1,526 research outputs found

    "Ser o no ser... cortés" : Papel de la cortesía en la interacción piloto/controlador

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    La aviación, como otros marcos institucionales, presenta un discurso propio (Drew y Sorjonen 2000) en el que los participantes están orientados hacia un objetivo institucional (Drew y Heritage 1992). La planificación lingüística existente para los hablantes pilotos y controladores aéreos (P/C) establece una norma profesional de comunicación cuyos criterios generales son la brevedad y la claridad (de- Matteis 2004). La vigencia de estos criterios hace poco deseable la manifestación de los fenómenos corteses pues estos aumentan la ocupación de las frecuencias de radio. Así, podemos considerar que existe un conflicto entre las pautas comunicativas de los hablantes como miembros de la comunidad lingüística del español bonaerense y las que deben seguir en tanto miembros de la institución. Nuestro propósito es analizar los usos corteses que efectivamente se registran en la interacción P/C en la región de español bonaerense a la luz de los últimos enfoques sobre los estudios de la cortesía (Escandell Vidal 1995; Bravo 2003), tomando como marcos teóricos generales la sociolingüística interaccional (Gumperz 1982a, 1982b; Tannen 1985, 1992) y el análisis del discurso (Stubbs 1983; Drew y Sorjonen 2000). La metodología de trabajo consiste en la transcripción y análisis de un corpus de grabaciones de comunicaciones P/C realizadas mediante la técnica participante-observador (Labov 1970) en la torre de control del aeropuerto de Bahía Blanca. En forma complementaria, contamos con datos obtenidos a través de la realización de entrevistas a hablantes pilotos comerciales que fueron entrevistados y a controladores aéreos que fueron encuestados en relación con el tema de la cortesía en sus comunicaciones.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Metaphor and lexical neology: productivity of the {-nauta} morpheme in Spanish

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    This paper proposes a relationship between the productivity of the {-nauta} morpheme in Spanish and a series of metaphors that have, recursively, expanded their scope. The analysis takes under consideration studies addressing the processes of word formation from a perspective of diachronic morphology (Rainer 2002; Pharies 2002, 2004), as well as the contribution to the study of neologisms of studies that highlight the relevance of metaphor in the organization of thought and everyday communication (Lakoff and Johnson 1980) and allow to address them in relation to social representations (Rodríguez Salazar, 2007). All sources are written texts representing different varieties of Spanish, with special attention to the peninsular and argentine varieties. Online searches were used to identify examples of particular words and lexicographical works (DRAE, DEA, DUE, DVUA, VOX and those integrating the Nuevo Tesoro Lexicográfico de la Lengua Española [online]) are also considered as secondary sources

    Frequency of personal pronouns and verbal endings as linguistic indicator of interactional tension in institutional discourse

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    Integrating theoretical and methodological contributions from institutional discourse analysis and interactional sociolinguistics, we attempt to prove that the tasks and institutional identities determine the way pilots and air traffic controllers(P/C dyad) manage instances of negotiation, disagreement and, above all, interactional conflict. Based on data from interactions registered by observation-participant in Argentina, and also resorting to online resources that allow to expand the sample to other varieties of Spanish, the role of institutional constraints upon these non-standardized instances of the P/C interactional dynamic is corroborated. It is concluded that, given the limitations imposed by the highly regulated and standardized features of this institutional discourse, the explicit and emphatic signaling of persons in the discourse is a strategy that is preferred to manage and identify interactional tensions in this socio-technical field. </p

    “Spotteando” palabras: la transferencia spotter en la observación y fotografía de aeronaves y el automovilismo

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    Within the framework of lexical studies that seek to illuminate aspects of social representations about air transport, this work aims to increase knowledge about foreign words employed by Spanish speakers. It proposes an approach to the use of spotter in relation with two activities: observation and photographic record of aircraft, and motor racing. Analysis of spotter in journalistic texts and productions of Spanish speakers on the social network Twitter, shows that this lexical unit has not yet become widespread in the general use of language, although it does signal group identity among those speakers who participate of these activities.En el marco de estudios léxicos que buscan iluminar aspectos de las representaciones sociales sobre el transporte aéreo, este trabajo pretende contribuir al conocimiento del léxico de origen foráneo empleado por hablantes de español. Propone una aproximación al uso de la transferencia léxica de origen inglés spotter en relación con dos actividades: la observación y registro fotográfico de aeronaves y el automovilismo deportivo. A partir del análisis de su empleo y en textos periodísticos y producciones de hablantes de español en la red social Twitter, se concluye que spotter es una voz que no se encuentra extendida en el uso general de la lengua pero que sí permite la identificación de grupo de quienes practican estas actividades

    Low Power Analog Design in Scaled Technologies

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    In this paper an overview on the main issues in analog IC design in scaled CMOS technology is presented. Decreasing the length of MOS channel and the gate oxide has led to undoubted advantages in terms of chip area, speed and power consumption (mainly exploited in the digital parts). Besides, some drawbacks are introduced in term of power leakage and reliability. Moreover, the scaled technology lower supply voltage requirement has led analog designers to find new circuital solution to guarantee the required performance

    Response to letter to the editor regarding physical restraint in psychiatric setting

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    The following letter addresses the issues of the applicability of physical restriction, with particular attention to the therapeutic regime and its meaning as a therapeutic or restrictive provision, while considering possible alternative measures in the context of Italian jurisprudence. The letter, in response to the questions posed by Cioffi and Tomassini, examines the possible legal implications for doctors and suggests that the integration of jurisprudence and psychiatry seems to be mandatory to define the operational protocols for the management of physical restraint. Introduzione. La seguente lettera affronta il problema relativo all’applicabilità della contenzione fisica, con particolare riferimento al regime terapeutico, nonché la sua valenza giuridica quale misura terapeutica o restrittiva, considerando eventuali approcci alternativi. La lettera, in risposta alle domande poste da Cioffi e Tomassini, esamina le possibili implicazioni legali cui possono incorrere i medici nell’applica-re la contenzione fisica, suggerendo la necessità di un’integrazione tra le norme giurisprudenziale e la scienza psichiatrica, al fine di definire i protocolli operativi di gestione della contenzione fisica

    The importance of post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) as a complementary diagnostic technique to traditional autopsy in a case of asphyxia related-death

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    Although asphyxia related-death is a common occurrence in forensic setting, traditional autopsy with neck dissection is not always sufficient to gain information about potential injuries of the deep structures of the neck. In this case a 40 years-old white female was found unresponsive on the floor of her living room, in supine position with a widespread brownish area on her neck. A preliminary PMCT examination showed a fracture line within the hyoid bone. This finding was confirmed by the autopsy, which revealed soft tissue’s haemorrhage of the sternocleidomastoid and sternohyoid muscles and a fracture of the right horn of the hyoid bone. A 3D reconstruction of the event showed the aggressor standing behind the victim while holding his arm around her neck. Our study demonstrates that, PMCT represent an effective aid to traditional examination techniques in order to visualize fractures. The former always requires to be associated with autoptic examination

    Vitamin D status of inmates. The experience of penitentiaries prisons in the province of Salerno in Southern Italy

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    Introduction: Prisoners are at risk of developing vitamin D deficiency due to their lacking exposure to sunlight. So far, there are no published studies evaluating blood levels of vitamin D in relation to the health status of inmates and the quality of the Italian prison system. Aim: To investigate vitamin D status and its determinants in a cohort of prisoners. Subject and methods: One hundred and seventy-two (172) pri-son inmates (males, n=159, age 47± 11.3 years; females, n=13, age 43.91±12.18 years) of three penitentiaries in the province of Salerno. Vitamin D deficiency, insufficiency and sufficiency were respectively defined as a 25(OH)D level &lt;20 ng/mL; from 20 to 30 ng/mL, &gt;30 ng/mL. Results: In our group, Vitamin D deficiency occurs in 77.32% of the prisoners with 32.55% of the cases having severe insufficiency. Prisoners with higher BMI show lower circulating vitamin D levels (p&lt;0.001). No significant relationship was found with the duration of detention (Pearson R: 0.01). Conclusion: In this cohort of inmates the vitamin D status is determined by BMI, but not by the duration of the detention

    Biological Characteristics and Medical Treatment of Breast Cancer in Young Women—A Featured Population: Results from the NORA Study

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    Background. The present paper described the biological characteristics and clinical behavior of young women in the cohort NORA study Patients and Methods. From 2000–2002, patients (N > 3500) were enrolled at 77 Italian hospitals. Women aged ≤50 years (N = 1013) were stratified into age groups (≤35, 36–40, 41–45, and 46–50 years). The relationship between age and patient characteristics, cancer presentation, and treatment was analyzed. Results. Younger women more frequently had tumors with ER/PgR-negative(χ2 = 7.07; P = .008), HER2 amplification (χ2 = 5.76; P = .01), and high (≥10%) Ki67 labelling index (χ2 = 9.53; P = .002). Positive nodal status, large tumors, and elevated Ki67 all associated with the choice for chemotherapy followed by endocrine therapy in hormone receptor-positive patients (P < .0001). At univariate analysis, ER-ve status, chemotherapy and age resulted as the only statistically significant variables (HR = 2.02, P = .004, and >40 versus ≤40, P < .0001, resp.). At multivariate analysis, after adjustment for significant clinical and pathological factors, age remains a significant prognostic variable (HR = 0.93, P = .0021). Conclusion. This cohort study suggests that age per sè is an important prognostic factor. The restricted role of early diagnosis and the aggressive behavior of cancer in this population make necessary the application of targeted medical strategies crucial