para sistematização das informações obtidas, agrupando-as em unidades de significado. O estudo revelou que há priorização do atendimento individualizado em função do número de leitos e de atividades burocráticas, falta de autonomia em relação à prescrição de dietas, dificuldades de interação com outros profissionais de saúde e entre as nutricionistas das áreas clínica e produção de refeições. Os resultados deste estudo poderão oferecer aos profissionais subsídios que fundamentem ações para a construção de um modelo de cuidado alimentar e nutricional humanizado em hospitais.<br>The research analyzed the actions of alimentary and nutritional care considering the perspectives of the nutritionists in a hospital reference for the National Politics of Humanization (PNH). From a qualitative approach, a focal group technique was used. The nutritionists were divided in two groups by working time, following homogeneity criteria. The interviews were developed for analysis of the category: Being a nutritionist for a humanized assistance, seeking to understand these professionals following actions: nutritional evaluation of the patient; planning, implementation and evaluation of the nutritional and alimentary care. The analysis of the content was used as a technique for the systematization of the collected information grouped in units of meaning. The study disclosed that there is prioritization of the individualized assistance in function of the number of beds and bureaucratic activities, lack of autonomy in relation to the prescription of diets, difficulties of interaction with other health professionals and between the nutritionists of the clinical and meal production areas. The results will provide the professional subsidies that substantiate actions for the construction of a model of humanized alimentary and nutritional care on hospitals

    Cryptic female choice in crickets and relatives (Orthoptera: Ensifera)

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    In his pioneering work on cryptic female choice , Eberhard identified a wide range of mechanisms that potentially allow multiply-mated females to bias paternity in favour of certain types of male following the start of copulation. The aim of this chapter is to review critically the empirical evidence for a range of these mechanisms of cryptic female choice in crickets and relatives (Orthoptera : Ensifera ), while taking into account coevolutionary interactions between the sexes. There is compelling evidence that female crickets control the duration of spermatophore attachment and/or the uptake of sperm to the sperm storage organ to bias paternity in favour of males expressing a variety of favourable traits, or in favour of non-kin males. There is also some evidence that females can bias paternity to favour males with certain traits by choosing to remain with them for repeated mating. For other potential mechanisms of cryptic female choice, such as differential allocation of resources to the production of eggs, there is currently insufficient evidence to distinguish male-induced effects from cryptic female choice (if, indeed, such a distinction can be made). The evidence that mechanisms of cryptic female choice have resulted in coevolutionary adaptations in males is strong: males have evolved a wide range of behaviours to facilitate ejaculate transfer by deterring the female from removing the ampulla of the spermatophore prematurely, for example. How such adaptations affect the form and intensity of cryptic female choice and whether or not they result in ongoing sexually antagonistic coevolution deserve further investigation